the Michael Jackson look won out for next requested look...but oompa loompa was close second...and was SNOW WHITE.....
they are all waiting to be edited and uploaded!!! I've go tmore too, but something has to be a surprise!!!
what else am I doing today:
packing up head-dresses for the Cleopatra contest! All of them!
going to post office to ship em off!
heading out on the road for the speaking engagement...
finishing packing my stuff!
packing up my make-up...
so much more...i'd be here typing forever!
I have a funny story about buying the rest off the head-dresses last night...i'll have to post it later!!!
have an awesome day and remember...
even when life looks and feels sad or down.....you don't kno what that moment is preparing you for...and you don't know what is right around the corner!!!!
huge love, kandee
packing my stuff up to go to a speaking engagement tomorrow, for Senegence Cosmetics! It's gonna be fun....I love speaking and encouraging and educating people...!
Holy cow, Kandee!! ahh!
I hope you didn't mock him...I doubt you did...because you're a sweetheart...I'm still very heartbroken...and I don't want to be upset with you...I love you Kandee...I hope I won't be disappointed...can't wait to see it! <3
That is quite creepy Kandee... You look so much like him it is uncanny! I cant wait to see this vid!
Kisses from UK
Pleeease do a sexy pirate look next! all bronzed, dirty and smokey eyes:D would be awesome...and really inspiring since I'm going as one for halloween;D
I love you, you're amazing:) can't wait to see the MJ video::D:D
Wow! Great recreation!
Oh Kandee!! I wish I could put you in my pocket and carry you around with me! Your attitude brightens this gloomy New York day. Keep shining!!!
I love love love it! My favorite part of your videos is when you act! Such a great look!
I want to buy this woman flowers. What an absolute darling. The flowers would look to Kandee to see what it means to be a true soul in full bloom. As a thirty something man, with no interest in makeup as it were, who had serendipitously found Kandee on youtube one day, I have since kept watching for the sheer spiritual delight of seeing God's grace shine forth from a woman. Kandee, if you read these comments, thank you. You are lovely; your inner beauty and innocently charming, sanguine presence do justice to your talent, attitude, and radiantly stunning physical prescence. Thanks again B
goodness! u amaze me each time!
Mike is Back!!!!!
Thanks Kandee for such words of encoraugement....it means a lot for a lot of us that we are going through rough times, and just God and our faith has keep us in the road with a smile and still fighting for our dreams. Wish you tons of blessings and have a blast weekend!!!!
Cheers xoxo,
you're one busy gal!! i really appreciate all the effort and work you put into all your work and especially for viewers and fans! you're a great person full of spirit, energy, and love! keep up with the great halloweeen looks ;]
The only word that pops into my mind, and that is AMAZING! You are so talented :D
Even when life looks and feels sad or down.....you don't kno what that moment is preparing you for...and you don't know what is right around the corner!!!!
I Really Needed Those Words Of Encouragement At This Very Moment Thank You So Much. <3 <3 <3
You never cease to amaze me with your talent. Thank you!
Wow! You are incredible :)
You are so talented! I can't believe that pic is you!
Omg Kandee! You are the most talented make up artist I've ever seen! You look JUST like him! That's insane! You are so talented!! God has graced you bountifully! (I'm elfvamplady on Youtube btw)
WOW everytime i see one of these previews you blow me away, have a great day kandee!
Soooooo awesome Kandee! I can't WAIT to see this video. I may end up being MJ this year after seeing it!!!! LOL! :) BIG HUGS! <3
Yay, I can't wait!!! Love you Kandee! SO so SO much!! And thank you for all of your hard work you put into your amazing videos for us :)
you are awesome!!!!!!!!!!! I can't believe how talented you are. I just posted about you in my blog, i hope you don't mind. I was just as excited about your talent, I couldn't help but share it with the people who follow my blog. you are pretty and amazing girl!!!
damn, you're good! i had to do a double take cuz it looks soo much like michael.
Kandee doesn't mock anyone, silly!
My sister and I thought this was really MJ, amazing job as usual! And all those lucky people at Senegence, you'll do great!
WOW...I'm with Pangie...I had to double take! Geez Kandee, you don't play around! You're a real pro!
Yay, I'm really looking forward to the Michael look :)
OMGoodness! You are awesome!
yay! Can't wait!
If you are ever in Washington DC I would love to either hear you speak or get a makeup lesson fro you. it would be a dream come true. you are a true inspiration when it comes to makeup and style. I watch all you videos and find them amazing. and your fashion is so unique. you put togetherthings i would never think of and it inspires me to push the boundaries. =]
I can't wait to see this look! You are such a versatile artist Kandee!
Woot! You look just like him, fantastic job. But right now, the word Michael Jackson just ticks me off because of this super embarrassing project I have to do...sing his songs in front of my class. Ugh!!
Hi, Kandee!! I've been trying to reach you to book you for my wedding....I emailed, myspaced (is that a word now?? lol!) and have left you voicemails. I know you're super busy but can you please call/email asap to let me know if you can do it? My name is Jackie and I don't want to leave my personal info on here, but check your email inbox. Thanks!!!
That is uncanny... You never cease to amaze dah-ling!
oh my God! Wow! once again!... it's Kandee, the Master of Disguise. hahaha i love u Kandee, ur so awesome. Another Awesome video this going to be. Thumbs up!!
hey kandee!
you're great! you're one of the few ppl that is genuinely inspiring. so glad i found you...hehehe =)
Hey! Looks good so far, can't wait to see the vid : ) . I know you are super busy taking request from everyone, but a sexy pirate would be Awesome. See if you have time, if not, I'm sure I'll love whatever else you decide to do : )
Tiffany S.
absolutely wicked look, kandee, you nailed this one down pat...can't wait to see this impersonation of the king of pop; i absolutely love him...and you! lotsa HUGS and kisses! <333
Kandee, cant wait to see the M.J look, I am sure like all of you previous videos, this will be just as spectacular !!!!
suhweet! i love you kandee!
wow, MJ-look seems to be great! can't wait to see the vid <3
how about creating looks of ALL the Disney Princesses, not just Snow White but also Cinderella, Sleeping Beauty, ... that woul be sooo great!!! You are great and you always make my days :) !!
i love you! <3
it is amazing, exited to see it (:
Wow, you really look like him!
AWW that is AWESOME I AM SO EXCITED!!!! have fun on your trip!!
Thank you Kandee!!!!! Can’t wait to see the video. Just now on TV is Beat it :). Have fun on your trip
Wow, can't wait to see this one. I love MJ!
YAY! Can't wait to see this video! I'm hoping that you get a chance to do a sexy pirate look...that would help me out soooo much cause I'm having my first Halloween party and would love to be a cute Kandee inspired pirate! I even cut up a black and white striped shirt for my costume, using your videos of course! =)
Thanks Kandee!
Can't wait to see the video kandee!! can you make a video about tips and a look for traveling/flying that won't make you feel dried out and won't get rubbed off while you sleep? what to put in your carry-on/purse?
also, you always mention how you drink a ton of water all day - do you carry a nalgene or metal water bottle or do you drink dasani or something else commercial like that?
thanks for all of your great tips and advice!!
I like the Michael Jackson look but since he past away I wouldn't dare to dress up like. At least not this year ... I know that sounds totally silly but what can I do? Do you think that you are going to do the Snow white look or should I just give up and not ask for it anymore? =(Anyway .. thanks for all the great costumes ideas that you have given us =) I think I might end up being thinkerbell =)
Kandee, this is a really cool look!
What did you do for the face? It looks like you contoured the nose
What an AMAZING JOB, Kandee.
You are crazy good at this makeup thing :)
Hi Kandee -
Thank you for your blogging - I know you touch MY life, for sure. My daughter was the one to lead me to your blog and I am so glad she did!
~ Barb
you give strenght to my soul, i love you! :)
Your work is so amazing...I think you're just an amazing person. My mom loves you too!!!
You are awesome! I am beyond thrilled I stumbled across you YouTube . I've been addicted to the beauty gurus for some time now. You are for sure my new fav!!!
So I'm via my iPhone and cannot comment on your videos, so I will post my vote here.
1. A pin- up zombie
2. Snowwhite
Cheers darling !
Another halloween tut I can't wait to see. I was actually pegging the oompa lumpa, just because I was interested to see your taken on them :D Idk if you are still looking for ideas but Harley Quinn from Batman comes to mind :]
aww kandee i love how you always have something encouraging to say. and you're right, you never know who it may cheer up. =] you always cheer me up and ur awesome for that!
WOW! you're truly an amazing artist!
This is amazing make-up Kandee- it is like you changed your facial features. How did you get your nose to look so small and how did you give yourself such a defined chin- whoa!
Oh how i wish you could come to edmonton!!
Hi kandee!! OMG you have amaizing skills, love all the looks youve done so far, im always on the look for your videos on yt, thanks for the inspiration, you are sucha a great person!!
Mother of God, Kandee, are you a genius? This is giving me something to live for. No joke.
Kandee you are awesome!! You look like MJ but more beautiful!!! You are very talented! Love all the other halloween looks too!!
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