i don't know what the heck i have...all i know is it's kickin' my bootay...like no other flu I've had before...
usually after you don't feel good for a day or two, but this seems to be gettin worse...
I have fever and chills all night long, then in the day sinus pain that makes me just want push all over my face real hard so it'll go away....a cough that now makes my chest and abs hurt...and no medicine is seeming to work!
ahhhhhh..my teeth hurt...ok, enough of my list of symptoms...ha ha ha ha
Yesterday I felt like complete yuck-ness, I fell asleep trying to type a blog on the couch with my computer on my lap...and after that the rest of my night was taking a nap with my little guy..trying to make chicken noodle soup, that I put WAYYYYYYY tooo much salt in....showering....and hoping my Tylenol Severe Cold/Flu Nighttime med would kick in....
and right now, I'm typing this from the lower bed of my little peeps bunkbeds...while we might watch "Enchanted" for the 5th time....I love that movie!
off to go drink more fluids...oh, yeah, and hopefully facebook with let me log on again, I had to send them copies of my driver's license and everything...apparently they thought I was an "imposter" of myself or something! So if you guys want to post something on the fan page telling everyone what's happened, why I haven't been on there, please do!
huge love and I hope you all are well!!!!!
kandee and her tissue box and medicine
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Saturday, March 27, 2010
Leaving Los Angeles...
I'd like to welcome you all to...visions of leaving Hollywoodland...
Randy's Donuts....an LA landmark near LAX airport...if I wasn't so worried about all the junk I had to take on the plane and being late, I would've stopped to treat my tastebuds...it smelled so good!
can you find my luggage on the airport shuttle?!? ha ha ha
my glittery card-wallet, out to buy a hot mint tea at Starbucks...
still lovin' my manicure, from my friend, Kym from the Luxe Beauty Team at the LA Warren Tricomi Salon...click here to see what colors she used...
me and my posse of animal print carry-ons....purse (click here to get your paws on one too)
my zebra computee bag to carry my laptopper...
and my ZUCA bag to carry all my make-up on the plane, the last time I checked my make-up on the plane, I landed with a powdery mess of broken shadows and blushes! (click here to find ZUCA bags)
me and my always ready photographer (myself), taking in fine photo in the LAX airport...I think people think I'm weird taking pics in the bathroom, pics of my bags....but I do it all for you guys, so you can feel like you came with me on my trip! so here we are in the bathroom..ha ha ha
view from my window of the LA tarmac...after we were in the air the stewardess asked if a doctor or nurse was on the plane, a little old lady needed some medical help...we had to wait to get off the plane for the Emergency Medical Team to get on the plane and help her....poor little lady.
my boyfriend, was there when I came down the escalator with a dozen beautiful roses, with red-tipped petals...(insert my heart melting..hee hee hee)
and after a trip to Whole Foods to buy groceries, a Synergy Kombucha drink, and eat a bacon & cheddar stuffed burger.....I'm back in my room...with crazy hair from my shoot the other day...and still wearing my new addiction....these amazing feather earrings from Cardi Beutler....email her at:
she is so nice...and makes the most beautiful feather earrings....the feathers are from "molten feathers", no birds were harmed or killed for their feathers too...
and that was our trip...did you have fun?
mission of the day: treat yourself to an inspiration moment....buy yourself a hot tea, wander through some fun art of fashion magazines, sit in a coffee shop and right your dreams, or if you can....make art....create.....design....a necklace, paint on a canvas to your favorite music....or just sing in your car!
typed with love and a box of kleenex next to me.....your kandee!
have the best day today....may your heart sing songs of joy to you all day long!
Randy's Donuts....an LA landmark near LAX airport...if I wasn't so worried about all the junk I had to take on the plane and being late, I would've stopped to treat my tastebuds...it smelled so good!
can you find my luggage on the airport shuttle?!? ha ha ha
my glittery card-wallet, out to buy a hot mint tea at Starbucks...
still lovin' my manicure, from my friend, Kym from the Luxe Beauty Team at the LA Warren Tricomi Salon...click here to see what colors she used...
me and my posse of animal print carry-ons....purse (click here to get your paws on one too)
my zebra computee bag to carry my laptopper...
and my ZUCA bag to carry all my make-up on the plane, the last time I checked my make-up on the plane, I landed with a powdery mess of broken shadows and blushes! (click here to find ZUCA bags)
me and my always ready photographer (myself), taking in fine photo in the LAX airport...I think people think I'm weird taking pics in the bathroom, pics of my bags....but I do it all for you guys, so you can feel like you came with me on my trip! so here we are in the bathroom..ha ha ha
view from my window of the LA tarmac...after we were in the air the stewardess asked if a doctor or nurse was on the plane, a little old lady needed some medical help...we had to wait to get off the plane for the Emergency Medical Team to get on the plane and help her....poor little lady.
my boyfriend, was there when I came down the escalator with a dozen beautiful roses, with red-tipped petals...(insert my heart melting..hee hee hee)
and after a trip to Whole Foods to buy groceries, a Synergy Kombucha drink, and eat a bacon & cheddar stuffed burger.....I'm back in my room...with crazy hair from my shoot the other day...and still wearing my new addiction....these amazing feather earrings from Cardi Beutler....email her at:
she is so nice...and makes the most beautiful feather earrings....the feathers are from "molten feathers", no birds were harmed or killed for their feathers too...
and that was our trip...did you have fun?
mission of the day: treat yourself to an inspiration moment....buy yourself a hot tea, wander through some fun art of fashion magazines, sit in a coffee shop and right your dreams, or if you can....make art....create.....design....a necklace, paint on a canvas to your favorite music....or just sing in your car!
typed with love and a box of kleenex next to me.....your kandee!
have the best day today....may your heart sing songs of joy to you all day long!
Friday, March 26, 2010
so here's my outfit of the day...
I feel yucko....my head hurts, sinuses are being mean to me....I have a cough that sounds like I'm gonna hack up a small cat...and I just want to curl up and watch a movie and sip tea...but no such luck little, Kandee!
man, i wish i could just go sleep! And facebeook hasn't resolved my "disabled" facebook issue! I wrote them 2 letters yesterday and nothin'! I feel so weird without my facebook, like I've lost connection with my little "kandee krew"!!!!
so before I go drink 57 buckets of "throat coat" tea, here's what I had on....with my big crazay hair.
*white tank - Hanes men's tank top from Walmart (hee hee hee)
*Black (awesome zip long shirt) from Beullah (I got it at Cosmo's store SPEED on Melrose (323) 655-8498
* grey zebra leggings ( i got these at Kohl's a long time ago, but American Apparel has them in white and black)
*boots- Doc Martens Triumph boot ( i get so many "i love your boots", in these!)
and my super cool earring feather from Cardi Beutler (who is such a super cool girl) you can email her at: cardibeutler@hotmail.com (i am in love with these earrings!!!!!)
i'm gonna try to go rest...and get better...cuz i feel like poo-dizzle!
mission of the day: compliment someone on something, and don't worry that they'll think they are too cool...you will just make their day!
huge love and boxes of kleenex, kandee
I feel yucko....my head hurts, sinuses are being mean to me....I have a cough that sounds like I'm gonna hack up a small cat...and I just want to curl up and watch a movie and sip tea...but no such luck little, Kandee!
man, i wish i could just go sleep! And facebeook hasn't resolved my "disabled" facebook issue! I wrote them 2 letters yesterday and nothin'! I feel so weird without my facebook, like I've lost connection with my little "kandee krew"!!!!
so before I go drink 57 buckets of "throat coat" tea, here's what I had on....with my big crazay hair.
*white tank - Hanes men's tank top from Walmart (hee hee hee)
*Black (awesome zip long shirt) from Beullah (I got it at Cosmo's store SPEED on Melrose (323) 655-8498
* grey zebra leggings ( i got these at Kohl's a long time ago, but American Apparel has them in white and black)
*boots- Doc Martens Triumph boot ( i get so many "i love your boots", in these!)
and my super cool earring feather from Cardi Beutler (who is such a super cool girl) you can email her at: cardibeutler@hotmail.com (i am in love with these earrings!!!!!)
i'm gonna try to go rest...and get better...cuz i feel like poo-dizzle!
mission of the day: compliment someone on something, and don't worry that they'll think they are too cool...you will just make their day!
huge love and boxes of kleenex, kandee
Thursday, March 25, 2010
I've been hacked!
sorry guys..someone has hacked in to my facebook and shut down my fan page and my regular page....check back here until I fix it....if it can be fixed!!!!!
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
tutu's, tiara's, and a tricycle....
this is just a sneek peek of the shoot we did last night from 6pm- til 1am! It was B-A-N-A-N-A-S!!! Wait to you see the real ones!!! I can't even show you all of them!!!! IT was like Willy Wonka meets the 80's!
here's some sneek peek pics....
My friend, (we both started our careers out at the same time...with the weirdest job....watch the youtbe video that i'll be posting from the shoot...where we talk about it..hill-air-ree-us!!) MARC CARTWRIGHT. click here to see his site: www.marccartwright.com
and find him on facebook here: http://facebook.com/marccartwright, he took my photos...and man, what a a shoot we had!

here's some sneek peek pics....
My friend, (we both started our careers out at the same time...with the weirdest job....watch the youtbe video that i'll be posting from the shoot...where we talk about it..hill-air-ree-us!!) MARC CARTWRIGHT. click here to see his site: www.marccartwright.com
and find him on facebook here: http://facebook.com/marccartwright, he took my photos...and man, what a a shoot we had!
We're gettin' crimpy! We're gettin' crimp-ay!
Gettin' my hair crimped (A crimping iron hasn't bedazzled my hair since prolly' 1991!)
Thelma Macias from Barracuda Salon on Melrose, gave me the most awesome hair!
If you have a photo shoot or anything where you need awesome hair..call Barracuda and ask for her:
(323) 852-7179
the ever fabulous COSMO, from Melrose (from my shopping videos at his store SPEED on Melrose) styling me...he is so fab in his sequin leggings! He made the corset I'm wearing, and let me borrow all the clothes from his store! Thank you sooooo much Cosmo, mwaaah!!!!
you can have him make you fab too...call him at the store:
(323) 655-8498 and ask for Cosmo (he's so fun!)
fixing my "tiara"...how amazing is this jewelry...Cosmo's friend (and now mine too!), made the jewelry! Fergie buys her jewelry, and Rihanna (who I love), just shot the cover of a magazine wearing her jewelry...check it out at: www.glynnethbjewelry.com
I flowerin' love all her jewelry...I screamed with joy at each piece she showed me!!!
And my sweet friend, Kymberly Newble, gave me a "kandee-bubble-gum-ice-cream-parlor" manicure....call her if you're in LA, she even will come to your house...and it's not crazy expensive like you'd think.....thanks Kym!!!
call the Warren Tricomi Salon and ask for Kym: 323-651-4545 (you might even see a celebrity or 2)
or find her on FACEBOOK (click here)

my zoolander!
after we finished this shoot at 1am....found the man with the keys to my car in a parking lot in downtown LA, loaded up my car with all our stuff, dropped of Thelma, ate my second meal of the day (from some delivery service...ravioli in pesto sauce and 3/4 of a chocolate mousse dessert), checking emails and emailing everyone about today's shoot...I went to sleep at about 4am....I woke up to slamming doors, someone rehearsing for their live music show in their hotel room, and all night long, I can hear someone in a room next to me...SNORING...so stinkin' LOUD...all this started at 7:15am!!! I haven't been able to sleep...if I hear one more cleaning cart roll over the tiles outside my room door!!!! ha ha ha ha ha
I have to go shower and wash all my "crimping" out...boo hoo hooo!
be bold, be fierce, be fabulous...and don't let anyone rain on your style parade!
If you like it, wear it with confidence....dress with a purpose- to be uniquely you...
walk with a purpose...command those steps as everywhere you walk becomes your runway....
smile and people....and make them smile back...
shine the love of your heart with the world....it needs it!
huge love and even bigger smiles and hugs....the Crimpette
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
things I'm in love with....
this "kissable" feather earring....it's blue feathers...and 'i wore it all day and lost it!!!
I called up Cardi that makes them, and she's gonna whip me up another one! she's wondy-ful!
If you wan t to fall in love with your very own feather earring....email her at:
I also love my Miz Mooz boots, which I seem to wear everyday....
I love the silver hoop earrings my mom gave me the other day too....
I love HOT PINK lipstick right now....I put CHERRY RED lip liner from MAC, and then HOT PINK lip liner from Make-Up Forever----absolutely NO GLOSS...we want matte, velvety HOT PINK lippies!
And I also love a nude eye with just black pin-up style winged liner!
LOVE MISSION & QUOTE of the day:
...courtesy of my friend Teresa in a text this morning:
Be a ray of sunshine to everyone you meet, and make their day for having seen you. Say "Thank You" at every turn!
let's sunshine it up today my sweet Kandee family!!!!
your sunshiney guru..ha ha hah a
sending you so much love you need to unbutton the top botton of your heart, kandee
I called up Cardi that makes them, and she's gonna whip me up another one! she's wondy-ful!
If you wan t to fall in love with your very own feather earring....email her at:
I also love my Miz Mooz boots, which I seem to wear everyday....
I love the silver hoop earrings my mom gave me the other day too....
I love HOT PINK lipstick right now....I put CHERRY RED lip liner from MAC, and then HOT PINK lip liner from Make-Up Forever----absolutely NO GLOSS...we want matte, velvety HOT PINK lippies!
And I also love a nude eye with just black pin-up style winged liner!
LOVE MISSION & QUOTE of the day:
...courtesy of my friend Teresa in a text this morning:
Be a ray of sunshine to everyone you meet, and make their day for having seen you. Say "Thank You" at every turn!
let's sunshine it up today my sweet Kandee family!!!!
your sunshiney guru..ha ha hah a
sending you so much love you need to unbutton the top botton of your heart, kandee
Monday, March 22, 2010
a day in the life...
outfit of the day:
white Hanes men's tank top
pants -old pants from urban outfitters (got them like 6 years ago)
boots- Miz Mooz
black shredded things- no name things from Marshall's
purse- www.baghaus.com (the melie bianco leopard bag)
this was my favorite chair-bench, i wanted to eat that color green! I would love this on my porch....or in my enchanted garden patio, that doesn't exist yet, except for in my head!
I love her....it is now after 2am, so much for trying to go to bed early...typed from the late-night blogger.....ha ha ha...huge love, kandee
white Hanes men's tank top
pants -old pants from urban outfitters (got them like 6 years ago)
boots- Miz Mooz
black shredded things- no name things from Marshall's
purse- www.baghaus.com (the melie bianco leopard bag)
I found this awesome girl, Cardi Beutler, at the Melrose Trading Post today, that made the most amazing feather earrings!
I love them, and she makes them from feathers that weren't from birds that were killed for their feathers...she was so sweet and she hand makes them! Love them..if you want one contact:
Cardi at cardibeutler@hotmail.com, tel her Kandee told you about them! You'll love them!!!
this is my new best feather-friend earring!
I've been Ray-banned from wearing these!
(i took this picture to send to my sister...this is exactly what my mom looked like circa 1986!)
Below, i fell in love with these benches...this sweetest man, makes them by taking different chairs and making them into one bench! The colors were like candy, and I would use them as seating all over, if I could fit them in my suitcase! ha ha ha ha
(if you live in the LA area and want one, go the Melrose Trading Post on sundays, and he is there! Tell him Kandee said hi! He's so nice, you just want to hug him, like a big teddy bear!)
my mom in the dressing room at Forever 21!
and it wouldn't be a blog post without a self portrait from my ever-ready iphone! (and my twirl at a Forever 21 dressing room shot!)
mama leaving Forev 21...
i was enchanted by the "water bottle" flower display in the window of the Anthropologie store...it's jam-packed with painted and cut water bottles...i love this recycled art!

me and my precious mama at The Grove, ...i had such a funtastic day with her...she is my best friend...and I will treasure this day forever! I love you Mama!!! My mom has called me "sunshine" since I was little, because she said I was her little sunshine, but she is really the sun to my whole world!!!
I love her....it is now after 2am, so much for trying to go to bed early...typed from the late-night blogger.....ha ha ha...huge love, kandee
Sunday, March 21, 2010
BEfore & AFter
me and my mama....are having the best time in LA!!! I am doing a complete pimp-my-mom video....so I'll show you everything we did to my mom yesterday in a video...(so fun for my mama!!! she never does anything for herself)...but here's what we did in the hotel room this morning...
all dolled up and ready to go eat breakfast finally.....been making this video and starving my poor mama!!!
And my OUTFIT of the DAY from yesterday....
dress/shirt thing...from Macy's by VELVET (don't really know that brand, ha ha ha)
Pink earrings...FOREVER 21
and my super awesome, favorite boots, that I got asked a bajillion times yesterday "where'd you get your boots?!?!"....I got them in Soho, NY at Miz Mooz (i know, funny name...killer boots!) ..they are so comfy and I'm wearing them again today!!!
off to feed my mama.....typed with love...your kandee
black shiny leggings with rouching on the sides from FOREVER 21
all dolled up and ready to go eat breakfast finally.....been making this video and starving my poor mama!!!
And my OUTFIT of the DAY from yesterday....
dress/shirt thing...from Macy's by VELVET (don't really know that brand, ha ha ha)
Pink earrings...FOREVER 21
and my super awesome, favorite boots, that I got asked a bajillion times yesterday "where'd you get your boots?!?!"....I got them in Soho, NY at Miz Mooz (i know, funny name...killer boots!) ..they are so comfy and I'm wearing them again today!!!
off to feed my mama.....typed with love...your kandee
black shiny leggings with rouching on the sides from FOREVER 21
Saturday, March 20, 2010
flying high with the outfit of the day
It is 3:36 am...I am still packing....
I was going to set my alarm to wake up at 7am, which is only 3.5 hours away...ha ha ha
And I need to be at the airport in 6 hours! again....ha ha ha ha
Here's a fast outfit of the day...and what I look like in a plane....
this was me outside JFK airport a couple weeks ago...
PURSE- BAGHAUS.com (melie bianco leopard purse..love it!)
ZEBRA SUITCASE- I don't know
GOLD BAG- BEtsey JOhnson (love her last name! hee hee)
EARBUDS on the plane- LADY GAGA heartbeats (I'm going to be giving a pair away soon!) they are awesome!!!
I will be taking you all along with me on my journey!!! yay! off to finish packing and maybe sleep for an hour or 2!
huge love......I will "take you along in my bags"....hee hee hee
don't let anyone steal your joy or your dreams...they are yours to keep!!!
I was going to set my alarm to wake up at 7am, which is only 3.5 hours away...ha ha ha
And I need to be at the airport in 6 hours! again....ha ha ha ha
Here's a fast outfit of the day...and what I look like in a plane....
this was me outside JFK airport a couple weeks ago...
PURSE- BAGHAUS.com (melie bianco leopard purse..love it!)
ZEBRA SUITCASE- I don't know
GOLD BAG- BEtsey JOhnson (love her last name! hee hee)
EARBUDS on the plane- LADY GAGA heartbeats (I'm going to be giving a pair away soon!) they are awesome!!!
I will be taking you all along with me on my journey!!! yay! off to finish packing and maybe sleep for an hour or 2!
huge love......I will "take you along in my bags"....hee hee hee
don't let anyone steal your joy or your dreams...they are yours to keep!!!
Friday, March 19, 2010
love you like big baby cheeks...
this is me and my precious niece, Sydney...
I love her and her precious chubby cheeks...she looks like my sister...whom I adore...and she is the only person that made me an "auntie"!
I have loved babies since I was a baby...I grew up playing dolls...babysitting in the nursery at church, babysitting lil' tiny babies all day long, during the summer...
I am always the favored hire for make-up artists, when a shoot with kids is involved...I was the hit with all the kids on a Smurf commercial...lucky me, I got to play this game where they hit you with their hands when you don't get "something" right! ha ha ha
I am a born nurturer...I love to care, console, comfort, cheer up, help, love, feed, play, and make people smile and feel loved and cared for. And all I dreamed about was being a mama...I had my other dreams, but all I cared about when I was young, was that the world would end and I wouldn't get to have babies to take care of and love! Ask any of my friends, well, I really only have a handful of friends...but they will tell you, I am the super-researcher, that finds the world's safest carseat...the best babysling, the
Unfortunately, the only babies I'll get to show you, are my niece. My ex-husband, has requested that I not post any pictures of my kids online. So if anyone was wondering about my other blog, that is why I haven't posted anything on there. I enjoyed posting a little slice of my life, to share and encourage other mamas...but I am no longer allowed to do so.
Thank you soooooooooo much! I love you all....and your love has amazed me, and truly been the wings from heaven that have helped keep me going. God has used each of you to touch my heart and I thank you more than I can even put into words!
I read all the comments you leave on here, and you have no idea that power of love that has charged up my heart with your precious words. Sometimes I have just sat and cried reading your stories, or just saoking up the love in all the words you write! I love each of my precious "kandee family", each one of you...I really do....
This blog isn't just someone who randomly posts things that are funny or amusing....I feel a calling in my heart, that I want to inspire each of you, I want to encourage YOUR hearts. Ofcourse I want to give you the silly blogs, too, that I hope are amusing, but most importantly, I want this to be a place where you know your heart is safe, where you know you'll be encouraged, or you'll be washed over in positivity. I want this blog to be like the happiest family, where you know you are loved, your heart will feel better and recharged, and most of all, where you are celebrated and believed in!
more love than I can say, a bigger hug than I can send, and a smile that would light up the night sky, your friend and fellow "kandee family member"....typed with love and so much thankfulness, Kandee
I love her and her precious chubby cheeks...she looks like my sister...whom I adore...and she is the only person that made me an "auntie"!
I have loved babies since I was a baby...I grew up playing dolls...babysitting in the nursery at church, babysitting lil' tiny babies all day long, during the summer...
I am always the favored hire for make-up artists, when a shoot with kids is involved...I was the hit with all the kids on a Smurf commercial...lucky me, I got to play this game where they hit you with their hands when you don't get "something" right! ha ha ha
I am a born nurturer...I love to care, console, comfort, cheer up, help, love, feed, play, and make people smile and feel loved and cared for. And all I dreamed about was being a mama...I had my other dreams, but all I cared about when I was young, was that the world would end and I wouldn't get to have babies to take care of and love! Ask any of my friends, well, I really only have a handful of friends...but they will tell you, I am the super-researcher, that finds the world's safest carseat...the best babysling, the
Unfortunately, the only babies I'll get to show you, are my niece. My ex-husband, has requested that I not post any pictures of my kids online. So if anyone was wondering about my other blog, that is why I haven't posted anything on there. I enjoyed posting a little slice of my life, to share and encourage other mamas...but I am no longer allowed to do so.
Thank you soooooooooo much! I love you all....and your love has amazed me, and truly been the wings from heaven that have helped keep me going. God has used each of you to touch my heart and I thank you more than I can even put into words!
I read all the comments you leave on here, and you have no idea that power of love that has charged up my heart with your precious words. Sometimes I have just sat and cried reading your stories, or just saoking up the love in all the words you write! I love each of my precious "kandee family", each one of you...I really do....
This blog isn't just someone who randomly posts things that are funny or amusing....I feel a calling in my heart, that I want to inspire each of you, I want to encourage YOUR hearts. Ofcourse I want to give you the silly blogs, too, that I hope are amusing, but most importantly, I want this to be a place where you know your heart is safe, where you know you'll be encouraged, or you'll be washed over in positivity. I want this blog to be like the happiest family, where you know you are loved, your heart will feel better and recharged, and most of all, where you are celebrated and believed in!
more love than I can say, a bigger hug than I can send, and a smile that would light up the night sky, your friend and fellow "kandee family member"....typed with love and so much thankfulness, Kandee
Thursday, March 18, 2010
Budget Style: Hats Ahoy!!!
Ode to a hat.....
Hat's how I love thee
bonus dazzle you give me...
when having a bad hair day...to you do I run
to make my hair better and add lots of fun
I love hats! I always have, from my first portraits taken wearing pink cowboy hats to my favorite velour green and chartreuse striped newsboy, to my captain's hat I got at a costume shop! I love the style hats give....you can't help but a notice someone wearing a cool hat!
That's what I love about the 40's too, women wore hats almost on a daily basis...their shape and design were so amazing! I want to wear hats that are amazing..they add fun, funk, and some fun style!
My friend Elisa L'Amour is an amazing hat maker, her designs have graced runways around the world...and she has made me some amazing creations...which I treasure! CLICK here to see her awesome blog!
I just saw her super cool video on how to "dazzle up your style on a budget"..and I love it!
Hats AHOY!!!! watch and enjoy!!!! i love it.....love you too, kandee
Hat's how I love thee
bonus dazzle you give me...
when having a bad hair day...to you do I run
to make my hair better and add lots of fun
I love hats! I always have, from my first portraits taken wearing pink cowboy hats to my favorite velour green and chartreuse striped newsboy, to my captain's hat I got at a costume shop! I love the style hats give....you can't help but a notice someone wearing a cool hat!
That's what I love about the 40's too, women wore hats almost on a daily basis...their shape and design were so amazing! I want to wear hats that are amazing..they add fun, funk, and some fun style!
My friend Elisa L'Amour is an amazing hat maker, her designs have graced runways around the world...and she has made me some amazing creations...which I treasure! CLICK here to see her awesome blog!
I just saw her super cool video on how to "dazzle up your style on a budget"..and I love it!
Hats AHOY!!!! watch and enjoy!!!! i love it.....love you too, kandee
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
sleepyhead hair
some days when you're doing make-up (we were working on the press junket for the Hot Tub Time Machine Movie)...you have a lot of down time..waiting time.
we had almost 5 hours of down time...so we played haircut, make-up video, eating...lots of eating..ha ha ha ha
me and my friend (and fellow make-up and hair girlie), Bettina, gave the top of my hair a new chopping...her "kandee rockstar hair"...she called it....hee hee
Thanks Betteenzie, for my new lighter, more voluminous hair!
Me and Bettina have been working on tv shows, photo shoots, and weddings for years now...
she cracks me up...and she always works in the most amazing heels!
She got to work on Pirate's of the Carribean, too, doing hair and wigs...working just feet away from Johnny Depp!!! I know...man.....how fun to be floating on a little boat while they are filming Pirate's!?!
I have been so incredibly tired lately....incredibly busy....I am so tired....I almost fell asleep with my computer in my lap just a minute before I started typing this! ha ha ha ha
I think I'm going to go listen to my Passion Pit station on Pandora, while I take a hot shower....then crawl into bed and take a dream vacation!
here's one of my fav songs right now...and the song title quite fits me right now.....sweet dreams sleepyheads!
thank you for reading my sleepy rambles...huger than huge love....your kandee
we had almost 5 hours of down time...so we played haircut, make-up video, eating...lots of eating..ha ha ha ha
me and my friend (and fellow make-up and hair girlie), Bettina, gave the top of my hair a new chopping...her "kandee rockstar hair"...she called it....hee hee
Thanks Betteenzie, for my new lighter, more voluminous hair!
Me and Bettina have been working on tv shows, photo shoots, and weddings for years now...
she cracks me up...and she always works in the most amazing heels!
She got to work on Pirate's of the Carribean, too, doing hair and wigs...working just feet away from Johnny Depp!!! I know...man.....how fun to be floating on a little boat while they are filming Pirate's!?!
I have been so incredibly tired lately....incredibly busy....I am so tired....I almost fell asleep with my computer in my lap just a minute before I started typing this! ha ha ha ha
I think I'm going to go listen to my Passion Pit station on Pandora, while I take a hot shower....then crawl into bed and take a dream vacation!
here's one of my fav songs right now...and the song title quite fits me right now.....sweet dreams sleepyheads!
thank you for reading my sleepy rambles...huger than huge love....your kandee
Monday, March 15, 2010
i am.....
TODAY's work (day 2):
Hot Tub Time Machine Press Junket (where all the actors do all their interviews for the movie)
actor Crispin Glover (who's in Hot Tub Time Machine and Alice In Wonderland right now...he was also the dad in Back to the Future and the bad guy in Charlie's Angels, the movie) he is very nice and funny....this was him right after I finished his make-up...
this was me trying to show you my fresh new haircut....it didn't work out so well...but thanks to my friend, Bettina, who chopped some chunks into my hair...
this is what they call "video village"...it's where all the monitors and things are....and where I sat...it was freezing cold....but that's where I sat and watched the monitors to make sure Crispin wasn't getting "shiny"...and that he kept looking nice and perfect for camera
and this was at the end of the day...me very tired....with Crispin...he was so nice, and very fascinating...he's incredibly intelligent and interesting...
this was such a fun job...sometimes I can't believe I get paid for this! I am so thankful, and blessed to have jobs like this...
and I read this awesome quote from Lynn Wyatt (in an article in Bazaar)..
"powder and paint, makes a girl what she ain't"....ha ha ha ha...so funny!
I am so tired...I've fallen asleep several times today...and I made myself wake up again, to type this for you all.....
thank you for reading this......I love you all....and good night....your sleepy kandee
Hot Tub Time Machine Press Junket (where all the actors do all their interviews for the movie)
actor Crispin Glover (who's in Hot Tub Time Machine and Alice In Wonderland right now...he was also the dad in Back to the Future and the bad guy in Charlie's Angels, the movie) he is very nice and funny....this was him right after I finished his make-up...
this was me trying to show you my fresh new haircut....it didn't work out so well...but thanks to my friend, Bettina, who chopped some chunks into my hair...
this is what they call "video village"...it's where all the monitors and things are....and where I sat...it was freezing cold....but that's where I sat and watched the monitors to make sure Crispin wasn't getting "shiny"...and that he kept looking nice and perfect for camera
and this was at the end of the day...me very tired....with Crispin...he was so nice, and very fascinating...he's incredibly intelligent and interesting...
this was such a fun job...sometimes I can't believe I get paid for this! I am so thankful, and blessed to have jobs like this...
and I read this awesome quote from Lynn Wyatt (in an article in Bazaar)..
"powder and paint, makes a girl what she ain't"....ha ha ha ha...so funny!
I am so tired...I've fallen asleep several times today...and I made myself wake up again, to type this for you all.....
thank you for reading this......I love you all....and good night....your sleepy kandee
hot tub time machine
Saturday, March 13, 2010
Another day at the office....
the view from my window driving to work this morning....
WORK: Hot Tub Time Machine Press Junket for the movie
this is a view of one of the interviews from above....
it was so much fun....I ate 2 Hagen Daaz Coffe Iec Cream bars...and lots of snacks...they always have so much food at these things.....
I am now ridiculously tired...I must sleep, I've been awake a long time...ha ha ha
OH, but in one of our down time breaks.....My friend, and super hair stylist (she even worked on Pirate's of The Carribean doing hair), cut my ahir a little and gave it a"rock star" revamping....I had so much hair on my shirt when I went to set....I Was itching like my shirt was made out of mosquito bites.....It was an awesome day of work...must go sleep to wake up early for day 2!
huge love, kandee
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