Me getting out of the car in NY....last night at the hotel..near Times Square!!!! After this...I man at an Irish pub (the only place open at 1:30 in the morning----10:30 my normal time...for dinner..and I thought this was the city that never sleeps...ha ha ha...the complimented me on my "nice Tartan")
pool in the hotel lobby....kandee colors!!!
My zebra suitace comin' around the track at JFK.....
Yay, I'd write more, but I already woke up later than I thought ...have beautiful's ours to make wonderful!!! huge love, keep checking for picture updates....huge love from me and the big city.......NY sized kisses...kandee
I want a suitcase like that !!!
Lovely pics!! thanks for sharing....
glad u had a great trip!!!
Wow, looks like you're enjoying it!
Have a super fun day, Kandee, can't wait for a tutorial!
I LOVE the pink window! That hotel is fabulous =]
So awesome...
Have a lot of fun!!!
Hey Kandee!
Hope you're having lots of fun in New York!
Have a safe trip and God bless! :)
--Sierra Nickole
how exciting! much love to you, kandee! god bless.
Kandee? Will you please text me? My number is 918-527-4923. Please don't let this comment be posted. I don't want other people texting me.
Hi Kandee.
You know what? I started watching your makeup tutorials ages ago, and I was hooked. I havent even looked for other youtube videos on makeup (exept Laura Luke, I found her before I found you). However, I have just bought a bunch of stuff from e.l.f cosmetics, a cheap makeup place thats supposed to be really good. So i tought maybe there's some makeup tutorials with makeup looks made only by e.l.f products. It seems to be a big hit, buying their stuff. And there was quite a few e.l.f tutorials out there, but I just couldn't watch them.... Do you know why? They're.. *cough* rubbish *cought*. Campared to you! They got either bad sound or bad lighting, ( or doll personalitys). You are so professional, and I love that, I enyoj watching you make a masterpiece with makeup.
So there you go :) And I don't know if you use e.l.f products, but if you do I'd love a video on a makeuplook made only by e.l.f products. From base to final look.
And as soon as I get hold of a videocamera and starts making videos myself, you'll be my role model and I'll tell the world about it! ;)
Pardon for gamma or spelling inaccuracys, you take care!
Hope your having a BLAST!!
sooo fun!
I haven't been to NYC yet!! But my dream is to become a successful, famous fashion designer, and own a penthouse in NY!
<3 Chelsey...The Future of Fashion
heyyy ya!!!
I just love your blog!!
i am so excited to hear about NY, and see the pics = )
I am from Brazil n I will go to NY for a week in December, ya almost 9months yet, but i am soooo looking forward to :)
Take care and have fun over there!!
Kandee!! I'm so excited that you are in NYC!!! reading your blog brings me joy during my sad moments. Stay safe and warm and don't slip.
Hope we get to meet up soon! let me know if you got my business email.
The Comic Book Girl
i love your stylish suitcase
the pictures were very well taken!
very nice contrast!
I am so jealous!!! I am from NY and know how excited you must be, have gorgeous time!
Is that the Grace hotel? I went to a party there once. The pool was wicked!
That´s so cool ... enjoy NY it´s fantastic.. big kiss
Wish you a good TRIP!
Type us more!
waw:D it's amazing there KAndeee...have a great day ..pupicei:D
click this adress please:
Hi Kandee, what is the name of this hotel? I would like to visit NYC myself this year and perhaps I would like to stay also in this pinkish hotel ;)
Have fun, Jenny
kandee im so so happy for you!!! have tons and tons of fun .
when you get back could you do the angelina jolie look from wanted and maybe a sofia vergara one?? ooh and carmen electra??
X mwah
That is so rad that you got to experience that :)
You've been tagged with the Sunshine Award =)
Check out your award @
kandee, hope your having or had a beautiful time in NY - fantastic things are on your horizon.
Hey I'm a aspiring makeup artist. I'm still in highschool and trying to figure out what to do with my life. I really enjoy makeup and making women feel beautiful. Anyways, I was wondering you could give me some advice. I watch you videos on youtube. I wanted to know if you went to college and if not what do you think would help in the career if I did? Where did you get your experience in it? How could I get the experience?
Hi Kandee!!!
i just awarded you with the Sunshine Award, pick it up on my blog :)
i <3 your blog, your facebook and youtube channel you are the best Kandee!!!! you are an awesome women, mother, and youtube/facebook/blog friend!
Hi Kandee,
I just wanted to say I think you are such an amazing, sweet and talented person! It's really great to see someone who is not just hard-working but incredibly NICE earning such great success. You have such a great attitude. It's really inspiring to see someone who is a great example of not only outer beauty, but inner beauty and strength! Keep doing what you're doing (i know you will)!!!
God Bless! <3
hey kandee!
i have a look suggestion(:
how about the sandra bullock look from the barbara walters interview? it was SOOOO GORGEOUS!!
thanks kandee i love you!!!
Looks like you're having a fab time in NY! I love the swimming pools :) have fun!!
I want that suitcase, how freakin' adorable! Have a fantastic time! Thanks for sharing pictures!
I just wanted to say it was great meeting you at the International Beauty Show today! You were super nice and just as bubbly in person as in your videos. And thanks for your recommendation for the contour brush!
i know this has nothing to do with the blog but i wanted to tell you thank you so much. watched every video you have made on cutting up clothes and makeup that was actually something i had the confidence to wear and now all my girlfriends beg me to do their makeup after they see what i do. thank you for that and me being the one that makes my girls look amazing to go out on the town
Have a blast in NY
I love reading your blog you're an amazing person and a inspiration for me and so many others ! :)
BIG Love :D
KYAAA !!! I'll sooooo wanna be there ! thanks for the pics !! and God bless all Kandee colors !!!
You're so awesome! I always read your blogs and today I got an email from another blog site that reminded me of you a little! I copied it to my blog here
if you would like to read it. It's very motivating and Kandee-licious!
<3 Kyndal
Kandee! Look like you are having a blast! Congrats! If you have 5 or 10 minutes, you should read this entry in Jewel's blog on the boot:
She talks about how some people become famous for the "love of the game", and others just to be famous...I think it is a very admirable trait in you that you love what you are doing, and it truly shows...It makes me so happy to see how far you have come from your hard work and passion for what you do. You deserve it! Keep rockin on lady!
Good luck at the conference. My son, Mikey Beale, is there, he's a hair stylist from Houston. It's such a small world, maybe you might run into him, though I imagine there are thousands of people at that conference! Love what you are doing, Kandee. I enjoy your Youtubes and posts very much. Peace and love for you and your loved ones. - matti
Hi Kandee!
I know people probably nominate you for blog awards all the time, and I doubt you have time to do 'em, but I'm nominating you for the sunshine award!
It's given to people who inspire you, and YOU INSPIRE ME! To be a positive, optimistic, and compassionate human being, just like you! You are a bright shining star in a dark night, and you are the silver lining to every cloud! You always send so much love to your fans, and I want to send LOVE to you too! Keep up your hard work, and I know your dreams will come true (hehe looks like they already are!!!)!
Much Love,
cool! keep havin' fun and be safe!
hi kandee
oh NYC, im from switzerland and ive never been in the USA.. but since i read ure blog and watch ure videos (i luuuv the dance- and singin sessions) im a big fan of USA and u...
i read ure blog since a year now and its the first thing i do when i start my computer at work every day..
i luv ure style, the way u explain the make up and ure such a georgous women from the in- and outside. ure lil people are to cute and i love the make up video that u did with lancy, shes so sweet...
luv from chocolat-cheese-switzerland
big hug
kandee i miss ur beautiful face. make a video please :)
Hey Kandee, it's me Haley. I had you text me, and you did, which I was incredibly grateful for. But... I was asleep when you texted, so I didn't text back. I feel like I ruined my only chance to get in touch, and I feel terrible. I apologize. Please give me another chance and text again. My number is 918-527-4923, just in case you forgot. Please do not post this, because I don't want everyone who reads your blog to know my number. But I'll stay up all night tonight, and I won't miss you this time. I'd love to talk to you. It'd be a dream come true. Thanks, Haley Rowan. <3
Hey Kandee, I just found out about you! How could this happen? I've needed you so long ago! Anyways, I was wondering if you ever do videos on acne scars? I have been searching for about 7 years and nothing. I've watched most of your videos but haven't come across one. I've spent the last few years really just giving up on trying to wear make-up until I saw your videos. Now I just need to know how to do it to my face. It really sucks, really it does. I hate shopping for make-up because all the girls at the counter are flawless and beautiful. I just went looking for your St. Tropez bronzer (like an idiot!) and the lady at the counter told me it would look terrible on my skin. I wanted to cry, but I held myself together and left. This has been my experience and this is why I hate make-up. I want to look nice and beautiful. Please please please find someone like me and make a video that shows me how to do this! I'll send pics if I have to. Thanks for the videos! Shanna
kandee im so happy you had a great trip! come to seattle for a glaminar!
Is that a poncho from F21? Bc I have one with the same exact print lol!
WHat a cool trip! Thanks for always taking us along. I have a video request...could you please do the look Christina Aguilera was rocking on the February cover of marie claire? The purpley grey eye is what I have been after for months. Love ya!!!!
i love your work so much, i watch you on youtube alll the time. i was wondering if you could make a beginging makeup artist kit, and wat you suggest we have... thankx so much!!!
I didn't want to put this as a comment to Layla's story so I'm leaving another comment here :D
I just watched the leopard nail vid -
I can't post replies on YouTube 'cos I'm in Korea so I always just write stuff in my letters but that takes weeks and weeks to get to you so I'm just writing something here today :D
3 things to say:
1) The black and white screen- MEGA HOT :) You look so great in black and white :D Like movie star glitzy if you know what I mean :P
2) your finished twiggy look looks awesome! v. v. cool -
3) And your HAIR! YOUR HAIR! love the hair *drools*
heey kandee ur really amazing with make up i am really happy with the youtube videos i sit there all night somtimes watching them haha :) hope u make some more soon and ur very pretty :)
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