Saturday, February 27, 2010

it is going to be ok....

whenever things start feel OVERwhelming....just stop and tell yourself: one way or another....
everything is going to be ok....

things I don't like & things that make me tell myself "everything is ok":

packing up my house

moving......staring at all my belongings...and not wanting, knowing, what to put where.....ha ha ha

but sometimes it's great to move doesn't matter if you're moving to a smaller house, or a smaller job, or something in life that seems new scary, or different...

I like newness, and change...and even if it feels scary...going and doing things that are scary, or new, or different...those things can be the most exciting and brave...and wonderful!

I don't like moving...I've done it a lot, and many times...from different just across cities.

And I'm going to make my new little home, enchanted and lovely, and wonderful, as soon as I unpack all my treasures...hee hee hee

So I will have a whole new "background" to show you in my next videos! And some exciting adventure that I'm going to take you on.......
I've been packing and cleaning all day...and my mom will be over bright and early to help me off to bed I go...sweetest of dreams......huge love.....kandee-the-moving-company


ModernXEvil said...


Refayat said...

what matters most is you being in your new house with your little ones.<3
whole new background?do keep the lights though,the little small lights make it look heavenly/tinkerbellish. :D
what made you move anyway?i hope this time it saves you some driving hours. :)
and yes its going to be ok. :)

vivalabrittany said...

i was feeling down and i read this post. the picture made me smile and i set it as my background on my computer. thank you kandee for making me smile. you're such a wonderful person. and even though you already know it, it is going to be ok =)

You've Got a friend said...

this blog post reminds me of carrie underwood's song "temporary home" :) your the best blogger ever kandee!

Kerri Carrie said...

Hi Kandee! Just wanted to let you know that I LOVE your blog and your videos, I think your a really positive and motivating person and I really love reading your thoughts, ideas and opinions.

On that note, I was just wondering what happened to adventures in Kandeeland? I completely understand if you've privatised it for person reasons, but I just thought I'd ask and check up :)

All the best :D

Lady Borelli said...

Thanks for beeing so FANTASTIC Kandee! You inspire me to go live my life as if it was the last day!
I´ve moved around alot too!
And i like it... kinda.

Can you make a house tour so we can see your new crib maybe??? :)

xoxo Julie (Denmark)

Chloé said...

Kandee, you are so positive and always so optimistic!! You are right, change is good sometimes, especially when you handle it so gracefully and with good intentions :) you are my inspiration, and you have inspired me to follow my passion for makeup and beauty - and i even created a youtube beauty channel!! (username : ChloeBeautyNYC) I just graduated from high school with honors 6 months early & on Monday I am finishing Makeup-school & will have my professional certificate! All this is really truly from you inspiring me. God bless you Kandee, you are an incredible person and I wish only good things for you (and your children) in your life! Thank you for everything. Please keep in touch ♥
Love always, Chloe

Vanessa said...

Praying your move is a smooth one. I dont like moving either its sooooo uncomfortable/stressful, but I have seen from experience that stepping out of your comfort zone is always a step in the right direction. I hope your new home is very cozy! Big blessings to you :)

Maria said...

hi kandee!

i live in denmark, and i read you blog everyday<3 i had moved 5 times in my life... so i know how it feels! im 12 years old (; i love you<3(: you are such a peaceful person.

love, maria r.b-m..

p.s i've sent you and email? i hope you will answer it! it is from; Maria R. Boye-Møller... <3

ti-ca said...

Moving's so exciting, and I LOVE moving, well some parts of it, not so much the packing, but unpacking and seeing my new set up is totally great. I'm glad to see you're doing better and a change will be nice :D

ninateresa said...

kandee dear
moving...ugh! Lol I don't even like to move my room around but sometimes when I feel like I need a change...doesn't everyone? Well kandee doll enjoy you wonderful new loving house to build more memories in :) I know you'll make it tell us you moved but yet still brung your words to us your insperacioanl words I love to read....and I have to wake up at 7 tomorrow and its about to be three(in texas) my grandma is wanting us to go see my grandpa R.I.P I love you grandpa....but kandee I've been looking at other videos and none are as good as yours I love your energy and I'm addicted to you lol I tell my sisters things all the time with there makeup I'm like kandee does it :) I say your name so much lol I do only if you can ask them I tell people about my wonderful makeup artist....I do there makeu :) but I wish I had mac makeup and more nice makeup like yours...I wish you had a contest and gave away something for me lol :) I love you kandee doll :)
:)....nina teresa

Unknown said...

thank you for being so inspirational.
i think i'm going to clean my room for the first time in weeks now; you've inspired me. thank you .

San said...

Good luck for the move and hopefully a wonder- and joyful new home.

Diane said...

Hy, Kandee, can't wait to see the changes that you've done!

Have a super nice day!


Chá Total said...

oh!!! i'm sure it will be a great house. You are there! :)
You're sutch a brave woman. Its "strange"(but good) how i fell proud of you...i feel like your one of my dearest friends! Thnak you, from the bottom of my hart.
Kisses from Portugal!

Anonymous said...

Thats awesome K I wish you all the very best darl!

JanneCath said...

Your moving???? what happend, I thought you loved the house you lived in?
Hope all is well with you and your precious littlepeople;)

Anonymous said...

I'm sure ur home will be beautiful because it is all about love,family, friendship and kidness which make the place so special and welcoming. Nevertheless good luck!

Kasiamilon said...

i am packing and moving as welll.....change is good. I have moved ten times in my life, so i know how exhausting it can be believe me ;)

selenity luz said...

Good luck, Super Kandee!!!

Jesi said...

Have fun moving! "To New Adventures!!" Who says you cant have roots and wings? ;)

Anonymous said...

With everything you're going through, I'm glad you're moving. If it were me, I would've done it a while ago. Hopefully you'll find a bit of peacefulness even if it's just across town. Fresh starts can be amazing for the spirit. <3

Kat said...

Good Luck with your move, Kandee, I've done it 11 times throughout my life, It's stressful and cleansing all at the same time...

Charity said...

Can't wait to see the new background for the vids! And I can imagine how amazing you're making your new home right now :) Hope we'll get a tour sometime like last time! sweet dreams kandee!!~

Jillian R said...

You're moving? Why? The house you have now is beautiful.

Blonde Mafia said...

I hate moving to! You have wonderful things in your bright future Kandee. Just look at it as a small step to something bigger/better/and GREATER =)
Hope the move goes well. If I was there Id so be a good friend and help you move.

Much love and happy moving =)

Bama girl KC

Fatima said...

Oh so sorry to know you are moving! Good luck and hope you have a good start in your new home!!


Unknown said...

hi Kandee.. I love your blog... its been an inspiration to me.. but when im down.. nothing will change!! no matter how many times i re-open ur blog and re-read all ur encouragement post.. i still feel like nothing could help me! i read ur post before about how u said that u dont have that much of a best friend... here is the thing.. i used to have heaps of frens.. and then i pulled my self into something stupid like drugs and alcohol addict! my fren left me one by one.. and now the only frens that i have, they all are drug users, and i know i dont want to live in that environment. I totally clean now, i quit a year ago and i swear i will never come back. but everytime i was alone, i feel like i dont belong to anyone. i dont feel like i could turn into someone to lift me up. i dont do any kind of drugs anymore. i turn into something worst. i have an eating disorder. i eat when i feel emotionally unstable, which happen all the time and its really bad. My boyfriend demanded me to be skinny, he said im fat and he doesnt wanna be with someone who cant even take care of her body whish supposed to be their best asset! and when i feel down, i feel like i need to eat. and when i eat i cant stop, and im trying to be skinny, and i feel like i cant eat coz if i loose my boyfriend i dont have anyone else and this make me crazy. being on a diet and exercising is the most disgusting thing ever that i need to do to shed some kiloes. i hate doing it and i really hate it. and what hurt the most is to talk to someone about this and the only thing they can say to make me happy is "hun, look at u, u look gorgeous, u not fat, and why be with someone who does not appreciate you for who you are". and i feel so sad coz deep down, i dont want to lose him, he is the only one i got and i feel like when im with him i belong to him. and when im not with him, i feel like i have no use in this world and i dont belong to anyone. i dont know what im capable of, or what am i good at, i dont think im good at anything and im not thinking to pursue anything in my life coz honestly i dunno what i want. some people have a scratch in planning what they want to be. I DONT!. and i feel like im really useless. i dont know what to do, and i look at u and i saw that u were crying on top of the hill after ur running session. i burst into tears when i saw ur pic looking like tat. i know what u have been through and how strong u are. and i can understand that eventhough u were into so much trouble, u still hanging on because u have a son, u have ur carrier, u have poeple like me who are 'jealous' and look up on u, wanna be like u and so on! but me.. what am i? i dont know.... i feel so lost and disappointed. IM EXHAUSTED!

BeautyQueenEL said...

good luck on your move kandee, Im curious to know your house decor tips, I bet they are great!! I think I buy too many candles for each room but oh well .xoxo Erin Lea

Anonymous said...

You are moving Kandee??
I'm sure the new place will be fine and you will be very happy there!
I pray for you sweety!

Can't wait to see you new place.. and also.. it is time to do some clean up in the old stuff you carry around.

Starting with few things is really neat too!

Have a beautiful day!

Anonymous said...

hey kandee! Great blog u have here~ love your makeup vids~ just wanted to say your so awesome! So beautiful on the inside and out. And u are one hilarious gal! looking forward to more of yr postings =)
Popblush xo

Unknown said...

I know how it is! Exactly how you said it, scary and wonderful at the same time :) xxx

Unknown said...

As long as you take that love in your heart, you have your kids and your faith, you are going to continue to shine, no matter where you are, Kandee! : )

Unknown said...

I'm happy that you are in this world :) You make me happy and I thank you for this :) Greetings from Lithuania :)

Jennifer Hepler-Takens said...

happiness and wonderful moving vibes!

Emma said...

best of luck in your new home!

candysmith said...

Hi Kandee, I am sooo glad I found you:) I have been reading your blogs (by the way I have never even read a blog let alone respond to one) but you have really stood out to me. You are so uplifting and a refreshing face to see online or whereever. I have ALWAYS loved makeup ( I collect it) and one day I was searching for some tips and saw you on youtube. Im so glad I did!!:) Anyway, I just want to thank you for being you, and whoever you are friends with should be sooo greatful to have a friend like you! Thanks again!!!
Candy Smith, Jax, FL

mly said...

omg kandee !!
I am moving into a new apartment today.. will be staying alone for the first time in my life...
It felt GREAT to read your post !!
May God give us all strength !
Amen !

FaithHopeLove said...

wishing you well on your new place kandee. i know you will appreciate this, I have your blog comments come up as soon as I sign on to my internet so I see them on my page....I sooo needed the "all is gonna be okay" to see it, first thing this am, isnt it great how God sends his angels to work this way. You were that message to me today - that i needed to hear, and guess what? All was okay - and right away actually, no need to doubt it ever, right?
thanks! Happy moving. FaithHopeLove.

Anonymous said...

Kandee!! I didn't even know you were moving :( I hope the change is for a good reason and not for a bad reason. Let us know what's going on when you're all settled!!

JanneCath said...

Are you moving??? What happend? I thought you loved your house?? Hope you and your precious littlepeople are all well?

PinkWithGlitter said...


WHY are you moving??


whoooo hooooo ...

what's goin on kandeeeee????

more information gorgeous please!! :-D


Veronica said...

it is going to be okay =)

Glambition said...

God Bless you Kandee! Everything will be okay! Thank you for all you do to inspire others and share love!
If your dream is going backwards remember that even a sling shot must go backward in order to gain force to explode.

ruby360 said...

i cn't wait to see ur new place i am sure it would be good :)

Unknown said...

Haha I'm moving too! Wanna help me? ;) I hope it smooth for you and you have fun with your momma!
~Cassidy Z.

Katia_Dmm said...

Kandee hey! why are you moving? what happened to all the jury stuff, when you can tell us please (: we love you so much and keep up !! Have you checked your mail recently?! :P

Giedre said...

You'll be even more happier in your new, cute house. I'm sure :)

Huge love from me to you.
Giedre (gianthug)

ALPHAFORCE Blog | Fitness, Entrenamiento y Alimentación: La Guía Definitiva said...

Wow! That is surely a new thing!
Good luck Kandee and make that house another Kandeeland.
New things are coming and as they say..every change is good...or at least you can make them good!

The fun part is when you start designing in your mind where or how everything is going to be in your new home !

I send you immense hugs and love. I you need anything please let me know.

Everything is already going ok.

Angel Ramirez

"It's A New Start- A new move gives you a fresh start. So try doing those things you always said you would do if you had a fresh start. Pick up recycling in your apartment, quit smoking, get some potted plants, or start being organized. Whatever it may be, try something new to help you dive head first into your new situation."

yojessimac said...

I'm moving this weekend is definetly throwing me out of my comfort zone too because I am going from a sprawling pad which I had all to myself (and my doggy!) To renting a tiny room in a totally new city with roomates. I could be making it even more difficult with Negative thoughts since I just broke up with my boyfriend last night but it feels like healthy changes by finding the right place for me and the right people I want to share my life with. Your blog came to me last night when all this was about timing huh?! I'm staying hopeful and happy, and I'm glad you are as well. Thank you for your timing, thank you for your love & understanding. It will be ok & in fact, it will be better! When the goin gets tough, smile! There's is so much to look forward to, so much to enjoy, and for each tear that is shed, its watering a new seed for a beautiful flower to grow. Xoxoxo

earth said...

Good luck moving! I know it can be rough! :) Also I'm making your WORLD FAMOUS CUPCAKES & FROSTING TODAY! I'm excited. :)

Unknown said...

Good Luck, Kandee! I'm sure everything will be just fine, as long as your three little darlings are by your side through it all. God Bless, sweetness!

Unknown said...

Moving! ha!.. Good Luck on that, hope you feel in your new house as Home, Kandee you are so positive and inspirin.

coco said...

Hi Kandee,

Best of luck on your move! What a great time to start fresh and meet new people. The next place you move to will open up so many new adventures. I wish you were my neighbor. Can't wait to see your new pad!

Bridget said...

i have that 'it is going to be ok' print in my house! i love it! and its true -- it IS going to be okay...

Unknown said...

I hope you're doing alright! Moving sux but if it needs to be done right? You're in my prayers! Good luck in your new home

Victoria said...

I just wish everything works fine for you! You are such a role model you know that?!
You have inspired me to not give up fully on my dreams, and I feels great when commiting to my dreams!

Change is just inevitable in life, so we need to just welcome it with wonders and hopes!
Hope to see your new home soon!

mikelle said...

Hello friend, have a nice day :)

Anonymous said...

i just posted a comment defending you on the record courier website. once in a while i'd go back to read people's comments and stopped myself from writing my own bc i felt that it was useless to entertain such hateful things, but i couldn't help myself. my message was clear: quit hating and judging when you're not acquainted with the situation beyond blips written on the net. *sigh* in any case, i hope moving goes well and i'm sure you'll make your place your own. sometimes we all need a blank slate to start anew in order to move forward. as always, take care and god bless.

Shelby052209 said...

Kandee, I don't get it! I'm sitting here crying over some very bad news I got this morning. So, I decide to diverge my mind and maybe read a blog or two of yours. The first thing I see is the adorable picture saying "everything is going to be okay". Then come your ever-encouraging words, that obviously come straight from your heart. I cannot tell you how much you have done for me! Thank you Kandee, for having enough love in your heart to touch each and every person you come across. You are truly special and blessed. My heart is lifted every time I read your words.

Lauren MacIsaac said...

Hey Kandee,

Good luck in the next chapter of your life!

"As one page is turned, a new one is revealed"

And I'm sure there is more magic to come for you. Your blogs and videos really cheer me up sometimes and its nice to see someone else so far across the world that shares my positive outlook on life.


Also if you ever have a minute that your not sure what to do with, try out my little blogs, I've just started again, its not much but maybe it will make you smile :)

Carly said...

When either I or my best friend are feeling down we always remind each other that "in the end everything will be ok, and if it's not ok, then it's not the end!" I love that quote!

Suzanne said...

Good Luck Kandee!!! I had to do alot of moving for about 10 Years. Me and my little people did lots of moving around. It is very draining but we are rock solid and grounded now. God will provide!!! He is your strength and your comfort in time of need. You are such an inspiration. Love ya!!!

Unknown said...

Can I just say that Ive been having a hard time the past couple months and so many things are changing in my life that when I saw the picture it instantly made me feel better. Thankyou

Sum Kuller said...

You're awesome Kandee...!
Hope everythin' goes well with you..! :)
Much Love..! xoxox

Linny said...

I love to say-It'll all be ok in the end. If it isn't ok, then it isn't the end!

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