People will forget what you said, forget what you did.... but they will always remember, how you made them FEEL!
Today, and everyday..try to make someone feel special, loved, beautiful, or even amazing. Each day is too precious to let it slip by just living in our own selfish little world.
More people should smile, hold doors open for people, say thank you and please...and tell people to have a "great day!"...
I watched my friend, Jamesa, shake someone's hand...she shook their hand like normal, then clasped her other hand on top of theirs...as if to "hug" their hand. The hand "shakee", you could tell, felt closer to her, instantly!
Everyone could use a hug, a pat on the back, a better handshake...even a wave hello!
Let's be on a mission to make people "feel" better, by just a few, free things we can take the time to do today!
I am very excited...!!! After I posted a blog about Stephanie Nielson, of (nieniedialogues.com),
I got an email from a wonderful girl named, Kimberly, that said it was mentioned in a prayer, and that she was moved to want to donate to me, her round trip tickets to go meet Stephanie!!! She is going to try to contact her!!! I am so excited...I had goosebumps and my heart was moved to tears as I read her email! I can't wait to hear what happens!!!!
(by the way...the hands in the photo are Stephanie and her husband's, in their special "burn gloves", which they wear daily.)
If any of you know Stephanie, and could offer some help in any way, I'd love it!!!
may your friday be filled with extra sparkles!!!! xoxo kandee
Kandee!!!! I'm so excited for you! After I saw your blog about Stephanie (my namesake =) ) I went over to read about her story. I was so moved by it! I'm so happy that you will get your wish to meet her, two extraordinary people crossing paths is amazing!
Thank you for being an inspiration Kandee!
Awesome!! Kandee, she lives in my city, I posted that in a previous blog but I know you get a ton of comments haha. I will try and see if I can get a hold of her and get you guys together, but only if I can meet you too! hahaha <3
My friends have been telling me to go to NieNiedialogues for a year or so and I never did. Not sure why, couldn't find the time or whatever. My mom even joined the bandwagon after Stephenie was on Oprah. She said I must read her blog. But I didn't. It wasn't until this Sunday and your blog about her that finally made me check out her blog.
I am so glad I did. And I'm sad that I didn't visit her blog a long time ago. She makes me want to be a better wife and mother.
Anyway, thanks for the tip. I'm pretty sure I'd never checked out the blog if it hadn't been for your blog post about her.
P.S. I wish I could help you out in hooking your meeting up. But I don't know her. Though I have a lot of friends who are friend with her friends or family members. And my niece hangs out with one of her nieces... but that's all I got. Not enough of a direct contact. Sorry. :( Best of luck though!
Though, if I weren't being so brain dead (I was up all night) earlier, I'd have offered to pass the message on to one of my friends who, in turn, could pass it on to her connections and see if that would work.
I'll go ahead and do that. Now. Sorry for being a moron earlier.
Hurray!!! I'm so excited for Kandee and Stephanie to meet. Spread the word people, we need to put this bug in Stephanie's ear to see what she thinks, and if she's available. I've sent her an email so cross your fingers that she gets it.
xoxo Kimberly
Wow...i knew it wud've been only a matter of time...i pray it happens!
I'm going to print this post and put it on my wall sau I can see it every day, cose you're so right.This really is one of those things that really matter in life, what you let behind you. There is a quote i remeber now, I don't know exactly how it's translated in english but if I say it word by word from my language says that wherever you go or whoever you meet try to leave a trail(or mark, or sign) on other people's heart. Ohh...I'm so sorry if I can't make myself understood. I really don't know how to translate it better. Anyway, thank you for all the lessons you gave me Kandee. I wish you good luck with Stephanie. Kisses from Romania.
You are so inspiring, i love how your blog is so encouraging to women and men everywhere.
Kandee, I really believe that its the little things, like holding a door open or 'hugging' a handshake that make a difference in how we feel about ourselves, too. Wouldn't it be nice if everyone had the attitude of 'what can I do to make this, at the least, just a little bit better'... Little kindnesses can lead to great accomplishments.....
Kandee, you are just truly inspiring and so beautiful inside and out! I love all your artwork with make up! You inspire me! :D
That is truly awesome. After seeing your mention I went over and read her blog. I read the whole thing in one night and was bawling through parts of it. It was so inspiring and made me appreciate everything in life more than I have before. Thank you so much for sharing it with us. I really hope that you get to meet her. I think you would both compliment each other very well!!!!
This was a wonderful post, and it helped inspire me today! That is incredible that you have a chance to meet Stephanie; she is amazing. Make sure to send all our love and best wishes with you!! I saw you in ELLE magazine yesterday; congratulations that is SOOOO exciting!!! Have a wonderful day and I hope someone inspires you too :D
I live in a town called Herriman, however I do work in Provo! If you need anything please let me know! autumndrops@gmail.com
You have drawn me closer to myself, to "NieNie" and even to you. You both are in my prayers, even though I have never met you.
Everything happens for a reason, and if you meeting Nie Nie is right, he will carve a path for you.
What a better time than now in the Holidays to express your feelings!
You're too cute! I went on youtube looking for a video on continental knitting of all things and somehow a video of your flawless face thing popped up, so I watched it, and then watched a bunch more (tooth whitening! how to make small eyes look bigger! Moonrise!) and was swept up by your gregarious, non-pretentious, energetic self! My best friend is a hair and makeup gal, I play roller derby and knit. But that doesn't mean that I don't like the girly stuff, I do! My best gal pal's name is also Candy- so there you go. Anyways, I just wanted to thank you for doing all of this. It's really fun and you come across as someone who could totally be one of my friends, not some stranger on the other coast- I hope that sounds like the compliment I meant and not some crazy stalker-ey thing! I just think that you have a great personality and you are helping alot of people with your videos! I'm totally doing the small eyes look bigger tIps as well as buying the plus white stuff! (I already have the mouthgaurds from derby!)
So just THANKS for posting all that!
Christine/Burnin' helen
u have a beautiful heart kandee :)
Kandee, you are so motivating & inspiring. Thank you!
I'm so excited for you :)
Hi Kandee,
I know Stephanie and her family. I am a makeup artist too and I have loads of appreciation for your blog and gleeful attitude! I hope you meet Nie- she's got an aura of joy about her that is endearing and a megawatt smile.
Best to you,
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