so this was in the dressing room of Forever 21, after I tried on some thangs....
Hello Kitty shirt- FOREVER 21 (which I shall now refer to as F21...ha ha ha)
Acid washed jeans - F21
belt- i don't know it's practically vintage from m closet
Boots- Steven Madden suede slouchy boots
and now for the screaming....
sometimes I feel very overwhelmed...
and sometimes somethings make it worse...
I have some very not fun things I have to deal with in the next week to a month....I don't like these things...the scare me....and I just want to scream and run away!
Combine that with a lot of other things I 'm trying to take care of and do...and try to keep my heart afloat....and I feel like...just crazy sometimes! ha ha ha
Then I happened to watch something amazing....
It was by a man named, Dr. Charles Stanley, about not giving up...
he said that God knows all our problems, and why he allowed them in our life....to help us grow!
So no matter, what someone you love has done, what choices you've made that feel bad, what a boyfriend or girlfriend has done to you, how you've been hurt, how your family has treated you...
God knew it would happen, and he knew that in those hard times...is when you'd really grow and learn the things you need to be amazing in life!
Never give up....you can never justify giving up!
And you can't always listen to what people tell you, a friend, co-worker, parent, they base their advice on personal experiences and emotions instead of God's truth and his grace. Third, you and I are tempted to give up when we focus more on our loss and the negatives than on the hope we have that God has put inside out hearts. And that's when when we end up feeling hopeless and discouraged.
But remember that whatever, we allow to take over our thoughts...especially if it's negative will rule our life! So please, get rid of all sad and discouraging thoughts - whatever they are...right now, and cling on to whatever good thoughts you have...make good thoughts!
And know that God, knows the outcome..what will happen, he knows what's right around in your future! So if you are worried about a relationship, your career, your life.....God knows what is ahead, and what might be better than what you are so worried about!
My heart has been troubled all day, but these words have comforted my heart and if you are hurting today, I hope that these will help you today...
huge, huge love, kandee
Amen to that!! I so needed to see that today. God is good!
I just wanted to thank you so much for putting those words of hopefullness up not just in todays blognot only in this one but in all of them and in all of your videos , i wanted to let you know that i have been watching your vidoes for a little while and if im having a bad day all i have to do is watch one or go to your blog and see what you've been up to for the day and it brings a smile to me face and makes me happy. You are a very inspirational person and i think that is a quality that is not foudn very often so thank you for sharing it with the world!!!
Heart love :) Naomi
I hope you feel comfort and peace in your heart soon, Kandee. I do thank you for posting this experience, what you heard, and what you learned, as many of us (including me) have had a day like this. It's like "something is in the air." We do have to focus on the positive and not the negative, but we don't always hear that message from people, because the tendency is to do the "misery loves company" thing. Thank you for bringing Light to this!
This is so awesome Kandee!! And Don't worry about all those hard thing because God WILL take care of them and I will be praying for u too!! :D God bless -A.G
YAY! I can finally view and comment on your blog after missing out for so long. Kandee, I'm sorry to hear things are not going quite well for you at the moment(giving you huge hugs). I'm going though some really hard times right now too and I can't help but feel very loser-ish. However, I keep viewing two videos from Joel Osteen and I feel stronger and have hope. Please check them out, they are: Be faithful in the small things and Being pruned so you can bloom. I cry, smile and clap for joy when I see these, because they restore my faith and help me to keeping going forward. Please let me know what you think. Much love, Roxie
Kandee, you are such and amazing person!
Such an inspirational message :) Thank you!
I have been trying to leave you a comment forever but it always messes up! I LOVE LOVE LOVE your blog and your videos. I think you are an amazing makeup artist with tons of talent but more importantly you have a BEAUTIFUL heart. I love reading your words of inspiration! The joy of the Lord is so apparent in your life and even your beautiful smile! Keep on being such a blessing!
really great words =)
This is my first time leaving a comment on your posts. I just want to say THANK YOU so much for that message. I have been going through a bit of a rough patch myself and those words have really cheered me up =)I hope all is well with you, like you said, God knows what's up. Keep faith and thanks again!
I loved da words you said Kandeee, it really touched my heart, and i really needed it in dis time of pain and sadness... It was like you wrote it for me.. Each and every word..
Thank you so much Kandee..
And i hope whatever the problems might be in your life, just end up soon and happiness arrives at your door sooner than you expected..
Thanks alot again..!
God Bless... <3 xoxox
LUV YA <3!
Girl... we must have been watching the same thing at the same time lol. I saw that too by Dr. Stanley. You should also check out David jeremiah and Power point with Jack Graham. Theyre all great! Not to mention Joyce Meyer.
I got laid off since May and still no work... Also the same month my bf of 15 yrs.. I caught him cheating. My life seems to be stil in the same hole. The only difference is that I have joy in my heart. That and a relationship with God is really helping me get through this. Im getting frustrated or I do at times... but them I stop and think, OK maaaybe, God is just dealing with me about something and he has something better for me as well...idk.
I just hope things get better soon.. otherwise idk what im going to do. I dont want to end up getting my car repoed or getting evicted ;(
well.. Take care kanders ;)
Thank you kandee. I am very stressed about my life right now, but your words tonight have helped make me feel a lil better ;)
Thank you for your wonderful words as always. Your messages always hit me just when I need them. Blessings, strength and joy to you and all that you are going through.
Not only is all of what you said true, but my best friend (my mother) always tells me "If God brings you to it, He will bring you through it." You just have to have faith and believe that no matter is put on your plate, God wouldn't have done it if He didn't think it would help you in the end. :)
Thanks for sharing so openly how you are being strengthened to press on and see God in everything.
After reading your post, this song was in my heart. I prayed this for you, Kandee. :) (especially around minute 3:45)
May you see Him clearer each day!
Thank you so much for your words. Often times people think they are the only ones going through certain things. There are so many others going through the same thing. Your encouraging words definitely helped me and I know so many others.
Love and Light
Hi Kandee..Let me first say that I think you are amazing!!!! I am floored by your beauty and genuine heart. You are truly one in a million. I have been trying to contact you for awhile..what is the best way to reach you??? (its for my wedding)!!!
Such a sweet beginning of the week, thanks Kandee for enlightening my day!
I hope it helps you to know that reading your words in you post gave me the little ray of Sunshine that cheered me up. Rhank you from the bottom of my heart
Kandee, i know it sounds so corny but you have absolutely no idea how much I needed to see this today. Sometimes life can overwhelm you, believe me I know...and you can think that it's too much and that you'll never get through it but you can't let the negativity in the world win over you. thank you for writing this and reminding me that it's never good to give up!
thank you so much, my prayers and thoughts to you as you go through your hard time, God bless you.
Kandee, this may r may not sound ridiculous but right now it's 1:20 a.m and I've been laying in bed trying to fall asleep but becaus I'm so worried about finals for school and worried about failing out of school I just can't seem to fall asleep but readng your blog on my phone is what I do when I don't have a computer around and this entry I really needed it. You know as busy as I am sometimes I forget that God knows what's best for us and he knows that what we are going through will make us stinger better people and that he will alays be there no matter what and with all my worries I lost sight of God and reading this really hit home and I just wanted to thank you from the bottom of my heart for writing this because reminding people about how God works is absolutely amazing and I am so glad that this was what I read because now I feel like I can g to sleep not worried or tense because God will be there for me so thank you so much for writing this I really do appreciate you tsing the time to let us readers know how you feel and for helping me remember what is important
Paola M
I know you probably hear this a million times a day, but I've been trying to message you to tell you this. I started following your blog a few months ago, and without even knowing you had a heart for Jesus, you inspired me so much. Because of you, I am dreaming in huge ways now for my life and it is so amazing seeing what God has done in your life. It's been the most difficult year of my life, but literally the joy of your voice has helped on the really hard days. You're a child of God and already have victory over what you're going through. I declare His joy and peace in the middle of the storm. After all, Jesus was able to sleep in that boat!
Love in Christ,
Hey! I just want to say I really appreciate your videos and the things you write! they're very encouraging! God is really using you to touch many lives!
Thanks! and God bless!:)
I so needed to see these inspirational words at this time in my life. Your have no idea what your blog means to me. You are such a true caring and kind person and I wish there could be more people like you. I hope everything works out for you and I wish you the best! Thanks again for helping me and others!
Read Psalm 91. It has to do with God taking care of us no matter what we are dealing with. I hope that helps :)
That meant a lot reading your blog. I've been feeling so negative lately and this entry just made me feel so refreshed and go back to having a positive outlook in life. You're really a beautiful individual, both inside and out. Thank you so much for the lovely message. <3
I think you're the most beautiful woman inside and out. Life gets tough at times, and you may not always feel strong. You might be scared about what will happen next or where to go now. But just remember, most of the time the best things in life are those that you are scared of. Good things happen to good people, and you're good people :-)
Sometimes you just need to take a bath with relaxing music and bubbles... bubbles are a must!
I send you all of my love, hope and happiness.
<3 Amanda
Your words make my day! I was feeling really sad today until I read your blog.. thank you so much...
Thanks for the words, Kandee. I hope you're feeling better today.
I remember acid wash from the '80's, and it was not a good look then!!!!!!!!! YIKES!!!!! You could pull it off though. You are right about God knowing what will happen and that regardless of the outcome, he has promised never to leave or forsake us. I love your videos, they are so informative.
Kandee I really needed that today. You make a differnce! You have so many people backing you up in whatever you chose to do. I have all the faith in the world things will work out for you. Thank you so so much! XOX
I nominate you for the Love Your Blog Award!
Kandee, little sweetheart, I love the way you relate your problems to ours and then make us feel like everything is going to be o.k. Thank you for another little piece of comfort. Keep walking with the angels....
I just ran across one of your youtube videos and you are one of my new favorite things. Like the song, My Favorite Things. (Family Force 5 just did a great remake of it) Anyway, I wanted to encourage you. I love this ladies study http://www.harvest.org/virtue/
& my teaching pastor does incredible sermons (free download) freshlifechurch.org
God is amazing, keep seeking Him daily. Life throws a lot of curve balls but God knows what you can handle and if you are seeking Him he will equipe you!
Love you much, God Bless. Have a most amazing December!
You are completely right, God tells us our burdens are too heavy to carry and to give it all to him and he will lift us up. Never have I ever felt this more then the past couple months! Keep your head up you have so many things God has blessed you with.
You are so right! I am a firm believer of never giving up. So much so, I have it tattooed in script on my back with a floating butterly. Very nice. Hence the username. Thx♥
This is kind of funny, but I accidentally stumbled unto one of your you-tube videos and when I saw it, your personality grabbed my attention. I've never seen someone as genuine or so filled with a pure kind of joy. I saw your youtube page and found your blog and I have been very touched, inspired, and blessed from your blogs. It's weird because I didn't know you were Christian, and I am really into my faith and I hoped you were Christian and prayed for you. I was just thinking, God you have to bless Kandee because of how much goodness she brings and shines out to the world. The best part is, I read this particular post, and I starting laughing, seriously laughing out loud because you are Christian! I guess I was pleasantly surprised because I finally found a person, whom I don't know personally, that illuminates Christ's love and without labels or words can show the image of God through their actions. Thank you. You are extremely blessed and lovely and I am encouraged and inspired by you, I can't even put into words the impact you made on me. I hope for you to always have that joy that this world can't take away and I praise God for the beautiful creation he made in you.
Thank you for the right blog on the right day. I may have read it two days late but on the 6th i couldn't read or right anything because i was so broken.
Thank you for sharing and reminding me and the others
Thank you
in Jesus' love,
Thanks for passing on this wonderful message :)
I'll be thinking and praying for you as you deal with whatever situations you are facing. Just remember to call out to Jesus...because he's always there. Life is so hard, but with him, we can make it. I couldn't make it a second without him.
Thank you for those words of wisdom. It is exactly what I needed to hear!
Thank you for these words. I 'refound' this blog and I believe there was a reason for me to find this today. Your words have comforted and I'm grateful.
Hi, i just found your blog and wanted to say that this is great! I actually just listened to mr stanley this week out of the blue too...ephesians is a really good place to read about what God has given us to fight these battles - eph 6. faith quenches all of those fiery darts! <><
Sweetie, you are the best!
It's a hard time and when I read your blogs, I just almost put myself into your situation and my eyes are just full of tears and the chin is shaking like jelly. :)
Yours Giedre.
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