Martin Luther King Jr., had a dream...and he shared it with the world! I know that each one of you has a dream...maybe you have kept it locked up safely in your heart, so that no one will hurt it....maybe you've shared your dream and it was made fun of....maybe you feel like your dream will never become real...and you've given up!
Today I encourage you...no matter what is going on in your life....listen to this other amazing saying from Mr. King.....
"The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy." -Martin Luther King Jr
..if life and it's troubles have gotten you down, people have made fun of you, you feel discouraged and sad...even heartbroken!!!
I want to boost up your heart...and say....."We are are strong! Are our dreams are special and we have them for a reason! God put those dreams in your heart for a very special reason!!! It's just up to us to be willing to go through all the difficulties we may face, to make them real!"
No matter what size you are, color you are, the way you dress, the make up you wear, the lifestyle you choice to have, the people you choose to love, the amount of money you have, or don't have...what people have told you...none of that matters!!!
It matters what's in your heart...if no one else is telling you, you can do it! I AM!!! You CAN do it....I'll take the KAN- straight out of Kandee and give it to you! I believe in each one of you...if you don't give up, and don't settle for anyone's "No's"...or "you can't do that", or "you?!? how are you gonna do that?!?"....Don't listen to any of it!
Each one of us is special, and was created with our own unique dreams inside...that is your dream garden...and you are the only one who can water it and make it grow! I want to shine some sunshine on your dream today...now you go water it and make it grow!!!
this was typed with so much love.....if you know anyone who could use this today, please feel free to pass it on.....may we start spreading more love and sunshine this year....huge love, kandee
..if life and it's troubles have gotten you down, people have made fun of you, you feel discouraged and sad...even heartbroken!!!
I want to boost up your heart...and say....."We are are strong! Are our dreams are special and we have them for a reason! God put those dreams in your heart for a very special reason!!! It's just up to us to be willing to go through all the difficulties we may face, to make them real!"
No matter what size you are, color you are, the way you dress, the make up you wear, the lifestyle you choice to have, the people you choose to love, the amount of money you have, or don't have...what people have told you...none of that matters!!!
It matters what's in your heart...if no one else is telling you, you can do it! I AM!!! You CAN do it....I'll take the KAN- straight out of Kandee and give it to you! I believe in each one of you...if you don't give up, and don't settle for anyone's "No's"...or "you can't do that", or "you?!? how are you gonna do that?!?"....Don't listen to any of it!
Each one of us is special, and was created with our own unique dreams inside...that is your dream garden...and you are the only one who can water it and make it grow! I want to shine some sunshine on your dream today...now you go water it and make it grow!!!
this was typed with so much love.....if you know anyone who could use this today, please feel free to pass it on.....may we start spreading more love and sunshine this year....huge love, kandee
Kandee you are my inspiration. One of my passions in life is to encourage and motivate people all the while sharing some fun in life with everyone. But sometimes I need some motivation and one of the places I look is to you. So thank you so much Kandee. I hope everything works out for the best for you I know it will. You have the right attitude towards it and you know you will be stronger in the end.
Much love,
Megan Page
Thank you Kandee...Even tho you are going thru some issue's, you always manage to find the positive. And its because of you i look at my world different even tho it seems like my world is crumbling down..Thank you soo much for being "YOU"
Good for you girl. Even in this hard situation you are going through, you find time and energy to incourage others.. YOU are the Sunshine to a lot of our gardens!
I love you!!!God Bless You!You are an amazing person and deserve all the best in the world...I'm sure that your life soon will change in a much better way...Kisses and hugs
Encourage... ehh i have a dream that i can spell LOL.
Hi Kandee,
I must comment you because admirable what are you doing,how deep you can impress your viewers and help them in hard times
just keep going you are gorgeus
it is reaaly a big help for us
Kandee you are my reason for happiness right now. You have changed my life remarkably and I would like to thank you. I know I know, you get this all the time, but I want you to realise how incredible this is, that your spirit, determination and your beautiful soul has helped so many people. You keep lots of people going and you are a true true hero. God bless u kandee and all that you stand for. You are a TRUE inspiration and have made me become the person I have always wanted to be xxxxxxx If only one day I am fortunate enough to meet you, I would give u the biggest HIGH FIVE ever :) xxx LOOOVE u xxx
Kandee, thank you for all that you do. You are such an inspiration and a positive role modle to so many young girls who look up to you. I always look forward to your posts.
Thank you Kandee for the heart filled words, it was exactly what i needed for my dream of becoming an oncologist. There are no words that can describe my gratitude for reading the wonderful things you say.
Thank you so much Babe. You must have a sixth sense when it comes to this stuff because just yesturday I was feeling like my dream was just too far away. Like I am walking down the world's longest highway and I am never going to get to the end. Nice to know I have at least one person behind me, as I go along.
Giving you a big gigantic with all the love in my heart
Reading this made me feel as if you were speaking directly to me. Thank you Kandee
Very inspirational. I look forward to your blog posts the most. xox
Kandee I hope that things work out for you. I'm glad that you're still spreading sunshine and not letting things get you down. Be strong and you will get through this (just remember the kind of stuff you have been through in the past - this will look like peanuts). You are a good person and don't let anyone tell you otherwise! You inspire so many of us with your optimism and enthusiasm for life (and make-up).
Hi Kandee,
I just want to tell you that if you have teached your childrens to think and dream like you do in here you are raising the most precious little ones in the world, they are going to be the better future we can have and they are going to spread much more love than you think!
Keep it up girl. I heart you...
During a time when you are struggling with your own battles you still find the time to shine at us all. So today we need to offer you some words of wisdom for encouragement and strength. These two EE. Cummings quotes reminded me of you :) xx
"It takes courage to grow up and become who you really are" - EE. Cummings.
"To be nobody but yourself - in a world which is doing its best, night and day, to make you everybody else - means to fight the hardest battle which any human being can fight; and never stop fighting." - EE. Cummings.
I would like to say thank you. You have been such an inspiration to me in just a couple of days. It all started with me watching some of your videos on youtube and you made me remember how much enjoyment I got from doing makeup and trying new things with makeup. You have inspired me to start my own blog (in the life of brandice), I'm looking into makeup courses, and lots of other things for the new year. I had gotten into a rut of thinking life isn't going to get any better and that I'm almost thirty there's nothing I can do. But this is a new year and a new day. So thank you again and if you have the time please stop by my blog
What exactly deoes this mean Kandee: "the lifestyle you choice to have..." from your last post?? Thanks.
Hi Kandee,
I had fun on your blogtv. My husband and I got a kick out of your dancing and he thought the sprinkler move was great! I've been having fun trying out the dance. Hope to see you soon on youtube. Thanks for staying so upbeat and positive!
Thanks Kandee! I love your blogs YOU make me feel soo confident in myself. I love how happy and joyful you are and that makes me happy and joyful. I am seeing the love I have for myself and my family by reading your posts. I pray God blesses your family.
Thanks! Shaheen
You are like the circus Sole` all the pieces of uniqueness,imagination, array of wonderful colors, fascinating twists and twrills and sunshine Bueaty wrapped up in you! In other words you are truly one of a kind. Linda Alma.
Thank you. This post spoke right to my heart. I would always come to this site whenever I feel down, afraid and when no one understands me. Thank you for all the endless encouragement.
Much love,
Hey Kandee!
I really agree with all you´ve said...I use to say that you know that you´re alive as long as you keep dreaming! It´s really important in live to have goals and fight your way up where you want it, and while doing that rely on those who really love us!! Remember that we´re here for you ;)
Hugs filled with love,
Kandee you are such an amazing person. I really like you with your strong personality. You really tuch me with your words.
Thank you.
Even if I don't know you I feel you are a GOOD person (outside and inside)...I wish you all the best from the bottom of my heart.
hey!! i love ur videos, i have learned so much.
i am a senior in high school and its time i decide wat i want to do, and of course i have the pressure of my family. i told them i wanted to be a make-up artist and they(accept my mom) said it wouldn't be a good living and every little girl wants to do that. i would like to be a personal make-up artist, and guess wat they said it wasn't practical. so i was wondering if u could give me some information on how u became a make up artist and some good schools, and if wat i want to do is practical. thank u so much
please keep making videos, and smile=]
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