Tuesday, March 23, 2010

things I'm in love with....

this "kissable" feather earring....it's blue feathers...and 'i wore it all day and lost it!!!
I called up Cardi that makes them, and she's gonna whip me up another one! she's wondy-ful!
If you wan t to fall in love with your very own feather earring....email her at:

I also love my Miz Mooz boots, which I seem to wear everyday....

I love the silver hoop earrings my mom gave me the other day too....

I love HOT PINK lipstick right now....I put CHERRY RED lip liner from MAC, and then HOT PINK lip liner from Make-Up Forever----absolutely NO GLOSS...we want matte, velvety HOT PINK lippies!

And I also love a nude eye with just black pin-up style winged liner!
LOVE MISSION & QUOTE of the day: 
...courtesy of my friend Teresa in a text this morning:
Be a ray of sunshine to everyone you meet, and make their day for having seen you.  Say "Thank You" at every turn!

let's sunshine it up today my sweet Kandee family!!!!

your sunshiney guru..ha ha hah a
sending you so much love you need to unbutton the top botton of your heart, kandee


Paiger said...

Hey Kandee

I've only been a follower of your blogs and videos for a few months now and I had to email you to say..... THANK YOU!

It's been a difficult past 10 years for me as far as my health. I suffered from Endometriosis, blood infections, blood transfusions, 2 pregnancies and finally a total hysterectomy. This past year I have finally felt free from all illness but still felt drained and moody. It was real hard to get out of bed just to get the kids to school and once they were gone, I just crawled right back in. What stumped me was the fact that I eat super healthy. I'm allergic to Gluten which causes the blood deficiency so I have a very strict organic, fresh veggie and tons of water kind of diet.

I was surfing the net one day without any real purpose and I came across your video on your health routine where you discuss taking the hemp shake, fish oil, maca root and acai. Those four little magic items have proven a sure fire way to get me going in the morning and keep me going all day. My children and my husband have no idea who I am anymore...in a very good way. I'm running circles around them. I just love the way I feel and I never thought I would ever say that again. I feel like a young and energetic woman who finally acts her age (33 and proud of it) instead of a woman walking in the shoes of an 80 year old. I would have never tried this unless seeing for myself the effects and you show that on your videos. You are fun, energetic and just have an infectious spirit! I'm now hooked on your make up videos and have already gotten rave reviews on how great I look. I just say, "Thank Kandee" LOL

You are so inspiring and I can't thank you enough for sharing yourself the way you do. You are a beautiful person...as much on the inside as you are on the out. One more thing...not to ramble on like I just did but, I have read your posts about what you are having to deal with in court and with people who have been too quick to judge you. I know you know this but, just look to all who you are inspiring, like myself. You are doing so much for people out there just by being as positive as you are and giving God the credit. He may be letting you walk into the fire a bit but he will never let his child get burned. You will get through this and all of us who support you will be right there backing you up.

Take care Kandee and thank you again for all you did for me without even knowing it.
God bless ya girl!!!


Bella's Place said...


cArLa said...

loove your feather earring! i'm glad that you are getting the lost one replaced!

Cosmetics Student said...

You are so wonderfully inspiring! Your words soothe the soul! Thank you for all that you do.

also..I hope do a brigitte bardot look soon :D you would look super gorgeous in her dramatic liner :D

Bonnie said...

Love the feather earring!!!

Anonymous said...

love the earrings, kandee!

i think i shall be ordering some as well. hopefully they're not too expensive. :)

hope you have a great day!


Anonymous said...

luv that pic of u !!!
xo mw

Mark.Girl Candy said...

Hi Kandee I just wanted to say that I absolutely love you! Everytime I read your blog I feel like a little part if me is lighting up. All of my sadness and darkness falls away and I remember that I am beautiful and strong and that I don't need others to make me feel that way even though I've been struggling with feeling alone. I know that I'm not I have people who love me my parents my boyfriend Jamez and my friends who know me the best even though we don't see each other. Thank you for being a big Ray of sunshine in my life and I love being part of the Kandee family I wish I could keep part of you in my pocket all the time.
Much love and sunshine from another Candy

Morgane said...

Hi Kandee,

I discovered your videos on you tube, i don't really know how BUT i am so glad i did!!
I spent most of my afternoon yesterday watching them and reading your blog!
I understood that you were going through a lot of tough things in your life!! So i just wanted you to know that i really LOVE what you do and that i wish that all your problems will go gone VERY SOON!!
I love your energy, humour, and you do a wonderful job!!
Made me realized that i wasn't taking care of myself enough, thank you for the eye opening!!
Good luck for you and your family!!!

yes said...

I love this edgy style of yours. Its so (supreme)awesome
Ur so beauuuuty-fulll

Ur a total rockstar

Natalie said...

I have the same top/dress/shirt from forever21! (It says Frankie on it right?) lol. I have to return it though because I put it on and sat down for 5 minutes and got up and the whole bottom half was completely a wrinkled mess!

chelseatayylor said...

i am totally loving that look!
you're such a fashion inspiration for me!

. said...

I love your style, you earing... I love everything in you!
Sometimes my friends say: "Who's Kandee? The person you talk so much about?"

and I say, again... "She's my idol! I want to be just like her! She's so cool..." :D

big kiss
from your portuguese fan,
Alice Ramires <3

emily said...

Unbutton the top button of your heart... cutest thing ever! =)

emily said...

Sorry Kandee... you only need to post one of those. My computer sent the comment too many times!

emily said...

Unbutton the top button of your heart... cutest thing ever! =)

..::VeeVee::.. said...

Hello lady! I've never left you a comment, but I just wanted to let you know that I love your blogs and all your videos. Be blessed and keep doing what you're doing. And remember that if God before you, who can be against you!

Jess said...

Have a good day! i love you Kandee!! xxx

Anonymous said...

love u kand..xxxx

Anonymous said...

love u kand..xx

ting RN said...

i <3<3<3 hot pink lippies right now too!!!

Corliss said...

Kandee, I am just catching up and was thrilled to learn that things are settling down a little bit with your son and the court issues. I am your mother's age (or a little older); but, I just love your spirt and how you manage to find love and strength somehow in everything you do. I so, so enjoy your blog. God bless you. Corliss

Unknown said...

LOVE the look girl!! Work it!!

Unknown said...

You need to put the little clear backing on your feather earrings. I have a few pairs of ones like that, but not from her and when you lose them you don't always feel it...so I started putting the little backings on! :)
It's good to see (hear you) you in such a good mood!! I've been doing the nude eye with the pinup liner and it's fun! (And ironic you said that's what you love right now hahah) *hugs* have a great day!
~Cassidy Z.

*The Makeupholic* said...

I love hot pink lips too! Never tried it with red lip-liner before though ...Thanks!

xSantyx said...

Love the picture Kandee!

Lovin the Feather earing also, i'll have to purchase sometime.

This post has reminded me that i have a cute pair of feather earings which i haven't worn for years!

I'll have to dig them out and wear them very soon!

Ashley said...

I'm gonna get one of those awesome feather earring!!

i heart you kandee!!!


Chiara Reinoso said...

greatnigs from venezuelaa!
im a new fan...just reasently saw my first video of you!!...i loved it really...i had to see all of them
i think you are an amazing artist and a big inspiration for me. thank you so much!...continue with the awesome work

A Moment in Time Photography by Debi said...

I love the nude eye look too!!! On American Idol tonight Miley Cyrus was wearing that look too! Can you do a video on it! It would be awesome :)

Anonymous said...

Kandee, my dear cutie! I just wanted to stop by to say that you have inspired so much inside of me! I'm less afraid of stepping out of my comfort zone and am more confident in the way I look and present myself now. :) You teach us all to be original and love ourselves for who we are, you're the best hon! :)

P.S. CUTE PICTUREEE. Love the lipstick! ; )

HI, My name is Willow Rose Grace. said...

I don't know how to tell you, but i'll say this...



you are the ray of sunshine in a little slice of heaven on the internet.
keep smiling babe cause we're allll here for you.

Diane said...

Hy, Kandee, you look amazing in that photo, thanks for the sweet wowrds, I love the "button" text :P

Have a super fun day!


Mike said...



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florizza.reyes said...

Whenever I read your blog, I can't help but smile or chuckle. You're such a beautiful person and I loooove your feathery earring. <3

Miss Dress Up said...

I used your "everyday make up" look yesterday and my husband said, no less than 5 times, "I really like your eye make up honey". The Lord has been doing a great work in our marriage and the eye make up was just one more step. Thanks Kandee. Have a great big fat wonderful blessed day! Nicole

Anonymous said...

You look beautiful and Ive always been a fan of feather earrings!!


Chyanne said...

I love this look & I think you should do a video on how to get this look because I think its really stunning :) Reading your blog always brings happiness into my day, and you are always in my prayers!

Bella Marx said...

WHOA WHOA WHOA. Cardi is my cousin! Like no joke! Crazy

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