Crayon - Caribou
HERE is a little song to go with this BLOG...I love this candy sprinkles in the sunshine!

who: me (AKA Kandee) in the dressing room at Urban show you my outfit-of-the-day...(and later some meanies...said some mean things..tell you more later)...the mirror makes it look like a 2 mile long dressing room....(at the Americana in Glendale...this place is so fun....fountains, water shows, trolley cars, little cobblestone walkways with giant chandeliers hanging over the streets...)

I really liked this little black jacket...but it was a little too was 60 some dollars...."why couldn't it be on sale!?!" hee hee

I want to hang one of these babies around my neck....

FUN things...I love anything extremely small or large.....GIANT soft serve ice cream!!!!! (coin banks...but I love em)

here we have a switchblade-mustache-comb....pillow cases that look like boxing gloves for a good old fashioned pillow fight....and key covers that look like guitars, cats...and penguinos! (penguins)

Giant band-aids for your car....ha ha ha

what every girl needs to feel a wee bit tougher....a pink mustache....guys love girls with mustaches!

I love this...may you all dress with something, someone would consider a "don't"....I do it almost everyday...and I love it!

And for the meanies...
I went into a Carl's Junior to eat in the desert...when I walked in there were some teenage boys (the meanest age of all)...and they looked at me and said "what the F$@K?!?"...
I thought...ignore them...I don't care for their style of dressing I wouldn't be offended...
Then more of them on the other side started saying more things...
I felt very like I was in high school again...being teased and I hated it!
Then I thought..."no, I'm not gonna let these silly boys make me feel like I shouldn't have dressed how I wanted...."
Then the girl behind the counter asked, "Are you Kandee Johnson from Youtube!?!"
KANDEE: "YEss!!!!"
Girl (Hi DIANA, if you see this!), says how her brother and her watch my videos, they even tried to tie bandanas on like one of my videos, and she had me sign a place mat to show her brother....
then all those guys changed their tune...the started saying, "ohhhh, who is that?!?" "oh!", like I was a famous person..then it was cool too dress out-of-the-norm....
so if you've ever been teased or you feel this in the future...
think I am just don't know it...ha ha ha ha
May you wear what you love..if it's a furry jacket, striped socks, a crazy hat...and don't care what one other person long as you like it...because I'd say....Wear what you love...that's what people with true style do...and I love ya for it!
We'll dress crazy and weird together!!!
typed with love....your Kandee
haha nice story... kids can be mean. i think it's because it's the only way to "survive" the embarrassmemt-by making fun of someone else.
I think your style is fab!! love you lots, Kandee Girl :)
-Ashley <3
Hey kandee i hope you know that you're an inspiration to kids living like a thousand miles away from where you are. Im 19 and i live in the Philippines and my friends and I love you soooo much
I'm with you on this one Kandee, i've never dressed with the trends and I like it that way. I used to get made fun of in high school too and now i work in a corporate setting and STILL don't dress the way others do and you know what ? I don't care! Cuz this is me and who I am and I still kick butt! :) You are awesome! Thanks for your post and all your videos!
Loved your story, Kandee. Teenage boys can be so dumb sometimes...heck, even the adult ones have there moments too! The important thing to remember is to always stay true to yourself. No one can hurt your feelings or say words to hurt you unless you let them. Words after all are just words. They only hurt when we let our own insecurities get the better of us. Keep on rockin on girl. Go on with your bad ass sweet self. :)
It must have felt great to be recognized by people who watch your videos-- especially in that moment where they were trying to make you feel inferior.
One of my favorite quotes was said by Eleanor Roosevelt, and it says, "No one can make you feel inferior without your consent."
So, if you're feeling amazing and don't let anyone else make you feel differently, then it doesn't matter what others might say or think.
Hey Kandee,
I've been sharing ur video links with my friends in Singapore!
Thanks for all the amazing youtube videos! and i agree--we should own what we wear and be proud of it!
Great post Kandee!
I also love anything that's extremely large or small that's not suppose to be that size originally.
My car needs a couple of those band-aids....
I love getting my daily dose of Kandee. You frequently brighten my day. You should do a meet and greet with your fans some time! I think a lot of people would come and tell you how inspirational you have been to them. In my own life, you have inspired me to be more of who I am and not apologize for it. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for you being you :)
Kandee I love how you dress... You can rock anything...anything at all =)
Thanks Kandee your really great, I really like your outfit I so need leggings!
I'd love to dress how I really want with bows in my hair, I have short curly hair so I think I look weird in Hats I once made a bow and my mom was like "That looks weird what are you trying to be a baby?" I felt hurt but I was like "this is what I like and I can wear what I want!" Now I`m going to make my own Cardigan out of this really pretty fabric I have wish me luck! =)Your very inspirational I hope to be like you, Happy and funny. Just to be a bright star in a dark room making everyone feel great about themselves.
Thank you for this Kandee! Amen sister!
I've been a huge fan for a while now and I'm pretty sure I've watched every YouTube video you've made like 4 times. I just need you to know that because of you, I'm following my dreams and doing what I love, and that's make-up.
I hope to someday meet you, but for now I will just watch you and read your blog and love you for being you.
thank you.
Kandee I love your style and when I shop I like to mix up my style with a Kandeeish or JEMish twist. "Teenagers, they think they know everything" haha from the Little Mermaid, but so true, I was a high school teacher for a few years and they can be a little more than a handfull at times...hormones(geez):) Sorry for the way they treated you, but what a great turn of events, talk about a "take that" moment, I'm sure they had second thoughts afterwards. I love the huge band-aid, my niece loves bandages and sticks them to what ever have, laptop, shoes, etc. Plus the sign is so funny it's like don't forget the ice, film and ammo haha keep those coming.
haha Kandee this is awesome! I love the pictures and soo true about those just have to ignore them and know that they just have no idea what theyre talking about- single minded people. I love what you do and you are *such* a great role model and an amazing inspiration! Much love and smiles!
Can't stand meanies! Keep being YOU! You are beautiful!
You are an amazing woman! Wish the world could have more positive and kind people like you xxx
i wish i was there so i can get the chance of seeing YOU, and beating those dumb kids...
your style is wonderful, beautiful and awesome just as you are!
love you kandeeee <3<3<3
awh Kandee im sorry they were so mean to you! :( but good for you for not letting them offend you! you're my inspiration, Kandee! thanks so much for living out what you tell us to do :) <3 you!
Kandee that must've felt so awesome when she recognized you! I wish you lived in TX so that i would have the chance to bump into you like that :)
Also! I have those little owl key covers and they are the cutest thing. But sadly after a few months their little owl faces rub off.. ha ha :/
Well I think you look totally adorable. I wish I had a super cool wardrobe like you! I used to, but now I have a boring 8-5 gig that I have to dress (kind of) a certain way for. Someday I'll have that creative job that I can dress exactly how I want.
I've just come back from an amazing trip to Japan and if you were wearing what you had on in the urban outfitters changing room in Tokyo you'd fit right in. Anything goes in fashion over there and I loved it. It was really inspirational and I used to be very creative with my dressing back in my early twenties(mixing patterns and clash colours, fun tights before tights got really cool again - this is quite a while ago!) but then I toned it down as I got older and started to teach (yes teenagers!) I wanted to hide and not be noticed. Such a shame. Now I'm in my thirties and getting back more of my 'I don't give a damn what anyone thinks' style.
I'd take it as a compliment if narrow minded people laugh. It's a diguised compliment and a reminder that you aren't boring and conformist like them. Also take a moment to feel proud to not be trapped in a world where you feel like you have to dress like your friends and follow unwritten rules.
I used to love it when people looked at me weird because of what I was wearing for those reasons! And it wasn't even strange - just not 'normal'. Wish I was still that brave!
Kandee! I just wanted to say that I love your happy outlook on life. You are such a positive person and a ray of candy-coated sunshine in a world full of drab negativity. I love reading your blog for the makeup tips, but even more for the day-to-day inspiration. I have depression & panic disorder and a lot of times, it's easy for me to get stuck in a cycle of negative and depressed thinking. Your blog always gives me a push in the right direction and gets me thinking positively again! Keep on being yourself because you are awesome! Thank you so much! XOXOXO!
Awesome post! I have been teased about my clothing since I was a little kid. I have always ignored it, but something will always stay scratching inside. Next time someone gives me a funny look or a mean comment I will try that celebrity thing. :D I also enjoyed the pics. :) Your outfit rocks!
I think your style is fab as well! So glad to hear those boys changed their tune but it's unfortunate that people feel the need to bash others for the way they express themselves.
I really wish I could meet you in real life :)
Kandee, you are my biggest inspiration of all!!!
My name is Allan, I'm from Denmark and I'm a somewhat feminine guy. I look feminine in the way I dress, they way I act, the way I speak... I'm just feminine. I have been since I was a small child. It's been extremely tough, because I get looked at, pointed at, yelled at and bullied all the time. But since a few years back I care less and less. You see, I share your point of view. I want to be able to dress just the way I want to dress. If people can't accept that, that has to be their problem.
This post inspired me in so many ways... because even though I say that it's got to be their problem, if people don't accept me, it still hurts. So to see that a gorgeous woman with a fantastic style also gets these comments, makes it so much more worth while to keep my chin high and dress the way I want to dress and be the way I want to be.
Thank you from the bottom of my heart Kandee. You have no idea how much you inspire me, both with your makeup videos and your wonderful writings on your blog (loved the "Afraid" post as well).
Big hug from Allan from Denmark
The night before Halloween some jerk came up to me and asked me, so what are you supposed to be, a zombie or something? I wasn't even dressed in a costume. I had a smokey eye and a nude lip with a yellow plaid shirt on. Cute not undead! Oh well. I get funny looks every day for the things I wear or my makeup. I think people are just usually scared to express themselves - especially teens. We all love you!!!
They probably just meant to say, "what the F$@K?!? she's F$@King HOT!!" ;o)
I had many similar situations myself except a lot of them included "ching-chong-chang" kind of stuff - that I think of it, stuff like that happened even during my college years. Some boys just suck, hahaha :D
I just LOVE, LOVE, LOVE your style, energy, and inspiration though :)! You always brighten my day!
Great story!!!!!
Yay, Kandee! That sounds like a scene from a movie - I love when the tables get turned on jerks like those ones. Cheers! -Sara
FYI: I like your outfit; it's fun and funky like you!
Hey girl. Oh man do I know how that feels. I remember being young, and I am Hawaiian and Puerto Rican and for some reason I got really frizzy curly hair from 'some evil person in my family' lol. And growing up, everyone made fun of me for it. My brother was the main fire-starter for all the teasing. =( And with all of that, I hated my hair. I hated myself because I had that hair. And only after years of being shown kindness by those I chose to share my life with (ie: boyfriends), they taught me to love myself because I am beautiful. I don't look like everyone else and that's the shit! Nowadays I wear my hair all sorts of ways. But I really love it when it's down and wild, like a lions mane of dark curls. Teenagers may talk and say mean things, make fun of you. But they make fun of everything! They even make fun of things they like if someone else says it's stupid. So, I know sometimes it does hurt, and sometimes it does make you question your confidence, but just know that we're not all the same. And things aren't always happy or good or perfect. But there are thousands, and I mean thousands, of young people, old people, teenagers, children, and mommy's, that think you are absolutely the best thing that could have inhabited this earth. Those who know you, and even those who don't, love you *because* of who you are and nothing else.
Shoot, those kids don't even understand manners. So how can they understand something so complex as personal expression? They think they do, but they have no idea! Lol.
We all love you Kandee. You know that.
Oh. And my brother? The main fire-starter of adolescent embarrassment? Came up to me on Halloween night with tears in his eyes and said, "I was really mean to you when we were young huh?"
Me: "Yes"
Him: "I think about it constantly. How mean I was. And it eats me up inside. I'm so sorry, I was just stupid and young. I'm sorry little sis."
Me: "It's okay."
*Hug. His tears pressed against my cheek and I felt his pain. In that moment, I knew that he hated himself for it. And I knew that he was sorry. I had forgiven him so long ago. But it was at this moment, that he forgave himself.*
I love you big brother.
Kandee your style is AWESOME! Boys in general can be just plain mean and immature. LOVE YOU LOTS and just keep being your wonderful positive self! God bless!
Hi Kandee,
I too find you sooo inspirational! Most days your blogs and videos have me in tears because I feel like what your saying is exactly what I needed to hear! You are amazing and so beautiful inside and out. Thank you and keep doing what you're doing!
I love your style and positive attitude! Whenever I go shopping I wish I had you along.
lol I love the bank next to the ice cream "..saving up for some good weed" ha ha ha!!
I'm sure those teenage boys were just jealous they don't have a hot gf like Kandee! lolz
i love how awesome you are. silly boys. you know what they always said in grammar school was true...when a boy teases you its because he likes you. those boys all thought you were hot (because you ARE), and unfortunately, not confidant, mature, brave, smart enough to simply say, 'Wow you're hot!'...this happened/s to me all the time. and i just remind myself, its because they think i'm hot! haha. j/k. no, but seriously! haha.
smile everyday. it destresses.
laugh everyday. it burns lots o'calories.
live everyday. life is too short.
yeah. most teenage guys are very very annoying lol. they were prolly hitting on you because that is how beautiful you are. :)
I bet those guys learned their lesson, not to judge someone too quickly!
Love the outfit. I like wearing stuff that isn't normal for my age (I'm 24 and dress like I'm 10 years younger) at first I felt like I had to conform to be taken seriously, but that's a bunch of crap. I'll dress crazy with ya!
Kandee you are an AWESOME person. Thank you for helping thousands of people around the world believe in themselves (Soon millions of people). Life can be very difficult and there are some people that intent on making other people feel bad and there people like you who will do anything and everything in their power to help people in any way they can. Thank you for being who you are.
Kandee! You ARE famous! Those guys just didn't know! Good for you for not letting them get to you! Best, Susie
if its any consolation..i think you dress amazing! i love your care free style. and your absolutely beautiful!
love you kandee!!!!!!!!
oh kandee you're so fantastic and i completely agree that teenage boys are nothing but a bunch of fonies themselves!
HELLO FROM WASHINGTON STATE KANDEEE!!! I love reading your blogs! It feels like i know you... kinda crazy.. %) Girl, i cannot imagine how busy you are.. please go treat yourself to a spa...
May God Bless You, and may you keep inspiring everyone for the GLORY OF GOD!!
loveee... Tanya V. :)
What the FABULOUS!!!
Hey sweetie, thank you so much for posting about your day! I'm at Fort Hood and things are so messed up right now, it's so sad today. I was feeling really depressed, but I keep reading your sweet posts and I can't help but smile. Thank you so much for sharing your huge heart and beautiful thoughts. I love you!
Thoughts and prayers are with the victims, family, and community here at Hood!
Your so inspiring kandee! You are way to pretty & kind to let mean high school boys get to you! Glad it got better, & I love your style <3
I'm glad the meanness was balanced out for you! You're way too sweet to deserve anything else. Your blog always brightens my day and makes me appreciate everything more. Thank you! Take care.
I'm glad the meanness was balanced out for you! You're way too sweet to deserve anything else. Your blog always brightens my day and makes me appreciate everything more. Thank you! Take care.
I am a norcal Berkeley hippie-type who generally only wears concealer and lipbalm and all I gotta say is that your youtube videos and blog posts make me smile so much. You are an amazing person with so much heart that just shines so brightly. Not to mention wicked smart, talented, and friggin' dedicated! You have totally blown me away! I have such a platonic-crush on you! Keep up the positive thinking. Nothing will stand in your way unless you allow it the meaning and power to. You are a great influence for wo(men) young and old. YOU ARE THE ULTIMATE!!!!!
You go Kandee!!! Soon you shall take over the world!
Kisses from UK
Hi, just wanted to let you know you also have (at least) one fan in Antwerp, Belgium :D
You seem more famous than some pop singers are :D
Hi, just wanted to let you know you also have (at least) one fan in Antwerp, Belgium :D
You seem more famous than some pop singers are :D
You are seriously so awesome!! I love this post!
You look great in whatever you wear! Even when you had three tutus on in your melrose shopping video you looked great!! Haha
I took a little screencap for you, I'm so proud! Our Kandee rocks!
hey! my gf showed me some of ur videos recently and i LOVE listening to u. just read ur blog and, no surprise, i LOVE reading what u hae to say too! I said some nice things about ya on my blog :)
Hey kandee! i stumbled across your youtube vids a few weeks ago which led me to your blog. I love your blog! i look everyday hoping that you updated! you are so darling and i love the way you dress. I've tried doing some of your make-up tips but lets face it, i can't do make up.. You just need to me my personal make-up artist K? hahaha. I absolutely love the way you dress and wish i had enough confidence to dress like you!!
I just wanted to leave you a comment and let you know that I LOVE your videos! You are such a huge inspiration. I soo look forward to the next party I am going to, because then I will use all the amazing tricks you have thought me through your videos, and I can have amazing makeup! Thank you so much for doing this. Lots of love from Victoria in Norway!
Yeay, wish I had been there! But its true what they say, its only insecure people who try to put others down. All you can do is know in your heart who you are and what you can do. Better to be original than booooring! You know we love you sweetie, and nothing can change that!!! lots of love!/tess
ive seen a lot crazier dressers than you!!!
they are just annoying little boys
your awesome!!!
ugh the stupid mugfuggers need to grow up..I'm glad you posted this up and you are so lucky to be loved by so many people around the world!You're great!:)
I FINALLY got my own blogspot slot after following yours for forever. I absolutely LOOOOOVEEEEE this! I catch flack for just being me allllll the time. You know what? I don't care. I love how God made me, too:) Thanks for being such a "good mood-y" inspiration!
You are such an inspiration to so many people around the world.
There are always gerks that try to put everyone down. Im so glad you stood tall and that you had one of your fans there. There is always great oppostion to creativity and self expression.
You have encouraged so many.
God bless
i have been watching your vids for so long. i just wanted to let you know that i have been through some hard stuff laltly. but you, you have been the person who has helped me get through it! you are such an inpiration, and i am only 13 but you have have encouraged me to follow my heart and dreams!!!
Smiles and God Bless
YOU GO GIRL!!! love your attitude...i wish i could be more like you, you're not just super talented, and super cute, but you're a great role model.
Lucy O.
I love, love, LOVE your blog! I swear every time I get finished watching one of your awesome videos, I say out loud "I SO want to be friends with her!!!"
Your bubbly personality and positive outlook on life really is a breath of fresh air in this world of doomsday news reporters and negativity galore.
Keep up the great work - you've got yourself another devoted follower :)
P.S. If you decide to do a video on how to look amazing for family pictures, I will love you forever. (Just found out we have some scheduled at the end of Nov...)
Kandee, don't EVER worry about looking weird. You look like YOURSELF!
I'm the same way. I've been told I dress... "colorfully" (that's a nice word for "weird". I'm 39 and for some reason, missed that whole "growing up" stage.
The other day, I had MAJOR embarassment. I wore jeans, black flip flops (good so far, right?) a black boy beater (still okay), but it was cold out, so I put on my Hogwarts hat and scarf. I had a dr's appt that day and when I got called back, the nurse asked me what school those colors were for, because she didn't recognize them. I didn't know what she meant at first, but then it all clicked.
I actually had to say out loud, "Oh! It's not a college. Umm... it's Harry Potter. You know... Hogwarts? Gryffendor house?"
I think I died a little inside, but she was laughing so hard, I had to weigh myself and take my own pulse/ox check because she just couldn't get a grip on the laughing fit.
When my doctor came in, he gave me the up and down look and then calmly said, "You look like a 12 year old wizard... with boobs." (my boobs did this weird explosion thing that day and were a bit unruly. I thought my scarf would cover them, but apparently not.
Some people might get upset or embarrassed by that. I look at it as... I made her smile. Not just smile, but have a good belly laugh. So at least for those few minutes in her day... my goofy ass clothes made her happy.
In the winter, I have a HUGE collection of "ridiculous" furry hats that I adore. I wear them all the time. And yes, I get laughed at by my friends and stared at by strangers. I just tell myself that the strangers are staring because I look so damn good in my spiffy hat!
So you keep wearing what makes you feel good. If you love what you have on, you'll always be wearing the most important thing of all... your smile! :)
- Lydia
ps: My next job is to learn to tie my bandanna on my wrist. Cross your fingers!
Kandee, don't EVER worry about looking weird. You look like YOURSELF!
I'm the same way. I've been told I dress... "colorfully" (that's a nice word for "weird". I'm 39 and for some reason, missed that whole "growing up" stage.
The other day, I had MAJOR embarassment. I wore jeans, black flip flops (good so far, right?) a black boy beater (still okay), but it was cold out, so I put on my Hogwarts hat and scarf. I had a dr's appt that day and when I got called back, the nurse asked me what school those colors were for, because she didn't recognize them. I didn't know what she meant at first, but then it all clicked.
I actually had to say out loud, "Oh! It's not a college. Umm... it's Harry Potter. You know... Hogwarts? Gryffendor house?"
I think I died a little inside, but she was laughing so hard, I had to weigh myself and take my own pulse/ox check because she just couldn't get a grip on the laughing fit.
When my doctor came in, he gave me the up and down look and then calmly said, "You look like a 12 year old wizard... with boobs." (my boobs did this weird explosion thing that day and were a bit unruly. I thought my scarf would cover them, but apparently not.
Some people might get upset or embarrassed by that. I look at it as... I made her smile. Not just smile, but have a good belly laugh. So at least for those few minutes in her day... my goofy ass clothes made her happy.
In the winter, I have a HUGE collection of "ridiculous" furry hats that I adore. I wear them all the time. And yes, I get laughed at by my friends and stared at by strangers. I just tell myself that the strangers are staring because I look so damn good in my spiffy hat!
So you keep wearing what makes you feel good. If you love what you have on, you'll always be wearing the most important thing of all... your smile! :)
- Lydia
ps: My next job is to learn to tie my bandanna on my wrist. Cross your fingers!
Oh! And you're not just NOT weird, you're an inspiration as well. I found these AWESOME "tattoo leggings", but like you said.. that's really not cute at the crotch area. So I'll be hacking up some jeans, Kandee-style, to wear over them with my slouchy tees (I buy a huge size, cut the neck all open, and wear a tank under it).
Totally solved my "how am I gonna wear these?" problem with the awesome leggings!!
now that's what Im talkin about! you go Kandee!
Yeah!! I bet they felt like complete losers.
Kandee-thanks so much for sharing things from your excursion! :)
You looked ABSOLUTELY GORGEOUS btw. I just look at you in awe and in jealousy! ;)
You are so beautiful inside and out! :D
And your outfit is freaking adorable!
Stupid guys, especially teenagers LIVE only to impress other guys...
it's a wonder that any of us gals ever fall for any of 'em but thankfully they're not all total morons like those in Carl's Jr! ;)
I am so glad you ran into a fan to change things up some! :)
I'm a HUGE fan of yours and would freak out if I saw you!!! :D
I'd have to get a hug, an autograph, a pic of us together, and some make up tips! ;) he he...
You're the best Kandee! Thank you for bringing smiles to all our faces! :D ♥
OMG I love out-of-the-ordinary sized objects too! I have been teased my whole life so I know what you are going through. They are just pathetic if they have nothing better to do then belittle someone else. That's not a real man. Heck, that's not a real person!
p.s. have you seen the new lora mercier palette at Sephora? Just saw it in my catelog and wished I could get it for you!!!
wow kandee, that is so cool, that just as you were feeling down, a girl recognized you...thats so awesome.
i love your style because you are truly one of a kind, which is a hard thing to find these days.
if i met you, i would give you a giant hug.
Hy ! I've been watching ur make-up videos and they are great !!!! today i've also dicovered your hair videos so i was wondering if you could help me: i have really curly hair and in the last months it got a lot shorter-10-20 cm- [and all because Pantene doesn't make Perfect curls anymore and that was the perfect product] do you know something that could help me ?
Thank you , Andra .
Aw, Kandee, I just love you. Let your freak flag fly high and proud! (I mean that as a compliment :) I try to do the same in my own life. I really like the positive messages you send out on your blog here, because I can see that it is being picked up on by so many young people. Keep up the good works/thoughts/vibes!
Q:wHAT was the name of those cameras on the pictures.?
I love when God has little treasure chest of good waiting for us when we least expect it!
Love it!! My lil sister made fun of me all my life because I refused to be like everybody else...think it made her uncomfortable that I was always myself and never cared about what anybody we're older and she calls me Punky Brewster, lol...she always made fun, but was the first one to want to borrow my fabulous clothes!! Kudos to you and all of us w/our own point of view! If it wasn't for creative people like us the world would be a boring place!! "Punky Power!!" to Fashion Risktakers everywhere!! :) xoxo
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