when it comes to heart.....
sometimes we get so caught up in the business of our lives..we forget about all the other hurting people in the world....
my sister got me this awesome hot pink heart, paper weight, carved out of soapstone, from Africa..., for me for Christmas! You can buy these cool, and rare products...that are handmade by women in africa, that support themselves and the orphans in that area....
you can go their website and see all the really cool handmade items, jewelry, bags, scarfs....and you can pick the country where it's made to support them...!
It's really neat, and you'll have something that no one else will have!
I really like the jewelry they have too!
You can even buy something and save it for a gift! I feel like this is so wonderful to help these precious people...and they, are creating beautiful, unique treasures!
check out all the wonderful items here:
it's always good to share with those that don't have as much as us....your heart will be blessed and grow even bigger! huge love from my growing heart to yours, kandee
thats too bad i didnt know about this sooner i know my mom would have loved something like that for her birthday/christmas oh well theres always next year!! :)
keep smiling kandee
You are so amazing Kandee.
That is so cool! hey, if we can't get to them personally through mission trips or visits...why not help them financially and Bless them! So cool!
Hy Kandee! Thanks for sharing this link with us. Hopefully many people will know about this.
:X:X kiss
so cute!
You always find the best websites to buy stuff from!
This is a lovely idea for next years gifts. Thank-you. x
They have those at world market. I love them and it's a great gift, your sister is sweet! And it's true, we get caught up in every day life and forget about the people we love.
Those utensils are beautiful. I'm totally checking out the site. Happy New Year!
you always know about the neatest stuff!!
That is so beautiful.
and i adore the big heart.
This is so great. i am definitely going to bmark that site! thank you!
Aww I love that we can help other people and have a beautiful reminder of it =)
Amazing Kandee as usual! I love you and wish you all the good things in life! Much more love, health, luck, success.. I forwarded the link you're showing to my Blog, please if you have time give it a hit, i promise you won't be dissapointed! You'll like what i do:)
Kisses and Hugs
UNIQUA studio
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