WARNING: this post contains pics that are very GROSS and BLOODY! If you don't want to see them, please click "close" right now! For the strong of stomach, get ready!
i had just finished uploading the blog I typed...called my mom...and went to grab one of my computer cables...I walked by the glass wall next to the sliding glass door....my knee, or shoulder, or something bumped against the glass window....
it sounded like a hundred plates breaking on the floor...
I looked down and saw blood all over....and my leg missing a huge chunk of skin, all around my leg, and I could see down to the bone!
If the huge piece of glass hadn't stopped at the bone it would've cut my whole leg off!
The floor was covered in blood, and many towels were soaked in blood, my shoe was filled with blood....people could hear my screaming from the building across the street.I had worked on The Hair Battle Spectacular Show the day before and this was the down- day with no filming, I went back to work on the show the neck day- and one of the first questions I asked the paramedics was, "will I be able to work tomorrow?"... he just laughed and said they'd help me! ha ha

...I took a picture and posted it to facebook...it really did help distract me from crying...
we were headed to UCLA hospital

my pretty hospital bracelet

my leg wrapped in a billion towels...the blood had dried when they went to take it off....and I yelled so loud, they said they thought I was in labor in the hallway (but I told them, I've already had 3 kids...and this hurt worse than any of the labors pains I've ever had!)
WARNING: the next pictures are REALLY, REALLY GRAPHIC...if you feel that you can't handle them, please close the website now....!
this is a picture of the glass left on the bottom of the window, you can see the blood still on it....they covered the window up with wood and tape when I got back....they even upgraded my room to a penthouse suite that is really fancy.....i would rather have my leg better and the little room though! They were glad to see that I could move my toes, and I would be able to use my leg like normal.
I had to have x-rays to make sure the glass sheet didn't sever my bone...
they had to call in a specialist to see how to re-attach my skin... we were there from 2pm until almost 9pm...and for at least 1 1/2 hours I didn't have any pain medication....they said I was "really strong" and couldn't believe how tough I was....there was a man with a small laceration that was screaming his head off....and I almost had my leg cut off AND was doing good....
I hadn't eaten anything all day, and I couldn't eat because they said the medicine would work better with an empty stomach.....and I could only have some ice chips...
UCLA has the nicest staff of nurses and doctors....the amazing doctor, Anne Schmidt, took 2 hours to sew my lag back together...she was a perfectionist, and we laughed and talked about cupcakes...and she said she couldn't believe I was laughing and talking about desserts!
She did such an amazing job! I can't believe how she put my leg back together! They said I will need plastic surgery to make my leg look normal again...but at least I can move my toes and walk on it!
I have to take a lot of medication due to how severely the glass cut my leg, infection could be really bad and the pain is excruciating. It feels like lighting bolts of pain and like a knife is stuck in my bone.
I am so thankful that I am ok, and that it didn't cut my neck or face, the glass missed my femoral artery, which could've been real bad!
I am so thankful that I'm ok...and I know that there are people and little babies that are in so much more pain....I pray for all the little babies and kids that are in pain or hurt, that God would comfort their little hearts and their pain...
I have crutches, because I can't pull on the skin...and it feels like shooting pain goes up my leg when I put pressure on it!
My sweet friend, Tessa picked me up, she even had to go through all the traffic causes by them shutting streets down because Obama was eating in Beverly Hills! She took me to Diddy Riese, an amazing place to choose your own "cookie" ice cream sandwich, I picked white chocolate macadamia nut cookies and espresso chip ice cream..... We had thai food, shared hot tea, and a Thai Tea (one of my fav drinks) at Mr. Noodle in Westwood.
....it is 2:49am...it's been a long day....
there's any almost eaten creme brulee cheesecake next me...
can't keep my eyes open...
I 'm so glad that nothing worse happened...and I pray for all the people that are going through much worse things than me...
huge love from me and my swollen leg.....your kandee
1 – 200 of 663 Newer› Newest»Am praying for you...gosh it was really bad...you are an amazing sample still thinking of others when you got hurt so badly. God bless you!
you're so strong kandee keep it up!!
Dear Kandee, I hope you'll recover very soon from this. You're a great and brave gal.
Wow! I'm so sorry that this happened to you! I can't even imagine the pain you're in right now, be strong and get better!
Oh my god
I would have died just from the shock
You're such a trooper haha
Ohh you poor thing! It looks really bad! Did you take all the pictures yourself?
I hope you'll recover fast and that you've gotten some gooed pain medication.
Love and -gentle- hugs,
i admire you for being so brave!
Oh my God, Kandee! That looks so painful! But I'm very glad it didn't get to the femoral artery or anything that bad.
I love that even after what has happened, you're still the same happy and positive Kandee we all know and love.
I'm sending happy and healing through your way! xoxoxo
How can you be expected to work in the morning?! Give yourself a week to recover at least!
OMG, huge love sweetheart! Wish you a quick recovery!!!
Ohhh Kandee I'm so sorry :(
I almost cried when I saw how bad it was.
Be strong!
omg kandeee u r such a strong person!!! i nearly fainted looking at them pictures my head is still light headed!! i dont know how you dealt with the pain...get well soon xxxxx samii...ENGLAND LOVES YOU KANDEE <3
Wow... I'm praying for u...for a speedy recovery! I was an emt too.... thank God ur bf knows what to do.... ur in my prayers tonight Kandee!
Night Sugar!
i hope it heals wonderfully! you're so strong & im so glad it wasn't worse, even tho it looks so bad! i dont know what i would do if that was me!!
stay strong! you have a lot of ppl who love & support you!
OMG!!! You must have been in horrible pain... I'm so glad you're okey!!! You are such a wonderful person and I hope you'll take it easy and eat lots of cupcakes! Thank you for being my inspiration
When I saw the picture you posted on facebook, i was like is this her or someone else...
But I'm glad you're ok... I was really worried about you... I showed my hubby the picture of your leg and then I shown him your face, and he was like, she's a girl?
hope your leg heals quickly..
thank you for praying for the others who suffers pain too...
you're just so kind...
keep being strong kandee! that looks beyond anything i've ever had to go through! x
OWWW!!! That looks awful! I'm glad you're ok--you are such a strong warrior Kandee! I hope it heals as fast & as painless as possible. God Bless xoxo
OMG! You are soooo brave!I am so sorry for what happened to you, I hope your leg heals safely.
OMG Kandee!!! You are SO LUCKY that you didn't do more damage than that. Its amazing what adrenaline can do to a body. It can make us faster and feel less pain at times when it just doesn't seem possible to be able to do those things. I'm so happy you're okay (relatively). Stay off that leg sister! And let that cute boyfriend of yours nurse you back to good health. Again, I'm so glad you're okay. Someone was watching over you for sure!!!!
When I saw your post on Facebook - I coulnd't picture how hard ahd you cut your leg, but when I also read that "I almost had my leg cut off today" I have that I really was in shock and I quickly turned to your blog to see if you had posted something. I have never seen such pictures of a wooned before; I am still in complete terror of what had happened to you. I can't believe that I saw pictures of someone I "know"; I mean I watch your vids on YT all the time and it's really terrible that has happened to you, 'cause really your the best.
I really want to wish you from the bottom of my heart that your leg heals quicly and that you stop feeling any excruciating pain.
My heart goes out to you. Take care!
oh my gosh!! you're such a strong woman, I am so glad you're ok!! I go to school there & will be there all week.. let me know if there's anything I can do or help you with! ruthieaviles[at]gmail[dot]com
get well soon <3
You are an amazing person Kandee!! It's incredible that you did it without pain medicine! And of course you'll think about others when you're hurt, it's okay to just think about yourself in those times girlie ;)
Hope it all goes well, and you feel better soon!!! xx
OH MY GOSH!!!! KANDEE!!!!! That is nuts!!!! I am so glad they could fix your leg and you can walk. My friend had a similar thing happen to his arm and his motor skills are very different now. It's so lucky you can move all your toes and everything will be good!! AMAZING!! You are so positive and strong!! An inspiration to us all, we are all thinking and praying for a speedy recovery and no pain!!! You deserve all good things in the world!!! We love you, Kandee!!!
xoxoxoxo Kika
oh my gosh. *blank stare*
i can't believe you were able to take pics and upload onto facebook and stay so calm :)
as the other ladies said... you are a trooper. survivor. strong ass woman. enough said! :D
kandee johnson you are such a super woman!
Oh my God, Kandee, please get well soon. I feel for you. you are amazing and so strong. we all are so happy you're ok!
I'm so glad that you are alright! You are one of the people that couldn't have less deserved this. Keep Strong!
I almost started crying when you talked about the others in the world that are in worse pain - you're an amazing person Kandee.
Oh dear. Lucky you, that your boyfriend was around.
Huge hug and a million smiles and kisses.
Keep up the good mood and eat lot's of protein and zinc.
Cheers San
OMG Kandee! Hope u will get better soon.
I tot i was strong enough to see those pictures, but boy was i wrong. Now my fingers are shaking as im typing.
You are strong! You can get thru this!
Oh no, Kandee! I will pray for you ... I hope your leg heals very quickly and you will be back on your feet without crutches quite soon!
kandee fam lil sis
Oh my goodness! This is awful! Glad that you can still walk Kandee! You're a total inspiration and this is just another situation where you've proven how strong you are! We love you Kandee!!!!
Get well soon!
Whoa! I'm confused on how the glass fell. Did you trip and fall into the glass with a decent amount of force...or was it some crazy fluke...was the glass damaged or not set correctly & was an accident waiting to happen?
oh wow! feel better soon kandee! luckily you had bobby there taking care of you! he's like a guardian angel =) <3
God bless you dear Kandee!!!
Glad your okay Kandee!
Hope your leg gets better ASAP!
Much love xx
OMG Kandee, you are even more of an inspiration than i had previously felt - you are so positive and so willing to look at the bright side of things, just know that even all the way on the other side of the world in New Zealand you have a friend who thinks the world of you!!!
You are one Brave Girl...and hats off to you.....cant even imagine what pain you are going through....you are inspiration to all of us.
wow!!! that was horrible!! i really hope ur ok!! those photos were horrible, the pain must have been so intense!!look after yourself xxx
oh my goodness....kandee =0
it's horrible and i hope you get well soon!
i send you thousands of best wishes from germany.
keep your head up beauty!!!
You are absolutely wonderful, so strong and always thinking of others before yourself. I hope you get well soon and that the pain doesn't last too long. lots of hugs!
Wow, it HURTS to look at the pictures. I get chills. I can't even imagine how much it actually does hurt. You're amazing, having gone through that and still keeping your cheerful disposition and optimism. You are one of a kind, Kandee!
I'm so glad it wasn't worse and I wish you a speedy recovery! You have a lot of love being sent your way :)
Gosh, you're strong, girl... Hold in there.. I would have passed out form the shock...
I hope you get better soon***
Omgg.. =( I hope you get well soon! Ur very strong and brave. Good luck xxxx
I was so worried about you all night. I am glad that you are okay.
you are beautiful no matter what.
so happy to hear you are laughing now...trust me i do the same- laughter heals all wounds ( however always cried inside)
Oh my god!!!I'm following you since a friend told me by your youtube channel, and then i finished into the facebook page and here in your blog...I hope you are ok because you have 3 kids to love and play with, a boyfriend that loves you (and to go walk with :P) and a job most of your fans will kill for xDD PLEASE GET BETTER!!one more thing...I've almost die when I see you have the strong b*lls to take the photos from yourself!!!hahaha Kisses and hugs and all the love I could send from Mallorca!!
Oh my goodness! Kandee!?!?!
Thats crazy, Glad youre ok...
Get well soon :)
Oh my god kandee... I can't believe it! Poor thing. Take care! Lots of love
Oh my!! it looks really bad. Im sure you will get well soon, you have the love and blessings of so many people who love you and your optimism. God gives pain only to his stronger children, who can cope up with the pain while keeping their head high and their faith in God intact. So be happy, you are one of the Gods strongest children.
I know how the pain feels i just underwent three leg surgeries, and im on bed from last 13 mnths. But mine was a planned cut and yours wasnt, so i can imagine how it must have felt.
All my love and blessings :)
Hehe one more thing you have a nike sign on your leg now... lol
You're so incredibly brave Kandee!
You are certainly going through some trials ans tribulations these days!! But thats what makes you amazing you remain strong on focused on the love around you, your'e a star! :) Get well soon and God bless xx
I hope that you wound would heel very fast! Take care of your self, lot of healing toughs!
Oh my God, sweete Candy! I hope you get better soon! It looks horrific! Poor Babe! All my love to you! Get well soon!
Oh my gosh!
That looks painful!
Get better soon!
I cut my knee open on broken glass, and if i hadn't stepped back before i turned around i would've lost half my leg! So i know what you're going through. My gash did not look nearly as impressive as yours. Funny because when i was in E.R i was talking bout eating a caramel sundae and laughing! Hope all is well and God Bless you Kandee. You make my days brighter!
OMG is pretty much all I can say to that. How scary!!! Thank god you are brave! Jeeeeeeez, that is horrific. xx
That is a really bad cut. REALLY BAD! But you're so positive and strong. And it's so great that you have Bobby by your side. But I'm still really sad that this happened to you. I will keep you in my prayers.
kandee your amazing i know i would be screaming bloody murder haha your a strong amazing women keep your head up and get better soon! i love you :) your an inspiration to me
Hey Kandee!
Hope you have a speedy and full recovery! Just wanted to say how awesome it is that even though you were going through something really awful, you were still thinking of everyone else who may be worse off than you. I think that's really amazing.
Feel better!
Oh, Kandee, sweetie. I am so sorry, we are all here for you, girl. Please recover soon, we are all praying. Lots of love kisses and guggies
OMG! Kandee i hope u have a very quick recovery, yes the pics are very visual, i can't stand watching and i know use be in real pain, will pray for u will be well!
Oh my gosh.... When I started to read this blog post I was not expecting that!
I thought it would be a small cut... How I was wrong.
Keep strong.
Emma x.x.x
Oh my god, I'm so glad you're okay. That's insane! So so so glad you're okay.
Kandee you are such an inspirational and strong woman! Thank God you are alright! So brave!
Wholey Crap! when I saw the 1st picture you posted i didn't think it was that bad! Praying for you hope ya feel better!
Kandee you are so Strong! I am sorry that happened to you.. I am praying for a speedy recovery and comfort for you... God Bless you!
Oh my god :| I can't believe that this happened to you! I hope you feel better soon! I know you will, you are such a strong person! My thoughts and prayers are with you!
You are one strong cookie! I wish you a speedy recovery and am glad you are doing better. I'm sure you will do something creative and funky with your bandages (like zebra hot pink or something, lol). God Bless!
the first picture you posted on facebook didnt do it justice.. I didn't realize just how bad it was until I saw the actual wound! oh kandee im so sorry that happened to you.. as always stay positive! keep making videos, your fans love you very much!
Oh My god Kandee, hope you are feeling better .. im praying for you .. lots of love .. kisses
HOLY BANANAS lady!! I am kind of sorry I kept reading, but I couldn't help myself! *gag* I can't believe how bad that looks, but it sounds like everything will turn out fine...yay! And, you know its sexy to have scars - adds character and makes for good stories. You should tell people you got in a biker brawl, and you won of course. Or wait, I know - tell people you wrangled a Great White off the coast of Bora Bora...yea, yea...that's it!!
relax and be well, and eat lots of ice cream...very therapeutic!
Kandee, I am so sorry this happened to you, but darlin', you handled it like a trooper! I hope the pain isn't too bad and that it doesn't scar too terribly, but even if you have a scar, you will always be a beautiful girl! I've been watching your YouTube videos for about a year now... I just want to say how much I enjoy them. I found you one day when I wanted to cut up a t-shirt and had no clue how to do it. I googled it and your video came up. I cut my t-shirt successfully, then did another, and now all my friends want me to cut shirts for them! God bless you, hon, and I hope you get better soon!
Dear Kandee, tank god Bobby was there and knew what to do! You'll need a lot of rest for your leg to heal, please don't go working for a while. I know you need money for your precious little one, but they also need a healty mommy.
Take good care of yourself...
your Élyse
``praying for you, Kandee`~**
Wow that's just crazy!! Its one of those freak accidents!! That was one heck of a cut and I'm glad u didnt damage any nerves! I hope u a speedy recovery and ur such a trooper for not crying, I would of! lol
Holy Cow, that looks serious. Wishing you a speedy recovery.
Oh my gosh, girl, how scary! I'm so sorry this happened to you. Hang in there and keep up your amazing positive attitude! <>
I'm so glad you're OK! I can't believe the glass broke so easily & so dangerously!
God Bless your recovery Kandee.
You are such a trooper! Im so glad that you are going to be okay. Thank you so much to your wonderful boyfriend for taking care of you while you were hurt. He must be the best person in the world for you =) . I pray that everything will heal well and that you will be pain free soon. I keep you in my thoughts and send hugs ! All my love - Alecia
You are such a trooper! Im so glad that you are going to be okay. Thank you so much to your wonderful boyfriend for taking care of you while you were hurt. He must be the best person in the world for you =) . I pray that everything will heal well and that you will be pain free soon. I keep you in my thoughts and send hugs ! All my love - Alecia
that looks so painful. i can even feel the pain just by looking at the photos...i hope you get well soon. Take your medicine on time ya.
Wow, this looks really bad. I'm glad for you that nothing worse happened that day. I hope you'll recover very soon. The bigger the scar the tougher the hero :)
YOU ARE AMAZING KANDEE!!! I do not know how I would handle something like that. I had a 9 lb 1 oz baby naturally, he tore his way into this world. And hasn't stopped the destruction since. (LOL) But at least my hardwork and pain lead to something great. I pray that this pain leads you to something great. Maybe after physical therapy you'll learn a new sport or make a new friend. =) Good Luck Kandee.
That's crazy! And of course you were talking about desserts - that just sounds so you. I wish you a fast recovery!!
Oh Kandee...I am so sorry that happened to you! That is crazy! Prayers are with you for a swift recovery and that you will have as little pain as possible. Can't say enough how bad I feel for ya!
OMG!!!!!!!! That looks Freaking AWFUL!!!!!!!!!!! You are amazing for not losing it... I would have lost my mind.
Oh my.. my jaw opened wide when I saw the huge cut in ur leg! I didn't thought it was that serious. You're truly one tough woman and I admire you for that. I pray that you get well soon Kandee! And I pray for miraculous healing for your wound, that hopefully you will not need plastic surgery for it to look normal again. =) GET WELL SOON!
You are a strong woman, best of luck in your recovery.
We don't realize how strong we are until we go through something like this. My mom always thought of me as her "weakest" child until she saw me fight cancer AND WIN. She calls me her hero now. God is good! I'll be praying for healing for you Kandee, that sure does look painful. Be careful and take care of yourself.
Wow, thanks for the update and the pics. Another test for you Kandee and i am sure it will make you stronger. Its lovely to see that you are thinking of others at this time, it is very sad when a child has to go through pain. Heal quickly and our wishes are with you. x
oh my gosh!! That is insane! I am so glad that you are ok!!! prayers are being sent your way for a quick recovery!!! xo
Oh, goodness. I have such a weak stomach when it comes to that stuff, I literally wanted to read everything and NOT see pictures..so I held my hand up over the pictures and squirmed when I saw them on accident.
You're incredibly strong, lady. Strong and blessed to have had your love with you, too. God was really looking out for you that day!! <3
Hope you have a speedy recovery and heal without any complications!
oh im so sad, hope ure ok, huge kiss from deea
Aww, hope you get better soon! and Kandee next time,be careful!!!!!! I'll pray for you.Be strong! lovelots =)
ack that's so.. ugh poor kandee! good luck really hope you recover well I can't even start to imagine how it was I would have fainted >.<
but as usual you always have a thought so others you're the best, get better soon kandee!!!
Ohh chica! Soo glad you are alright! Thinking about you!
Kandee you will be in my prayers for a full and speedie recovery.. God will take care of you .. YOu are amazing .. YOure blogs have always helped me.. Thank yyou so much for all of your kind words and sharing you heart with all of us. SOmeday i hope to come to a glaminar and met you ! Thank you Kandee! God Bless!
Jesus Kandee!!!!!! I'm so sorry this had to happen to you!!! I cried just looking at the pictures! :( I'm so, so sorry and I hope you feel better!!
WE LOVE YOU! <3 <3 <3 stay strong!!
Oh no Kandee! Why did this happen to you. Im so sorry to se this. I really wish you will recover fast! I will pray for leg :)
Keep beeing strong! You make me strong!
Oh my gosh! My heart really goes out to you! I have to say, you are incredibly brave and I'm beyond impressed by that! Wow.. I don't know how you managed to keep your cool as well as you did. I'm praying for you that you have a full recovery with zero complications! It's so crazy how fluke accidents happen where we least expect them!!
Get some rest... you have a lot of fans that care very dearly for you and are thinking/praying for u!!
Poor brave baby! What a thing to go through!
Ps. great pics, although I still feel squeasy from looking at them. in a way it's also very educating to see this kind of awful wound :S :P!
Hope you're allright and there's lot of people pampering you!
[Get-well-message sent from Northern-Europe]
OH OUCH and I am SO SORRY- that is much worse then I was expecting as I read. What a MIRACLE your ok. WOW is really all I can say- I sure love ya and think your so beautiful. Take care of yourself and know your being thought of.
Hope you feel better. If you gave do a video to let all of us fans how you are doing, or something, thanks. I am sure we will all pray for you.
You have such a positive attitude and your doctor is right...you're so strong! May you feel better quickly and I know God has great plans for that leg of yours! :) xoxo!
you are so strong and hope you will get better soon.
OMG KANDEE!!! that is horrible!!! looks like your in a lot of pain... hope you get better soon hun... your such a beautiful person,,, dont let this bring you down...
God bless and take care... Devin
Kandee, I have no idea how you stayed so strong throughout that entire thing. You really are an amazing person and you are so strong. It is just a huge relief to hear that you are recovering in your room from such a traumatic thing.
I love you so much Kandee and I'm praying for you. I'm also thinking you should take a day off from work. You definitely deserve it and I'm more than 100% positive that they would understand.
Get well soon Kandee <3
OMG KANDEE!!! that is horrible!!! looks like your in a lot of pain... hope you get better soon hun... your such a beautiful person,,, dont let this bring you down...
God bless and take care... Devin
Kandee! I am so sorry! I am so proud that you are going to be OK. I'm glad Bobby was there to help you and hold you! Take it easy on that leg!!!!!!
Love ya,
Erin =D
wow. that's pretty intense. you're such a strong spirit, i'm sure you'll heal very quickly.
omg Kandee! sooo sorry to hear about this but I am glad you're okay!!! and what a wonderful boyfriend you have! You are truly blessed. :)
Kandee! There is no limit to your strength and courage. I am so sad that this happened but look how amazingly you pulled through it. I'm so sorry that this happened...it looks so extremely painful! I pray for a speedy recovery and that everything will work as normal again with no complications. You are such a beautiful person Kandee. Any misfortune will only make you a stronger and more beautiful person. Keep strong! We are all praying for you! Love -Becky
Wow! Glad you're going to be okay after such a horrible injury, you're definitely a trooper Kandee. Please keep us posted on how you're doing *HUGS*
omg kandee i'm so glad you're okay
Get well soon! I know we'll see you up and active very soon, you're such a strong woman =) feel better!
Wow you were lucky that your bf was with you. If you would have been alone, who knows what would have happened... This hotel better not charge you for your rooms ! haha
Oh gosh Kandee when I saw your post on Facebook I didn't realize it was that bad. Thank God you are ok that looks so painful. Good thing your boyfriend was there to help you and calm you. Hope you heal fast and sorry that this happened to you
Oh my goodness Kandee! That is such an insane injury- i'm glad your boyfriend new how to help!!! Thank God you're ok and I wish you all the best in healing xo
That is a serious injury! You are very lucky that you had someone there with you...wow. I hope you have a speedy recovery!
Dear God! I can't believe you were strong enough to take those pics. I would've just died from the shock :)
Such a shame it happened now, when you were so happy with the glaminar and everything.. Praying for you! Hope it's a fast healer! xoxo
God Bless You Dear One....Praying for a complete, quick, and miraculous recovery for you.......
Oh my God, Kandee, this is unbelieveable bad thing, im so sorry :( I feel so bad today for you, cant even tell you, how much.. :( Why life is so cruel for you... this is so bad... So bad!!
Hey Kandee,
I hope this makes u laugh but it kinda looks like a Nike Tick :-) hope your feelin better as we would say in ireland 'ta tu realta suas sa speir' ( your a star in the sky ;-))
I had no idea this was so bad. Hopefully the hotel company will take care of everything.
I wish you a speedy recovery. Hold to that feisty spirit!
You are sooooo strong and brave. I admire you for that. I hope you recover very soon.
Oh my! It looks really bad, but I'm glad you're OK!
I can't believe you're thinking about everyone else when you're in so much pain yourself. You're a trooper!
Kandee, oh my goodness. im glad to hear youre okay. i love your videos and i hope youre leg heals soon. sending you love <3
Thank GOd you are ok!! That looks SO painful!
OMG...your so brave Kandee...sending all my love from the UK..martine xxx
You are so strong, Kandee! I will pray for a speedy recovery. I love how you share the real things that happen in your life! The good, the bad and the ugly. You are such an inspiration. I'm so glad your boyfriend was there to help you. Let the hotel pay for your hospital bills and plastic surgery :)
I must hurt really a lot but it could have been much worst. Take care and you'll see how you will get better in one month. Be very strict with the medication and all the cares. The worst rist now is infection but if you don't get it, everything will be fine.
That's gruesome! Stay strong sweetie! <333
OMG! Kandeee be STRONG ok?
I almost pass out just looking at your pictures, how could you look at that and take pictures of it? :O
You're incredibly strong... :D
I hope that you get better Kandee, ok?
Huge kiss from a big fan of you, :*
OMG If that was me I woulda puked and passed out!
I can't handle that stuff >.<
You're such a damn trooper Kandee!
I hope you heal completely.
You poor thing *HUG*
oh my, this looks really bad! My thoughts are with you. Hope it recovers fast! (I can´t believe you were out eating ice cream that day!) The best wishes to you and your family
Kandee, I love you as my sister through Christ. I am praying for the pain to ease and the healing to hasten. I am so sorry that you've gone through this. I am so proud of you though, you won't let anything get you down. You are so strong! and I admire that very much. Keep your head up girl! Love, Elisabeth. :]
Oh Kandee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! What a freak accident, I am so sorry to hear..... uhhh and see what happened to your leg. (yes, I couldn't help but to continue on to the pictures) Unbelievable! Please don't push yourself too hard, get some rest and give your leg time to heal........ I will keep you in my prayers.
I'm very sorry about what happened.. i wish no ill or evil ever comes your way! but i'm glad you are this strong! it definitely inspires a lot of us who can't deal well with pain or suck incidents..
in my culture.. they would call this being struck by an evil eye..
and there's a lot of ways to protect yourself from that. May God bless you and always protect you and your family.
Much love Kandee xoxo
You're such a brave woman. You've been such an inspiration for me since I discovered your videos on youtube. Keep on going iii (independent, inspirational, incredible) grl!
ok now that i saw this, my cutted finger is nothing against this.. i am so sorry to see that.. god must have been awfull..
but strange , cause i cut my finger aswell , the whole top of my finger is not there anymore.. i screamed a lot. a lot a lot.. but you must hav been screaming even louder.. so sorry kandee.. hope you're doing better now..
kiss and hugs
Super gnar pics Kandee! Glad you''re doing okay! {{Thank goodness for wonderful boyfriends right}}} ;)
God bless you, sweet girl. I hope the prayers and well wishes help to heal you quickly and make you strong(well stronger than you already are ;)). Big big heartfelt hugs and love to you! xoxoxo
No way , Kandee, I am so sorry for you!! It almost brings me to tears,this is awful, your leg looked so messed up!
I'm happy you're ok, that's the most important thing!!
Hope you have a great day!!
aww, ow! :( i hope you feel a lot better really soon! just take it easy :) i will be praying for you!
I say again - HOLY CRAP KANDEE!
Please promise us that you'll take it easy and stay off your feet until you get all healed up! That injury is worse than you would have with a lot of surgeries! I love watching medical shows and have no problem with graphic stuff, but I was not prepared for how severe that injury was.
Thank God that Bobby was there to be your guardian angel and stop the initial bleeding. I'd say that he's a keeper.
thank god you're alright! i'm so proud of you for being so brave! thanks for posting this tale of bravery. it reminds us all to be thankful of the things we have in this world. love you kandee and once again we're soooo happy you're ok (for the most part!).
OMG! Get well soon Kandee. You are such a strong person. You never fail to inspire even on your times of trouble.
Holy cow! I am glad you are okay that looks fierce! ouch. You are strong so i know you will get through this, good luck and keep us posted :)
Oh. My. God.
That is.. Way too much :|
Get well soon soon soon soon sooooooon!
You're such an amazing person!!!
You will get through this! And I'm looking forward to the next video you make telling us how much better you feel :) xx
Lots of love!!!
I am so glad that you are ok and the fact that you gave glory to God even in this situation is so amazing and its why I look up to you so much! Praying for your leg to heal quickly!
P.S. Don't forget to plan your trip to Portland soon so you can come meet the drummer from Journey ;-)
That is so awful. U are one tough chic to be taking pictures while you are hurt. I hope u recover soon.
Oh my goodness Kandee! I am praying for you! i am so glad you boyfriend was there for you and was able to keep you calm and knew what to do. I am also glad that the Dr's were able to do such a great job! That is so scary
OMG Kandee it looks really bad, hope you feel better! =(
- Nina
oh kandee that looks awful! it must have been so scary and painful! i pray that you heal fast and pain free. you have an amazing outlook on life (even when you leg is almost severed off!) take care of yourself during the recovery! hugs. hey, now you can do a video on how to cover up scars! :)
I am so happy to see that you will be ok. But you completely astonish me I mean here you have had this horrible thing happy but you still have the time to say there is worse out there and you pray for them. I give you so much credit girl and you are a role model for everyone on your courage and positive outlook on life!!
Gosh Kandee that was bad! I hope you recover quickly, I'm sure you will since you're so healthy. I'll keep you in my prayers! And those pictures didn't gross me out, I'm from the North.. I can skin an Elk or Deer :) hahahah I'm glad Bobby was there to help you out. *Thanks Bobby!* Take care Kandee and feel better! Keep us "posted" hahaha
~Cassidy Z.
i'km so glad you're going to be ok! when i was reading the whole time i was worried about how far you're going to be able to recover. thank you so much for having the capacity to share this with a bunch of strangers. it really does mean a lot to all of us that you let us feel so close to you because you are a huge inspiration! thanks for all you do! and remember, if you don't feel well enough to blog, no one will hold it against you haha. concentrate on getting better =]
I am so happy you are...ok(ish). I am so happy it wasn't any worst then it is. I can't imagine the pain though. You seem to be really strong, I would have been out of it. I hope you heal quick with little to no scarring. It looks like a really good closer from the pictures. You will have to post pictures as it heals.
Awwh ;( i feel so sorry for you! i would of fainted right on the spot!
Feel better :)! xxx
Oh my god. I figured it'd be bad, but I wasn't expecting that. You are so brave! I can't believe you managed to take pics...hope you get better really really soon!
My prayers are with you too Kandee. I almost vomitted looking at the pictures! Hopefully you can get a great plastic surgeon and have that leg healed and better. Thank you for all you do!
Ay yi yi! Kandee! I'm so glad that Bobby was there to help! I'm praying for a quick recovery! You are so tough! :)
My prayers are with you Kandee. I pray you are in little to no pain and that there is no infection and the scar will be minimal. You are a great soul and very inspirational to all. Take care!!!
Oh so glad nothing worse happened to you. Also happy that you had a wonderful person there for you and he had training to know what to do. You are such a lucky girl!
Love you Kandee!!
so scary! im glad it wasnt worse and im glad you're doing okay!
Of course you're strong, you're Kandee!! You're like me, I laugh and talk about food too, makes it much easier to tolerate the bad things when you're happy :)
Get well soon, heal fast and so glad you're ok and nothing worse happened. Glad your boyfriend was with you or it coulda been alot worse if you were in the room alone.
Oh my gosh, that is awful!!! I am so thankful it wasn't worse! You are so strong, Kandee <3 A true inspiration! I wish you all the best. :)
Are you going to to sue the hotel?
That looks really bad.. You could get free hotel rooms for life
thank God Bobby was around! Goodness knows what would have happen. U are a brave girl, get well soon! Update us your recovery process!
Thanks Bobby for taking care of Kandee!
thank God Bobby was around! Goodness knows what would have happen. U are a brave girl, get well soon! Update us your recovery process!
Thanks Bobby for taking care of Kandee!
Oh goodness! I can't believe how bad it cut you! So glad you're okay! Glad your boyfriend was sweet and helpful through it all! :)
I'll pry for you!
OW! Quick healing for Kandee, Jesus! Amen!
Wow, sounds like you had quite the day! Glad you are doing alright & that your leg is going to be fine, seems you handled everything pretty well. White chocolate macadamia nut cookies are one of my faves! Hope the rest of your week is wonderfully fantastic!
gag! that looks so painful,X
I can't believe that happened - it just seems such a random thing to happen.
It looks really awful...really glad you are ok.
Get well soon
My son would ask me to kiss his "owie", so I'm sending kisses to yours.
Hello Kandee!
I'm a big fan of you,I love your style,your videos,your creativity.I wish you all the best,and I hope you get well soon:D
I send you some energy,maybe it helps;)
OMG! Kandee! I had no idea it was this bad.. you made it seem so minimal yesterday! I'll be praying for you. I think I would have lost it if I'd been in your position. Wow. God bless you, your family and that wonderful boyfriend of your who took care of you so well! We need our Kandee!
OMG! Thats all i kept saying as i read this post was OMG KANDEE! your poor girl! i'm so relieved your ok though! I hope you feel better soon!!! I feel you pain! I typed a comment in your previous blog about falling down the stairs and breaking my ankle! Get lots of rest, drink lots of water! I helps take swelling down. Keep smiling that wonderful smile of yours and let the sunshine light up your heart!
Those photos are crazy! I can't even imagine the pain you're in.
I hope you recover quickly and there's no lasting damage!
Keep your spirits up Kandee :)
Muchos love xxx
Oh My Goodness Kandee! I'm so glad that Bobby was there and knew what to do and that you got the best care at UCLA too. You are a brave woman and so deserved your custom cookie ice cream sandwich. I hope they gave you some good meds to cope with the pain. Did they say how long til you can walk on it again? Many prayers, good mojo and hugs to you! Elizabeth :D
Kandee you are such an inspiration to me. you are like an angel. you always see good in everything.
I'll pray for you, and I'm so glad that nothing wost happened to you.
Love you Kandee ^^
OMG, Kandee! That looks so bad! I'm glad it wasn't worse. Praying for a quick recovery for you. May God bless you!
Kandee, I'm so sorry this happened to you. Any sort of physical injury is shocking and scary, and this was very serious. You are very brave to go through this with your chin up! Best of luck healing, hope you have a speedy recovery! Someday you will have a cool story to tell about your badass scar. Also.....get the hotel to pay for everything!!!! :) Sending you healing thoughts.
Holy crap Kandee, that was quite a gash!
Looks like they did a great job stitching you up.
Don't forget to take ALL those antibiotics...you do NOT want to get that infected. (I'm an old nursee!)
Take care...
Can't believe how strong you are! Well done, you are very lucky it went so well, it could have been soooo much worse! thinking of you! Thanks for being such an inspiration xxx
I'm so so so sorry for your leg. You are really brave. Get well soon!!!
scar on kandee? if you dont know any doctors, i do.
in newport beach ca,if you need anything. so sorry you got hurt. heck of a wound and gash. i have scars from a coma i was in. trach and chest tube scars,and etc.a road map of hell so to speak,you look great! no worries,even make up over it can help! I am wishing you all the best and will pray for you to hel well.
xox kristy
oh my dear god... i really wanted to read this entry so i almost threw up looking at the pics... so i couldn't read it. i kinda suggest putting them in thumbnail size or hidden by a link .... gosh!!!
LOL anyway, pls take care of yourself and thank god for bobby... god put him in your life at the right time !!!! :-) love you... you are so brave and strong and miracles find you everyday!!! :D
Oh my that is so horrible. I hope you are alright. Feel better soon.
WHOA Kandee that's intense :O i hope the muscles in your leg are still good, too? You're fortunate it wasn't any worse :] take it easy for now please! Haha.
Take careee!
I have to admit when I first saw it I was like is this some kind of joke that you cooked up with a really good sfx makeup artist. Then I read further and I was shocked. I am so sorry that you had to go through that. I am glad you are such a strong person. I hope you heal quick and well. :)
oh my god Candy!! I had no idea it was that bad! Im SOOO HAPPY that your okay!
oh my god Kandee, I didn't know the extent of your injuries until I saw this post :*( I feel so sad! Is the hotel compensating you? cuz they should!!! I'm so glad the glass didn't cut through the major arteries... it must be good karma :D Please take care and I hope you recover soon!
love, Frances
You're so brave, it happened the same thing to me when I was 5 years old, only it was in almost the entire body. My accident happened in a hotel because of a sliding door. I hope you get better soon, take care.
Oh Kandee, this looks like right out of a movie. I'm glad that it wasn't even more serious than it is. I can't believe how strong you are taking pictures and chatting it up with the doctor... well actually I can haha.. you're like SuperWoman! Get better soon! I'll keep you and your pretty leg in my prayers :)
Oh my goodness!
Dear kandee,
You are so brave, you know.
I don't even dare to look at your severe wounds' pictures closely.
I feel weak myself when I see wounds or blood, but I have already donated blood for 26 times, amazing!
Thanks God, you had your kind boyfriend who knows how to give you first-aid treatment when the accident happened.
My God bless you and bring you health, my friend.
Take good care of yourself!!
OMG aren't you glad your legs were shaved?? Praying for a quick recovery and let someone pamper you for a change!
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