somedays you feel like you did nothing...nothing special...nothing on your to-do list....maybe you didn't even leave your house!
I have those days too...yesterday felt like one of those days (a little)...but each day has it's wonders if we stop and think about them... Each day if we choose to do something uncomfortable...out of the little step towards our makes our days a little more "dazzly"....
things I DID do yesterday:
visited my great- grandma (she lives by herself and makes me laugh so much!) I took her a caramel sundae and a chicken sandwich- her favorites! I bought leopard print keyboard covers to "dazzle" up my hours of typing! I bought wall decals to "dazzle" up my "Swiss Coffee" colored rental-house walls! I bought a giant fairytale pumpkin from Trader Joe's to "dazzle" up my kitchen... I bought whipping cream to whip up real "whipped cream" for my hot chocolate and chocolate pudding!
Each one of you has "dazzle" in your heart....and your dreams are just sitting there waiting for you to give them a's like having a car in your's not going to go anywhere by have to take it go get in your dream-car and drive it to dream town! Do one little small step today...whether it's thinking about your dream (i'm a fan of daydreaming), researching online, or designing your business card...or maybe even making a "scary" phone call to someone or some business that can help you make it happen!
Go for have nothing to lose...and everything to gain!!!!
I believe in you!!!! huge love...your dream coach...Kandee
you're seriously reading my mind lately! i love you and think you're AMAZING!
I just found your blog and videos via another blog. I LOVE the vlog on teeth whitening. How ingenious. I will definately be trying that. I just have to tell you that you have the sweetest disposition. I can't wait to read more tips and tricks.
thank you sooo much kandee!! your words make feel that i can go after my dreams and make them real!!! I ♥ U!!!! You inspire me everyday to be a better person!
Well hi there again Kandee!!! I swear I think you listen to my thoughts haha! So today I made an hour long trip to go sign up for school. You're making all of my dreams come true! I'm a 30 year old mom of two and I'm going to cosmetology school for the first time! I start in December. (side note: while I was away someone broke into my car and stole my kids dvd player :( ) but...I did just make my business cards and my service contract (with a little Kandee flare-insperation ;). I'm working on my kit (which is a lot of research and $$$ haha) Oh and now all I need are some clients hehe. I just wanted to let you know that with the POWER of YOUR words and videos you're making all of my DREAMS come true!!
Thank you thank you thank you for all you do!!
Hey, Kandee... u r an amazing motivator... i feel exactly the same... and i am sick of sitting & doing nothing.. i have so many dreams but dont have the motivation to do anything or put a step ahead... i m trying hard... lets see and hope i get out it ASAP... thanks for ur love and motivation...take care and have a nice day
WOW! You are so amazing and inspiring, I know I say it all the time, but truely you are one of the mose encoraging people I know and I don't really "know" you! Before I even read your blog today I started researching beauty schools and thought to myself..."what am I doing, I have a job and where would I find the time..." but I just can't help it you have really sparked a fire and I just want to keep adding fuel to the flames! Your blog only helps me affirm that I am not crazy for following my dreams! So again, Thank YOU!
Today is one of those "Do Nothing" days for me...Spent most of the morning on FaceBook talking to my sissy about a whole lot of nothing (but that is always SO fun).... I did put in a yummy roast for dinner this evening for to feed my hungry men folk when they get home from work and school. So that is an accomplishment. And I need to finish up the laundry...then I think I'll break out my jewelry making goodies and create something myself something pretty...BTW...Thanks for the Smiles Kandee...You're one in a million.
Thank you Kandee! You encouraged me to actually make one of those "scary" phone calls. I did it and it actually turned out to benot as scary as I thought! You are the best : )
Kandee you inspire me soooooo much I love your kind words that you share and it makes me want to go out and follow my dreams too. And I can't wait for your next Glameo too!!!! Could you do a video on how to get rid of spots and pimples your skin is so gorgeous!
Hi Kandee!
I hope your day is going amazing so far or is off on a great start, Thank YOU so so so much!!! for your words of wisdom, it has been keeping me so much more positive these past few days, from feeling down over random couldnt have said this things better!!! your words are so encouraging, enlightening and brings me so much drive about life. I myself am very positive too but I will also be one of the first to admit that some days are harder than others, especially when there are many things going on in life that may bring us down, taking control of every situation is something we are all entitled to do, you remind me to be thankful for my blessings and feel blessed to wake up each day to such a beautiful life, unlike the ones in southeast asia and america samoa who are going through traumatic situations as we speak, so anyway, thank you so so much, it feels great to read your blogs it relaxes me and gets me pumped for my day and DREAMS!!!
Fellow daydreamer,
Two words: YOU RULE :-)
Some days I feel as if I don't do enough. Especially those days when you don't leave the house. I always feel so guilty for that. I really love the encouragement that you give. Thanks so much and you are such a joy....
What an inspiring post Kandee!! I'm BIG on daydreaming too!! lol... Boy, you just put a little pep in my step today!!! and brought a smile to my face. THANK YOU! Every one should read this'll make you dream the impossible into reality. :)
hello there! i just wanted to let you know that i featured one of your YT videos on my blog as a one of my featured guru. i linked your channels and blog too. i hope you don't mind. i admire your work and i think it's very inspiring. here's the url if you'd like to see what i posted:
I really adore you, but why are there Scientology adverts on your blog?
Thank you so much Kandee for everything you do! :)
Kandee, you have inspired me to follow my dreams. Being a mother and carrying 4 jobs, I decided to get back to the things that bring me joy - painting and baking! If you have a second, check out my blogs. You were a HUGE, MASSIVE inspiration for me to do this! Thank you for all that you are!!
Much love!
thank you for being so encouraging. you make me so happy and i feel like i can do anything when you post a new blog. high school can be so hard and mean sometimes but i come home and read your blog and then i go watch makeup videos on youtube and my stress goes away. thank you, you are amazing kandee i love you!
Hey kandee! I just wanted to let you know that you are so great! i love reading your blogs and watching your videos! your an inspiration and a great role model!
I love you!!!!
simply amazing. (:
i've learned so much from you; in various aspects... but, especially in allowing more positivity to flow in my life, more naturally. <3
stop making me hungry darn it! haha. you make everything sound so good. when I have my own clothing line, Im designing an outfit after you!
Hi Kandee,
You must be tired of listening/reading "how inspiring" you are, but it's sooo true!
I encouraged my mom to open her own blog about cooking! She is such an amazing cook!!Everybody who tries her food, falls in love with it!..
So now, here she is, writing about what she loves the most, what inspires her, what she loves to do. Thank you Kandee.
Kisses from Argentina,
Carolina :D
i love you kandee :)
your my idol!
I'm so sad you blocked the adventures in kandeeland blog since a few days ago :( I know a lot of ppl have been giving you a lot of pain about revealing some parts of your life and stuff but I miss it
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