the real Johnny Depp as Edward Scissorhands

i love Johnny Depp...I think he is such an amazing and organic, actor....so real and vulnerable. I think that's why Edward Scissorhands is so loved...he is fragile and vulnerable...and you want to hug him..even with scissors for hand-shakers!
HERE What I used for a costume:
black motorcylce jacket...black leggings wrapped around my neck and a belt with metal rings...you could find much better costume accessories at www.hottopic.com, I bet!
Lise Watier concealer wheel in the green and lavender (you can get this at www.naimies.com, tell them I sent ya, they are so nice!)
La Mer pressed powder on 01 cream (it's worth every extra dollar....I love this stuff!)
BLUNT from MAC for contouring
Black eyeliner (to contour nostrils)
Elmer's Glue to conceal eyebrows (watch this video to see how...CLICK HERE)
Lip color - dark plumb color eyeshadow from MAC (Deep Damson)
Liquid Latex and Duo Eyelash Glue for scars (you can get liquid latex here CLICK HERE)
I used eyeshadows in white, medium warm brow (all MAC shadows) CORK, grey brown COPPERPLATE, cool chocolate brown (Charcoal Brown), light brown (Omega), purple-plumb (BlackBerry) and purple grey (Quartz)...
Enjoy this look...it was so fun! This video and blog were made with love...
OMG Kandee!!! This is great! I love it and you are amazing!!! :D
OMG! It´s just exactly the same!!!!! Love it!
OMG! u look just like him! wow ur amazing!
o my gosh that looks so good on u.....lol! But it does look a lot like him!!!!
Kandee this is the most amazing video you have ever done! Absolutely spectacular.
I was just at Naimie's this morning! Wish I would've seen this before I went! :]
You look fucking hot!
yeah i know thats kinda weird xD
But yeah, HOT!
Oh my goodness, it's freaky how much you were able to look like him!
Wow! Wow! Wow! Could you do the MJ Thriller zombie? Love you more
kandee you are awesome! i'm totally addicted to your videos! i'm not really sure what all happened on twitter, but remember that people who hate others, hate themselves the most. keep the vidoes coming and don't let anyone try to put your light out! the world needs more people like you!
I vote for the sexy vampire! great work as always!
=)u really go for the aaaaa factor =)
I love it!!! I vote for marie antoinette
Kandee you are incredible!! You have the same vulnerable expression in your eyes which makes me wanna hug you and Edward at the same time hahaha AWESOME..
I even watched the final scene of Edward Scissorhands today on youtube and I was crying because its such a wonderful story and I love it so much.
Thank you
I forgot to say that I would love to see Marie Antoinette
AMAZING job Kandee!!!
wow you are A-MA-ZING.
absolutely one of the BEST! FLAWLESS!! great job sweety!! :))
W O W !!!!!!!!! YOU ARE A M A Z I N G !!! This look in incredible!
SNOW WHITE!!!!!!!!!!!!
Love this!
I vote for a sexy/scary vampire next please!!!
Girl you're the best. I really love your style and your videos. I'm your fan. By the way, my name is Thalyta and i'm from Brazil. \o/ Kisses
Kandee! Can U please tell me the music that u used at minute 12:15 to 12:16. I have ask in a few videos and bobody has respond. Please can u tell me?? Oh Thanks for your videos they are my therapy of the day and I have done my makeup and i feel as wonderfull like u say in your video. Thank u for be who u r and sharing it with us. Ps. love your blogs
i agree vampire is a good next costume, but how bout marilyn monroe or audrey hepburn. Two classic beauties
So awesome!! Not only are you truly talented, you've got to be the sweetest person on YouTube! I've even got my husband watching your videos LOL And he says, "Oh cool, another Kandee video!"
So I've got 2 votes here, my husband for the sexy vampire(of course!) and my vote for Marie Antoinette!!
Oh and I loved that you busted out some LA Looks hair gel! I haven't seen that stuff since high school, like Dep gel! LOL
Have a great day Kandee!!
This is so cool! You look like the real edward haha! And my vote is definitely for Marie Antoinette as I'm going to be her this halloween and a make up tutorial would be really really helpful :)
You have like the perfect bone structure for this one, its amazingly crazy how you match it up so well. You are a fantastic artist!
Oh my gosh. I love your videos and everything so much that I was moved to write a blog about you! Haha! I hope that isn't too weird. I feel like I have known you my whole life or something! I even see things when I'm shopping around and I'm like OMG Kandee would so wear this! hahaha.
Speaking of, I was on CharlotteRusse.com and they have this cute Gold and Turquoise ring! It's only 3 dollars! Check it out!
Do you read ever single one of your comments?
Holy freaking crap.
Edward Scissorhands is my favorite movie of all time and you just...did that PERFECTLY.
You are amazing!
This is so amazing! It would be cool if you did some more female versions of male characters! Like Jack Sparrow, or Willy wonka (;
Best video yet.
Totally Marie all the way!! But wait, did I just read Oompa Loompa Wig......Yayyyyyy! Can't wait for that one!! Love you, you little encourager you!! Have a great and wondrous weekend!
oh kandee, this is my absolute favourite look of yours :D.. but damn! your looks are getting better and better as we go along!!
you're Such a great inspiration to me and no doubt many others out there.
love and blessings to you!
p.s. i vote marie antoinette for your next look!
Hi kandee,
My boyfriend and I LOVED this otu of all of your costume videos!! I get him to watch your videos with me from time to time. =)I'd like to see your take on a vampire or even Elvira. That'd be awesome!
That is SO awesome! I just found your blog the other day..and holy cow, girl..talk about talent! Thanks so much for sharing this with us!
Also, how about Elphaba (the wicked witch!) from the musical Wicked? :) She's SUPER green but yet manages to be very pretty and must have some sort of contouring on her face I can't figure out..haha
haha i first saw johnny depp's picture and i thought it was you, lol, i thought omg she's done such a perfect job!!! :D :D :D
ahhhhh that's funny.
MARIE!!! Her make up would be more colorful!!
Wow, that looks great!
I'm actually being Edward Scissorhands for Halloween this year!
Miss Kandee - all I can say is WOW.
Your costume makeup series is just phenomenal and I cannot believe how much your end products end up resembling the original.
You are AMAZING and a true talent. You have totally found your calling!
All the best to an amazing artist!
- Candice
o.m.g. LOVE IT!!! :D
This is AWESOME!!!!! Thanks Kandee this is really great. LOVE Johnny Depp and LOVE Edward Scissorhands.
I love Johnny Depp! U know he is big here in Norway to :p haha
Love your videos!
You are AMAZING!! im totally voting again for a female version jack sparrow..you are so good at these!
I adore you! And I vote for Marie Antoinette next.
You did an amazing job on this!!! I'm going to be a Killer Bee this year - half cute honey bee and half killer vampire - to make my complete costume. So I vote for that :^)
My God..you are talented!
Vampire plz!
Also: totally dug the voiceover. Getting fancy. ;)
This is so amazing! You rock! :)
Oh my gosh Kandee! you totally nailed this look! Awesome!
OMG! U are so talented! U totally look like his twin! You did a GREAT Job on this. Keep it up! I enjoy looking at your creations!
Yr so talented.
You should totally do a pin up zombie!! please! please!
now you're ready for your hot date! hahahaha. this looks badass, you make an adorable edward scissorhands.
Awesome! Great job!!
This is incredible! You look exactly like him, bravo!
KANDEE!! this is my favorite thing ever!!! you're fabulous. can i shrink you down to Barbie size and carry you with me in my purse everywhere i go? please?? <3.
God your amazing!!!
God your amazing!!!
This is the coolest thing ever. Love love love. I totally agree that Edward Scissorhands appeals to the vulnerable and honest parts of people that are often kept hidden inside, and that is why he is so compelling.
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