and as she dropped the white cloak to reveal a sheer-ish leotard...grabbed a hold of some trapeze-artist style silk fabric....hung upside down singing...and ending it all by hanging from the silk....woweeee....
I searched the words to Pink's "Glitter in the Air" song....and tears rolled down my face as I rad the heart-tugging words...and listened to her belt out the song to your heart....
let me just show you the lyrics right now....
Have you ever fed a lover with just your haNds? Closed your eyes And trusted, just trusted Have you ever Thrown a fist full of glitter in the air? Have you ever looked fear in the face And said I just don’t care It’s only half past the point of No return The tip of the iceberg The sun before the burn The tHunder before lightning The breathe before the phrase Have you ever felt thIs way? Have you ever hated yourSelf for staring at the phone? You’re whole life waiting on the ring to prove you’re noT alone Have you Ever been touched so gently you had to cry? Have you ever inviteD a stranger to come inside? It’s only half past the point of oblivion The hourglass on the table The walk before the run The breathe before the kiss And the fear before the flames Have you ever felt this way? There you are, sitting in the garden Clutching my coffee, Calling me sugar You called me sugar Have you ever wished for an endless night? Lassoed the moon and the stars and pulled that rope tight Have you ever held your breathe and asked yourself will it ever get better than tonight? Tonight
I have a new admiration for Pink....I think she is cool...she doesn't care what people think...she's not your typical "hollywood" girl...she doesn't try to fit into a mold of...and she has a soft side, despite her tough looking "what you see on the outside"....you can feel her heart and that's what people always can connect with...the heart of someone....
I was so loving her performance.....I wanted to recreate her make-up look...this pretty frosty, silvery, look that I thought was sooooo lovely...

I still have to edit it and upload it to youtube....but I really like how it came out.....
take a peek at her performance...until i can get this baby edited and live!!!
AND keep watching for me to post the picture of my short-blonde "Pink-ish" hair... hee hee
enjoy.......I love this!
I totally love this song. I cried when I heard it on her newest album. I really connected with it. I can't wait to see the vid. I thought she looked amazing at the Grammys. Keep you chin up love, Everyone I know seems to be going through some heavy stuff right now. I know how tough it seems, but your legs can only get knocked out from under you if you are standing on your own.
Love and Light!
i'mnot a fan of pink ('cept for the song "there you go") but I LOVED that performance. to be honest I watched it muted :P but what a beautiful performance
That performance was amazing! I LOVE Pink too!!!!
Oh! Wasn't that breathtaking?
I went to iTunes immediately to buy the album, but like the live version of that song so much better!
Calling me sugar,
he called me sugar.
She is amazing, I've seen her twice live and she's done all kinds of amazing things in the air. She's so talented and yeah like you said she fit's no mold and gives 0 care what other people think which for a Hollywood star I think it awesome as so many stars just blend in with the rest of seem sheep like.
Anyway I look forward to seeing your tutorial and your hair!
She (Like you) is brilliant beautiful artistic and will be remembered forever! Thank you for sharing!
Thanks for the link, I wanted to watch this!
I love p!nk too! For the same reasons..She not only has real talent, she's an inspiring individual. this song is beautiful, I can't stop singing it repetatively in my head. She's like you in a way, because you're a very talented, individual person who inspires and encourages people with your beautiful make up! I really appreciate your courage to spread the love of God because I've come to learn it's the only real love that's whole, unconditional, and permanant.
Hey Momma,
I LOVE this song..Although it is thought of as a love song for a couple...I listen to hear it and remember my adoption experience and how we take chances during our Russian adoptions..And at my job, (kindergarten teacher) my friends call me the glitter queen, since you gotta play with glitter when dealing with 5 year olds!!
This song is moving on so many levels..Love, adoption, friendships..Pink rocks it...
I wasn't really interested in her performance at the Grammy's either, but i decided to watch it anyway, i liked it :) It was really something... different can i say? In a good way :) Anyway, can't wait to see the make-up look, just got to get some shimmery frosty silvery eyshadows, cause all i use now it's just brownish-goldish stuff :))
Hey Kandee, I've been following you for about 4 months now, I just love your videos and became a huge fan, I just wanted to tell you what a small world this was because some how my family knows you or they know of you I should say I guess they have been really good friends with your ex and his family and some how my brother knows him as well. I just find it ironic that somehow we are connected. I hope everything is going well for you and you can email me if you like, Take care.
This was her best performance. She is so confident in who she is! Love her! Thanks for posting on her!
I have always so loved Pink. She is an amazing woman and her voice is just beautiful.
I am so going to try this look! Thank you Kandee
Hi Kandee,
Thank you for the youtube videos. The videos transformed me from an invisible girl next door to someone who gets noticed. I am so grateful.
I hope you are as blessed as you deserve to be.
I'm looking forward to this next video. It's hard to find pretty looks for pale skin blondes!
Kandee you are one of the sweetest most caring people I think I have ever come across. You see the beauty in everyone and thats a trait that you don't find everyone day. Most people in this world have lost that. I'm glad you still have it, show it and embrace it! Can't wait to see your new video! Take care Kandee and have a glitter in the air kind of day! ;)
~Cassidy Z.
you know what is so amazing about her?? She writes all her own music!!! love her!
wow! breath taking... i would have loved to see it in person.
I absolutely adore Pink, she's an incredible person and artist.
I've been to see her in concert twice, most recently at the O2 in London for her Funhouse tour. It was incredible! xx
when i saw this performance i was mesmerized. she is an amazing performer. the song. the performance. i actually teared up during this performance when i originally saw it. the emotion in it was truly captivating. she made the show. she is a truly amazing badass chick.
I have her CD and its so good. I love the glitter in the Air its a sad song but so real. One love-Jessica
What’s going on kandee (English Accent), my name is Raju from England... just stumbled across your videos on YouTube obviously as a dude im not looking for makeup tips lol.. i had a look through your blog... i admire and respect what you do and your aura... your special.. just wanted to say that everyone goes through things in life that are hard to get through.. (even though I’m 22) i have been through things myself... you’re going to experience negativity from people all the time, I’m a hip hop/ 80’s kid and on the videos people are arguing with each other about the music rather than enjoying it... just wanted to say keep on grinding and you will get to the point you want to reach i have a random ‘qwerky’ sense of humor and you made me laugh.. i don’t even know why i was on your videos but you have that aura as i mentioned (i subscribed). i told my little sisters about your blog (they gave me a funny look when i told them about a makeup channel on youtube)... anyway... i wish you every success...keep you head up, keep it moving... much love... Raju Peace x
That's the ONLY performance I missed!She's so amazing,I love her!
omgosh this song is wonderful her performance was amazing cant wait to see the look!
Hello my beautiful Kandee!!! you are such a sweet little piece of cake from heaven :)
It truly makes me happy to see your amazing videos and to read your inspirational words. Because of people like you, slowly but steady I have learned to love and accept myself. Thank you.
I also wanted to share this video with you: Fight Outta You by Ben Harper because after reading about your court struggles and all that I thought you might appreciate this song.
Much love <3!
oh wow! this is really beautiful... thanks for sharing Kandee!
I absolutely love Pink! The no-no It girl!
I absolutely love Pink! The no-no It girl!
YAY! MY fav makeup artist doing a look from my Favorite singer Double YAY
I know!!! I thought she really felt the music. How beautiful her spirit is! The first line is my best!
Wow. What deep lyrics.
And on another note, Pink has an amazing body. I think I have a girl crush on her.
Oh my I thought I was the only one! I cried when I saw her perform this. I played it for my daughter the next day and cried again! I never realized how talented Pink really is...
I totally agree! I was awestruck watching her performance & listening to the words of the song, it was so touching. All hopeless romantics were rejoicing! =)
wow what powerful lyrics. Great Post! cant wait to see how you interprit her look. :)
Isn't her performance amazing? I have watched it several time. Glad it touched your heart. Looking forward to the mu tutorial.
Those are Pink's songs that I really really like because she shows her "soft" side, her real side... you can really feel what she wants to share--- and its good music too!
On the show, the effect of the drops was so awesome! Tho whole show was stunning and she was singing at the same time!!
I love you Kandee (happy almost Vday!! <3 <3 <3 )
Angel Ramirez
beautiful song cant wait to see your makeup look :D have a wonderful beautiful day kandee!
she sings song beautifuly...wow...i never saw this till now. i love it :)
have a wonderful and blessed day, Kandee-girl <3
Yap, I like this girl very much since she's on stage. Her style of singing, dressing and performing herself is amazing!
I agree with you! Pink is a brilliant role model for young women. She seems to be the kind of person who just doesn't care and wants to stand out from the crowd.
she is such a beautiful person and a wonderful enchanting song and performance i was mesmerized while watching!
Her performance gave me chills. She was on Oprah talking about it as well and said she made extra "breathy" sounds so we'd know she was singing live instead of recorded. Awesome!
that was so beautiful kandee! thank you for sharing!
I don't have television (just a personal choice), so I have to watch events in bits and pieces. You sharing this performance with me (and the rest of your readers) made it so much more beautiful to me. Thank you for your openness and your kind and loving nature. You certainly have made more than just my day. Sending love and hugs your way, Kandee.
Pink had such a fabulous performance at the Grammy's!
Question for you, been meaning to ask and this is totally off topic: where'd you get your colorful headphones you use for running? They're adorable and I definitely would love something fun like that for running.
Thanks, Kandee!
I could watch this over and over and over again...and I have! :) Thanks for sharing!
I agree! Pink is totally awesome! those lyrics are so touching, too.
Love you, Kandee!! <3 Keep your spirits up you'll get through this tough time. and we'll all help you do it.
Amazing. Her performance was so touching and it's an incredible song. She's so unique, truly unique, and that's why she's so great. She is definitely someone to look up to.
This one works.
Wow, what an amazing performance!
i love pink she is amazing.. cant wait to see how u do her makeup from this night!i always love her makeup! you are amazing kandee !
i saw this performance when i went to her concert but watching it again just gave me chills.
pink is an amazing artist. i think it's even better that she writes her own songs and doesn't lipsync! =]
All I am going to say is Thank you for this tonight.... You do not know just how much I needed it and here it was... Thanks
Pink is amazing! Looking forward to a new tutorial! Speaking of glitter - I finally tried out my Alice in Wonderland shadows and have a question for you. How do I lessen the glitter fall-out? I had glitter ALL OVER my face and had no idea how to get it off. Any tips? Thanks so muchness! :)
Just to let you know I have nominated you for a sunshine blog award on my blog -http://theartofbeingperfect.blogspot.com/
No worries if you are award free but wanted you to know that your blog makes me smile x
YES! I love P!NK.. she has always been a trend setter, badass, artist, and inspiration in my eyes. She writes from her heart, like Gwen Stefani used to do when she was with No DOubt.
I love songs about love that are fresh and original.
Thanks for posting so I could watch again!
We in Australia have loved P!nk for years, it's a shame America is only taking notice of this amazing star now......go Pink!
That is such an amazing song. I connected so well with this song, and I can see you doing the same. Thank you for sharing something so special. I love the make-up look, thanks for showing us how to do it :-). Lots of Love!
Pink is amazing! Thanks for posting the video.
thank you for posting and sharing about this song... i didnt get a chance to watch the grammy's but i found this to be incredibly beautiful.. pink has always had a stunning voice, but this performance brings her to a whole new level of artistry and shows just how much shes matured (but still stayed true to herself)
thank you again for sharing kandee! this warmed my heart!
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