Sunday, April 4, 2010


get ready cause we about to be GLAMMIN'......

I've been workin' on the website all by myself, and man, am I proud of myself that you type in:, and you actually see the website I designed! ha ha ha ha ha

go check it out! I am so excited...this is going to be awesome! My first Glaminar of 2010!!!

It's going to be in San Diego, April 17th....check out the site for more details! I have lots of planning to do, but it's on the calender!!!

Go see it! Go see it!!! I'm so excited!

I can't wait to meet, encourage, and inspire of all you that get to be there, in person!!!!

And ofcourse there will be some special, "Kandee Surprises" for everyone there too! But only find out what they are when you get there! YAy!!!!!

I can't wait to meet you that get to go, hug you, and have the most fun day of make-up, fun, and so much more!!!

huge love...your Queen of Glaminars...kandee



Tina said...

So excited!
Please come to Austin or Dallas TX!!! WE LOVE YOU!

Nicole said...

YAY!!! I am in San Diego!!! I cannot wait!!!

Linnea said...

come to washington d.c!!!!!

Michael said...

I would KILL to go to this!!! =0( Cali gets all the treats!! come to denver so we can be bff Kandee!! BTW the site is GORGEOUS!

BTW; my birthday was the 3rd and guess what my amazing hubby got for me?? the sunless tanner that you recommended!! yes ma'am! I be tannin' like Kandee! LOL I must talk about you a lot if my hubby knew exactly what to get! Ha!

Love you Kandee!s

Claudia said...

This is sooo cool! Great job on the website! I love you Kandee <3

Sarita said...

Wonderful! The site looks awesome. Please come to San Francisco! :)

ALPHAFORCE Blog | Fitness, Entrenamiento y Alimentación: La Guía Definitiva said...

Wow Kandee!!

You never stop to amaze me!
I am so so proud of you!!

You are a wonder woman indeed.

Congratulations and best wishes!

With love, and sending you an enormous hug... Angel Ramirez

Kandee Johnson said...

thanks guys!!! and happy birthday michael!!!! you guys are so awesome!!! huge loves....kandee

vs said...

kandee, you have a LOT of typo errors in your website!! if you want, i could point them all out to you in an email :)

girlylau said...

Hey Kandee!!! Come to Puerto Rico, we love here too!!!... Every time am sad or stress out... I go to your blogs and watch your videos... It makes me happy and encourages me to move on!... Thank you Kandee your and inspiration!

Anonymous said...

wow! i would love to go to a glaminar but i love in canada :(

any plans on scheduling any glaminars up north, kandee?


Unknown said...

Are you coming to NY again, kandee?

Kandee Johnson said...

yes guys, I will be having more glammies, this is just the first one to kick off 2010!And everyone can sig up right on the sign-up page! yay! can't wait!

littletiger06 said...

The website is amazing!! I love the photography too! You look gorgeous as always!

glimmeringmetal said...

awwww man i wish i could go but I can't afford it :/


Araceli said...

I so want to go to this. It's so close to me well like an hour and a half or something like that, BUT I have to see if I can come up with the money to be able to go. I love the website its so cute and girly and all the pictures are

lucyfarinelli said...

first of all, you did an amazing job with the web site :))
i love it, it's beautiful, it's full of energy with all the cuteness - it's you :)) we're all proud of you and everything you did in the past few years... inspiring people so much, thank you Kandee for all the love :))

and now, i'm just depressed to live on another continent... not being able to go see your glaminar and meet you :(

so i hope your success will be huge after all the internet fans, so you can do the glaminars worldwide soon ;))

love from croatia

VaidaG said...

You know what? When after another succesful year for you, you'll be even bigger and more famous, you do tours in Europe, right? :D

AmyC said...

I would love to meet you in person, you're such an inspiration! Well done on the website as well, the pictures are amazing! : )

Lucy said...

Wow! I hope you keep doing these Glaminars for a few more years, as I'm only 17 in England, so I'm gonna have to save myself some money up (might mean cutting back on MAC no! haha) but I'm definately gonna fly over and come see you. Your website is fabulous! Well done! Lots of love, Lucy xxx

Marisa said...

Hi Kandee, when do you plan on a Glaminars in Madrid, Spain. That would be great and I can assure you that you would have lots of fans dying to see and hear you. Hope you are feeling better from your flu. Muchos besitos, Marisa

Jesi said...

Love the new website!

Kelly said...

Glad to see that you will be getting paid for all your hard work and generosity. I'd totally pay the money to come and learn from you in person!

Just a side note, the links on the last page all head to Baracuda.

The website is fun, interactive and engaging. You did a nice job!

Sum Kuller said...

You're so talented Kandee...!
And i'd surely come if i were any close to you but i am way too far.. but anyway, i loved da website nd dat was a really good surprise itself :D so yeah..
Thanks for everythin'..!
i thank God to have sent you down on earth for us..! Love you so much Kandee..!!!
Have a wonderful day..! <3 x

Unknown said...

To be honest I would love to attend your seminars but since I'm in the EU There is no way that I could :(
I wish that this was some how possible via internet or something but for now I have to sadly pass

Anonymous said...

omg you should come to the uk!! :) Id def come and im sure a majority of your viewers/followers are from the uk! please come :) xxx

Anonymous said...




I'm so happy for you!

Tenns Reid said...

The website looks amazing!

Ashley said...

Do you think you will have one in San Francisco or around the Sacramento area?

Melissa said...

Just another plug for you to come to the midwest!
Kansas City, Chicago?

Thanks Kandee! So excited for you!- BTW I like that you have a few spelling errors on your glamorous website (not that I noticed any of them). It shows you're human! We'd all be lost w/o spell check. ;)

Anna Paula said...

These are GREAT NEWS!!!
I cannot wait for you to come to Texas! I just moved from Brazil to Houston, and one of the things I was most excited about was having the opportunity to attend a glaminar and see you! :)

Please don't skip Texas! hehehe

sparkle baby said...

kandee youre amazing! please please please come to SF or somewhere in the bay! :)

Jen said...

YYYYYAaaaaayy!!! I'm in SD! Can't wait to meet you!!

tgillock said...

Man would I love to do this. I'm 34 mommy to 3 girls and just feel it's way to late to start a new path for me in my life. But it sure sounds like TONS of fun!!! Have a GREAT time!!! And I LOVE you, you have really given me more faith in myself.

Unknown said...


Anonymous said...

Your wesbite is amazing! I love it! You are so talented! I can't wait to go to a Glaminar soon, hopefully you will be coming to Toronto! Let me know if you need any help with planning in one in Toronto! niki[underscore]swimfan[at]hotmail[dot]com. Bye for now Kandee!

Liaa said...

love your website. i know i couldn't really go to your glaminars, your youtube videos are awesome. i especially couldn't forget your Edward Scissorhands how-to-do. keep it up! i do hope i can learn how to put make-up on myself for my engagement photo shoot. :)

Lisa said...

Cute website!! Come to San Francisco!! :)

reasons... said...

YAY!! I might be able to come. Is there a limit as to how many people can come? I hope I can make it:-)

Giedre said...

Only by readin' this, I can see how excited you are. I would like to see that in a video! hah :D

Really proud and happy for you :)

Yours Giedre (gianthug)

Unknown said...

Love your website, great job! It's definitely YOU! I would sign up for you class but unfortunately I live up in N. Idaho. lol I don't live in LA anymore or I'd definitely travel to San Diego to take it! Have an amazing time!
~Cassidy Z.

Peiyun said...

Hello Kandee :D!!

I love the dress! Where did you buy it???!

xxx Pei

CosmoFreakaLeak said...

I would love to attend this as I am pretty close in Orange County. I just can't request off work when its only like 2 weeks away. I also would like to have time to come up with the money. Are there any glaminars coming at a later date that you are planning in the area?


Anonymous said...

i'd totally go, but it's way to expensive for me right now...

Sparkleseester said...

The website looks great! I love how your photoshoot pictures turned out! They are beautiful :) Hopefully you'll do a Glaminar close to me some day (Detroit)!

H.J said...

i wish i could go so bad, but i live in canada, and i dont have the money!!!! :P
but when i get my makeup career on the go, i would love to attend one of these events

Robyn Schock said...

Kandee -
I have been following you on youtube for sometime and just realized you are hosting a seminar. I live really close to SD and wanted to attend, but cannot coe up with the $$$ so quickly. Do you plan on hosting another seminar in the near future?

Anonymous said...

Your makeup looks awesome in all those pictures on your new glaminar site! can you please do make up tutorials for them... pleaaaaaseeeee!

Fatima said...

It's good to know that you made the website yourself! It's better to put in time and effort rather than asking people for help, as they can think you are taking everything for granted.

However, I don't know if it was my computer or your website, but I couldn't read about the section about you as it was too would suddenly magnify and go back to its tiny size. Maybe you could have a look at that and increase the font on the website.

Other than that, a very good attempt. I'm just giving you friendly advice as I'm IT specialist.

Stephanie Langford said...

I am almost tempted to make the trip from Montana to Cali just for this! I have followed you for quite awhile now! You put this biggest smile on my face everyday and have inspired me to start blogging and being more active about my future. I have always dreamed of opening my own clothing boutique, and you have shown me that anything is possible if you put yourself out there and continue to strive for what you love! Thanks for all the inspiration Kandee and I can only hope to touch as many people someday as you have!

Keep up the great work, good luck with the glaminar! WIsh it was closer, and hopefully someday I will get to meet you!
Loves, Stephanie

MakeUpMedic said...

Hey Kandee,
You have no idea how excited i am that you are coming to San Diego i was worried i was not going to make it cause i move that month after. but i have a question. is there any way to reserve a spot like pay for half and then before the day pay the remainder. $300 is a lot, and i dont want to miss out on the opportunity to learn all of your amazing skills, and its only 2 weeks away. Anyway i hope to hear from you .if not ill just hope that by the 15th there will still be a spot available.

Congrats on your success, you of all people deserve it.


Taina said...

Wow... yes! Come to Puerto Rico...

Mai Pham said...

i wish i was in san diego. :-(

Kandee Johnson said...

@ Jennifer, yes, I'll make a special note to save you a seat, to buy your ticket at the door, before we run out of room! can't wait to meet you!!!! see you soon!!! xo kandee

NiC0LE said...

You should come to Minneapolis, I would love to go! :)

Hayley said...

That's so awesome! Congrats! Could you please do a Glaminar in Minneapolis, MN?

pier 43 said...


Your website looks great, I love how it "sparkles"! I can't wait to see more dates and locations for the Glaminars...will any be held in Boston?

I'm trying to start a website for my handbag company and haven't been able to figure that out yet....which is why I started a blog here instead. I actually got ine inspiration to start a blog from seeing yours here! How did you go about building your site? Did a certain book help you, a class, etc? I'd really appreciate any input you have, I have been following your videos for about a year now and love what you do. You have really changed the way I do (and appreciate) makeup!

Thanks so much!

Pier 43

FaithHopeLove said...

Looks fantastic kandee, great job, photos, everything. I love the sparkles. our gnna have a great turn out

Elizabeth Donskaya said...

KANDEE! the website is fanaminal! and the photos on every page are totally drool-worthy. *drool*

Edita said...

Very atractive website, Kandee.. I'm glad for your success, believe - great future is only starting ;)
Edita from Lithuania

Diane said...

I wish I would be in the US... But who knows, maybe on day you'll come to Europe too :P

have a fun day!


ktalarczyk said...

the website looks amazing!! i can't wait to see where else you are going to visit!


Please Make your next stop Phoenix, AZ!!

Cristina said...

HI... can you do dvds with your classes for those who are not in US..pleaseeee..i am from romania

Elin Morén said...

wow! a lot of gorgeous pictures Kandee, looking good ;D

Frances said...

the website looks amazing!!!!! I wish I live in Cali.... can't wait to see what other locations you have!!! =)

cristina said...

I REALLY hope you can make it down to Atlanta for any future ones!

MACQueen5 said...

Hey Kandee :)
I hope you are having a good day. I have been a huge fan of yours for a while now and thanks for all the you tube videos you do and thanks for sharing your makeup knowledge! I have been wanting to pursuee makeup for a LONG time now,I have tried to get a job at MAC but they want you to have some background knowledge and all I do is practice on my friends and myself. I have also checked out some schools and courses but everything is very pricey, and I feel like its hard to get your foot into the door if you have no experience and dont know anybody. I am a single mom so I would love to go to your San Diego glamminar, but I have a question.. since you say we are getting a certificate would like be something I can show along w. my resume when getting a job ? Do you think it would help ? Please let me know ! Is there any other place we can ask you questions ?
Thanks so much <3

Browneyed2 said...

OMGFG i loveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee ur website!!!!
and u look soooo um wats the word,, GLAMOURIZED!!!! sooo gawjus!
super hot website!!!

Believeintink said...

kandee!! im dying to go to the glaminar and im planning to travel from washington to come but i desperately need to know at least what area of San Diego the glaminar is going to be held. Please release this information soon or else im afraid the time will be cut too short for me to make the trip :o(
xoxo rachael

Unknown said...

Hi Kandee,

My sister and I love your videos. They are soo informative!!

We want to know if you are doing any glaminars in Philadelphia anytime soon.


Bee said...

KANDEE!!!!! Oh how I wish I could go!!!! :'( You should do this atleast twice a year! LOL. To those who live in Cali and can actually attend, you're so lucky and I wish you all a great time!! Please please please consider having the next Glaminar in Miami, FL for the future ORRR having it twice a year.. I really wouldn't mind traveling to Cali, I absolutely LOVE it! I guess I'll start saving up for next year!!!
MUCH LOVE, blessings, and best wishes always,

Brenda from Miami, FL!!!! xoxo

P.S. - The website looks fantastic and you look fabulous! Keep up the amazing work so you can continue to inspire lives! =)

Anonymous said...

You should do a glaminar is sacramento for all of us northern cali girls

Anonymous said...


I wish with all my heart i could go! such a bummer i cant go, i would have LOOOOVE you have met you and to tell you in person how much you inspire me !!
but no..
I live on the other side of the world ..
thats upsets me so much ..
please Kandee have fun for me! and enjoy every minute with fans like me!
I would have loved to meet you
and see your beautiful face up close !!
take care Kandee :)
so stink i can go..

love Ashleigh Lilley
From New Zealand

Anonymous said...

I am on the SAME boat as "MacQueen5" (the 7th comment above mine). I wanted to know what kind of certificate we'd be getting. I can't wait for your class Kandee. I can't wait to get started on this. I appreciate you doing this and at such a reasonable price at that. This is going to help a lot of people (including myself) get their make up career started. Much appreciation.

Jesi said...

Hi Kandee..I know you said you will be having more glaminars but heres my special request! Please come to NYC or NJ!!!
Thanks so much :)

Anonymous said...

I'm glad your doing glaminars again ahhh i wish I could go!!! You have to come to MIAMI!!!!! Good Luck and keep it up. Your the best at what you do!!!!

Intrikitgirl said...

This is to share how to get Kandee's Super Fun Bubble Gum Nails in her Glaminar Home page shot!
xo, Kymberly Newble

Anonymous said...

Please Kandee, Host one in PHX, AZ!! I'm already saving my money I just need you to come here and take it! lol.. WE LOVE YOU IN ARIZONA

Lindsay said...

i just found you and missed the glaminars....are you going to do another in 2010 in the west coast region?

Anonymous said...

Come to Houston, Texas next time!!! pleasepleaseplllleassseee!!! we love you!

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