Wednesday, March 17, 2010

sleepyhead hair

some days when you're doing make-up (we were working on the press junket for the Hot Tub Time Machine Movie) have a lot of down time..waiting time.
we had almost 5 hours of down we played haircut, make-up video, eating...lots of eating..ha ha ha ha
me and my friend (and fellow make-up and hair girlie), Bettina, gave the top of my hair a new chopping...her "kandee rockstar hair"...she called it....hee hee
Thanks Betteenzie, for my new lighter, more voluminous hair!
Me and Bettina have been working on tv shows, photo shoots, and weddings for years now...
she cracks me up...and she always works in the most amazing heels!
She got to work on Pirate's of the Carribean, too, doing hair and wigs...working just feet away from Johnny Depp!!! I fun to be floating on a little boat while they are filming Pirate's!?!

I have been so incredibly tired lately....incredibly busy....I am so tired....I almost fell asleep with my computer in my lap just a minute before I started typing this! ha ha ha ha

I think I'm going to go listen to my Passion Pit station on Pandora, while I take a hot shower....then crawl into bed and take a dream vacation!

here's one of my fav songs right now...and the song title quite fits me right now.....sweet dreams sleepyheads!

thank you for reading my sleepy rambles...huger than huge love....your kandee


ExpiaLidiaCious said...

Forget bangs, Joan Jett's hair is the new trend :)

Realistically said...

i LOVE you kandee! and i also love passion pit <3. you inspire me to be a better person, never change!

Anonymous said...

I was wondering what the song was called in the palmpixi commercial!! I LOVE IT

Unknown said...

love the pics your hair looks great

Anonymous said...

hey kandee i love love love your youtube videos and your great attitude. I just wanted to let you know if you were gonna be in the hollywood area this friday theres a small event going on. Its for my friends company called AOK Clothing and they're having a fashion show @ Les Duex Club in Hollywood. If you just email them your full name, you'll be on their guest list. Also, you MUST BE on the guest list and be there before 11 if you wanna go in for FREE!
I just thought you might enjoy it and if you could just spread the word out since your so popular on youtube!

Thanks Kandee
you inspire me :)

Diane said...

It's nice to see you're having fun, Kandee, but we cannot wait for another tutorial!!! :P
I'd love to see you doing a take over on the red lips, light eyebrows that everyone is showing for fall :D


Rosa said...

Never heard of passion pit, but I'm off to buy their music! Thanks, Kandee! :)

Elsa Frescata said...

I like it , realy nice !

Beleza na Casa de Planta said...

I love it! It looks like a Llongeras hairstile! Very 80s! Perfect as always!
Love from Brasil!

drizzle said...

i just love following you on youtube and also here on your daily blogs... i just want to say that you inspire me to be more positive especially when things end up really bad... so thank you dear! :D

Billie Jean said...

hahahah i love that song

Unknown said...

Kandee you are just so freaking adorable!

Leenda said...

Yea, that's it. Your hair reminds me of Joan Jett's hair! lol Very stylish. =]

Lauren said...

i love that song too! i listen to it like everyday! passion pit is awesomeeee <3

Unknown said...

Love your hair! Friends like that are the best to have. Glad you're enjoying your self ;) *hugs*
~Cassidy Z.

Rock Couture said...

Stunning shots Kandee!

G said...

you looooook fab! :D

i know what you mean about feeling so tired and almost falling asleep in front of the keyboard. recently though, i've been sleeping on the keyboard often.

lisasuar said...

awww take care of yourself and just sleep whenever you can! :) its so nice of you to think about your fans and to be able to blog even when youre so tired! :) thank you!

your hair is cute! it looks like it makes you look younger!!

Fatima said...

Kandee you are so CUTE!!! I love reading your sweet little posts! They always make me smile!!!

Take care and I hope that you do get some rest to recuperate!!!

Lots of hugs from me!!!!

Your friend,
Fatima E.

Leza1121 said...

Down time!!! That's what I miss about working on a set. Getting to know the cast and crew (during set/scene changes). Hmmm maybe I'll look to work on a film or music video this summer.

Leza1121 said...

Down time!!! That's what I miss about working on a set. Getting to know the cast and crew (during set/scene changes). Hmmm maybe I'll look to work on a film or music video this summer.

Anonymous said...

Love you Kandee!

Unknown said...

OMG!!! I love the new do! Very very kewl!

Unknown said...


Thank you for typing even when you are so tired and falling asleep!!

Please rest if you need to! :)

Unknown said...

it is a cool blog you got.

chelseatayylor said...

love that hair cut! & Sleepyhead is one of my favorites, also!

Unknown said...

Love the new haircut!

Kyla Makay said...

I love your haircut. super cute... but sometimes i wonder... do you ACTUALLY read your comments? All 27? hmmmmmm.... :/ i hope you do b/c you are my inspiration!!!!!!! :D


Holly Crain said...

The hair is rockin!!! Loved that you shared some music!!! I have my ipod on me at all times LOL! Gotta have my music as much as my makeup! It would be cool if you shared more! :D

golddustalex said...

OMG you love passion pit! You've heard the Ellie Goulding Starsmith remix of Sleepyhead right?
Passion Pit is remixing I Am Not A Robot for Marina and the Diamonds.
Check out Ellie and Marina and the Diamonds on youtube for some amazing music and makeup looks. I seriously want to dye my hair either silver blonde like Ellie's and and wear it that way, or chop it up and dye it black like my favouritest makeup artist Kandee!
Go sleep hun, you deserve it. Love you!

Kandee Johnson said...

yes I do read ll my comments! THanks for love guys! you are all so precious to me!!!! xoxox

Anonymous said...

KANDEE!!!!!! :)
could you be more devoted lol!!
your amazing coming on here writting blogs when your half asleep just to lets people like me have a little insite to what a life like your's would be like!
you are a wonderful "fandiddlily tastic" person !!
- haha (just made that word up )
so nice to always hear what your doing or what you have been doing!
kandee,i always tell myself one day i WILL meet you!
I hope that dream comes true for me ! thank you for all that you do even if its a little inspiring message or a video on you tube, it always no doubt makes me smile.
i hope you read this ..
theres no words for how much i admire and idolise you !

keep up the good work have a happy day !

love Ashleigh
from New Zealand

GS said...

Ah I love passion pit too!! Sleepyhead is such an amazing song. I bought tickets to see them in April :) Great post!

Kana said...

I LOVE the hair!!! I've always wanted to get mine chopped up at the top but keep the length, and I still haven't found a style I like. My hair is naturally thick, too... Will you show us your new haircut up close in your next vid?!?!? So cute!!


Anonymous said...

Hi Kandee,

Love your blog! I was wondering if you could please do a video on the kind of looks to create when putting together a portfolio.
Also a request to come to London and do a Glaminar!

K. said...

Hi Kandee! Your hair looks amazing! I was wondering what I should ask my hairdresser for to achieve something like this. I had a chin length bob a few months back and now my hair is down to my shoulders but shapeless.


Kyla Makay said...

YAY! Kandee thanks for responding! Can you check out my blog???? I would love to hear from you. I know you are super busy but a basically "celeb" blogger posting a COMMENT on my blog would be awesome!!!!!!!!!!!! Please?! haha. I love you! My blog is...


Browneyed2 said...

hey u should try sth like berocca performance, or boost. not sure wat u call em in usa. its like pills dat u mix in water to give u engry for the day

Browneyed2 said...

hey u should try sth like berocca performance, or boost. not sure wat u call em in usa. its like pills dat u mix in water to give u engry for the day

Unknown said...



Charlene said...

I love the new hair! I needed a new Pandora station... checkin out Passion Pit now!!

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