Thursday, February 25, 2010

how to be happy:

1. don't get food poisoning..ha ha ha (just kidding)

2. wear a big pink poofy-woofy tutu skirt (....again...this may not be comfortable for everyone to wear...but it would be fun to see someone go to work in an office like this! hee hee hee)-i got my tutu and Polka Dots & Moonbeams in LA, my shoes are form Vans, and the shirt I cut can make one too, I'll post the shirt cutting vid-tastic, at the bottom of this bloggy...

3. but headin' back to "for real" town...I read something the other day that was so pow-pow-powerful for my little mind and heart...

Has anyone hurt you or offended you?

I can hear the mental "yes-es" from here!
The article talked about the how to be truly free and happy by..and if you are holding any anger or unforgiveness towards someone...
you can't be happy with that locked inside you!

And the funny thing is, when you go around, holding all that hatred in your heart, it starts spilling out in other's like keeping this moldy wrotten, anger in your heart, and eventually it starts spreading it's stink-o stench to the rest of your body.

EXAMPLE: I have several friends that hate their dads...they can't stand them for whatever reasons, abandonment, abuse, neglect, they left, they cheated on their moms...just never being there...
They hate and unforgiveness they keep alive inside them, slowly eats at some potentially "wonderful" part of them!

I have had people in my life, who have gone out of their way to do things to try to ruin my life, hurt me, make up lies and gossip, scare me, threaten me, people that have been abusive to me...some of these people were people that were close to me...some I don't even know...

I could go around with this anger in my heart saying: "No way, look what they did to me!"...
but why should I go around letting them ruin my life. I could be walking around with all this yuck-anger, effecting me..while they are off thinking nothing of it! I would be ruining my happiness because of them...and they don't even care....really who is being more miserable!?!

I have forgiven everyone...even those that have done horrible things to me. And the funny thing is: people will bring up certain things like, "oh mannnnn! I hate that jerk! I can't believe they'd do that to you!!!!!"....

And in my heart I just feel peace, I think, "yeah, that wasn't so nice or good, but I feel sorry for them that that's how they are. And I don't have time in my "happy-world" to let them bother me. They didn't get a free pass to come into my happiness and ruin it!" ha ha ha When you forgive someone, it's like you trade in all that hurt, for joy and happiness again. Say this: I will forgive everyone...and when I do, I am moving out that hurt and anger, and making room for more love and joy! There's no room in our hearts for hate or hurt.

DO IT!!!! When you do, it feels like a big U-Haul trucked filled with crap, has been lifted off your heart!

God will handle watch! No one gets away with being mean, abusive, hurtful, gossipy...God says, "vengeance is mine" other words....
"it's ok sweetheart, you go ahead and just be happy....Papa's gonna deal with these people...don't you worry your pretty little head!"....

Let's redecorate our hearts today with the beauty of forgiveness and room for those old ugly posters of hate, hurt, and heartache! You are too beautiful, too wonderful, and too precious to have any of that in your heart!

huge love and a t-shirt video! ha ha ha
may our hearts spill over with love and joy today!!

DAILY LOVE MISSION (should you choose to except it!)
1. tell someone something great about them (cute shirt, pretty eyes, nice smile, love your hair)
2. open the door for someone
3. tell someone how special they are to you
4. look in the mirror and tell yourself that you are loved more than you know, and imagine me saying it to your precious face!

I love ya!!! typed with thoughts of all of you, kandee

and as promised, t-shirt 101:


Amanda said...

Hey Kandee, I am a huge fan of yours and your up beat positivity! I have a very positive outlook on life because life is too short... anywho, you should read the book "The Secret" if you haven't already... I truly think it would resonate with you! :)

Trina said...

I love your outlook on life Kandee. You're a sweetie!

Alex(andra) said...


Jen said...

Kandee I love you :) you make my little world much more sparkly (its a word, hehe!) I hope to meet you some day =D Have a great day!

Anonymous said...

thanks kandee, my heart needed to hear that! :)

Anonymous said...

thanks kandee! my heart needed to hear that! :)

Anonymous said...

love the skirt :D

Unknown said...

I love this kandee !! So beautiful and true. You always touch my heart and soul with your beautiful spirit and kind words.

Mitty said...

Love the t-shirt video! I will definitely try this idea next time I go thrift store shopping!

Tay said...

This was wonderful to read!It came at such a needed time. I have been quite down for a while over a bunch of things and also after a recent breakup from someone I thougt deserved my love, but he proved not to be that fortunate. I have been soooo angry at him and at myself for letting him affect me the way he did. But seriously up just helped lift that from my heart and I thank you for helping me be able to breath properly again!! I'm glad your not letting past anger affect you anymore, there's too much love in this world to be missing out on, to let that negativity rule. Much love and peace...and again THAAANNKKK YYOOUUU!!

Carly said...

Kandee, I can't tell you how perfect this blog is for me this morning. You are truly inspired! My "best friend" and former roommate recently told me she had started dating my ex (and we had only broken up 4 months prior and had dated for a year)and they've been together for a month and are getting married in June. I can't express how much hurt and betrayal I have felt from both of them. Thank you for the uplifting words. It's just what I needed to hear. It's hard and crappy right now, but I know I'm better off without both of them in my life if that's the kind of people they are. It just hurts.

Rosy Soto said...

By far my favorite post from you, ohh so so very true and it almost made me cry because its just so true and we need peace whitin. THANK YOU KANDEE LOVE

YukiRi said...

Thanks for this blog,I love your attitude to life, this really helped me.

Unknown said...

Kandee, forgive and forget is hard.
You can't just turn it on.
A good start is like you say start tell people that they are beutiful, nice hair, ooh i like your dress.
This will bring out the happyness in people, gods love is in us all.
We live in a world where people just don't say "HI" to a stanger.
When he/she lives only next door.
Turn on your happyness and you will get it back 100x.

Love the t-shirt cutting, but i don't think it's for guys.:-)smile

Wallflower said...

I was having a terrible day. Thank you for this post :)
You're wonderful!

Unknown said...

very lovely post :)
OMG I remember that video
That was the first video that I saw of you

Angela said...

Love Love Love the positive messages you put out to the world. You put a smile on my face!

Jenn @My Southwestern Life said...

Thanks for posting this, Kandee. I needed to hear this today after something that happened yesterday. <3

Tiahna said...

You are truly amazing...I love to read what u write..and I'm going to make a little note to remind myself to say stuff like that to give complements to everyone. Thank you for your words of kindness..its addicting lol..and I wish more than anything I could meet you! And give u a big hug, and thank you for changing the way I see the really have changed my outlook on life. Thank you kandee !

CupcakeSniper said...

Thanks for this Kandee! You're soooo right. All that unforgiveneess just eats away at our hearts. God always tells us things for a reason and it's to protect us because he knows the harm of unforgiveness. Thank you. I have some forgiving to do.

Thanks Kandee for allowing God to use. Thank you for holding strong to Him through your hardest moments because you've allowed God to use your suffering to bring people to him. Like Paul :)

May God continue to use you and bless you beautiful!!

Elin said...

I love the way u cut you'r T'shirt

NinaVanilla said...

thank you kandee.. *-*

Anonymous said...

i cannot wait to cut a shirt now!! Thanks:) one question what do ou wear these shirts with?? leggings ,skinny jeans??? help me out!

Sarah said...

So true, so true :)
Thanks for being so positive. Wish more celebs were as positive as you ;)

dreamangel said...

kandee you are the best. i love your positive outlook on life and your ability to keep on moving.
this year & just as a lifestyle change i want to focus on the positive & being grateful for my life & the people in it. it's very encouraging to read your posts/blog, you are so inspiring!

Fatima said...

Get well soon Kandee!!!

It's great to know you have a big heart and have forgiven all those people who hurt you throughout your life!!

Keep smiling and always stay the way you are!!

Love ya tons!

Kyndal said...

*sob *sob. You ALWAYS touch my hearts with the things you write! Much love to you Kandee! Thanks for everything.

Vanessa28 said...

Kandee, you are such an inspiration and know how and when to say greattttt things. My mom says the same; God will deal with those who do wrong to others. And I say yes its true but i still let those kind of ppl get to me. I always say that I won't let them get the best of me but unfortunately I did. Today I am not that bubbly person that I once was who had it hard growing up but never let it show. And these days, I try to find her and get sooooo sad because I dont know where she went. My unhappiness reflects on my family. And I dont want it to anymore. So today, I will take that pledge with you to not let those kind of ppl get the best of me anymore. I will let God deal with them. Kandee thank you soooooooo much truly from the bottom of my heart. You dont even know what a blessing you are to me and others who truly adore you. Just wish we all could get to meet you but coming to your blogspot its like having a piece of Kandee in our hearts so thank you again. Keep on smiling and shining Kandee.

Heidi said...

Kandee, you are a bright light.

Carla Turner said...


I am a teacher and had a difficult time with some of my students today. It's hard being in the position of always doing the right thing, but as an adult dealing with teenagers, we have to realize we are the example. Your post was very timely for me today and for my next lesson to my students which is "reframing". Thank you so much for your optimism as I was told today I'm too optimistic and that I seem "fake". It was hurtful to hear that, but in time I realize that my optimism might be contagious, just as yours is to all who love you. You're the best!

ALPHAFORCE Blog | Fitness, Entrenamiento y Alimentación: La Guía Definitiva said...

Keep being so wonderful.

When I said that I felt like ... I dont know something in my heart... strange...but I felt better :)

I love you!

San said...

Just thanked my friend.

In any case you are wonderful Kandee, I love reading your blog. Thank you for writing it.

And if you want to change your perspective for a moment or two (perspective in how you look at things/items/stuff nothing esoteric)..

Hope you get well soon!

Unknown said...

<3 your skirt!
cutie I'm still waiting for the twiggy look video...hehe or did I miss something?

Unknown said...

hey kandee!
thank you for all of your up lifting words! you truly mkae mine, and lots of other people's, days so much better. thank you

From Heels To Houseshoes said...

Sometimes it is SO hard to let go, and I have been struggling with this! But what you said about making room for joy makes sense. Joy can't live in a bitter heart. So, I am going to let go, let God, and hopefully find the peace that is lacking. I have been praying for peace, but it could be that since I had not forgiven, peace had no room to enter my heart. Thank you for this!!!!

Anonymous said...

Your always so happy & kind, you remind me of a Disney princess! <3

Nina said...

Kandee your post are so awesome and inspiring. I know i totally hold onto a lot of anger towards people who have hurt me in the past. But your post totally made me think about how I shouldn't care and just live my life! :)

Colleen said...

I have a big 'ol poofy pink tutu! The length is too short for work, but great for parties! I love reading your blog, very inspirational -- you're a beautiful person inside & out girl keep it up <3

katie said...

i love this post
but sometime i feel like i forgive people too much. like my "bff" who has hurt me so much just keeps being mean over and over. it makes me and and not confident! its hard for me to just stop talking to her because weve been bestfriends for 3 years

thanks for all the inspiration
when i come home from the mean world of high school, you make my day much better. you have helped me through so much. i love you kandee!

love, katie

Monika said...

You never fail to be inspiration. Thank you for that.
Also I'm loving the tutu, it's so fun, I have a short pink chiffon one from topshop, maybe I'll wear that x

Alessandra said...

Once again you did it!! You made my dayyyyyyyyy!!! Yay yay yayyyyyyyyy!!! I LOVE LOVE LOVE your way of thinking!! I feel lots of happiness in your words today which makes me happy too!! This is amazing! Thank you! I Love you!

Ire said...

ahh i dont know but for some reason i just cant forgive those ppl easily. They have done horrible things to me and i just cant forget and forgive all those things. i know you are right my time is more precious than thinking about them and what they did to me :) im gonna do what u say one by one !
love yaaaa so much

robbieniccum said...

you are absolutely adorable....thank you for the wonderful reminder :D

DezigningDreamz said...

You are such an inspiration to sooo many people. I have had lots of bad things happen to me in my life as well, and yes sometimes I let them get me down, but eventually I find the umbrella to block the rain and as the sun is coming out over the horizon I see this beautiful rainbow. Sometimes I think God gives us the rain ... so we will appreciate the rainbows. Life is hard. But why hold so much hatred in one's heart. You are so right. You know eventually that stuff can actually effect your health. It's bad. So I learned a long time ago to let it go and walk away. There is no sense remembering it and talking it about over and over again. Once I get it out of me (with lots of blogging and conversations with friends, relatives ...) I let it go for good. I too am dealing with some pretty hard stuff right now. And it makes life really stressful and unmotivating. But ya know what ... my rainbow is seen everyday in the eyes of my precious little pumpkins and somehow I find the strength to keep going and fighting cause I need them as much as they need me.

P.S. I remember the night I first saw that video and my girls and I grabbed a couple of shirts and butchered them ... lol. But it was sooo much fun. And I so wear my Betty Boop "kandified" shirt with a white tank top underneath ... it's cute and I usually get a ton of compliments when I do. lol. So ... thanks.

P.S.S. I hope your situation gets much better. I am about to face my EX husband in court to get back child support and remove his parental rights. I hate doing it ... BUT he leaves me no other choice when they have a perfectly willing, loving father who actually wants them in his life and wants to take care of them. He hasn't even seen them in like ... 7years. My kids do not need someone in their lives who does not want them.

Jana Faith said...

Kandee, I like your "love mission of the day". Plus, I was glad I'd already tackled a couple of the things on the list before I read it. Thanks for believing in us.

Zeivach said...

Kandee, hermana, gracias por dejarte usar necesitava escuchar algo así, no voy a malas personas Permitir que me roben la paz en mi corazón, eres una chica de dulce corazón, la biblia dice "Por sus frutos los conoceremos" refiriendoce A los que aman A y Dios y puedo ver que tu lo amas, Que Dios te bendiga mucho,sigue adelante sin desmayar

Anonymous said...

This subject is so important and it`s funny for me that this was my last reading of the day.
Today I had the same conversation with my mentor. I have been "too good for too long" and now it`s time for me to step up and speak my mind.
I use to mutch energi, thinkink about what other people says to me.

Thank you once again for sharing :o)

Love ;o)

Ann-Margreth Hauglum said...

This subject is so important and it`s funny for me that this was my last reading of the day.
Today I had the same conversation with my mentor. I have been "too good for too long" and now it`s time for me to step up and speak my mind.
I use to mutch energi, thinkink about what other people says to me.

Thank you once again for sharing :o)

Love ;o)

Joncey Grace said...

Well said Kandee!! Thank you for your words of encouragement.

uc said...

Hi Kandee! I love this pot I am learning to be happy now because I know how important it is to be happy and healthy!!!!! I have hormonal imbalance and my hormones are out of crazy!! So I am taking botanicals,and medicines and exercising I know I will feel better!! I am better I just wanted to say thans for making me feel girly again!

noodleroo2 said...

I had someone tell me once that when I needed to forgive someone, that I should imagine them standing in front of me. Then say; "The same God is in you that is in me and all is well. I love you and forgive you completely." Keep saying this over and over until you feel the hurt lighten up, then say; "I release you in love to go and be who you are." You've had some really good blogs lately; keep walking with those angels.

Abby said...

this is soo true! it can be hard at times, but it is truly the way to live. thinks for reminding me of that, it means a lot:)

katelynelise said...

I deffinately accept!
I think this is all 100% true and from now on, I am going to be as happy as I can be.
Thanks so much Kandee.. you really are a wonderful person :)
(p.s, the t-shirt is AWESOME!)

Grace said...

kandee you have no idea how much your posts make my days better and so full of hope, even after a dreadful day. thank you! God bless.

Lovinmamabear said...

Awesome blog today Kandee! THANKS!!!!

Stevi said...

I always love reading your blogs and watching your videos. They make me smile and lift me up.
I couldn't agree more with this blog.
In the past I held onto my anger and my pain. I was so unhappy and bitter because of all the stuff I was holding onto. One day I realized that if I wanted to move on with my life I needed to forgive all those people who did not so nice things to me. I needed to forgive them for myself. I know this sounds cheesy but, I have this peace in my heart and a happiness I've never felt before.
Recently my mother was diagnosed with stage 3 cervical cancer. I had to put the past behind me so I could move forward and focus on taking care of her. I couldn't do what I need to do holding onto all that bitterness.
Thank you for all your kind words and fun videos. I love your heart and spunkiness!

Corliss said...

Kandee, I enjoy visiting with you every day and I miss Adventures in Kandeeland. How can I get in there? I have tried to get in using my Google sign in; but, it doesn't work? I want to continue enjoying it. How do I acess it? I miss you.

Stevi said...

Hi Kandee,

I can't agree more with your blog. For years I held onto anger, pain and bitterness. One day I felt like God shook me, told me I deserved a better life than I was living and that I needed to let go and forgive so I could move on with my life. I know this sounds cheesy but, I have a peace in my heart and a happiness I thought I'd never feel.
Recently my mother was diagnosed with stage 3 cervical cancer. I know that I wouldn't be able to get through this and take care of her if I was still holding onto the bitterness and anger towards her and my father.
It is amazing the difference I feel now that I've moved on from all the negative things in my past. I thank God for the strength to make it through all of it.
Thank you for your blogs and videos. I love your kind heart and your spunkiness! You are such a great person and your blogs and videos lift my spirits!!

Anonymous said...

Kandee, I love you for posting this wonderful blog that always lifts my spirit. This one really hit home because I am holding on to issues that I need to let go of. (I am slowly working on it) I would just like to say thank you for always cheering me up when I am down. And thank you for making awesome videos that make me look better. Which in turn make me feel better. You are truely a wonderful person.

Lauri The Artist said...

You always cheer me up with your words Kandee; you spread so much hope, happiness and love. The wonderful thing about you is that I know you mean everything you say =) Thanks for posting this. =)

Jenny said...

you are going to think I am NUTS- but that is exactly what I needed to hear today. I went through a really rough childhood and my mom was bi-polar. She was tough to live with and when I moved out at 16 I cut all ties. But my heart never did. I go through a DAILY routine of missing her and hating her, and it's been 7 years. I know I need to find it in me to forgive her, but never felt like I could.

After reading your blog today- I am gonna write her a letter. Simple.

I forgive you.
I love you.
I miss you.

Your daughter.



twin-melissa said...

You are so right! Allowing people to ruin your happiness is no one else's fault but your own. As usual you have great words of wisdom for us all! Thanks!

Tay Tay said...

It's funny that you said something about your friends hating their Dads... my Dad cheated on my Mom a couple of months ago and has been doing terrible things to her ever since, and they are now in the middle of a terrible divorce... it's been hard to forgive, but what you said about God taking care of everything has really given me a new outlook!

I love you Kandee! Thank you for all of your wonderful posts... I can't tell you how much you change my point of view on so many things, but this has touched me deeply.

God bless you :)

Kristi said...

This post helped me tremendously today! I don't harbor pain in my heart for my Dad. I hold it for my mom. Today was a day that the pain was right at the fore front. I've known for a long time I need to let it go. I need to forgive and forget and not be angry anymore. With the help of my husband, my best friends, and a long lost stepsister I am able to deal with the feelings that I have. This post just showed me that I'm on the right path. I need to get the toxic memories out of my heart and stop letting them rip me open. Thanks Kandee for your positivity, for your openness, and especially for your words! You are a daily ray of sunshine even when the sun is on vacation. : )

ninateresa said...

kandee doll
were to start....I know you gey plenty of comment kinda the same. Well I write you and I have told you your words mean so much to me I am going threw alot and I promise you say the right things everyday... Its like your reading m mind and talkin to ok I am not happy I am not doing well I have alot of problem but you make it so better for me like when I read your blog everyday I agree and I do what you say like I get said be glad I have a roof over my head and be blessed with other things I have in life....and this one really got to me I read all your blogs kandee and your such an insperacional person! I know you probably have so many fans telling you things like this but kandee ugh your such a big deal to me I adore you and about the ex: people hate there dads.....well I am one of those people....I am trying to forgive my dad I just want him to tell me his sorry....I've written him a letter but I have not sent it(I haven't talked to him in like 3yrs) but yes I want to forgive him but I just want to hear that he's sorry...but yes kandee doll thank you thank you oh so much I love you tons :) and I can keep going but I'll stop here lol take care keep your insperacional words coming and you wonderful videos too :)
I love you tons kandee doll :)
:) ,nina

Unknown said...

How to be happy: read Kandee's blogs, watch Kandee's Youtube videos :) & imagine Kandee's sweet words and hugs!
~Cassidy Z.

Candice said...

Im not sure if you read these or not but you are amazingly wonderful! To have such a bright and sunny disposition is something we should all aspire to. I read ur blog everyday knowing that I will fell better and be a better person! Peace and love. Candice =)

SidnacGlitz said...

This is too freaky. Someone offended me and I have been holding on to it. I have a hard time forgiving someone when they hurt me. I know God says we should forgive as he has forgiven us. Thank you for reminding me. It's not easy. I wish I could let things go as easily as you seem too. Hey do you go back to court tomorrow? I'll be praying for you.
Much love.

Katherine said...

hey, Kandee! i just want to say that you rock and i'm a huge fan of yours! you have such a positive attitude and i love that! I hope you're really succesfull! :)

Katherine said...

hey kandee! i just want to say that I'm a huge fan of yours! You are always so positive and you cheer me up every day! I hope you are successful! :)

Unknown said...

What a beautiful post!!!! And a great video :) I may have a few shirts to cut :)

Emma said...

I've watched your videos for awhile, and now started following your blog. Your beauty, upbeat attitude, and faith are so inspiring. Thanks!

Rainbow said...

Thanks for sharing!
They are so useful!
I always wanted to design sth or DIY sth, but i just don't know where to start!
I guess i could keep my old clothes and make them into new ones. So exciting =P
And same with you, I still have my DIY accessaries keep in my treasure box haha...
Thanks again! :)

Charity said...

Hiya kandee~
I just love this daily love mission you put up, especially the first two. The smallest things make so much difference, it is strange that we find it difficult to do it every single day.

And your Vans are darn cute :P

mel said...

i found this quote years ago and it changed my life.
this is my first visit here - i'm off to snoop - great skirt!

Unknown said...

Kandee, thank you so much! I always look forward to coming home from work (I live all the way over in Brisbane, Australia! :D) and reading your posts or checking your newest vids on Youtube. You brighten up soooo many people's day everyday. God's using you in such a big way as an encourager and a friend to so many. I can only hope to one day meet you, but i feel like i know you, and you are such a sweet, genuine, forgiving, inspirational person! your kids are so lucky to have a wonderful mum like you!!! I'm sure it must take you ages to read through all your fan posts on all the different sites like here, facebook, youtube etc hahaha, but you always surprise us with more, even tho you're such a busy person.

Thank you Kandee for taking time out soooo regularly to write these encouraging little notes and other lovely things you post in various places, I can never get enough!!! :)

One thing i respect you even more for, is your love for God. You're my sister in Christ! and that is so exciting and awesome!!!! *little squeel* to me, you're words have so much more meaning and value to me because of that.

I am so grateful to have stumbled accross your vids on Youtube, it was the best thing ever, and its really sparked something in that love for make up that i have, to turn it into a career, and i'm now taking steps into becoming a makeup artist to!! Thank you for being such a great and positive example for us all! :)

Hey, if you EVER come visit here in Australia, PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE, PRETTY PLEASE do some Glaminars over here too! I feel like i'm missing out BIIIIG TIME here! ><

Znachorka said...

thanks kandee! my heart needed to hear that! :D I love this video and I’ll doo t-shirt by myself
You're wonderful!

Diane said...

Thanks for writing this down. It got me thinking about forgiveness. I also think the way you do, but not always act this way...I guess I should...

Have a fun day!


Laura Louise said...

First of all, totally love the pink skirt! I bought a white one a while back and wasn't sure how to rock it; I think I'll dye it and go from there. Thanks for the inspiration!

Second, I completely agree with you on forgiveness. It takes too much energy to live life angry. Karma will take care of it. Way to be positive!

Monique said...

Great post! Could you show us how to do a halter top?
Keep up the good work :)

Elsa Frescata said...

A Kiss from Europe , Love your Bog , your a Sweety :-)

Paula Jeann said...

I really admire you!!
As a makeup artist but more importantly, as a woman.
You uplift me with ur kind words everytime i visit your blog!
Thank you!

Véronique Romero said...

Your words really touched my heart and made me feel better :D
I will accomplish the daily love mission! <3 you are an amazing person and i hope you have A BEAUTIFUL DAY FILLED WITH LOVE.
Hugs and Kisses from Canada!

corfneyadvice said...

Thank you so much for posting such positivty! Everyday I come to your blog to feel sunshine glowing onto me, and your such a big inspiration of mine. I hope to one day do hairdressing, and your blogs about pursuading your goals really inspire me.

Flavia said...

Kandee, you could read "you can heal your life", by Louise has EVERYTHING to do with what u say...very inspiring and healing! =)
love love love you! As always, u made my day with your beautiful are such a help, such a positive force on earth!!THANK YOU!!!

Giedre said...

Kandee, I feel like I'm sitting on the clouds right now, comfortable and warm. Can't even describe it..
You are a therapy, everything related to you, brings me joy (not bad things, of course). Somehow, your spirit reaches mine, when I read your blogs..

I don't know how, but only you made me thaaaaat happy and you are my happiness teacher. Love you with all of my heart. Honestly.

Yours Giedre (gianthug)

senior!182010 said...

ugh! kandee you always make my day! like today was a really bad day for me i was so down because me and my bf broke up n now he talking to these pretty skinny girls.. but i came on ur blogs and u always seem to cheer me back up!
thank you for making my day :D

Robina said...

thanks for this post kandee.. love you <3

Blonde Mafia said...

wow your blogs have been on FIRE lately :) Girl keep bringin it..your great and we all need you and to hear these wonderful words!!


Bama girl

Unknown said...

Yes its hard to forgive. But here is what I do. I just "see" that these people have issues and then I don't add "hate" to my feelings. Just let it go and realize that you don't have to deal with them anymore. Don't "appoint" anyone and you will not be disappointed. Don't place "people" on pedastals. Have no expectations and when they are good it is pleasant surprise and when they are bad it doesn't matter. Dont' get sucked into them being nice one moment and bad the next. Just stay objective treat them with an emotional distance but just don't waste time with the emotion of hate and move away to people with good values. It will work for you...

Anonymous said...

its amazing that you post this comment today! I am going through this kind of stuff in my life right now and i really love reading your blogs daily and they always seem to touch my life somehow or another! thank you for being you!

Natalia Villava said...

*crying* you are so right always!. With the "dad" part I 17 years old and I have a LOT of problems with my dad...but thank you for your words as always :) . I sure hope to see you one day!

Tambourine said...

Hiiiii Kandee,

Wonderful post and on the best day. this post of yours made me feel better. Been having the worst week and sometimes with all the anger i have towards a select few it makes me really tired and just not 100%. I have been ridiculed and harassed by random ppl and it just really sucks. But i will try to let go and forgive like you do. Love your tutorial btw and good luck with everything you do! =p

Anonymous said...

Hi Kandee:) i was wondering if you could recreate the makeup that Victoria Beckham wore on the cover of GLAMOUR magazine. Your work is always beautiful and inspirational so that’s why I’m asking you out of all the makeup gurus on you tube. I really hope you read this comment and are able to do it.

Anonymous said...

You are amazing! Thank you! xx

Poleth said...

i LOVE the pink tutu skirt :)

TmbrMtchll said...

Kandee!! I am such a BIG fan of yours. You taught me to do my makeup!! I am a lil late bc I have not got to read your blog in a lil while. This blog that you wrote really touched me. Even though I have never met you, you have helped me so much. I love reading what you write. I have been having the hardest time the past couple of months. I just recently found out that my dad is not my real dad and I got to talk to my real father for the first time. I found out I have a brother and a sister I have never met. Its just a bunch of crazyness and emotions. I was having a really hard time. I was being very mean and taking all my anger out on everyone around me. Finally my husband sat me down and I cried it all out. I then read this blog and made a goal to smile and say hi and nothing but positive things to everyone around me. I just want you to know you are an amazing person and all the words you say are really helping me in my daily life everyday. You just remind me to be happy and not to worry. Thank you so much!!

Whitney said...

I love that skirt!

Sum Kuller said...

The more i read your blogs and watch your youtube videos the more my love and respect grows for you...!!
i loved, LOVED everythin' you said about forgiveness and everythin'..! Yes God will take care of everythin' for us.. and we just need to be patient and be happy with ourselves..

I am so inspired by you Kandee...

Huge LOVE...! xoxoxox <3

Sum Kuller said...

The more i read your blogs and watch your youtube videos the more my love and respect grows for you...!!
i loved, LOVED everythin' you said about forgiveness and everythin'..! Yes God will take care of everythin' for us.. and we just need to be patient and be happy with ourselves..

I am so inspired by you Kandee...

Huge LOVE...! xoxoxox <3

Sum Kuller said...

The more i read your blogs and watch your youtube videos the more my love and respect grows for you...!!
i loved, LOVED everythin' you said about forgiveness and everythin'..! Yes God will take care of everythin' for us.. and we just need to be patient and be happy with ourselves..

I am so inspired by you Kandee...

Huge LOVE...! xoxoxox <3

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