here's my grampa, my mom and my lil' niece.....oh, my grampa is wearing a wig, that is not his real hair...ha ha ha ha
I'm sure everyone has interesting family....and the holidays bring it all out...whether you get along with your family, your family hurts your feelings, you have past hurts...your family is difficult...I know this time of year is hard for some people....or maybe you're missing your favorite family member...
I know what it feels like to have "interesting" family to deal with.....sometimes the dynamics are a bit crazy...
but know that no matter what....you are loved...and adored.....I'd hug you if I was close....and you can't choose your family, but you sure can choose how to deal with them! ha ha ha ha
if your heart is hurting or sad....just know that you are wonderful, everything you've done in the past can be washed clean, and everyday is a fresh start to enjoy and change your life.....
God gives us a fresh new canvas to paint our lives on, every morning...
happ almost getting ready to ring in the fresh new year....kandee
i hope you have a wonderful new year, Kandee :) thanks for being so encouraging.
Your so awesome Kandee! You always make me feel good. Can't wait for a Glaminar in Vegas! Have you trademarked that? If not you should!
Wow Kandee. Something that I've been struggling with lately that erupted just this evening applies to what you have said & you also gave me an answer at the same time.
Thank you. You really are an angel. :)
Oh, Kandee you are truly the person that I look up to the most (besides Jesus Christ of course! haha) You have no idea how much your simple and loving words help me get through some days. I feel like you should be my big sister or something!! Haha, I hope you had a wonderful Christmas and I pray that God blesses you in everything that you do for all the days of your life!!!! :)
Holy cow you look SO much like your mom!!!!
Thank you Kande.
Is good that you had good times with your family! I hope you have countless good times with your family!!
Lets get prepared for a new year!
luv ya <3!
Oh Kandee! This is exactly what I needed to hear. Right now my heart aches for a certain family member. They are hurting everyone in the family and have no remorse, but if they only looked around really hard they will learn that it's okay and there is a group of people that loves them.
Thank you!
you and your mom look so much alike!
too cute, kandee! hope your christmas was amazing :) <3
Kandee, you, your sister, and mom favor so much! Your mom looks like she could be your sister! And I want to squeeze your niece's cheeks right off! Hope you and your family have a wonderful holday and a happy new year!
you and your mom could be sisters!! you look like twins! haha
Kandee... your words are perfect!!!! that really hit home for me!!!!! I love you!! hugs
oh my gosh you look so much like your mom!!! hope you and your family had an amazing christmas, and holidays
Aaaw! Yout neice is adorable! ^o^
Awww Kandee you look just like your mommy :)
OMG I can see the resemblance in all of you Kandee! your mum and your sister! Look so much alike! Prettty!! :)
And look at that, *squeezes cheeks* so chubby, so cute! hehehe
I love your blog! You are so inspiring!!
such a beautiful family!
You're an absolute sweetheart! I wish everyone could be as positive as you! Best wishes to you and your family in the New Year!! :)
you and your sister are both sooooo beutiful and your niece.... those cheeks!!!!!
ps: you've got the same beautiful smile as your lovely mother
oooh, your mom looks so much like you.. or better to say - you look like her :) really the perfect resemblance :) happy new year and i wish you all the best :) kisses
Kandee, your family is so beautiful! I love your little niece, she's a sweetie!
Thanks for sharing this pictures with us!
Kandee, not sure if u can help me...but I've been looking everywhere for clear storage containers for my makeup...I've got tons of makeup but have it in different containers in different parts of my room...I'd prefer something stackable that rolls out so i could have easy access to all my makeup...not sure how u could respond, but I'll wait for a video or maybe a response on here, Thanks!
You look just like your mother, and your mother is beautiful! As is your sister and niece. Haha, and your grandpa with the wig :)
Hope you had fantastic holidays.
I love all the positive and beautiful things you write on your blog. I am quite positive about life already, but the things you say cheer me up even more. To life :)
You look just like your beautiful mom! :)
You look so much like your mam! Your family is beautiful. Hope you have a Happy New Year!
Love Bubbles
Kandee, your words are exactly what I needed... Thank you for your encouragement.
I'm happy you had a nice Christmas. Your niece is absolutely cute. And you, your sister and your mom are amazing! :-)
Happy new year Kandee!! 2010 is going to be incredible!
hi kandee! :)
i've watched your videos in youtube and now i noticed this amazing blog. one thing...could you friendly list all the skin products you use in this "Megan Fox: how to get her perfect looking skin" -video? ( http://www.youtube.com/user/kandeejohnson?blend=2&ob=1#p/u/70/MKykq7wG1iI "how to get )
its kinda hard for me to follow fast english speak :-D anyways... you're great!!
-jessica from finland
ps. do you probably know any store in internet that sells cheap and quality make up brushes?sets? thank uuu!bye:)
Your mother looks identical to you! She's beautiful! I hope you had a great year this year and can make it an even better year in 2010!
I was nervous that the holidays might be too difficult to get through...I have a really condescending family & don't have much to do with them anymore. I have a daughter & I just wanted her to enjoy her 2nd Xmas. I wake up every morning and read Joyce Meyer (thanks to you), and have forgiveness in my heart for the rest of the day. Everyday gets better for me, and you are so much to thank for it. Your words are such inspiration, and your attitude about everything is what I idolize. I truly appreciate you Kandee, and you never cease to lift me up. I can only hope that in this new year, I can find friends that are as positive and wonderful as you are so I can be more positive and wonderful.
*<3 Thanks Kandee!! And you're family is beautiful. You, your sister & your mom look very much alike. Beautiful!!!
o.m.g. you and your mom are twins!! love it! btw i totally love your blog and what you do! i just graduated from cosmetology and find myself leaning towards makeup...i plan on doing it all but makeup is my fav! and i love that you do what i dream of!! i dont think i can accomplish what you have due to my schedule and children but can live vicariously through you!!
I love how your niece is staring up at your crown like "what the heck is on your head?" haha. I am so happy that I found your videos Kandee... You have helped me learn so much about makeup! Thank you!
I'm loving the picture of Uncle Guy with the wig and your mom is so beautiful!
you are TRULY amazing in every little way!This is so helpful and your very wise(:
You are sooo encouraging!!I will be happy for it to be 2010 cause in this little year..My
Brother-In-Law had to go to Iraq(hes in the national guard)that was sad..I lost My Grandpa,My aunt,My Grandmas Dog, and My Own Dog.It was Really hard when I lost Sugar(my dog).He was such a Joy to me!!
I had him for 9 years..He slept with me every night and now its really weird with him not there.I keep dreaming about him.Its painful knowing that I cant remember what it was like having him here.I get a little better each day though.
I'm only 13 but I know that when I have another a hard time in my life I can come here or on youtube and find joy from you! Keep up all the good work and Joy!
xoxo Sharon
Hope you had a very Merry Christmas. Enjoy your New Year's Eve. I know you're going to bring so much more light to our lives this next year.
By the way, you've inspired me to do my own blog. It's not makeup, but about my journey after discovering I have the BRCA1 mutation that puts me at very high risk for breast cancer. I hope to document the steps I have taken so far and continue with what comes my way. I hope you'll take a look at it, even though it's really just started. http://notme-cancer-notme.blogspot.com/
Also, I wanted to ask if you are going to continue the contest you listed in July "More than Makeup". I've looked for results on it and can't find them anywhere.
Blessing to you Kandee!
I love the smile on your grandfathers face, it looks so serene.
Your nieces cheeks looks so cute! Kawaii!
Reminds me of my grandfather.
Since, the first time I seen your blog on Tinkerbell make-up to all your messages about having strength in dealing with life. I really would like to thank you, for without that inspiration my life wouldn't have been the same.
"if your heart is hurting or sad....just know that you are wonderful, everything you've done in the past can be washed clean, and everyday is a fresh start to enjoy and change your life....."
Brought tears to my eyes. I've made stupid, stupid things in my life. Your words reminded me that I don't have to hate myself every day for things I've done in the past. Thank you so much Kandee :) And happy new year! You are such a huge inspiration! (:
I googled for hours to see if you hand any brands of make up , i found your t-shirts and cups , but i would love to buy your brushes and make-up because from watching your vidoes i see you have such style .
It would be interesting to see more , fashion , jewlerly and hairstyles because they are soo diferent and interesting and like no others on youtube , i found you through panacea81 she mentiond you in a video and now any time im goin out i look you up to find out how to do my make-up . i live in northern ireland and when i was in california i askd all around if u were doin any shows , unfortionatly u wernt . i think you give thousands of people the courage to pick themselves up by the boot sraps and carry on
Kandee, your words are exactly what I needed... Thank you for your encouragement.
I'm happy you had a nice Christmas.
hope you have a lovely new year and post loads new vidoes
i love watching you and think that u have made mistakes but have turned yourself into someone people aspire to be - atleast i do :) thanks for reading this xxxx
your niece is sooo cute!! ^-^
And you look so much like your mom!!!
Have you heard/seen about the Urban Decay Alice in Wonderland Palette?!? It's only gonna be in the UK and there's only 2000 :( but it's so cool, maybe you can find someone to get you one! :D
Ha, ha, ha, your granddad loss like Bob Ross with that wig.
you areee awesome. some how you always know exactly what to say at the right time in my life. :]
oh and your grandpa is so cool :] & you look so much like your mom.
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