Thursday, April 29, 2010

I got to feel special...

here's me in airport...with my friendly wheel chair....headed to see the specialist for my leg...I won't bore you with the issues I;;m having with my leg....
i did get this fancy blue pass that me and my wheel chair get on the plane first....that was one bonus of having a hurt leg! yay!
another famous bathroom photo shoot....
I hobbled with my crutches, and my boyfriend, and my friend Tessa (she was the one that took me to the Renegade Craft Fair in LA, where I got my Supreme necklace)...we all went to have dinner at Swingers in LA


Karen Ussene said...

Go Kandee Go woot woot \0/ Love ya xoxoxoxox <3

happyjoyousNfree said...

K to the E sorry about your leg but as always you are rocking the bandage in optimal style

Chelsea Lynn said...

Hey I hope everything works out with the specialist. Im keeping you in my prayers that your legs heals well and there arent any complications.

I love your videos they help me so much when Im doing my make-up i learn a lot from you!!! :)
Be safe!!!

Cynthia said...

Get well soon! You are so amazing! And brave! <3

melissa said...

i hope the specialist has some good news for u....and that u have a speedy recovery! get well soon!

Ashleigh said...

well at least you still have a :D on your face :)

Kaley said...

Kandee, you are such a strong person! Keep on truckin away, and know that you have a whole youtube family praying for and supporting you :). Thanks for everything you do! :).


Diane said...

Your skin look so glam in the last photo, I love it! You're beautiful, even in a wheel chair :*

Liesl said...

Best of luck on your trip and get well soon, Kandee! You look FABULOUS, crutches and all, as always!

Liesl :)

Unknown said...

I love your hello kitty bag!
I think people will want to know your progress with your leg! Feeling any better?

Lilith said...

Nice job darling :). I could send some more money for to enjoy your life better. I am glad I helped :)))

Noelle Garnier said...

I hope it was a special (sparkly) day! Yay for being first on the plane!
xoxo and God bless,
kandee fam lil sis

edenapple said...

Hope all goes well. You are in my prayers.

luis said...

Kandee, ¿how are you? i see well, the recuperatiĆ³n i think can be fast and you forguet an can running soon.
a lot of kises.

Fatima said...

Dear Kandee, Please let us know what the specialist says about your leg...I hope it will heal well on it's own!!!

Take care and keep yourself in high spirits as you always are naturally!!!

Love ya

Heidi said...

Please don't feel like you're boring those who really care about you by sharing the details if your leg & recovery. Because you're not boring us. Some of us really care. You're our Kandee Friend & although I know you're trying to stay on the up & up about your injury (which, btw, you're doing a great job of finding the good in the bad) don't think that that means it's negative or focusing on the negative to talk about it. I mean, if it's not helpful to you to talk about it, then by all means ignore this, but otherwise, it's important to others to know updates on your leg because we care! We can better pray for you & such! You're not alone!

With much love!


Sara said...

You have such a wonderful attitude. I just adore you!

Unknown said...

I hope you're appointment went well! Travel safely and have fun! You're so cute! :)
~Cassidy Z.

nicegirltalkin82 said...

Go kandee!!!! =)

Law1sfab said...

ooohh I hope you are feeling better soon, I love your you tube video's and I'm glad that I checked out your blog. Hope you feel better soon xxxxx

Anonymous said...


Thats a great bonus! :)
I hope your flight and your appointment were good!
I hope that your legs getting better!! xxo
have your kids seen your leg??
have a great day!
love you Kandee!

from Ashleigh Lilley
in New Zealand


Delana said...

Hey Kandee!
Praying for you, God bless!!
Seems like it hurts really bad...
cant wait until you're all well!
love you, favorite MAKE UP STAR! <3
- Delana

FaithHopeLove said...

Hi Kandee, I wish you a really speedy healthy recovery with your leg. Your're keeping your great happy happy smile through it all, which we are not surprised. I saw a quote the other day, you may have seen it already - I thought of you and wanted to send it to you.
May today there be peace within. May you trust that you are exactly where you are meant to be. May you not forget the infinite possibilities that are born of faith in yourself and others. May you use the gifts that you have received, and pass on the love that has been given to you. May you be content with yourself just the way you are. Let this knowledge settle into your bones and allow your soul the freedom to sing, dance, praise and love. It is there for each and every one of us. "quoter unknown"
love hugs and have a great day kandee

~Jolene'sMemoryKeeping said...

I love that you are staying positive through all of this. keep it up!

FitterTwit said...

Sorry to hear you're having issues with your leg.. hope it resolves quickly! PS... at this point I'm invested in this leg experience and would NOT BE BORED AT ALL to hear the details. I mean... we all DID see the inside of your leg... well, what we could see of it between heaves! LOL!

Angie said...

I honestly hope you feel better and are walking freely soon! Keep staying positive beautiful =)

Anonymous said...

Hahahah, even with your leg badly injured you still manage to look fabulous!

Anonymous said...

Hey Kandee, I just added as your follower although I have been following you for more than a year :) lol! I love you chanel and blog, I think you are awsome person, and very beautiful. I wanted to invite you to check out my blog its all about healthy lifestyle in terms of eating and exercise, I post daily recipes and encouriging msgs. I am trying really hard to get people to notice me, but I just don't know how, I've been blogging for almost 1/2 a year. Please if you like my blog, and you find it helpful and it is in your heart to mention about me to your readers I will be beyond words greatful. You don't know me, and I understand if not, its ok. I just thought maybe out of goodness of your heart you can help a stranger :)my link is

edenapple said...

Congratulations on your name being mentioned on "Aol News" as one of the latest "Youtube Style Craze that has everybody talking" list. I am so happy for you. I think you deserve more recognition then those two other girls (Blair & Elle).

DelilahZoe said...

Totally agree with Heidi! Details matter!! I have a feeling the concern could be something like Tibial Nerve Damage, since you mentioned numbness, not feeling your foot. (If any of you readers have curiosity about what I'm speculating about, it could be something like this:

Honey, no matter what, God loves you, we love you, and you look so beautiful and elegant NO MATTER WHAT!!! Even gliding around on wheels. =D You're my hero!!!

Also, I think you've got yourself a pretty cool battle scar story! =D
You can always get it fixed later, but you'll always have the story.

Rock on, Sista!


Maria the Crohn's Fighter said...

Hey Kandee!

I hope you are getting better!

I was wanting to ask a favor from you.

I just started a new blog for Crohn's Disease to give my learned tips to those who need them. I would be honored if you would mention something about it in a video or blog. It would mean a lot to me. I just want to get word out and I know so many people look up to you.

Anyways, I love you and I hope you heal really fast! Keep those videos and blogs coming!

The link:

Thank you!

Unknown said...

Kandee you are beautifull in every way :D Remember that!

You are so cool about going through this leg situation. AAAH would be on my face :-)

I hope you and your leg are ok :D

Love from Denmark!

Anonymous said...

Get well soon, love your videos. Please check out my blog and let me know what you think :)

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