Saturday, March 13, 2010

Another day at the office....

the view from my window driving to work this morning....


WORK: Hot Tub Time Machine Press Junket for the movie

this is a view of one of the interviews from above....
it was so much fun....I ate 2 Hagen Daaz Coffe Iec Cream bars...and lots of snacks...they always have so much food at these things.....
I am now ridiculously tired...I must sleep, I've been awake a long time...ha ha ha
OH, but in one of our down time breaks.....My friend, and super hair stylist (she even worked on Pirate's of The Carribean doing hair), cut my ahir a little and gave it a"rock star" revamping....I had so much hair on my shirt when I went to set....I Was itching like my shirt was made out of mosquito bites.....It was an awesome day of work...must go sleep to wake up early for day 2!

huge love, kandee


Angela said...

love the hair, u look gorgeous :)

Holly Crain said...

I have been waiting for this movie for soo long! And its SO YOU!!! the freakin 80's!!!! :D Thats so awesome!!! I was so excited for you when I first heard about it!!! I know you are having such a blast with this movie!! Love the hair btw! And I may be starting Beauty school in Aug!!! Hopefullyyyy this single mama with a kiddo can work something out!!!! :D Your awesome Kandee!!! And I love the sun labs tanner!! Im really white and I used it for the first time today and its pretty dang COOL!!! LOL!!! Love the Hair, Love the Style, Love you Kandee!!!!! xoxoxoxo

Unknown said...

i love the fact that you always look so lady like and girly!

floreal said...

Seems like busy busy day...
love your pic...:)

G said...

wooooow :D

i love your job and i love you :D

SarahMerritt said...

OMG Kandee!!! When you are not super tired I want to see more pictures of your hair I LOVE it!
<3 Sarah

Kristina Paulk said...

I like the hair! And the makeup! What lip colos is it that you're wearing in this pic?

black cat said...

great hair :D

vicky! said...

Kandee! Such a pretty view! Its a winter wonderland :) and your haircut is probably fiece girl!

Unknown said...

i like what ur wearing!

Anonymous said...

i want to see that movie !:)you llook so pretty!

linda said...

That seems like so much fun! : DD

monavampire said...

your work seemed to be like in a dream - famous people and so on. But as we can see - sometimes the dream becomes a nightmare ;) Of course I exagerate, but you have to be tired sometimes :)

Unknown said...

dat is so cool. you have d best job in the world. now go to sleep ;) love you xxx

Rock Couture said...

Great pick Kandee ...

Anonymous said...

that would be super fun to go to those kinda things one day! ^.^

Unknown said...

Looks like you're having a blast!!! :)I hope things are going well. I'm finally moved into my new place and have internet, now I'll be able to check this WAAAY more!! Love ya Kandee!
~Cassidy Z.

Anonymous said...

Great make-up look! Can you make any video? :)

Unknown said...

god bless you kandee. u only deserve to have the best things in your life. best wishes to you from england. inga xxx

Nicole Ertl said...

How amazing and exciting!

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Diane said...

This is amazing Kandee, you're living it up, you're living the American Dream!!!

Have a super fun day 2 :D


Teresa said...

i wish i had your job! i should have went to make-up school..

Anonymous said...

You have the best job!!!!! And your hair looks awesome!

CosmoFreakaLeak said...

ugh..that's one of the negatives about doing hair, especially mens..the hair going in your clothes and stabbing you!!

HI, My name is Willow Rose Grace. said...

your hair looks awesome!

JadedlyJessica said...

i love your hair, you should do a tutorial of that look! thanks!

niea999 said...

ho yeah, ROCK hair cut !!
now get some sleep, beauty ^^
love from the world !

Charity said...


Looks like you're having a lot of fun. It is so great to see you enjoy your work as much as possible :)

Can't wait to see the great stuff you've done!


Anonymous said...

you and your hair look gorgeous as always! =D

Unknown said...

Kandee, where will your next glaminar be held? Can you please come to Canada? Toronto or Edmonton would be lovely! I'd fly across this country to meet you!

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