AND the WINNERS are.......(drum roll please)
this was so hard to choose...and everyone did such an amazing job!!! (I apologize to all the people who entered and the video didn't show up as a response....I just saw some when I clicked on these videos as was like, "heyyyyyy, I didn't see these ones!!!! oh no!!!"...
I love you all...and even if I didn't mention you video here...you were all WINNERS in my heart! I love you you all
I couldn't decide...everyone did so great...so I went and bought all the headpieces they had!
So these are all the winners...and a lil' comment
cutest video goes to:
CHRISTYVANCANNON's daughter!...oh my goodness...this video is adorable...her instructions are super great....she is just hte cutest thing...she could be the next make-up guru!!! I loved this...so did everyone!!! Great Job sweetheart!!!
loves Egyptian things the most goes to:
Lindysnonsense!...not only did your creativity with your make-up impress me...but your sincere love for all things Egyptian..do it!! I watched your other video on your FLAWS...and you are so sweet and I just loved it!!! Great job...I hope all your dreams (maybe ice skating!?!) come true!
FOR most creative and just all together AWESOME looks: (in no particular order) MyMisfitMakeup!...she did an awesome job and I loved how she added the golden lashes and created her own headpiece!!! Beautiful work...the eyes look marvelous dahling!!!!
Umapreve... did an amazing job and made Cleopatra look wearable....her smile is gorgeous and makes you want to smile along with her...beautiful voice is soothing to listen to....fabulous job, and her make-up looks gorgeous!!!!!
moonwinksartistry...gorgeous...she reminds me of Elizabeth Taylor...stunningly beautiful, and her make-up looked so great...I was surprised to see her blonde hair with her headwrap off! Excellent work!!!!
hannabananaz...not only did I LOVE what she did with her hair....but she sang beautifully...and I know how hard she worked to make this video with her babies!!! Beautiful and creative!!!
JessBcause09...she has stunning exotic, almond shaped eyes...that looked phenominal with her eye make-up...the eyebrows were beyond perfect...and her smile lit up my room!!! Fantastic job!!!
Most Excited and wants the prize!!!
Tokiohotelluvour...you are adorable..and you were so excited about the prize!!! I hope you love it!!!
xmehreenerx...I couldn't help but say you won...you were so adorable and excited and REALLY seemed to want the headdress...so ask and you shall recieve....hee hee hee...and you did a fab job!
Most moving video (And she did an awesome job!!!):
Makeupbymarkella...oh baby girl..I am so proud of you!!! Not only was your make-up fantabulous...you are so lovely...and my heart gushed when you did!!!! thank you...and I'm so proud of you for being bold and going after your hearts desire!!!
most adorable, cute and funny videos:
heylaady...is so cute, funny, and did a beautiful job!!! Your eyes look amazing...and I loved your humor...my fav were the pictures at the end....people loved your video!!! You are great and so was your video...and I love the name "heylaady"...ha ha ha (the part when you said you weren't going to win...did it! ha ha)
and last BUT definitely not least....
haleyeharrison...you are just cuter than puppies and kittens...I loved your personality...how you were supposed to be packing, and made a video instead...and how you created your headdress with pins and things....you did FABULOUS my dear....!!! I love it...
Thank you all so much for making these videos! I loved watching them so much! I even had to ask my family members to help me choose! ha ha ha...And they all said, "Can't they all win!?!"...ha ha ha...so here is the most EXPENSIVE contest ever...ha ha ha ha!
TO ALL THE WINNERS...I need to get these to you ASAP...please email my your address to:
(no this is not my email...because I'd never find them..I get too many emails a day!!!) you can leave your address in the comments (or if you don't feel comfortable doing that...I totally understand, you can email your address here...
SIDE NOTE: they didn't have enough GOLD head dresses, so some people are will be getting black, silver, gold & black, and gold (if you have a preference let me know when you leave your address!)
Great job everyone....thank you for entering my Cleopatra contest! I love you you all....hugest of hugs...kandee
That was so nice of you to go out and buy more headpieces Kandee! Congrats to the winners!!!
kandee, you're so super sweet!
i wish you were my mum :[
i didnt enter, but im so glad that you were willing to issue that many winners to ur contest. that was really cool od u!
aww man, Kandee, you're too sweet to be true, so many winners, and then you are worried that they didn't have enough gold head dresses:)
I send you a biig cuddle for just being the awesomest person ever, and congratulations to all of you winners!! *cheer*
I sent the address to the e mail address! Thanks sooooo much. Allison is so very happy right now! She said she prefers Gold, But she is just so gracious and will be happy with anything!
Mirror mirror on the wall who has the biggest heart of all? Kandee!
you just brought tears to my eyes. The absolute most amazing person that I (don't) know! I hope to touch the lives of others the way you do everyday! You are such an amazing human being. What an incredible world it would be if we all had just a little more of you in us?
Jess.... congratulations and to all the winners... i would like to give you an advise... do not publish yur home adress here...remember anyone can read this blog... im not scaring you or anything...but is not recommmended cuz, people are can be amazing like kandee but unfotunately not all the people are good.
Kandee, you truly have a heart of gold! Thank you so so so much for the kind words and of course, the head piece! My 5 year old daughter is going to be Cleopatra and she will be wearing it:) We are both so excited and can't thank you enough!!
Also, thanks to all of the people that said such sweet things and "voted" for my video, you're absolute dolls:)
Great job to all of the other contest entries you beautiful ladies:)
Yay to the winners!!! Hopefully soon I will have a video cam and can participate in your next contest : )
Congratz to all the winners!! You're so nice to pick so many winners and get them prizes each ^^
And i didn´t say what i really wanted to say... Kandee. i was not on ur contest but yur so lovely and your my pastelito de vainilla always in my heart, i love you so much that i want give you a hug that is sooo cute to express all that about the winners... i wish i could give you a hug but i am too far away in spain. i wish i can send you a souvenir from here. =)
WOW!!! You amaze me !!!!! :D THANK YOU SOOOO MUCH!!! I LOVE YOU, Kandee!!! Xoxoxoxox
I sent my address to this E-mail: tiffanycmyers@gmail.com!!! I really want the GOLDEN headpiece!!! :D
OMG!! I won't be able to sleep until I get my GOLDEN HEADPIECE!!! HAHAHAH!!! Just to have something from you, Kandee, it means the world to me!!! :D :D :D :D :D
Wow.. I can't believe you went out and bought more for all of those people, you are so sweet! But seriously, no one expects that, so just keep the cash next time! ;)
kandee!!! you are soooo nice!! I am so impressed by you each day - i LOVE your blog and you seriously life my spirits up when i am lonely or feeling stressed...i just come here and get a dose of kandee :) keep up the GREAT work!
congrats to the winners!
Congratulations to all the winners! Yes, Kandee, we love you! I left you a comment in youtube asking if it is possible for you to create a make up of Corpse Bride by Tim Burton. I find it interesting enough. Besides Halloween soon!!! Really need an advice about her skin colour, eyes, eyebrows and that hole in her cheek :)) I know you can help me. And only you! Thank you
hehehehhee u bought more head dresses...this shows a lot about you Kandee.
in your eyes everyone is a winner...shows how much love u have in your heart...
i'm not sure if u read my comments before...but i'm going through a breakup rightnow....
n knowing ur story n what all u went through helps a lot...
Hey thanks Joss... haha i really have too much faith in humanity don't i? lol I'm ok with my address out there because i honestly don't think that crazies will be out to get me but so true... I'll delete it and send it in an email :D
Thanks for the advice...
haha - Jess
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