I can't tell you how exciting it is to have someone come up and tell you how excited they are to meet you!!! It makes me so excited to meet them too!!!!
Last night when I went to have dinner with my girls...I was asked:
Are you Kandee Johnson?
me: yes!!!! (in my high pitched- 4 year old voice...I don't like my voice!ha ha ha)
She then tells me her friend asked her to go and stop me...hee hee hee
(PS, It was so great to meet you Rachel and friends!!! Hope your dinner was yummy too!)
And the day before in Forever 21 I got "recognized", and asked for my picture too!
I felt like a princess or something! So if you ever see me anywhere, please feel free to come up to me and say hi, I will give you a huge hug! I promise!
If in anything...in any moment, stirs inside you to do something.....DO IT! I was talking to my mom today, and we were talking about, how sometimes you need to just do things. Don't think about them too much, don't plan things out so much, it steals the time away from just DOING that thing you want to do!
I know people that plan so much, that's all they do is plan, and they never DO anything! One day, I just filmed my little video on how to clean your brushes (my first video on youtube), I did my first attempt at editing a video, and posted that little guy! If I had planned it out so much, I would've said, "well no, I need a website first", "I don't even have a logo", "who's gonna watch it?", "what if no one looks at the video?"...."I should, I should, I should....."....
NO! I just uploaded it...DOING IS WHERE IT'S AT! Without DOING something, it doesn't matter what you plan....so to steal Nike's slogan: "JUST DO IT!"
Your it can be anything:
telling someone something
starting a new career
changing a habit
getting in shape
going after your dreams
dressing how you want
changing your hair
Just DO SOMETHING this week that maybe you've been putting off...just one little "I DID IT!!!", this week, and watch what happens! huge love, your kandee.....
Awwww you're so sweet Kandee!
Hey Kandee =) I always love reading your posts, you're such an inspiration and never fail to cheer me up with your positive attitude.
This post has inspired me to dye my hair after my exam tomorrow, following your video on hair dye of course =)
Best wishes from snowy England
Hi Kandee! Just popping by to wish you a good day!:) Thanks for all your amazing inspiraional words. You are truly an incredible person! :)
All my love from Norway!
Ps: You really should do one of your glaminars over here!:):)
This is such a great reminder for me! I'm definitely more of a planner. My dad always told me, "Pre-Planning Prevents Poor Performance" (yeah...), and I'm sometimes so afraid of making mistakes that it takes me FOREVER to just DO something.
So thanks for reminding me to think & DO - not just think... and think... and think... :-p
Thanks for posting this Kandee! You just made my week and I will definitely have a "just do it" moment! You inspire me to smile more, be a better person, and to be more confident! Thanks and huge love to you, Kimee <3!!!
as usual well said Miss Kandee! Totally agree with you, just do it now, tweak later! Thanx for the daily Kandee fix! LOL You give me cavities but it's ok, I'd go through a root canal for your vids! ha ha haaaaaa
Heyyy Kandee!!!
first I wanna say NO FAIRRR to that person that got to meet you :(
Thank you so much for making your videos!!! I feel ur positive energy everytime i watch them and which inspired me to write my blog!
I just found you on youtube (yeah I kinda live in a hole)!
And ohmylanta! I love this post! I needed to hear this!
Thanks for posting this Kandee. You're beautiful inside and out. :)
Awww you're so sweet! If I ever saw you I would totally go up to you.
Your videos are great and very helpful!
You are so damn right, Kandee, sometimes I think you are inside my mind, you a re like the good little angel telling me how to sort my life out. I just have to make a change, I don't relly get it never done. Thanks for all your encouragement.
Of course you have fans!
I know this is really random but I dreamt that I bumped into you the other night! haha!
that's what happens when I watch your videos too late at night =P
Nice Vid! I can't wait for the next vid.
I wish I could meet you someday, you seem to be the sweetest person in the entire world! Butthe only way I could meet you is that you'd come to Canada for your Glaminars!! Hope I'll see you soon in Canada! xxx
PS.: good luck for the court, everyone is with you, and God bless you !!
I wish I could meet you someday, you seem to be the sweetest person in the entire world! Butthe only way I could meet you is that you'd come to Canada for your Glaminars!! Hope I'll see you soon in Canada! xxx
PS.: good luck for the court, everyone is with you, and God bless you !!
Come to NY so i can see you and recognize you!
i felt like you were speaking DIRECTLY to me! this helped so much<33 now i wont plan so much hahaha ;P but ill JUST DO IT! haha THANK YOU KANDEE!!! GOD BLESS U TREMENDOUSLY<3 & i rly do mean that, cause you deserve it!!<3 :)
girly you dress like you have money and seem to live like you have money i was a little confused on why you ask for help on an attorney. Anyways love your videos you seem so sweet but I wish we could see the mom side of you more I dont ever see your kids at all im a mom and if I was doing videos my kids would be in every one of them cause im always with them.
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