Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Bono from U2!

yes, I met Bono, the BONO, from U2!!! This is not an impersonator, but the real deal, Bono!
this is what happens when you happen to be at the Standard Hotel (note: neither of us were staying there, we both just happened to be in their outdoor patio area at the same time....not sure about the Standard in New York, but I am not a fan of their "clear glass" bathroom walls like at the one on LA. Yes, when you are in the shower, if you have anyone staying with you, they can see you right through the glass, in the shower! No thanks!) in NY at the same time as Bono.
His friend was nice enough to take a very, non-scary looking picture, and Bono was very nice and gracious...
and now, I officially have a "beautiful day, Bono-U2" photo......!
huge love from kandee AND Bono! (hee hee hee)


Unknown said...

Oooh you're so lucky! Glad you had a 'beautiful day'~!! :) x

Unknown said...

Wow Kandee!!!
That is so amazing!
Thats something that doesnt happen every day haha.

Take care!
O & <3

Unknown said...

I love Bono! U2 rock in general so do you! X

Sum Kuller said...

wow, thats really cool..!!! :D :) <3 x

Anonymous said...

lucky! bono's a legend!


5678dance said...

omg thts so amazing. kandee i love you so much you inspire me to keep going each and every day. i have a back problem so its soo difficult for me and im only seventeen..ive matured so much through everything ive been through but when im having a tough time i go and watch ur vids and before i know it i have a huge smile on my face and i dont even realize it lol..you have helped me through so many tough times. God put you on this earch to be one of his helpers..to be a person who is on this earth and helps people through anything. youre like his angel. you have no idea how much you've helped me. through my moms depression..which was horrible..i would cry so much but u always knew how to make me feel better. im so glad God led me to your youtube channel. all i have to say now is thank you. thank you so much. please dont ever stop being who you are. your beauty inside and out has helped so many ppl..ive said this before idk if u read my comments but i call you my youtube momma lol.

Jela said...

that's amazing!!!

Εvi said...

Oh I sooo envy you right now >:( lol

La Eternulo estas bona. (Ps.135) said...

Lucky Bono! :)

Vanessa said...

That is so super awesome Kandee!! Clear showers.. ick!! NO thanks! Blessings for your week :) Vanessa

dukecitydarling said...

My mom would be so jealous she is so in love with him lol

Unknown said...

Haha! That's Awesome Kandee! :D

chelseadonxoxo said...

Ahhhh!!! Kandee I bet this just made your day! Have an amazing fun-filled one! xoxo

Over the Rainbow said...

I would like to visit my brand new blog...It is under "construction"...
You gave me the strenght to move on after a big "hit"...Ilook forward...
You can find me also in facebook...


Thanks for everything..
Love ya

Tottering along said...

Amazing =D

Alunitsa said...


Miss Dress Up said...

That's the coolest ever! Bono is awesome and so is U2. Glad you were able to have that experience. Have a beautifully blessed day.

Diane said...

How cool is that? Must be great to meet such a star :D


Unknown said...

Amazing pic. You're lucky :D.


............. said...

wow, that's so cool!

Unknown said...

OMG!!! That's so awesome Kandee. You look beautiful.

Unknown said...

OMG!!! That's so awesome Kandee. You look beautiful.

Unknown said...

wow how cool is that :D

Anonymous said...

OMG!!!! Freaking Lucky Kandee!!!

BeautyBrain said...

oh, Kandee...
I loved you before...and now...I have NO words.
it is pretty much my life dream to meet him. he is an amazing human being and they are my favorite band. you are one lucky lucky girl.
thanks for sharing, and for the pic!
love to you and your little people :)

monavampire said...

lucky you!I'm curious if he's such a great person as he seems to be? :)

Unknown said...

That is AWESOME!!! Great pic too.
Looking forward to you heading out to Northern Cali for your Glaminar's...hint hint....:)
It's surely a beautiful day!!! Much love!!!

Anonymous said...

Color me jealous! That's immeasurably cool, and you look luminous as always!

FitterTwit said...

A beautiful day indeed!!! That's awesome! :)

Kemberley Valderrama said...

WOW! wait till he realized who HE took a picture with!! hehe <3 =)

Marina said...

yaayy, i have to say - this is so nice and cooool ,he is lucky to have a picture with u )) i would love to have one with u both guys, take care hun, smooches !!!!

Laura said...

OMG- I am sooo jealous! What a great photo- you must have been thrilled. He is such a wonderful humanitarian!

Katie said...

awesome!!! :D

Miss Desiree said...

how awesome!!

tgillock said...

That is so cool!!!

ktalarczyk said...

that is awesome! i stayed at the Hudson Hotel in New York and they had clear glass around their showers as well, but at least they had curtains you could move to hide behind. have a wonderful day!!

Monique said...

Cool Kandee!! Good for you :)

inda said...

sooo cute kandee! lucky you!

Lauren M said...


Lauren M said...


Nails 4 Stars said...

Hi Kandee!! That's so cool! It is really Bono!

Kandee I've got a question. About 16 hours ago i've smoked my last cigaret. I've quit smoking. Now you've been a huge positive inspiration source for me. I read your blog every day. You have given me strength to go after my dreams and I've been smilling and smilling more every day, thanks, because of you and your words of h ealing. I hope you can help me with this. I need to hear your positive words about living with a healthy body, non smoking. I don´t know what it is but your words touch my heart in so many ways. I´m so scared to start smoking again. Can you help me. Lot´s of love Loyoya.

Unknown said...

it´s great =))

Troop 2449 said...

That is the coolest!! Doesn't he look like Robin Williams??

Fatima said...

Awesome pic Kandee!!! U look like a baby so sweet and innocent in front of "BONO"!!!

Yay!!!!!! I'm so happy for u! U look great!!!

Luv ya

Unknown said...

OMG Kandee i am so happy for you!! I am a huge fan of U2 myself. I cant believe it you are the luckiest girl! Wow he is such a nice human being...He seems nice in the pic. You lucky! lol

Leslie Melendez

Leah said...

That's amazing Kandee! What a lucky girl you are :)

Leah xx

Unknown said...

LUCKY!!! I love him! I do the best impersination of him with the Beautiful Day song! I LOOOOOOOVE U2!!! That is a great pic! Hey Kandee check out my blog @ makeupwgariela.blogspot.com

krista carlson said...

That is so great....Good for you!!! Perfect person to meet...

seaprincess1 said...

I love BONO!! Super cute Picture of both of you =D

Ana Carvalho said...

OMG! What a Beautiful Day you had! =) Lucky Girl!

lisasuar said...

how exciting!! :D

Gloria said...


Beata said...

Well..I'm oficially jealous:) 2 weeks ago I bought tickets to see U2 in July in concert...good for you Kandee:)

Felicia said...

Ahhh thats awesome you met Bono!!!

SidnacGlitz said...

Luck Goose you are, and that is a great pic.

Unknown said...

kandee that is so awesome that you met BONO from U2!! congratz!

i'd love to attend your glaminar in san diego by the way but it's expensive.

please come to seattle for a glaminar!!

love ya!

Ari said...

OMG kandee !!! Thats sooooo cool !!! And its a super cute picture of you :)

idk said...

How exciting! Nice photo

Unknown said...

I LOVE HIM!!!!!!!! So jealous right now....

The Average Irish Mammy by Conni Murray said...

Love it Kandee!
loving your hair in this pic, it looks really volouminous..! much love, Conni xx

Frances said...

awesome!!!!! you're so luck =) and you look gorgeous in the pic :)

AltRockAddict said...

I'm so jealous! but GOOD FOR YOU, Kandee J! I'm going to post a link to your story on my FaceBook page, Bono Holics Anonymous - where we can't get enough of you-know-who...

Cocolita said...

Hey Kandee. This doesn't have anything to do with your post, but I really felt compelled to write this. I just watched your video about how you felt about all the mean comments and videos about you on youtube and how you feel lonely, and I was so amazed at how much I could relate to that. I started junior high this year, and it started off fairly well, but there was always this one girl who always was out to get me. She said so many mean and horrible things about me. I always had my friends to defend me,but sometimes that just wasn't enough. Once, I got this horrible message from this other girl in my grade.She called me all sorts of bad words, and she said i was two-faced and that i cried for sympathy. To make matters worse, almost all of my friends have left me. But I just wanted to tell you how much your blogs and videos have inspired me. I'm realy glad i heard about your blog, because it has helped me through some hard times.

Dazed in Galway said...

We´re happy for you!

Unknown said...

Hahaha how fun! That's great you got to meet him :) Cute picture too!
~Cassidy Z.

PoochesForPeace said...


Unknown said...

you're in NY??? doing anything fun?

HeWearsCombatBoots said...

That is just too cool!!! SO JEALOUS!!!!!


florizza.reyes said...

How exciting and lucky! It's a really cute picture. (:

AZpersonaliZA said...

you're so lucky! SO jealous, hahahaha!!

Anonymous said...

aww arnt you lucky :)
nice photo you look very stunning, i bet he was a bit nervous to take a photo next to you! ;)
- do you have chewing gum in your mouth? lol ;)
love ya Kandee

from Ashleigh Lilley
In New Zealand

MM said...

Wow HOo Bono! that's awesome! how did you ask to have the picture taken?

Olivia said...

oh my gosh that is awesome! you're so lucky!! :)

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