don't be scared of your dreams or dreaming...
some people are so scared of failure that they never try...
but the only way to make it happen is to try!
Not one successful person will say they didn't try! ha ha ha
Your dreams are there for a reason...no one else will create or do what you will. It's like if you asked 2 people to paint a picture of the same tree..each one would do it entirely different. That's the beauty of each one of us being made unique, with fingerprints and "talent-prints"...that only belong to each of us. No one...NOT ONE, other person has your "talent-prints"....your
"dream-prints"!!! Te world needs you to flourish and blossom your dreams...remember...
If you don't water your garden...
(discipline yourself and encourage and fill your dream garden with positive thoughts)
and pull the weeds...
(the negative thoughts from you and everyone else!)
and fertilize...
(encourage yourself daily...despite what anyone else tells you! Tell yourself...I am special, no one else has what I've got! The world needs me)
"You are more beautiful than you know...more talented than you think...and more loved than you can imagine!"- Kandee (my words to each one of you!)
You can do it! BE like a speeding train that no one can stop...headed straight for "My Dream" town!
AND one last bit of wisdom my mama told me this morning: "Desire without discipline leads no where!"
so discipline yourself to do something about that precious dream of yours, that keeps knocking at your heart!
God put that dream in the suitcases of your heart...it's time to unpack those dreams and show them to the world!!!
This was blog was typed with love and so much encouragement for you...please feel all that I filled it with for you!!! huge love you wonderful, precious dreamer, you!
you can watch or pass this message or video on to anyone else that has a "dream garden" that could use this little bit of "dream grower"!
Hi Kandee
You are just what a girl needs when she feels down! You just hit the mark. And it is such a beautiful quote "you are more beautiful than you know, more talented than you think and more loved than you can imagine."
Keep doing what you do, you just got such a beautiful energy about you and I am letting your energy rub off on me on a dark, fall-night like this.
Take care, and thank you for being you!!
Lots of lovely thoughts from Kari
I logged on to youtube and what do I see....Kandee's Edward Scissorhands video!! Woo Hoo!!
Exactly what I needed to hear today... Those were very encouraging words! Thank you :)
Kandee, your my inspiration! You're such an amazing person and your so positive. You inspire me to keep on moving on in my life when all is bad. I've been through a lot, but when you speak your words of wisdom i just believe in more. Your an angel sent from God and i believe that he put you on here to inspire and for people to look up to you. but all these words really mean, is thank you. Thank you for all your kind words and your an amazing makeup artist! I love your creativity! have a great day! XOXO Annie
your soo cool and you have the best style ever! :D my name is fjola95 on youtube im from iceland btw :D and think of that you have fans all tha way too iceland! :O
-fjóla xoxo
You are so brave to stand up for yourself and tell the world your story. You are already a huge inspiration for people and this just makes me adore you even more for all that you are! Lots of people have had times in there lives when things look just black and sad and you are really a wonderful proof of how you can turn all that negativity in to something good. Bad situations can be what makes you dare to do that crazy things that you never thought you would ever do or give you that extra push that you might need. You are such a good example for girls to go for it, thank you for that! And keep doing your thing, we looove you for it! /tess
I've been watching u on youtube for quite some while now...I admired your skills but u seemed a bit...silly to me, like u lived in a perfect little word...
And now to hear and see u talking about your life, I just can't believe it...I'm amazed at how positive and cheerful you are after all that u've been trough...Suddenly...I feel so shallow!
I honestly admire you...don't get me wrong, you've made some pretty bad choices but I guess they're what brought u here. It's so ironic...you're so small and cute and u look so fragile...and yet you're one of the strongest ppl I've seen!
I hope u have a beautiful life Kandee and I wish u the best of luck from now on...cause you definitely deserve it! And if not...smth tells me you'll land on your feet no matter what!
Kisses and love from Romania! Koko.
You are an absolute inspiration to me. My story isn't as rough as yours, but I'm in a pretty upsetting situation right now. I hope mine turns out as wonderful as yours. You have certainly given me the desire to dream again and believe in myself. I have all sorts of anxiety problems and have insecurities galore, but you help me fight those off. Thank you for sharing your story with everyone :) and thanks for this post, I needed it today.
You are such an inspiration to everyone Kandee and it is amazing to hear about what you have been through and how you have overcome it to reach where you are now!
Never let anyone say that you are JUST a make up artist because in everything that you do and say you are constantly encouraging people, showing them how they dont have to live their life in one box that society or someone else has chosen for them.
I love the fact that God has given you this passion and the fact that you are following it with him is so exciting, how you are touching peoples lives even now by just sharing your testimony!
I am at uni now studying Costume with a real hope for going in to working for film that just the thought of doing that makes me SOOO excited and you make those dreams feel tangible to me.
Thank you for being who you are and please never never change.
Kisses from the U.K.- Laura
P.S. I was praying about it and I feel you should read Proverbs 31:6. It technically starts at verse 10 but I think its verse 25- that is really meant for you.
Seems like the darker the night, the brighter and more powerful the star that shines through.
Thankfully, your just that star.
Kan Do Johnson
Hi Kandee!
This was the most inspiring story I have ever heard and your words really make me believe in my dreams more than ever.
I have been on youtube watching tons and tons of makeup gurus for quite a while now but when I came across your videos I was amased. You are so amazing at what you do and that is the most inspireing thing of all. You are such an inspiration to me now, a role model.
Just know that you have gotten trough all the way over to Sweden. You are truly amazing. :)
What have you done????? I have no words to express my feelings. You are such a nice person. I am writing from Germany/Munich and I have a simular story like you have. I use all my paine from the past and use it to transform it into energy for me and my three kids.
If you have any possibility now or in the future to come so Munich please please be with us (bring your kids). I sorry but my english is very bad, I would love to tell you more. I am honored to here your story, thank you so much. Never give up, stay tuned with your heard and listen to your heard like you did. Lots of greatings to your momy.
aww kandee you're so amazing! why should somebody judge you? you're a beautiful, wonderful peson who deserve anythig she wants! your also a strong preson and i think that everybody has his/hers story, i have a very bad one too, and listenig to the love you show us everyday make me feel so good, so optimisic and self confident that i'd just like to hug you:)
i really admire you.
with lot of love <3
Thanks for a well timed post...or is it my well timed reading? Sometimes I feel like I'm not special, or that what I'm doing isn't gonna make a difference...but then, you read things like this, decide that of course, I can do it, and the world turns pink again. Thanks for sharing, I really appreciate it =)
Thank you Kandee for your kind, happy words filled with inspiration.
You are always so energetic and give off such happyness just through your blog posts and videos. Its amazing.
You are a wonderful role model and I'll be reading your blog and watching your videos even more over the next months because I need all the motivation, inspiration and happy vibes I can get.
I'm in the 4th year of my degree and doing part of my final exams at the end of this year. Its hard and stressful and to be honest Kandee I am terrified but you help to give me confidence that I can do it.
Thanks kandee,
love from scotland,
Sarah xxx
you're an inspiration kandee, you should feel extremely proud
Thanks a million, Kandee! My family has such strict rules and expectations for me, there are so many things they deem as unacceptable. They give me lectures nearly every day about how much of a failure I am and I simply have to put up with it.
You are an inspiration to me and I really hope that one day I can achieve my dreams.
You are amazing and every word you spoke, you said it with a smile! Don't let anyone get you down, your an inspiration to all.
God bless!
Thank you so much, Kandee Johnson!! I've really been needing to here this lately. You are the most inspirational person I think I have ever gotten the chance to know! Keep being beautiful and God bless you sooooo much!!! You deserve each and every bit of it! :)
u rock kandee. u brighten evry1's day w/ ur amazing & uplifting comments and u always help me feel better about myself when i watch ur vids & read ur blog. thx so much 4 being u & helping us all feel special! - ily Kendall :))
Kandee you are such a beautiful person, inside and out! I am 50 yrs old and should be the one with all the words of wisdom but at your young age
I hope all your dreams come true you truly deserve them to.
Kandee! I saw you in the new September issue of Elle! I don't personally know you but I was so happy for you =) CONGRATS! YOU'RE KILLIN' IT GIRL!
You are so right about discipline! My pastor said just a few weeks ago that when it comes to discipline you either pay now or pay later...we have a choice...but I would rather pay now and learn some discipline than pay later!
Thanks for your words of encouragement and wisdom!
This video/post made me tear up!
This was an amazing post :)
thanks for the encouragement♥
Kandee I feel like you are my best friend! You make me feel so much better about myself and my boring situation. I feel like I can just walk outside my door and make my dreams HAPPEN! Thank you for your words of encouragement. I hate that you had to go through times like that in your life but like you said, the broken mirror shines more light than the perfect one. Thank you Kandee!! I love you so much!
Kandee, thank you for being strong. You are stronger than you know. I'm so glad you speak from the heart. There should be more of that. Our world is filled with superficial things. Superficial people. You are a complete breath of fresh air. I know that you did go through all of those trials for a reason. You help so many people, me included! You help us to keep going. Keep on keeping on. Hearing your story was heartbreaking. I wanted to come give you a hug! But I appreciate you doing that. It makes you more real to me. You're doing amazing things. Your life does have purpose and meaning. You change people and help people for good. I love that. I, like you, have had awful things happen in my life. Things I hate to think about because they make me physically sick. It makes me feel not as alone when I hear your story. Hearing that you went through those things and then pulled out of them. You oulled through and are working on your dreams. your story reminds me that even when stupid things happen in my life, when I make a bad choice, there is hope. And hope is something that is kind of hard to come by. So thank you. Thank you for giving me hope. You will never know, never ever know how much your example has helped me. I hope you don't take this as an insult, because I swear it's meant to be a compliment, but are you LDS? I mean belong to the LDS church? I do and it seems like our standards are the same. No swearing, alcohol, coffee, or drugs. Anyway, thank you for making the "good girl" persona a cool thing. Because sometimes its hard when everyone around you is trying to bring you down. Thank you kandee!!
love, Amy Jane xoxo
I love you Kandee!!! I am so so so glad I discovered you! Your passion shows through all your videos, and that is not something everyone can do.
hi Kandee!
i actually found this video 2 night agos because i loooove all your videos and came across one i hadn't seen--anyway, thank you for being to true and real with so many people you have never even met before. your story has truly inspired me, i want to accomplish my dreams more than EVER now. And i give the credit all to this video....thank you so much! :D
i've never been too motivated to have a career in an art based field because everyone always discouraged me but i couldn't see myself being an OR tech, which was my other choice, at this time in my life.
your story was so enlightening and empowering and i now have a world of new-found confidence for myself, and now i just can't wait to get started in January. Thank you so much for being such a big inspirational person. your video[s] have had pretty big impacts on my life. haha, you're actually one of the only reasons i get on youtube believe it or not!
-Julia W. [Albany, GA]
this quote reminded me of this post- "Every inch of me shall perish. Every inch, but one. An inch. It is small and it is fragile and it is the only thing in the world worth having. We must never lose it or give it away. We must NEVER let them take it from us. I hope that whoever you are, you escape this place. I hope that the worlds turns, and that things get better. But what I hope most of all is that you understand what I mean when I tell you that, even though I do not know you, and even though I may never meet you, laugh with you, cry with you, or kiss you, I love you. With all my heart, I love you." [from V from Vendetta!] <33
Thank you for posting this video. I've been in a really dark place for a long while now and your words touched and inspired me more than you know. Thank you for your encouragement you are a beautiful person inside and out and keep doing what you're doing. You're amazing!
ur beautiful urself :)
keep upthe good work....feel free to check out my blog...im new to all of this....show me some love :)
Really, really, really thanks for your comments. Nowadays everything is so difficult, and certainly I'm living a very complicated time myself. Nothing seems to go nowhere. But your words gave me something to think about... We girls know how difficult is to achieve our goals in this world, we know how much pressure we have on our heads, so many expectations from everyone...It's really nice to know there are people in the world who remember where they come from, how they struggled for success and are able of sharing their stories. Believe me, we need to hear it, we need to believe it's possible...I need to believe. Thanks a lot. Greets from Mexico.
Really, really, really thanks for your comments. Nowadays everything is so difficult, and certainly I'm living a very complicated time myself. Nothing seems to go nowhere. But your words gave me something to think about... We girls know how difficult is to achieve our goals in this world, we know how much pressure we have on our heads, so many expectations from everyone...It's really nice to know there are people in the world who remember where they come from, how they struggled for success and are able of sharing their stories. Believe me, we need to hear it, we need to believe it's possible...I need to believe. Thanks a lot. Greets from Mexico.
Oh Kandee,
You are just what I needed. I've been watching your videos on youtube for a while now, and you always have this huge smile on your face that makes me smile, too. I've never seen anyone with so much happiness and life, its a beautiful gift. I'm so sorry that you had to go through the things you did, you didn't deserve it. You're amazing, and thank you for making this video.
Hi Kandee,
I ran across your video looking for halloween Idea's for some friends... However I followed links to your blog and watched your story. I remain deeply touched by your words.
I firmly believe, that a certain "spark" exists in some people... a metaphor for having an internal light and kindness that exists and radiates around them in a positive way. You are one of those people :)
You inspire, without effort and for that I want to thank you. I want to thank you for being you. I also believe that "things" are put into your life for a reason, and I needed to hear your words, and your story today. Even for a guy, your sentiments move the soul.
I thought I would return the favor and just let you know you have impacted my life in a positive way, even if only briefly, and I sincerely thank you.
I thought I would let you know, and return the favor... thank you!
you're such an inspiration!!! i admire how you overcame all you have been through!! all your words encourage me to make my dream come true!! your a sweet strong possitive and beautiful woman!! i love you so much!!!! god keep blessing you!!! you deserve all success and blessings in this world!!! you're an angel baby!!
Hey Kandee!
Thank you so much for being such an encouragment! I wanted to share my blog with you! http://valialindphotography.blogspot.com/ I just started it today even though I've been doing photography for a while as a business and already had a website! I decided that I wanted to take a moment every day and be an encouragment to my friends and customers! Thank you for inspiring me to do that! :) If you would like to be a follower, I would really appreciate it but I know you get way too many requests but if you get a chance! ;) Keep up the good work! ;)
I don't even know where to begin . . . I was looking at youtube for a video about a strange halo (an atmospheric anomoly), and then I saw Edward Scissorhands. I was absolutely mesmerized from the first frame of that video. I truly thought it was Johnny Depp . . . thinking maybe it was some sort of early footage or makeup trials. Then I heard your voice.
When I saw "you," I was immediately struck by several things, all of which were confirmed as I watched another video and another one: (A) you are absolutely beautiful; (B) more importantly than that, you have an absolutely enchanting demeanor and personality--truly, you're just a joy to listen to and watch (although I'm a bit reticent to say that because it sounds so weird); (C) you're very, very talented--an artist in every sense of the word--and passionate, which is such a rare thing in this world; and (D) you brought a smile to my face after a particularly rough week. I just watched this video, and each one of the things I said above is only made clearer after hearing your story. You are a champ, Kandee, and your children will benefit greatly from having a mother like you.
I'm glad I ran across your videos, and I'm glad I ran across the one in which you ask, repeatedly, "Doesn't anyone read my blog"? :) I have. You rock. You warmed my heart.
hi kandee!
you're a beauitful person inside & out. thanks for this great reminder & for bringing back joy in my life :)
Kandee your such a wonderful person, your work and makeup is just amazing! i look up to you and hope to get where u are one day. xox dani :)
Hello Kandee:)I see that u bought a orange blazer and you cut the sleeves:)Your new photo is beautiful Ian is a true artist.Now I have u on my desktop background so when I'm sad I look at u and I feel so alive.Your life story is similar to my.Tnx 2 u I have a hope for a better life:)Please continue to make our days beautiful and joyful as YOU ARE:)
Hello Kandee,
Greetings from Bulgaria. I think you are so beautifull inside and outside. I really like, your smile make me feel better. I wish you all the best and i hope that you and your family will be very happy, respected and loved. Kiss from Bulgaria
Hey Kandee! nice video it was very touchy and such a tear jerker...your story reminds me of my sister, also a sinlge mother...thanks for everything and for always being you.
Kandee, you are such a wonderful person! Thank you for sharing such encouragement with the world - we all feel down and low once in awhile (some more than others) and words like these sure are helpful for those times! Keep on being your happy wonderful self and thanks so much for sharing these words of wisdom with us!
Thank you for sharing, you're story is encouraging to me and I'm sure many other people. My eyes actually began to get a little soggy part of the way through...
Take Good Care Kandee!
I truly believe that all the things you go through in life make you who you are. All these things you had go on in your life, good and bad, made you the beautiful person you are. God bless you and your babies Kandee.
Thank you Kandee :)
Thank you for sharing your story Kandee, youre an inspiration and I wish you all the happiness and love in the world
Kandee you are such an amazing inspiration! I am so happy you shared your story, that was a very brave thing to do & I am sure it was difficult but I am so thankful you did! I want you to know I have a blog dedicated to raising the self esteem in young girls called The B.E.A.U.T.I.F.U.L. Program (it's my platform for the Miss America Org pageants I do) and this video is definitely being featured in my next blog! You are a BEAUTIFUL person inside and out! Keep doing what you are doing because I LOVE IT!!!!
Lots of Love,
Katherine McMichael
So heres the thing, I know you probably receive so many comments and emails daily! which is why i was kind of hesitant about sending a comment, I have been watching you and logging onto your website DAILY for a few months now but i just got into the " blog" thing yesterday ( because of you). I have a feeling im going to be addicted. ahh!! Im sure you hear it all the time but you are A-MAZING, this is definately your calling.I am 22 years old from San Diego, and I just got married this past year, YAY!! And I am soo fortunate I get to be a lil' housewife, but it sounds much more glamorous than it is, I have been sitting at home by myself day in and day out and feeling like i dont really have a purpose when I wake up in the mornings, until my husband comes home in the evening. I loove Working and am A really good worker,I love clothes and cutting clothes and doing cool unique things so after watching your videos I decided I am going to follow my dreams and try selling them by starting online and hopefully getting into some boutiques out here in S.D. If it bombs it bombs, but atleast I can say i tryed and it will keep me occupied and give me a sense of pride and purpose every day, (not that my marriage doesnt do that, cause he is fabulous!!) but its a different kind os accomplishment. If you have any tips to get followers I would appreciate it sooo much I have no clue what im doing, at all!!!. You are beautiful, and so inspirational I thank you so much, I get excited everyday to see what new posts you have, so keep it comin! xoxo
Kandee you are the best! Thank you so much for sharing your story. It's such a blessing to know people like you and to be reminded that we are not alone in this world! Everyone struggles but when we reach out to one another we can brighten the lives of others and help them through. That's what you are, Kandee! You're a light shining out to everyone you touch. Thanks bunches for brightening my days :D
Hey Kandee,
My name is Meagan and my passion is music. I just recently discovered your videos. It amazes me how awesome internet is and how easily people can be connected...newayz :)...I just wanted to let you know that this video has encouraged me SOOO much! I wanted to also encourage YOU, and say that it is an amazing gift God has given you to have a burden for people, and I pray that He uses your voice in even BIGGER and BETTER ways to impact people :)
God Bless
Kandee, you are so inspiring and lovable. I'm so happy I found your youtube channel and now your blog. You make me happy. :)
You have no idea how much you encouraged me! I needed to hear this! I'm getting ready to take a GIANT leap & move to a new state because I feel like it will get me closer to my dreams of acting. I feel EXACTLY the way you described of keeping my dreams inside because I'm afraid people judge me, but my whole life Ive had that voice in the back of my head telling me that's my calling. So I decided to take a leap of faith and finally try to peruse my dreams.
Your story definately eases any doubts and makes me feel like whatever hardship I have to face or have faced, it will make me a better in the end.
I have so much respect for you Kandee! You sincerely are a great person and inspiring person. I'm glad that I stumbled upon your YouTube videos & blog!
Thank you.
You moved me in such a way that I sent a message through YouTube, ‘cause I didn’t want to put such a big comment here!
But still I have to say thank you, for sharing your story, ‘cause it was really inspiring! =o)
Hi Kandee,
My name is Renate and I'm from the Netherlands. Just wanted to let you know that you're not only inspiring people in your country but all over the hole world. Every time when I watch your video's it brings a smile on my face. Your are so funny, beautifull and not afraid to be your self. And thats so inspiring to me. So thank you for lighting up my days and to encourage me to believe in myself and in my dreams.
With love,
i've seen this video up here for a few and i just never really took the time to watch it cause all of your other videos drew me in. and finally tonight i watched it and i cant described to you how it made me feel. i watch your videos and would never ever think that you had that kind of life. and i think about the life that i've had. and i sit around and feel sorry for myself. and feel like the world owes me... and i sulk and wallow. istead of being more like you. optimistic. enthusiastic. chipper! i feel like a loser who isnt doing anything with her life...but now I feel like I can do anything. just as long as i put forth the effort. and make it happen. and i want to thank you so so so much for everything you've done for me.... and i dont even really know you!
Kandee~ What a great video.
I know it took a lot to share your story and I commend you, interweb trolls can be very hateful and hurtful but you have a story and you have access to so many eager ears where you can educate and inspire others and I don't know you but I am proud of you!
With the attitude you carry you will succeed. Without a doubt.
Your videos keep getting better and better, you are finding better ways to use your time. I love how you do sound over for "lessons".
The looks are fabulous~ SERIOUSLY. You definitely have talent.
Keep doing what your doing girl and the sky is the limits for you!
Much Love~~
PS--I took you advice on the teeth whitening product. I am on week 2 and my teeth are definitely whit-ER but no where close to where I want to be.
How long have you used the product and how often ie twice daily? Do you use anything else?
Thanks in advance!
You are SO AWESOME! Thank you for sharing your story. It really touched me and motivated me. And you are SUPER COOL!!!! I love everything about you!
Hey Kandee!
Just want to let you know that you have inspired me! you are so bubbly on camera i would never have guessed that you've been thru so much. i dont really get touched or inspired easily but for some reason you really did touched me. sometimes i feel like i need some directions in life and when i feel down i will be thinking of you!
you're such a great person and i can't wait to hear more from you!
All I can say is wow..... what energy, what great karma...what creativity! You are so effervesant and your smile is so contagious I found myself smiling and laughing along with you in all of your videos.
Kandee, you have inspired me (and from what I can tell quite a few people) to get started, to get going, to take that leap of faith in myself.
There is a saying that I thought of when I finished watching your video (Your Story) and it goes something like this:
a simple act of kindness can change the course of a lifetime.
Thank you for having the courage to post your story and share your creative spirit.
Smiles from Toronto,
I'm so glad I watched this video, I'm going to go get my dreams!
I love your videos. Please never stop making them!!....even when you are 70 years old, don't stop!! hahaha :)
You are such a great person. I hope to be more like you :)
i am proud that there are such an amazing people on the earth like you!!! i can feel your energy and optimism even in Lithuania:)
keep on going girl!!!
best wishes
you are such an inspiration! love all the videos. your style everything. you are FABULOUS(=
You make me feel really good about myself. I have bullied and picked on all my life. Just the past year in 2008 I met this guy named Eric and he helped me change to be a person that everyone knew I could be. Before I met him I got with some bad people, but he helped me see a light and get my school work up get a job and get myself healthy again. I have been sick for a long time but he has helped my get better and actually want to do something with my life.And you help me too cause to show me that there are people out there in the world that has been through something similar that I have and I want to thank you so much for that. Thanks
WOW that was an amazing video Kandee. I loved your makeup video b/c you are supper talented but after this video I love you soo much because of your story. Having kids does not meant you can't follow your dreams b/c of them you just have to find a way for them to be ok when your out. All else is that same. You are sooo pretty...Keep on shinning girl!
(I'm a french-canadian, so I hope my english is accurate enough for you to understand what I want to say...)
I just want to thank you, perfect stanger, for sharing these difficult times you lived through. I understand when you say these things are what led you to your dream; I have experienced a similar feeling in the past, and I am presently exactly at that time where my mind wants me to quit.
You just helped me so much today.
You made me cry, and not of pain; I cried because I know deep in my heart you are so right. When it will be time for my dream, life will put everything I need on my path for me to go and live it, I just have to keep it alive inside of me.
Thank you so very much, for being who you are and sharing that beautiful positive energy with strangers like me.
Kandee, your story has truely touched me. Turned my thoughts completely around. You have been through more than I can even imagine and you're still so caring and inspirational and loving. It's so incredible to me. So unbelieve that a woman can be so sweet and so nice because these days you don't find very many of those. I always try to be the most ginuwine person I can be and if people are mean to me take it for what it is and pray for them. I see this light that just shines through you and it's so encouraging. You are one of a kind Kandee! I look up to you in every way possible and you, YOU, are making a difference in people's life. I love you with all of my heart, god bless!
Hi kandee! i had already watched your video on pursebuzz's website and completely loved it! i had tears in my eyes that day..
I had subscribed to your channel since long but never happened to come to ur blog, and today I did..and found this post..your words are just so so beautiful..Can I use this post with your name elsewhere? I wanna spread ur words to every person alive..I just love u:) today ur words didnt make me cry, today they just struck a chord..I realised that I had stopped trying..thanks for reminding me what passion is all about..thanks for encoruraging the long asleep optimistic side of me..I cant thank you enough..I have always been a silent viewer..but your words pushed me so much that i felt like communicating with you..
I love you for what you are..thanks for being you:)
you are such an inspiration. thank you sooo much for being who you are, a passionate and compassionate person. i wish you only the best and keep projecting all that love because it will touch so many people - just like it just touched me. i'm glad that there ARE people out there in the world like you.
thank you
Omg Kandee, first of all, I love your videos, your GREAT mood, that sheer me up all the time I see you =)
I have lots and lots of things to tell you, ask you advices, because I have been suffer, it's one time of my life that everything don't work for me... Please send me an email if you reed this, I have the biggest respect for you, and I want badly talk with you.
Big kiss
PS: my email belf6@hotmail.com sorry for my porr English, I'm Portuguese =)
I just posted a comment on this video on youtube. I have watched nearly all of your videos, most more than once! Lol I actually have found myself taking notes or doing my makeup along with your video. I just have to say how you have inspired me. Its absolutely incredible how far you have come and how much love and hope just beams out of you! I have made my decision to forget what my family wants for me and to follow my dream of being a makeup artist as well. YOU have encouraged that in me. I dont how to start or what to do, but I know all will work out! Thank you Kandee, so so much.
K, we share a lot of the same story. I went through pretty much the same exact thing once. Got married, moved away (from GA to WA!) It was completely unhealthy. Verbal and emotional abuse, never leaving the apartment, it was not good.
It feels so great knowing that someone else has come out of an almost identical situation (the only difference, including the not cussing thing, is that I don't have any children). I thank you for the much needed encouragement. I too want to be a makeup artist and seeing this video just pushes me further toward that dream!!!!!
God bless you and your children Kandee :) you are awesome and an inspiration!
just as it's written in the beatitudes:
"Blessed are the poor in spirit,
for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
Blessed are they who mourn,
for they shall be comforted.
Blessed are the meek,
for they shall inherit the earth.
Blessed are they who hunger and thirst for righteousness,
for they shall be satisfied.
Blessed are the merciful,
for they shall obtain mercy.
Blessed are the pure of heart,
for they shall see God.
Blessed are the peacemakers,
for they shall be called children of God.
Blessed are they who are persecuted for the sake of righteousness,
for theirs is the kingdom of heaven."
have a great day! :)
There is NO WAY someone can think you are a loser just because of your past. Our past is what makes us stronger and molds us into the people we are today. You can CHOOSE to be bitter and hold grudges and turn into a mean person because of your past. OR you can CHOOSE to be happy, learn from your mistakes and IMPROVE your own life.
I think your story is inspiring and intriguing! It inspires me to want to go for my dreams because I have put them on hold for a job that I don't really love JUST so I can pay off my debt. So I sit here miserable day in and day out just to earn money that goes right back out into the world again. I want to make money and have FUN in my life. And you have inspired me to do that!
No matter what you'll always have haters. People HATE to see OTHER people be happy. They are mad because they think YOU are stealing all THEIR happiness. No matter what you will always have people judging you negatively and trying to bring you down. But all you have to do is IGNORE them. That's your best defense!
Thank you so much! You are such an inspiration and your positive energy is so motivating. I know this couldn't have been easy for you to share, but please now that your readers appreciate you openness and your honesty. Your a beautiful human being inside and out and I have sincerely enjoyed following your blog and videos. Keep up the amazing work!
Thank you so much! You are such an inspiration and your positive energy is so motivating. I know this couldn't have been easy for you to share, but please now that your readers appreciate you openness and your honesty. Your a beautiful human being inside and out and I have sincerely enjoyed following your blog and videos. Keep up the amazing work!
You truly are such an inspiration, Kandee. You beauty shines from inside and out. You should be so proud of yourself for not only making it on your own, but for also, having the genuine kindness of sharing this same enthusiasm with others. It's rare to see such flourishing beauty and talent, but even rarer to see a person with it, taking the time to encourage others along the way. You're so selfless, a precious trait and you deserve all the good that has come your way. I am an aspiring makeup artist, who doesn't have the money to get the required training these days so I'm finding it really hard to have confidence in my dream. I really appreciate stumbling across this video and hearing your wise words during this time in my life. Thank you for being such an inspiration. Thank you for being your wonderful self. Thank you for being the kind of friend that everyone needs in their life. Lots of love.
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