my I'm a Ninja tank top from STEPPIE...over a Hanes white tank and my $9 black leggings from Forever 21...
Visit Steppie and see her other awesome shirts....I also have this one....

If you wanna own any of Steppie's fun shirts..click HERE and tell you that you saw her goodies on here, ans she was gonna offer a discount to all Kandee Fans!
(kandee fans: enter code 'kandee15' to get 15% off your enter order! put the code in the 'message to seller' box at checkout, and a refund will be sent to you via paypal shortly after!)
We can be Happy Ninja's together!!!! ha ha ha ha
And we can wake up in the morning fighting the crimes and villainous things like: sadness, meaness, hopelessness!
I read something sooooo great yesterday! It said...
when things are going wrong and you're feeling sad...
it really does help to count all your blessings, think about all the great things you have in life to be thankful for...
we're alive...we have shelter, food, water to drink....is just to start...
the more we focus on the good things in our lives...and celebrate the small blessings...celebrate that we are alive, healthy...we can do whatever we put our minds to...
nothing can stop us form go after what we have in our hearts to do!
Today let's put on our Happy Ninja Hearts.....we are going to stop all things negative, discouraging, even if they are coming from our own minds...
Let's think about everything good in our lives, all the things that we have hope for...all of our dreams...
think about the good things and not one of your worries....think about happiness, that the sun is out, that we are healthy and able to go after our dreams...
share some love and encouragement with others.....
think about wonderful things all day...I'll do it too!
or maybe we'll be negative-ninja's...we will fight off all negative things....
and be super happy's!!!
i love you all...so much!!! And all your precious letters and cards, and goodies you send me, are filled with so much love, I just want to pour it out onto you too!!!!
have the happiest day, kandee
Love them Kandee!! Im gonna have to get some! Your awesome! Have a great day!!
Thnq very much 4 pouring n sharing the love, kandee! You are definitely a sweet heart! God bless you and your loved ones!
Aw kandee I have your shirt too!
Also thanks for being my daily sunshine!
You are an inspiration and amazing role model!
u look so amazing at this photo...what´s is ur favourite workout?
Those shirts are amazing!! xx
So true! Im going through so much at the moment, and reading your blog everyday just helps me get through the day... so thank YOU Kandee Johnson! You are amazing!!
Ooooh yeah
I'm so going to try and get that top xxx
oh please kandee can you ask people to
check out my blog please put a post up about
it because your my inspiration XXXXXXX
*accepts all the encouragment and love from you*
lovely Kandee, I'm ready to take on the world because of your true words!
I'm about to clean my room then going to buy myself some earrings maybe. then going to church tonight.
(btw the link that should be under 'click HERE' [it's right under the steppie's] picture to go to Steppie's page isn't working)
I heart you, have a wonderful day!!
kandee fans: enter code 'kandee15' to get 15% off your enter order! put the code in the 'message to seller' box at checkout, and a refund will be sent to you via paypal shortly after!
yay! thanks so much for the ninja love, kandee!
woah love it! can you ask her where she got those tights and shoes too!? or if she could sell stuff like that also?
fanks, kandee <3 love you!
ive been reading your blogs for the longest time, and ive read every single one, and although i might be young and stuff everything you say is so true and i really respect you. I just wanted to say thank you so much for everything you do everyday you honestly know how to make thousands and thousands of people happy each day, I truly do look up to you as a friend or even a sister sometimes just because your an incredible person from what i can tell. i cant thank you enough for all your hard work and all the effort you put into everything.
~love always~
Kandee, I love watching you every day. Your ability to see the good in evervthing is amazing to me. I miss being able to access "Adventures in Kandeeland" I would appreciate being able to visit with you there.
Best wishes and blessings in all that you are going through right now. Corlisscox@comcast.net
I <3 Kandee Ninja team! You are a truly awesome woman and that is a blessing in itself. Its ok to have bad days to humble us about all the good things we have but to rise above the bad days and encourage others is the real strength and blessing we take wherever we go! You are an inspiration because of that and more. Thank you ;)
I love that tshirt, its so cute and fun..nothing wrong with humorous clothing!
So many people told you that but I'll tell you again: You are an inspiration! and your posts are so enthusiastic and true. T-shirts look cool(I like your style by the way;).
Take care xxx
Kute shirt :)
very true, i always count my blessings.
hey Kandee, you have inspired me to make a brand new youtube account (My old one was iwantimplants... I comment you a lot!) so I can do some baking adventures (And some makeup ones, too!). I plan on doing a shout out video to you and what you mean to me and I hope you'll check it out. My new channel is: http://www.youtube.com/user/TheNormaJeaneBakery and I'll comment here with my video once it's made. Love you, honey!
Hey Kandee! I made your cupcakes today and just waiting for them to cool down before I put on the frosting!!! Can't wait to taste them!
Have a great day too deary!!!
Today was my first visit to your blog and I have to tell you that your wonderful words have just made me a fan! Keep being inspirational!
thats a funny shirt, its cool, thumbs up :)
You are awesome! I love you :D
This was an awesome post. I just got on to watching your youtube videos and I love your style and personality. But, reading your actual blog is very inspirational to me. So thank you for taking time to share with us, it really makes a difference.
I just tried to read your other blog, "adventuresinkandeeland," and it is now private. :( I understand, but I will miss that Kandee fix.
Hey Kandee,
Loving the shirt!! I was wondering if you took down the Adventures in Kandeeland blog? I tried to access the site but it wouldn't let me. Thanks!! Hope you had a great day!
God blessed me today through worshiping Him and I am praying that you are affected by His awesome power, too!
PS: Check out Psalm 139
Your Sister,
"What you do today is important because you are exchanging a whole day of your life for it. When tomorrow comes, this day will be gone forever; and in its place will be something that you had left behind... let it be something good. "
<3 you kandee
Love your spirit kandee.
Truly amazing role model.
KANDEE :) im kind of having a bad day, but i know whenever i watch one of your videos or, in this case, read one of your blogs i'll always feel better. i'd love to send you something sometime.. even though i dont know where you reside ;p but even if i cant, i hope you see the comments i leave and i hope i give some joy back to you :) x
Every single morning you put me in to "happy-go-lucky" mood and i'm ready to go out in the scary world and laugh the day away lol. You're amazing ;))
i am a ninja...for reals LOL uber cute shirt!!!
I just LOVE reading your blog...amazing & thank you for all your wonderful thoughts!! xoxoox :)
where do you get all your cloths?? what are your favorite websites and stores???
Steppie has some awesome tops :) I also like the flying panda ones- so cute!
Kandee you really make ppl SMILE :D You make so many of my days that much happier! I've got tons of letters and goodies to post- you're like this kind of HAPPY PILL- I get so happy and get this huge gleaming grin on my face just knowing how wonderful a person you are! Have a great day Kandee, love ya *mwah*
Thanks Lady, I needed this pick me up to start my week off in a good frame of mind!
I love your outfit! You are adorable! Hope things are getting better!!! *hugs*
~Cassidy Z.
Wow, you're so skinny, I wish I will be like you whe'n I'll have 3 kids. Hope to get the kids too :))
We definitely need to stop focusing on the negatives, our country is so pessimistic. Look at all of the faces in Haiti right now, they are all smiling, some are seriously injured some lost their whole family and yet the children are still playing and laughing and the adults are making the best out of everything. They are so thankful and do not feel like the DESERVE what other countries are doing for them. i seriously was crying watching these orphans who lost half of the children and two of the people running it were ALL so thankful and happy! If they can do it we can do it!
hey girl. i just found you on utube..gosh you are so funny. i am already following u on twitter and blogspot! but hey i have a small request. can you utube/blog/twitter about face eye lashes? i am a part time model in chicago and love to get my make-up done but the eye lashes always look so over the top. i have bought the ones from walgreens/cvs but they are pretty bad. so maybe that can be an good idea for your next post?
thanks girl!
oh, i also have a blog, feel free to follow. lisakomolova.blogspot.com
Pick up an award on my blog:)
i cant view your "go get your dreams video" how do i? I love your positivity and creativity and feel like i am missing out by not seeing it!lol
Kandee i loved reading your adventures in kandeeland blog but now it wont let me read them it says you have to invite people to read them. i dont know how it works but i would love to continue reading them! i love your videos by the way!
what happened to adventures in kandeeland?!?
i loved that blog, i loved seeing your adorable, lovely kids.
i love steppie's atuff. i want to get her prints soon.
Kandee-girl! I am such a fan of Steppie. Her cute little ninja's are frequent visitors on my little blog! I have to say, I adore your makeup tuts on youtube, but I just discovered your blog today. I am over-the-top about your positive look at life and your obvious heart toward God. Mwwaahh...
ohh Wow! I have just started watching your videos and I have learned so much from you! Thank you! Crazy thing..I know Steppie!! She and I met selling at UCI! We are both in the crafting scene! OH!..I would love to give you one of my creations if you would like ;) I make handmade hair accessories! www.petitplume.com
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