Princess Jasmine from Aladdin...is here....
via myself....ha ha ha
I love all the Disney princesses......and finally here she is...
What I used:
To darken my skin tone:
I used St. Tropez Whipped Bronzer
For the face I used:
Make-Up Forever HD foundation (#73)
Larenim Pressed Powder:
RCMA foundation color palettes:
(tell them you heard about it from kandee...maybe they'll give ya a discount...you can do the same thing on the cheap with dark concealors from the drugstore, too)
For the eyes: I used several shades from MAC...a light shimmery yellow, RICE PAPER, a light warm brown, CORK, and a dark red brown, GROUND BROWN, and a lighter red brown, CORDUROY, and a black, CARBON
I used black cream eyeliner in BLACK BLACK from MAC
And the false lashes are just the DRAMA & GLAMOUR lashes from the Costume section at Wal-Mart!
For lips I used:
I brown-ish color lipliner:
a peachy lipstick: SANDY B from MAC
and a light pearl shimmer to give a highlight: I used GOLDEN GODDESS from Estee Lauder
enjoy this fun look...i was made with love.....
have the best day ever....kandee
I love this look, it's crazy how you went from pale snow white to tan Jasmine! My favorite is the hair! <3
you could totally play all the princesses at Disneyland! Ariel and Belle are my favorites haha.
Hi Kandee,
could you PLEASEEEE post tips for those of us with pale skin. If i try to use self tanner i just end up looking yellow. Not a pretty look. Could you point me in the right direction with how to do makeup for pale skin? Thanks! i know you will have great ideas!
Hey Kandee! Love the look!!! I have naturally tan skin, slightly darker than Jasmine's, so it's great to see you use colors that match my skin tone. Would you recommend Chestnut lipliner as an everyday color or do you have any other suggestions on colors I could try out for my skin tone?
Gorgeous, as usual!
Fantastic! Thanks for sharing all your amazing make-up tips with everyone!
so pretty, what a beautiful look. again proving your just amazing!!
Oh gosh, Please, please, please make a vid for this!
I mean for the hair tutorial, i can't find the vid. I already commented, 5 starred, and favorited the makeup one! <3
Soooo coool!!!
Jasmine was (and still is) my fave disney character ever! Love the film too. :) Awesome job kandee! :) xxx
Wow Kandee you're so talented! Love the look and the colors you used for this one...
I am being a pin up girl for halloween and im definetely using ur pin up hair and make up video :-) Keep it up, we all love your work! :)
i just love it. and i noticed that u take the most beautiful pictures of urself..u should teach us to do that.
xo xo
Congrats! You did a wonderfull job, and you look and sing amazing. However I belive you could've done ur hair a little downer:) A big kiss from me Kandee with all my love.
beautiful!! happy halloweeen?? What are you and your kids gonna be??? we need pics :)
soo beautiful, i love it! happpy halloween kandee!
Thank you sweetie for this super beautiful look!! =]
Have a great Halloween!!!
And please.. take some time off.. you have worked so hard on all these videos.. you deserve some sleep ;]
hugs and kisses
Kandee as always your incredible! I am kind of sad that haloween arrive because there will be no more costume videos or maybe they will be More? Loved every look you did for us thank you very much!! I am in italy an in februrary there is the mask carnival in venice but they celebrate it in all Italy, maybe you can design some mask with make up, what do you think??? Have a great halloween!
your amazing! I know you are probably over with halloween requests. But if you ever did an Ariel (little mermaid) video that would be super fabulous!!!
Lovely, , lovely, lovely!
Absolutely stunning Kandee, the darker skintone really suits you!
Kandee Girl, I dressed up yesterday (Fri 10/20/09) for my job it was my first time every dressing up ever in my life for anything, and my b-day is on Halloween. I made my own costume and did my own make up. At first I thought everyone would think it was stupid, but I wore it anyway and everyone loved it. I ONLY HAD THE COURAGE TO DO THIS BECAUSE OF YOUR VIDOES. Thank for your encouragement kind words and tell us to not be afraid. Maybe I'll work up the courage to send you a pick of my costume.
Okay and about this video.......love it! I can never say it enough you are so talented (and beautiful). I never comment to videos or blogs, but I love your spirit and talent and since you said the nice comments and rating encourage you I thought I would. I think I want to try and recreate some of your looks and see whats happens. This looks is so beautiful. I love it. Thank you for doing this video. Much love
Wow! You are amazing, I can't help wishing I had you're talent. I don't know if you get to every comment or not, but I am 16 and I am going to be a make-up artist (beauty). I'm scared I will not be good. I'm low class so I don't have expensive make-up or that much variety. a few eyeshadows, one lip liner some lip gloss. one liquid foundation one podwer. I think you get the jist. My point is I cant see what Im made of and Im scared once I do im not going to be as good. I know ill will learn and become great but I just wanted some advice and to ask a few questions. Thank you for inspiring me :) if you can my e-mail is Froggymarie_36@yahoo.com. Im not sure how you reply to these.. Thank you
I love the jasmine look !!! Thank you !!
Kandee, where can i get creme highlighter
Shu Uemura in Pearl??????????? Can't find it please help!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hi Kandee.
I just watched your video on YT, and loved it - of course!! I just really hope you don't let the haters get to you. I hope you know that your loyal viewers never would write something mean. Keep making awesome videos - we love you.
Kandee, you made my Halloween! Thank you, you're so awesome. I didn't use the Jasmine look, I did the Cyndi Lauper one for a cute clown costume I had and it was a big hit. Thank you! Love you and your site!
Kandeee..what did u end up dressing up as for halloween? so much to choose from cause ur so good at all the looks! cant wait for you to show us what you dressed up as :)
Have a great day!
Your work is amazing!!
I admire all your looks very much.
what did you end up doing for halloween???
Wow.. very nice.. emm thinking about to have that make up and hair do during my wedding day :)
Wow.. very nice.. emm thinking about to have that make up and hair do during my wedding day :)
Wow that is an incredibly beautiful transformation! glad I found your blog, I'm already a big fan. Thanks for sharing your makeup talent with us!
LOVED this tut Kandee... I'm taking my five year old granddaughter Kali to Disney World in December and she wants to dress as Belle, would love it if you did a Belle makeup tut too! She's a little brunette with dark hair and LOVES that you feature the darker haired princesses, those blondies get way too much attention and face time if you ask her!! Thanks so much for sharing your talent with us!! You're a doll!
LOVED this! I actually love all your vids. Youre happy and fun personality shines through in every one!
BTW, What kind of brushes do you use through out this tut?
I just have to say that I love your videos! You are great! (My english is really bad, sorry)
I love it and you really look like Jasmine! she's one of my favorite princess from Disney ^_^
Ohhhhh, Kandee. You look amazinnnnnnnnngggg in this look. I love the film. You really look like a princess. Congrats for this work. A++++++
hi Kandee, big fan of your work... I was wondering what application/software you use to edit your photos? I love the look of them...
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