(what I saw this morning...like a painting)
Most mornings I have spent the whole night awake editing my youtube videos, until 4,5,6, or even 7 in the morning...then I sleep til about 9:30 or maybe 9:45 and I'm up again...
But the last two nights I've gone to bed before 2:30 in the morning (yay!)...and I have been able to see the sunrise!
There is something quite amazing about watching the sun wake up the day...it feels as if you get to see the day as a blank canvas...full of opportunities and newness. When I wake up later, I always feel like I have to catch up...ha ha ha
Another thing I thought was....how the first thoughts you think...can make or break your day...
Whatever you think about...becomes your priority.
If you wake up thinking about how bad your life is....how you can stop thinking about someone....how you are angry, hurt, or frustrated......what kind of day do you think you're going to have? ha ha ha ha
If you wake up...thankful that you can walk or see, or have a home...thankful that God is shining love, like the sunshine...into your heart...
and you think about your dreams...how you are going to shine love into other people...smiling, saying a kind word, helping someone, holding the door open for the person behind you...giving a compliment...
Today (and everyday), whether you get to witness the sunrise or not...start your day off with only the best thoughts...put hurtful or discouraging thoughts out of your head...and choose only the thoughts that will better you...
We have to choose to manage our emotions or they will run our days and nights...!
And if you feel your emotions are too powerful...they are only as powerful as you let them be...if your heart is broken...begin to say, no....I'm not going to let this other human being that hurt me....rule my day and night...if they hurt you...they certainly don't deserve the power to rule your day. Only let people that make you feel amazing and inspired and loved...effect your day. The other didn't deserve the right to that!
Think about things that are good, positive, loving, encouraging....and all kinds of dreams! Speak kindness and encouragement to others....when you your poor love into others...you'd be surprised how to has a boomerang effect and comes back to your heart too!
huge love to your precious heart.......kandee
I started reading your blog yesterday, and I have now found my role model. You are a women after my own heart. I love what you stand for and who you are. Thank you so much for your wonderful amazing thoughts on life. With much love and appreciation. ~Shauna Eby
Kandee, you are a shining star! I always, always read your blogs and watch your videos!!! And at first i was realy worried.. I thought, "Man, how does that girl have time to actualy work and get payed somewhere else if she always does videos on youtube???" But then i found out that youtube payes some gurus!!! And I realy realy hope they pay you montains of gold!!! You deserve every penny of it!!! And if they don't, than i'm worried.. :-P
I love you!!! Please post your videos soon!
Tanya V
Do you live like that yourself? I'm so amazed by you. You're always happy and spread life and joy to everyone else. Where do you get all that love and energy from?
Wish you all the best adn thanks for all the joy, fun and wisdom you've given me!
BR Fia
I just love your blog! You have no idea how much you've helped me in the last coupe of weeks with your videos and post... That's why I want to thank you for all your effort ... I guess it's pretty tiring to do those videos. Thanks a lot!
Hugs! (>^_^)><(^_^<)
I completely agree with you. That is such an amazing picture!
Kandee this post spoke volumns to my heart today. I have had the hardest month imaginable and I have been waking up thinking the mnost negative things and giving someone all my power. You are so incredibly insightful and so incredibly needed in this world. I am soooo blessed to have found you. I adore you.
Have a beautiful day :-)
I just wanted to tell you how much I love you, your YT-videos and your blog.
You seem to be such a wonderful person. And I have learned quite a bit from you! So thank you for that.
Hope you have happy days!
all i can say that... YOU ARE RIGHT.
Wow, what a great way to look at it! You always have a way of looking at the sunny side of life!
Kandee, you have the most amazing things to share with us! Thank you for being so positive, there needs to be more of that in the world. Also, what a completely gorgeous picture! Hope you have a great weekend!
xo, Caylee
How that really made my day.
Holy cow, woman! You and I are a lot alike but you're the better version of me. Hee hee. We even have beauty marks in the same place! I always thought I was an ok makeup artist and now I think,"oh heaven help me, Kandee makes me look like a little kid that got into mom's makeup!" Maybe someday I guess... Keep doing your thing girl because you are such a light. You're an inspiration to so many in more ways than one. And you must be such a fun Mama! I imagine your probably as silly with your kids as I am! Love your guts girl, Ashley
Wow! I love how joyful and positive you are. God has really blessed you with the gift of encouragement! Thank you so much for always sharing what's on your mind b/c it does encourage me :)
Kandee, I used to find a huge inspiration in you as a make up artist, when I only used to watch your vids on YouTube... But I discovered you are an amazing person and you are an inspiration in every aspect of your life, not just make up... Thanks for doing this, for handing a couple of nice words that really can make somebody's day by the sole thing of reading them... Like you did with me today.
You are amazing girl!!!!!
you are so cute and inspiring to others and your photo of LA is beautiful. :)
Such an amazing post. Your positive energy is so INSPIRING! Amazing amazing amazing!
I started recently reading you blog and some months ago watching your videos on youtube (videos that I find amazing by the way), what can I say, you seem such a nice person and a wonderful woman. I love your positiveness (I don't know if the word does exist, I'm not english). Just wanted to let you know, and I hope I really can wake up everey day with a smile on my face ^_^
Love it Kandee and so true!!
First of all thank you for the edward scissorhands between the awesome makeup and the awesome costume my wonderful mother made me i looked awesome i got a lot of oh my goshes and some japanese tourists took my picture hahaha do you want me to send you a picture? If you do message me on my blog :)
As I read this today, I felt you were speaking right to me. Some days are harder than others, as I'm sure you are aware. You are courageous and kind. Those who are lucky enough to call you friend are some of the most blessed people on earth. It is so refreshing to know that I am not alone in thought. In a world with such ugliness, we must remember that 'they' only win if we let them change who we are inside. Thank you for not letting the ugliness change you. Shine on, friend.
Where do you get your watches? They are really great! Thanks for all your videos and hard work. I've become inspired! =0) Hope your having a great week.
when you said "Only let people that make you feel amazing and inspired and loved...effect your day." i thought of you. YOU are the one that i think about when im discouraged or upset. you are my role model and my inspiration for how i live my life. thank you kandee i love you so much you are an angel from god. <3 katie
Hello Kandee
I love watching your stuff and I've never even been too into makeup!! Listen, why don't you try Vimeo? (vimeo.com) and then just upload all your vids on your blog. I think it's quite possible that youtube will eventually have to remove your stuff. Youtube has to take anything down that is copyrighted. By law, when Disney or whomever contacts them, they have to remove it. It's the worst! I used to love finding obscure songs or playing music vids ... or just about anything! Now, forget it, you can't find anything anymore!
Your situation is just ridiculous and it's really too bad. Hopefully you can edit them to their liking. Good luck ... and, well, Disney can stick it!! wink.
Love and hugs
Victoria :-)
What a beautiful moment to witness! I love reading your words, love, and wisdom; it tells me that I'm not alone and have a sister for life. Love you, Kandee!
i really needed to read this cuz i've been super bummed lately =( thanx Kandee =]
Wow! Another timely message filled with love. Thank you Kandee! I went to bed feeling sad, lonely and overwhelmed. Worrying about so so so many things and all the while still being jerked around by a man who doesn't treat me right. When I read your blog today, it made me feel so inspired to keep on loving people and pouring in to them what I might not have for myself, just plain love. Thank you for your kindness...
I saw the same sky this morning!
which camera do you use?
Kandee that picture is so beautiful! It is like a painting but its even more amazing and beautiful because it isnt.
I know what you mean about getting up late and then feeling like you have to catch up. Thats how I feel this morning! I got up at 9.30 which is really late for me. I was lying in bed not wanting to get up because I couldn't think of anything good to get up for. After reading your post I now realise loads of wonderful reasons to get up in the morning. :D
Thank you Kandee! :) xxx
Kandee that picture is so beautiful! It is like a painting but its even more amazing and beautiful because it isnt.
I know what you mean about getting up late and then feeling like you have to catch up. Thats how I feel this morning! I got up at 9.30 which is really late for me. I was lying in bed not wanting to get up because I couldn't think of anything good to get up for. After reading your post I now realise loads of wonderful reasons to get up in the morning. :D
Thank you Kandee! :) xxx
You Rock!
Fresh and Inspiring as well as full of precious wisdom that you so candidly share .
Thank for the reminder that basically what you think about you bring about. You do become your thoughts.
Have a Blessed, FUN and Safe Halloween week-end and
don't forget daylight savings time!
I can't believe you are always looking so fresh, given the fact that you sleep so little - I'm impressed! ;))
That picture is amazing! Isn't it nice to see God's work? :]
Dear Kandee,
A week ago, I was trying to find a Pink fairy, Halloween makeup... so I was googling, looking on youtube, and I found few variations... but none of them I really liked... so I continued to search more and more and then I ran into your videos, and from the first moment I loved them, you look so cool and you're an awesome person!
Your videos are always very warm, no matter on what time you’re doing them. You always smile and make me feel good with myself.
I was so excited, couldn't wait for Halloween, to dress up... and then I've got very sick, just two days before the whole fun! Ha..ha..ha !!! I felt so bad and sad... so the pink fairy custom wasn't in my mood any more.... so I watched more of your videos, and I found the ones that you showing us how to design clothes... and guess what?! I made my own custom with my old clothes, I got a sexy and pretty "retro girl" custom that fits me very well, looks very cool on me, and my boyfriend loves it.
Wow, I'm so excited about tonight. This is my first Halloween in USA - Washington D.C.
Thank you sooooooo much, you were my inspiration!
Have a great and safe Halloween! ;)
P.S I know that your hair is straight, but I would like to have some ideas for curly hair... if you have some...Thank you.
You are an inspiration! I just spent the day watching your videos and I have learned so much. Could you post a video about pretty makeup and techniques for Weddings? I'm getting married nest fall and would love to have some tips. Thanks again xo
Omg that really made my day
i love you so much!!!!!!!
ur an amazing woman
wow i need to move! hah
Beautiful! Both your picture and your words!
hi kandee, i discovered your youtube channel yesterday and i've watched some of your videos, you seem like an amazingly good person, your life story was very touching and Im so happy that you managed to make your dream true cause you deserve it! :-)
I loved your michael jackson video and Im glad that you're a fan, i think you have the same character qualities with michael jackson, kind soul, you wanna help people, you're creative and you are inspiration for people! Speaking of MJ, in one of his interviews he said that he also loved dawn (and dusk)and that creative people sometimes get more inspiration during those hours.
Im looking forward to watch more of your videos n read your posts..stay always positive! :-)
much love x x x x
Kandee, Thank you for all your videos and for sharing your thoughts. You're such an inspiration to me because I love doing makeup and I'm an aspiring Esthetician/Makeup artist. I also really love God and I appreciate how you are not afraid to tell everyone how He has blessed you. You and your family will be in my prayers.
One love.
well, I start my mornings reading your blog =) and this is very true, as all your blogs are. thanks for the beautiful words. i hope you have a super fun day.
I think I just fell in love with you haha
I had no clue you even existed until about 6 hours ago and I am fully addicted
I'm a 19 year old girl who just dropped out of college and doesnt know how to tell her dad
Its pretty much my dream to go to cosmetology school but my parents forced me into college
My mom passed away a few months ago and everything has been down hill since then
I finally got the courage to tell my aunt about dropping out last night, she is pretty much like my mom now
she showed me your snow white video earlier, I thought it was way cute and decided to look at more
Youre "how I became a make up artist" video really got to me
And now that I have read this blog, you're defintely my new idol
I havent felt hopeful about the future in a very long time
I just want to say thank you and to let you know that I'm going to tell every teenage girl I can about you.
You are so inspirational! Kandy I have never looked up to anyone as much as I look up to you. I aspire to have the same life you have... Being happy, and thankful for everything and one, making each day the greatest and best day, the way no matter what you are positive and just everythign I want to be, besides all the makeup stuff, your a good person, and a great one to admire! I really hope that maybe one day I can meet you and hang out with you, and maybe some of your goodness and positivity can rub off on me haha. Not to say I'm a negative Nancy or anything, you are just UGH so WONDERFUL! Thanks for being such a great role model to everyone! I love you!!!!
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