I did this look Avatar look yesterday, with Neytiri's make-up look...I used a "fake" nose...this was after I took my fake shnozzzz off...I thought it looked really funny! I should have the tutorial up next week.
And man, was there a blue mess trying to get all this off....wait til you see how I made the nose out of play-doh! IT was awesome!
I shot a lot of really cool videos yesterday too...
And for everyone who has been sending their love, and prayers, and heavenly "sparkles" to me....I treasure and cherish each one of you and I thank God for all the encouragement and support you pour out on me! I really wish I could give you guys an update and tell you how everything is going...but unfortunately...at this point in time, everything I say, is being twisted around, and as sad as it is...people like to talk about things, assume things and jump to the craziest, far-fetched conclusions.
My mom told me tonight: "when you're going through hell, just keep on going!"...and that is true...
if you're were walking through the most dangerous scary place...you probably wouldn't stop and sit down and say, "oh man, this sure is awful! Gosh I hate being here....what am I gonna do?!?",
heck no! I'd be running, as fast as I could, to get out of there!
The most amazing people have been through the most heartbreaking situations. Remember, like I always say, "it's the broken and shattered mirrors, that give off the most sparkle and light"....
so maybe tonight, you and I are giving off a little extra sparkle and shine.....
huge love and shining sparkles your way, kandee
hey kandee! love and prayers are going out to you through all this. can't wait to watch the avatar video!
Kandee! You are my favorite person to go to when I need a good inspiration. I am keeping you in my prayers. I am sad at what you are going through, but God always blesses those who are his. I am so happy people are helping you!
Keep the vids coming, your make up is amazing. Positive is the way to be! Don't let them grind you down!
I know it seems like you might be hitting the bottom of the well with everything going on. Your mother is right, when you are going through hell, just keep on going. The only place to go from the bottom is up. I hope that everything turns out okay in the end. There are alot of people rooting for you!
On the other hand, I am looking forward to the new video! Everytime I log into youtube, you're the first one I am looking for new videos from! I love your enthusiasm, your positive attitude, and the things you do in your videos! :) Keep on doing what you do!!
As always thank you Kandee!!! So funny how even just participating in your "blogtv" today, just motivates me to start things I've been procrastinating on. All it takes is your "ray of light" & suddenly I feel a burst of motivation! Thanx again!!! (~_~)
Kandee, I went thru the exact same situation you are going thru but in Iowa, different laws. I was blamed for things that I could never even think of doing. It took a while and a lot of tears but eventually, the truth came out and all everyone had so wrongly accused me of had to say was Im sorry. I will keep you in my prayers and just remember a lie can only last so long before the truth comes out and you come out shining! You are an amazing person. Keep your chin up and never forget you have the most precious three sets of little eyes looking up to you, and after all, they are all that really matters!
Love, Ariadne
I LOVED AVATAR and I love you too Kandee =]. I can't wait to see the video. The look seems to be so wonderful! Keep up the good work
Loooove your makeup Kandee!!!!!! Can't wait to see the video. :) and your mo quoted a country song lol it's called ''If you're going through hell''. Everything will work out, just keep pushing forward and with a smile on your face, you WILL be fine!! *hugs*
Cassidy Z
That's the most beautiful metaphor! your helping so many people with your encouraging words. Your truly inspiring and a great role model for young people everywhere. Things will turn around your a good person much love xo
I really feel like your words encourage me to keep moving forward to reach my goal of becoming a nurse. Even without the funds to do it, i'll make it somehow and work my way upwards. The good and honest way to make it ;)
hi kandee, i can't believe whats happening to you right now, it breaks my heart. you dont deserve this kind of treatment. just dont let them get you down. we all know you can pull through this. and btw i know there is no minimum age limit that you can leave a child at home in cali, you should check into that for nevada. good luck with everything!
Kandee I have been watching you for s few months now but have never stopped to leave a comment I didn't really believe it would reach you o guess but I'm hopping it will. You have changed the way I look at myself and life and I'd like to believe that's I was a happy person bbefore but u had made me understand my self so much more then ever. Which in turn has me thinking about being a makeup artist. So many things you say are as if you rea my mind it's amazing to me. I was always scared to tell people what I really wanted to do in life. I just really want you to know that's is always the happy confidant people that get wrath I think it's because miserable people are so afraid and intimidated of happy content people. It's very sad anyone that can say such mean hurtful things to another human being had so much hate in their heart that you just have to feel sorry for them. You have put yourself out their and not just your proudest moments nut the real you and that's why people are so drawn to you. You are truely an inspiration !
I cannot say that I know exactly how you feel, or that I've been through the same thing, but I can say that I'm keeping you in my thoughts and prayers, and I just know that everything is going to work out for you. Please keep smiling and being the wonderful person that you are. Even as you go through this hard time, there are so many people in your corner, because you are such an inspiring person. My mama has always said that good things happen to good people. It's sounds a little corny, and hard to believe when we go through hard times, but I have found it to be true. You do such a good job of cheering your fans up, and brightening our day, so I hope that this has done the same for you.
Awesome! I loved Avatar!! It was beautiful... *~*
Nice job on the make up! You have such a talent!!! I do cosplay and make costumes so I hope to get better at the make-up part! I'm so glad you do tutorials. They're awesome and a huuuuge help!
Oh and my mom says the SAME thing as your mom!! :D
Hey Kandee!!
You are such and amazing person i love what you do. i love the fact that you are so honest and that you let us into your life. I am praying for you. I am praying that God give you Joy that you cannot out into words. I pray the god gives you peace, the peace that passes all understanding. I pray that God will give the strength of a lion. To be about able to take on what people write, or say to you. Kandee I want you to put on the Armor of God!!!
WE love you!!!!
Carla and Carisa
Psalm 23.. God bless you :)
Wow. Amazinq ( :
Kandee you are such an amazing person and I really look up to you. You are probably the nicest person I have ever came across :) I always watch your makeup vids and learn new tips and tricks from you (as I am a makeup artist too). I am just starting out and trying to find work in the field, but it is harder than I thought. I find myself struggling as well and put in a poopy situation and when I feel depressed or hopeless I read your words on here or watch one of your videos to make me feel better. If you ever need an assistant or someone to help you on a job I am totally up for it! and I would do it for free just to be able to learn new tips from you because I am not that good of a makeup artist yet haha. Well I hope everything works out for you and I know it will. Thanks for being so kind
"it's the broken and shattered mirrors, that give off the most sparkle and light" - I love that quote :)
I really hope things are resolved for you all asap.
Hi Kandee! You've been a huge inspiration to me. I'm a student in the Philippines and though I would love to help-you-get-an-attorney, I can only pray for you right now. You give me so much joy and love from your youtube vids and blog entries and I hope that this little post would encourage you even a little.
Psalm 91
1 He who dwells in the secret place of the Most High Shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty.
2 I will say of the LORD, "He is my refuge and my fortress;My God, in Him I will trust."
3 Surely He shall deliver you from the snare of the fowler And from the perilous pestilence.
4 He shall cover you with His feathers,And under His wings you shall take refuge;His truth shall be your shield and buckler.
5 You shall not be afraid of the terror by night,Nor of the arrow that flies by day,
6 Nor of the pestilence that walks in darkness,Nor of the destruction that lays waste at noonday.
7 A thousand may fall at your side,And ten thousand at your right hand;But it shall not come near you.
8 Only with your eyes shall you look,And see the reward of the wicked.
9 Because you have made the LORD, who is my refuge,Even the Most High, your dwelling place,
10 No evil shall befall you,Nor shall any plague come near your dwelling;
11 For He shall give His angels charge over you,To keep you in all your ways.
12 In their hands they shall bear you up,Lest you dash your foot against a stone.
13 You shall tread upon the lion and the cobra,The young lion and the serpent you shall trample underfoot.
14 "Because he has set his love upon Me, therefore I will deliver him;I will set him on high, because he has known My name.
15 He shall call upon Me, and I will answer him;I will be with him in trouble;I will deliver him and honor him.
16 With long life I will satisfy him,And show him My salvation."
More than the love we have for you, remember that God's love for you is even greater. Be still and know that He is God^-^ And that he loves you so! You'll get through this!
You are loved more than you know... and love for you comes from places you may never have heard of. Sending you my love and prayers from my little island country, the Philippines^-^
i wish i could meet you and spend some time with you, that is one of mi biggest wishes :*
Whoa, blue avatar! I wanna see this, it sounds pretty awesome.
I really admire your strength through this situation, I am praying that God gets you through this crazy situation (which I know He will) :)
God bless you and your family!
Kandee, I love that makeup, even without the nose it looks so awsome! I am really proud of you! It's amazing how you've hold on. If you feel like giving up, remember why you hold on so long at the first place. And also remember that we're here for you. I really hate that people automatically think that you're a bad person, after only reading an article. If they don't have any information about you, they should not judge. They might end up in the same situation and then they're thinking, that all those people have wrong info about me. So keep your head up and high. You're the best! Oh and I can't wait to see that tutorial! It might not be today, tomorrow or the next day, but everything is going to be OK. Belive in yourself, you can do it, Kandee. You've given us soo much 'you-can-do-it-ness' now we're gonna give that back to you. You can!
Sparkles, hugs and you-can-do-it-ness, Sille:)
There are millions of us, your fans - the biggest Kandee + Fans family ever existed. There are few people, talking nonsense, when they should care about their own lives. (Save me God, I'm not wishing, but God sees the truth and the stick has two ends, it will come back to them in double amount.)
And comparing few millions with few poor haters, they are equal to 0. Exactly 0. No more! Remember!!!
Loving and thinking of you,
Yours Giedre (theworldssizehug)
Hi Kandee! I am a makeup artist, dancer, singer, actress, stand-up comic... mother of 3 (too!) and I just adore you. You are incredibly inspiring to me and your videos make me smile. I love people that realize that having a sense of humor is not an option in their life. Work it, lady! Please tell me there's a glaminar in the OC/San Diego area soon! My parents own an acting school in Irvine and I know they'd love a Master class or seminar from you sometime! You need to be acting girl. The talent is all there...
I always look up to you. when im down i always go to my favorite website and thats kandeethemakeupartis.blogspot.com..., you're great, keep dreaming, keeping living, keep insipiring people... i'm praying for your trial to have an amazing turn out... we believe in you...
When things get really hard just remember that we´re for you!!
Just hold on cause I´m sure that the wonderful days you deserve filled with tons of happiness are just around the corner ;)
Hugs filled with huge love!
Kandee, I was talking to my mom about all the crazyness you're going through and she told me it's just satan attacking you because you're trying to get a positive message out (I never thought about it like that, but it must be true!) and that we just need to keep praying for you. So I just wanted to share that with you! We're praying that you get through this and get it behind you! :)
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