Monday, October 12, 2009

I NEED your help VOTING!!!

So this contest so hard for me!!! I wish I would've bought 50 head dresses so everyone could be a winner!!!
I need you guys to help VOTE...I narrowed it down to the top 12...but please help me VOTE...this is too hard!!!

Everyone did such a fabulous job...I could barely narrow it down to 10!!! Thank you all for making such fabulous videos...they were all amazing! I sat with J-man and we watched all of them...and were sooooo amazed..... (don't know who J-man is....learn more CLICK HERE...ha ha ha) ...these are in no particular order...and I wish I had prizes for everyone....I can't believe how every video impressed me!!!This is too hard on my heart to pick just one!!! ...I also know that not all the video came up when I tried to view them...I tried to hunt them all down...but if I missed you...I am so sorry!! I love you all and all your entries are precious to me!! Thank you!!! huge love...kandee

christyvankannon (her daughter)












please vote below in comments!! thank you for helping!!!


Unknown said...

Aw I say makeupbymarkella should win (:
They're all so good tho!

Anonymous said...

christyvankannon (her daughter)! should win:)

abbzzw said...

I loveeee moonwinksartistry's look so my vote is for her :) xx

Koko said...

Ooo I see what you mean they are all great but i like 3 of them sorry couldn't pick 1...
hope this helps goose luck

Unknown said...

i really liked the look umapreve did! :)

Natalie said...

I like both mymisfitmakeup and umapreve hers is very unique! They are all very good tho I can see why its so hard for you!

Jess said...


Ella Bones said...

I love Umapreve and Markella! (no specific order) don't you have a 2nd prize?! I think they both truly deserve to win something. AMAZING WORK LADIES!! GOOD LUCK!

Anonymous said...

I understand why it's so difficult they're all amazing.
My favorites:

heylaady (because she thinks she won't win, although it looks perfect)

Mymisfitmakeup (because obviously it just looks amazing without being identical)

Lindysnonsense (because of her love for Egypt, she would be so happy)

Haleyeharrison (because she might have missed her flight doing the make-up ;) just kidding, it looks good and it seemed to be on her priority list to try it)

hannahbananaz (because it looks amazing with her natural dark hair and skin tone, looks like the real thing to me)

makeupbymarkella (because you really seem like her idol)

I know I chose too many, almost all of them (I like the last one, umapreve also a lot). I was watching them all and it was like: I'm going to pick her... oh no I am going to pick her, oh no her and so on until I saw al twelf... So now I narrowed your 12 down to 6, alrighty ^^^

greetings to you all!! X Angie

Rosa said...

umapreve rocked that look!!!

taraaa said...

they're all fabulous, and so gorgeous though!!

Unknown said...

umapreve is awsome :) I love her whole look specialy the eyeliner

Alyssa Nicole Ippolito said...

Its between moonwinksartistry and makeupbymarkella.

Anonymous said...

umapreve: hers was similar but original, it showed skill and creativity. I have other faves, but her's shines above all others.

CottonCandyCastle said...

omgosh, so many beautiful ladies and all are so talented! I can see why you have problems choosing! I vote for Umapreve and Lindysnonsense, I can't descide between them two oO
But a biiig applause to all the contestants, it was so much fun watching these videos! 8D

BlueSilver said...

wow they are all so beautiful!
but my vote goes to "moonwinksartistry"!

Jess said...

Umapreve! Her look is divine! And I love that its wearable for a night out too ;) I love that she did a step by step too!
Hers & Markella are the greatest!

Anthony said...


It's so hard! I based this on makeup only. It's hard not to take the girls personalities and base my decision off that!

Quiara said...

They are all really good, but I have to go with umapreve!

Tiffany Marie said...

markella or christyvankannon (her daughter)

i think we 2 soon to be makeup artists on our hands

Anonymous said...

I liked all of them but narrowed it down to 2. They were all good but i managed to narrow it down so i could help you choose. :)

Jessbcause09 ( I liked her look because it looked unique and you could wear that look on a night out)

Umapreve ( I liked her look because it looks simple, easy and quick to do and you could wear this look anytime)


Helping you on my part:

All the actual make ups looked really good, so we need to consider other factors too to choose the winner. Personally I think

-positive attitude
-really wants the head piece
-made good effort on making the video

might be good requirements. According to those, I think the top 4 (in the order of appearance) is:

- Lindysnonsense (she really really wants the head piece, is passioned by the eqyptian culture)

- Hannahbananaz (funny, easy going, nice video, the mom aspect, song in the end)

- Heylaady (good video, made special attention on fitting the make up on her face, not just copying, funny pics in the end)

- Umapreve (amazing make up, excellent video, intrest for egypt, but does she already have a head piece...)

This is my point of view to the videos, hope it gave you new ideas, perspective on the mission to choose the winner!

Make it a magnificent Monday! :)

Jonna said...

My vote goes to umapreve:)

ILoveKandee said...


Anonymous said...

They were all so amazing... It was so hard to choose!!!


And I chose her for her because she took your look and made it her own!!! How unique!

Everyone was fabulous, don't ever think otherwise!!!

Sidnee Love said...

I think Lindysnonsense. They were all amazing but her love for Egypt won me over! :)

heartty said...

well, the contest is about who did the best look and not abt who loves egypt more or who is it should be fair..and only be about the makeup talent! i think everyone did wonderful but my choice is Mymisfitmakeup. she really is unique and her look is amazing! so thats why i pick Mymisfitmakeup... hope she wins..

Unknown said...


truebloggertype said...

My vote is definitely for Mymisfitmakeup! She really deserves to win on the count of she did the best look out of all!

MyMisfitMakeup is my vote!

xxx said...

Umapreve is the best; she looks gorgeous in that stylization :) Kisses from Poland :*:*:*

99beedee said...

mymisfitmakeup has some serious talent! you gotta pick her! the other girls have an advantage because they look like they have so many products to use n all... but mymisfitmakeup used very simple products that most everyone has! plus her look is the best!

misskitty said...
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misskitty said...


Macbella2 said...

My vote goes to moonwinksartistry. I love what she did with her eyes. ;) A little creative twist.

LaRock said...


misskitty said...

i watched some more videos.. and most of them didnt follow the rules. umapreve really didnt follow the rules, so thats not fair.. my pick is mymisfitmakeup...

Anonymous said...

I can see why this is really hard for you. I can't pick a fave either but I liked Makeupbymarkella, mymisfitmakeup, and Umapreve the best. I have to say I liked christyvankannon's daughter's look a lot because it wasn't the traditional blue, though and she did a really good job explaining how she did it.

Edita said...

i like umapreve!

Anonymous said...

i vote for Mymisfitmakeup

xmehreenx said...

xmehreenx should Definately win! My vote is for hers! Every1 watch it

anni said...

☆ Dearest Kandee ☆
Thank You So Much for being You <3
And letting us enjoy Your beautiful qualities :)
It really feels You're an Angel who was sent to wake up the Unique Seeds in the Hearts of Your Followers!

I cannot describe shortly what finding Your videos and messages have meant to me - they are working in multiple dimensions of my life ^______^
I send You Love and Strenght.....You are in my Prayers.. ☆

Me too wanna Thank ALL who did join the Cleopatra contest - excellent job !!! And You are all winners by participating ^^ !!!

As a student of art education, I totally understand the challenge of picking only one - - - I think most important thing in doing different Art forms is what the process itself gives and what it brings up in the souls, minds and lifes of the artists. And, it is so wonderful if the piece of work gives something to their viewers :) Art can be therapeutic and healing!
Aaaand, there's an little artist of some kind inside us everyone ^^

Among some others Laura is giving good and helping point of views :)
Sweet Kandee may have to follow her Heart and Intuition also...
Or simply just draw lots ;) ..heeheee!

May You All have Light in Your Autumn!
Lots of Love & Hugs,

PeePee said...

My vote goes to hannahbananaz :)

Suomi / Finland

Sofia said...

hey Kandee! i get your problem, these ladies are all really great, but my favorites are :

Hope this helps!

Melanie said...

Hi Kandee! My vote is for Lindsynonsense - she loves everything "Egyptsy", she did a great job for being a little sprite, and it doesn't hurt that it's her birthday!

Best of luck picking a winner! - they all did a really great job.

Lots of Love,

kandee_rulez!! said...


sel said...

mymisfitmakeup! so dramatic!

Rainbowcupcakesandunicorns said...

I think Mymisfitmakeup should win!

Johnny From Inverness said...

I totallllllly agree with hot_ludoo and kandee_rulez!!....xmehreenx should win....just watched her video....and hers is the best...hope she she actually wants the head dress!!!(UNLIKE makeupbymarkella....can't believe some people are still voting for her!!!)

Me said...

tokiohoteluvour gets my vote. I love the way she did the inner corners of her eyes.

Unknown said...

My vote is for


I love them all but these 3 are my favorite girls. Best of Luck picking :)

SandraHenna said...


Unknown said...

I think makeupbymarkella should win!! ;)

Antoinette said...

I say umapreve was the best. She took your makeup and just added her own twist. It looked really good and professional!

It Can't Rain All The Time said...

My vote is for : Lindysnonsense

makeupmadness said...

xmehreenx should win

xmehreenx should win

xmehreenx should win

xmehreenx should win

xmehreenx should win

xmehreenx should win

xmehreenx should win

xmehreenx should win

xmehreenx should win

xmehreenx should win

xmehreenx should win

xmehreenx should win

xmehreenx should win

xmehreenx should win

xmehreenx should win

xmehreenx should win

xmehreenx should win

xmehreenx should win

xmehreenx should win

xmehreenx should win

xmehreenx should win

xmehreenx should win

xmehreenx should win

xmehreenx should win

its unfair to her that her video isnt even on kandee's page, so no-one notices it......hers is the me...i'm a professional makeup artist!!

xmehreenx said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
xmehreenx said...

My vote is for is true that not that many people are getting to see hers since its the only persons video that hasn't been displayed. Hope she wins....her eyes look really neat, other girls are quite messy compared to xmehreenx's. hope she wins! And good luck Kandee choosing a winner!!

zgirlkirk said...

Well, without clear criteria to judge it's hard to pick a winner. There are great things about all of them. I believe, overall, umapreve should win. Her video was instructional and we were able to see actual application. The video was well done and she mentioned typed of products used, along with the actual brand she used. It wasn't just a look at the finished product. Very well done video and a great look.

I think it's irrelevant that she may, or may not have a head piece of her own already. Her look is more well done and has her own creativity as well.

Caroline said...

I like Umapreve!!

Jillian R said...

moonwinkartistry or umapreve! They're all so wonderful though!

Cags said...


That is my pick!! :)

Unknown said...

christyvankannon (her daughter)should win

Jen [Hanson] said...

Mymisfitmakeup!! great job everyone!

Belenchi77 said...

They all are amazing. Really difficult to pick one but I guess I vote for makeupbymarkella.

Heather Henderson said...

I vote for christyvankannon's daughter!!

umapreve was really good too, but she already has a headdress.

Michelle H. said...

umapreve! :-)

Anonymous said...


Unknown said...

i liked it because she kinda made her own make-up style, thing.. :'D
i loved the lashes and.. all of it! xD
but if i had to choose between them... mymisfitmakeup

Unknown said...

okay so i watched every single video n i have to say the best girl who did the makeup is umapreve... Its different n has it own unique look to it ;)

Unknown said...

JessBcause09, i loved this look because of her eyebrows thats what sold me! the liner looks perfect and so do her brows, love.

Buderfli9 said...

I like Mymisfitmakeup and umapreve because they added their personal touches to the original concept.

beautifullife said...


Unknown said...

Hi ! I am voting for Mymisfitmakeup :) great job you all !

Nicole said...

i vote for mymisfitmakeup!!!

Pinky said...

I think christyvankannon (her daughter)should win. I mean how cute is she with her own little make up tutorial!

Unknown said...


Johnna Loves Love said...

My vote is for Markella. Super cute!

Moon Winks Artistry said...

Hehehe I have to give myself a vote (moonwinks)! I had such fun doing it and my 5 year old has been so inspired by the look (she loves watching Kandee's videos with me) that she is going as Cleopatra this as a starving artist/single mom, winning the headpiece to go with her costume will be so helpful!! Thanks for all of the votes sweet people!! :)

andreaccrs said...

my vote is for umapreve!!!!!

Markella said...

Hey everyone!! this is Markella (makeupbymarkella!) I just saw that Im on Kandees blog and that i'm part of the 12 people!! craziness!!! im in shock!!! I just want to say that all the girls on here did amazing jobs!!! I do have 2 favs (other than myself! haha) but i dont think i should vote considering im in the contest! i just want to say thank you soo so so much to Kandee for support and inspiration!!!! and thank you to everyone who voted for me!!! i really appreciate it!! and i truly think all the girls on here are winners! kisses!! xoxo

<3 Markella <3

Unknown said...

They were all so great but if I have to pick just one I vote for Lindysnonsense.

andreaccrs said...


Layla said...

MOONWINKS!! Umapreve is pretty but she already has a headpiece and Mymisfitmakeup did a good job but those eyelashes are awful. Moonwinks!!!!!

Unknown said...

I agree- moonwinksartistry all the way. All of u did a rly good job tho.

The Sweet Life of Jelly ;) said...

Lindysnonsense! she seemed so sweet and genuine. She even explained that she had the dress and jewelery, but NOT the head piece, and she did a great job!
They were all great!

katie said...

i vote for Mymisfitmakeup


Unknown said...

I love Mymisfitmakeup work !! and i think i will vote now for her. All works are great and i love them all but this one specially!

Love U Kan:**

Mich CoccaBene said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

I vote for umapreve

Sandra said...

Kendee I vote for umapreve she is the best:D

Julianna said...

Hands down voting for christyvankannon's daughter! She's the cutest thing I've ever seen!

Lara said...

makeupbymarkella! I love her entry!

Unknown said...

I LOVE Mymisfitmakeup's Cleopatra look. I think it's really unique and beautiful, but I wish we could have gotten to know her a little better, and for her to at least show how she applied the make-up.

Eva Van D said...

I vote for two person:
Mymisfitmakeup and umapreve because they two add a little from there own, although i think Mymisfitmakeup seems to me she has already a piece hair. But they were all great.

Unknown said...

umapreve - 1st def.

then moonwinksartistry

Paulina said...

JessBcause09 should win ;)

Ingrid (Onya) said...

I vote for haleyeharrison. She is so sweet. I like her.

Lavilicious said...

I liked UmaPreve the best she did a great step-by-step and had the most unique look. The look even suited her face unlike some of the others who didn't cater the look as much to their faces but rather just Cleopatra.

ALL THE BEST with judging : )

Hollymc said...


KarenBeth said...

My vote is for Lilynonsense. Make up pretty good for a young lady annnndd she has a crush on egypt. The others are really good but as far as winning the headdress I vote lily.

Bea said...


are my votes

Anonymous said...

makeupbymarkella--she's so cute!

Anonymous said...

I like Mymisfitmakeup ! :d

LittleLovely said...

moonwinksartistry should totally win!!!!

Anonymous said...

I think that mymisfitmakeup should the lashes! =)

Carolina Belle said...

makeupbymarkella! Everyone did a great job though.

Unknown said...

Hey, it's Lindysnonsence, and I must day, I am surprised I made the top 12! Thats makes me happy, and I am proud of that. I didn't really think I would make it this far. I want to thank you, Kandee, for giving me the opportunity to enter.

Thank you all who helped the contest by voting regardless if you voted for me. By voting, your helping Kandee out, and she probably appreciates it.

Thank you ad God Bless,

ivy said...

makeupbymarkella definitely!

Brandy Rena said...

Definitely makeupbymarkella!! So good!

violet said...

Umapreve should win.

She made the look her own,the blending on her eyeshadow is superb and she has the most amazing cheeks!

*~kAy~* said...

I vote for umapreve! <3

Rosario said...


MommyC said...

I'm not much help but I liked JessBcause09 (love the way she lined her eyes) and umapreve(she took the look made it her own).

Anonymous said...


The AQUANAUTS said...

christyvankannon (her daughter) is my fav.. start them young I like to say..

Unknown said...

moonwinksartistry should win

Unknown said...

umapreve is pretty but I vote for moonwinksartistry

Anonymous said...

I really like them all but I think that umapreve should definately win. They were all really awesome though. Good job guys!!

prettykittys said...

Mymisfitmakeup is clearly the winner! Her look is dramatic like Cleopatra's.. When I seen her video I thought she was Cleopatra! She really looks like her!

So Mymisfitmakeup is the one you should pick!

prettykittys said...

And another thing about Mymisfitmakeup is that her great look can be recreated by most all, for she used very simple items and did it in the most simplest way! I mean it's for halloween look and this look totally screams Cleopatra!! If i seen her on the street with that look I'd want to look like that! and her video editing was great! SO SIMPLE!!

So my pick is definitely Mymisfitmakeup!

AmeGem said...

makeupbymarkella her look is close to yours and really looks good

Mymisfitmakeup she went a little above and beyond and it shows.
both are really good

♥The Cupcake Pastelitos Gourmet♥ said...

christyvankannon is lovly but hannabannanaz look so pretty with this make up....a total change....i totally love the way she looks!....


Finding Peace said...

umapreve her look was great and natural. The other ones were ok but they look like if they had crazy eyes. Sorry

Unknown said...

moonwink was the prettiest I like how she connected the eyeliner to her eyebrows.

Unknown said...

I want moonwinkartistry to win. Her's was the funniest (the Labrinth!) and she improved the shirt, creative and cool.

gorjush said...

markella and umapreve!

xmehreenx said...

Hey guys! Just found out that Kandee selected my video response as one of the finalists and am in total shock!! I really can't believe it! Just wanted to take a quick moment to thank u sooo much for your votes...ur all soooo sweet......i read some peoples comment pointing out that my video response didn't get posted, like the other finalists, up on Kandee's page, only the URL is available on her page which I believe people are not seeing, maybe? (Coz even I missed it! Its sandwiched between Haleyeharrison
and hannahbananaz videos, and hard to notice, haha!) So I'm gonna try to post the link here:

Thank you for everyones kind words about my video...I've never won a competion before, and would appreciate it soooooo much if I won....I would love to win that beautiful head dress, and have even tried shopping for it, but can't find it anywhere! Good luck to the rest of the finalists, every1 looked so good! I have picked my fav, but am not going to say as I am part of the competition haha!!

If u missed the link Kandee poted, please check my video out, its only 39 seconds long, I would really appreciate it!

Love you all



prettykittys said...

Mymisfitmakeup did a look that is suppose to be very dramatic! its for halloween, and the contest is for halloween, not abt who did it more natural! i mean mymisfitmakeup totally made it her own! thts the kind of makeup id expect to see in ma cleopatra movie! i pick simple and easy over difficult and expensive any day! and mymisfitmakeup made it easy and inexpensive!

Unknown said...

Umapreve all the way! I loved her own take on the look. Was absolutely flawless and gorgeous on her

**M I M I** said...

In order: Umapreve, makeupbymarbella, and Mymisfitmakeup, should win!!

Anonymous said...

They all did great! My top pics are:





Kana said...


Johnny From Inverness said...

xmehreenx all the way!! She actually followed Kandee's steps instead of creating something that kandee didn't even teach!!! hope she wins!!

Unknown said...

I vote for MOONWINKSARTISTRY! Her look is the best!

jwm said...

I like moonwinksartistry's look. :)

DelicateDisaster said...


Vanessa Lala said...

christyvankannon's daughter's entry is so adorable, but I really love UmaPreve's look! It's so gorgeous and I love the white on the eyeliner!

Unknown said...

I like moonwinks

Unknown said...

Moonwinksartisry fo sho!

Unknown said...

Yup. Moonwinks is the best.

littletiger06 said...

Wow go hannahbananaz reppin NZ :D:D

PrincessDiana said...

My favorite are:
I see why you need help picking a winner

Unknown said...


lexiee said...

I really like moonwinkartistry :D would have chose mymisfitmakeup or umapreve but they alrady have headpeices.. not as nice as your butit'll do. and moonwinkartistry's is for her daughter!

Anonymous said...

Mymisfitmakeup! She did a great job recreating the look and making it her own.

Vere said...

i vote for umapreve.

prettykittys said...

yep, mymisfitmakeup has got to win!!!

Anonymous said...

moonwinksartistry or umapreve!

Unknown said...

I choose Uma Preve. Loved the make up and she looks EXACTLY like what I think Cleopatra would have looked like. Excellent job.

prettykittys said...

Mymisfitmakeup looks just like the real deal! She looks like Cleopatra!!

hellobella123 said...

Mymisfitmakeup is the winner!!!

waytogofasts said...


farmersdaughter said...

i vote mymisfitmakeup

Ana Fieraru said...

My choice is "umapreve"
love you Kandee!

jdejesus08 said...


Felicia said...

i think umapreve did awesome!!
her look is so cute!

kandee_rulez!! said...

xMehreenx ..... she is definately the fav look!!!

makeupmadness said...

xmehreenx is the best! I want to vote for her!! love ya kandee!! xx

makeupmadness said...

xmehreenx should win! I can imagine her with the headdress on and she would suit being cleopatra a lot!! P.S. MARKELLA SAID SHE DOESN'T EVEN WANT THE HEAD-DRESS!! SO IF SHE WINS IT WILL BE A WASTE OF TIME AND MONEY FOR KANDEE!!!

jessica said...

christyvankannon ..she's so precious!

sara elizabeth said...

makeupbymarkella my favorite

Lisa said...

It really IS hard to decide, but my 2 favorites were makeupbymarkella & umapreve. They really rock that look!

Summer Silva said...

mymisfitmakeup should win!

xmehreenx said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
pretty_panda said...

xmehreenx should win, coz she looked the best and she woz the only one that looked egyptian with the makeup! all the other people looked normal! so she should win!

Anonymous said...

Mymisfitmakeup should win in my opinion....i looooved the eye lashes!!!


Alexandra said...

I watched all the videos, they are awesome!But Lindysnonsense is my choice.... Guess it's my intuition =) It just seems right for me )))

good_girl said...

xMehreenx is my choice >>> I watched all the videos and they all done a good job, but if I had to choose one of their looks, i'd choose xmehreenx's. She just seems more technically skilled somehow, so her overall look is most like yours. She gets my vote, no doubt!! Good luck to her, and happy picking a winner Kandee!!

Johnny From Inverness said...

xMehreenx should win.... she made her eyes look really pretty! I vote for her!

Unknown said...

ok...totally the little girl!! Kristy Vankannon...I mean who would get the most joy out of it?! She'd remember it forever!! You could make her halloween stories for life!!

makeupmadness said...

xmehreenx is who i'm voting for....coz she followed your steps and her look was most close to urs which shows that she payed attention to your look rather than making a completely different cleopatra look....some of these girls dont look like they've even been a inspired by kandee's look, not even a little bit, they're look is just completely different (like umapreve's)! And Ginger, you don't know what ur talking about! Speak for urself! Just coz u wouldn't appreciate a beautiful gift from Kandee, and wouldn't have any good memories from winning one of her contests, doesn't mean the rest of the girls wouldn't either! Here's a news flash 4 u - not only little girls have good memories of halloween!

kandee_rulez!! said...

xmehreenx wins my vote! She looked the best...hope she gets the headdress since it seems like she really does want to win! Think she's the only one that said she actually wanted to win!

SweetnSour said...


MyMisfitMakeup said...

Hey, everyone!! :D Wow, this is sooooo AWESOME, Kandee!! Heheh!! This whole thing has been the most funnest thing I ever did on You-Tube! :D I entered this contest because you inspired me sooo much!! That's why I recreated the look with you in mind! :D I thought the lashes Kandee would definitely like! :) And you know what, I'm SO going to wear your Cleo look for my Halloween! :D I also made my sister & myself your awesome toga shirt!! :D If I may vote, I vote for umapreve! :D And for myself too (if it will count, LOL)! Kandee, I love you sooo much - and visit your pages like everyday, hahah!! :D You seriously make me feel great just for being myself! You're not just an awesome make-up artist; but even through the net, you're a friend! :) And I REALLY wanna win this Kandee contest, hahaha!! :D It would be the biggest honor to me!! :D

Love, MyMisfitMakeup!

MyMisfitMakeup said...

Oh! And thank you everyone sooo much for voting for me!!! You make me feel sooo darn special; something that I don't feel often! :D

Love, Me! :D Xox

Kristen said...

My favorite is: "moonwinksartistry"
I love the dramatic shape of the liner! "umapreve" was my second favorite, her blues into gold looks gorgeous, especially on her skin tone. Great job girls!!

Unknown said...

Definitely Haleyeharrison by far!! :) love her accent and she's just a sweet person!

Ashley said...

JessBcause09 i love how she looked in her looked so much like the way you did it. i think she should win :)

Anonymous said...

umpreve did a great job especially because it looks "natural" on her just as if it was her usual makeup style, bery egyptian :)

I should try this look myself, haha !

Alecia said...

Hey Kandee!!! I vote for xmehreenx! She was the prettiest cleopatra!!

Shereen said...

xMehreenx should win this contest in my opinion! She really was the best cleopatra...if you only look at the way each girl looks, without hearing what they say, you eliminate any possibility of they're personality or 'story' affecting your decision of who looks the best, and who done the best job! Thats how I decided coz my computer speakers dont work (haha) and xMehreenx 's look looked the nicest to me! Hope that helps you make your decision of who wins Kandee! Love you!

Cici from Spain

Unknown said...

mymisfitmakeup!! looks the closest to your video!!

Unknown said...

Hiiii kandee!
I have to agree with everybody and say they where all AWSOME ! But my favourite was probibly "Mymisfitmakeup"
I think she rocked it!
Good luck choosing the winner!

G said...

I vote for JessBecause09

The eyes are purrr-fect :D
and her skin is flawless, haha :D

xmehreenx said...
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xmehreenx said...

Hi Kandee! Wow, this competition is getting tough! haha! I can see why its so hard for Kandee to choose a winner! I think by making everyone vote, it may have made this contest even harder for Kandee to choose a winner from, haha! Thanks to everyone who's voting for me! You've all made me so happy! And Thank you Kandee for giving me this great opportunity, love ya!


Evan said...

I really enjoyed watching umapreve and think that she did a wonderful job!

Johnny From Inverness said...

XmehreenX - I want her to win, it was fun watching her! hope she does a tutorial!

Johnny From Inverness said...

xMehreenx should win, she looked cool! Her video was quick and she didn't waste time going over what Kandee's tutorial already told every1!!! I got so tired of watching 10 min long video responses, I only care about the end result, not how you got there! Thats for Kandee to tell - Not you!!

SweetnSour said...

xmehreenx is the winner for me!!!

Crain_S said...

I loved watching Haleyeharrison, she was a hoot.

But I would have to vote for...umapreve because i love how she filled in the geometric eye design or mymisfitmakeup withthe rockin lashes. They both took the ideas and made the look their own.

All the looks are really nice. Yay!! Good job, ladies.

Alecia said...

xMehreenx --- I wnt to vote 4 her plzzz Kandee! She was my fav! I showed my mum all the finalists and she liked her 2! Make her win!

soleilgirl0987 said...
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soleilgirl0987 said...

My vote goes to MakeupbyMakella :)) I love the look and your her idol <3

Mich CoccaBene said...

Hi Kandee! My vote is for makeupbyMarkella! XOXO Michele

good_girl said...

xmehreenx I VOTE FOR HER!!!! By the way, when is the winner going to be announced? any1 know? And Kandee, hope you do another contest, I was too late to join this 1 :-( !!!!

Anonymous said...

markella or christyvankannon (her daughter)

Just Me said...

UmaPreve had the best look!Her vid was original and instructional.

jhanify835 said...

hey kandee!! i found a celebrity who has pink highlights just like your wig that you used for the jem look...avril lavigne!! she has blonde hair and pink highlights..i told you this because you told us in the video of jem thingythingy costume in said at the end that we'll send you a request for what look may you use for the it okay??avril lavigne look??? hope you'll make an avril lavigne look and post it in youtube!!

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