Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Christmas past....

4 years ago...this is what I looked liked...
my hair was much shorter.....and same brightly colored earrings and accessories as always....
the Santa that you see with none other than lil' Lanzi!

I am so excited for:
my sister, her lil' baby, her hubby.....and my mama to be here tonight!
that Christmas is almost here...
that some goodies that I ordered will be here soon
that I am going to make a cheesecake...yay!
that we are going to make gingerbread houses
and maybe go ice skating...

and I get to go back to Whole Foods and buy food and treats...
and go to Forever 21 to return this super ill-fitting gold sequin mini-skirt and some other shirts that looked ok in the dressing room...but UGLYYYYYYYY.......when I got home...or actually I had thrown them in my suitcase, and thought I had a cute outfit on my last trip....but nooooooo way!

Off to shower, shop, come back and clean my house!!!!

And hope no one is reading this, but I bought all the girls in my family FELINE black liner from MAC, beacuse I love it so stinkin' much!!!!!
happy almost....almost...Christmas! Candy canes and ornaments, Kandee


Catalina said...


Unknown said...

hahahaha XD you are just AMAZING!
I wish you a very merry xmas and a smashing ice skating ;-)


ALPHAFORCE Blog | Fitness, Entrenamiento y Alimentación: La Guía Definitiva said...

Have a wonderful Christmas! And have an amazing time with your family! Merry Christmas to all and best wishes!


Witch a lot lot lot of luv <3!


JoannaSilva said...

Hey kandee :D
Gosh U really make my day way better :3
I want that Candee cane and the hug u promise on your video :p



Anonymous said...

Happy almost Christmas to you too!!!!!

makeuplover said...

Merry Christmas! Love the old photo-beautiful as always :)You are an inspiration to many :)

Unknown said...

Yay for family, friends and food!!! I also made a cheesecake and it came out super was a banana split cheesecake...mmm. Happy Christmas Eve Eve Kandee :D

ktalarczyk said...

Merry Christmas! I went to the Mac counter today just to get that eyeliner, and they didn't have it! I ended up getting engraved instead, and a few other things. They get me every time... hahaha.

Anonymous said...

merry Christmas Kandee!!
I found this really cute recipe online, i instantly thought of you :)

Anonymous said...

Christmas Eve Eve! Yay! Have a wonderous holiday!!!!

Still Single said...

Lucky ladies in your family! :)

Hope you have an amazing Christmas and New Year!


xxx said...

Hello, just dropping by to say hi! =)

I'm so excited for Christmas too! It's just two days away! I hope everyone... that is reading this... have a Merry Christmas!! =)

Ms. W said...

Love the blog and all the tips. You have such a sweet spirit and are inspiring to me and my daughter. Have wonderful and joyous Christmas. And come to Houston soon! <3

Unknown said...

As always love to read your Blog. Your hair in this picture is close to the way mine is now. I am so ready to have my long hair back. Next baby I am going to refuse and fight the erg to cut it off... LOL! Any way Hope you your family as well as your friends Celebrate and have the most fantastic Christmas holiday ever!

Diane said...

Lanzi was so sweet in this picture!

Just wanted to say that I posted a little "thank you Kandee" text on my blog, so it would be great if you'd check it out ! (And leave a comment, you would make my year... :P )

Merry Christmas!

Unknown said...

Wow you are so gorgeous Kandee! Then and now :D

Your daughter Lanzi is so adorable! Aww so cute.

Hope you have an awesome merry Christmas

Staceyy said...

Merry Christmas Kandee!!!

I hope that your Christmas is WONDERFUL and awesome, and filled with tons of love and joy and all the good things. Happy New Year as well!!!! Hope that you are having a WONDERFUL time with your family!

Give the little ones lots of hugs!!!! and leave out cookies for Santa!


Lindsay Pfautsch said...

I just recently came across your YouTube channel and I LOVE it!! You are so lucky to be so talented. Thanks for being such an inspiration. Have an amazing Christmas. XoxOx

Unknown said...

Just wanted to wish you a Merry Christmas!
I hope that you will have a kick-ass christmas and that you get everything you want:)


Anonymous said...

Christmas eve is here. I hope you have a wonderful time iwth your family Kandee!
I also wanted to wish you a Merry Christmas. :)

evil girl said...

Wish you a merry X'mas for you and your family. Hope that the new year bring you everthing you want :)

Pickel said...

Kandee, if you aren't partner on your other channel you can post your neighbor's christmas lights there and Youtube won't mind if the songs are copyrighted!

Unknown said...

You were adorable then and you're adorable now Kandee!! I hope you and your family have a very merry Christmas! And remember the reason we even celebrate this time of year! :)

bluebonet said...

Have you and your loved ones a Merryly Little Christmas and may all your wishes come true in this new year coming. Can´t wait to spend 2010 with you and your videos.They´re great. They´re one of my best ways to get the everyday going, going on. Thank you so much for your high spirits and have a very Merry Christmas and waiting for a special New Year!

Kathy said...

Thank you for entertaining me throughout the year, Kandee. Merry Christmas to you and your lovely family! With love from the Midwest - Kathy

Unknown said...

merry xmas kandee to you and your beloved ones! :-)

MayyFlowerr said...

OMG YAY i also made a cheesecake!!!
It was Srawberry Cheesecake!!! ^-^


sandi said...

hey kandee
merry christmas an lots of love to you an yours
your yellow flower ring inspired me to tell you about cool stuff at great prices p.s. the girl in the jessica lilly picture with the pink umberella is my daughter melissa

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