Sunday, September 27, 2009

Which 80's rocker should win?!?

should it be 80's rocker Cyndi Lauper


80's CARTOON rocker JEM?!?

tell me...and one of these 80's rockers will be rockin' the youtube GLAMEO!!! (aka my "cooler" sounding name for my videos! ha ha ha)

HAVE THE MOST AWESOME DAY!!! vote in the comments! xo kandee


Anonymous said...

ooo. I like both of them!! But perhaps the Cyndi Lauper because it looks harder? idk.

Unknown said...

JEM ftw!!!

lexiee said...

cindi lauper!! or both. haha :D

Andreea said...

Cyndi Lauper amd I wanna here you sing girls just wanna have fun! :)

Sharon said...

JEM PLEASEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Villé said...

i love jem!!! OMG THE PINK!!! the blond!!! just looks so gooood!

Jocelynne said...

JEM FOR SURE! :) and sing the theme song haha :D

glimmeringmetal said...

jem for sure!

jessicajenner717 said...



JEM!!!! :)

Unknown said...

BOTH.....or else.

Heidi said...

Cyndi! :-)

* Jen * said...

Cyndi!!!! =D

Unknown said...

you should do jem that look is so pretty

LoLoMee said...

Jem!!! :]

Rosa said...

I would LOVE to see BOTH of the looks! However, if I really have to choose one i would choose the jem one:DI love you kandee <3 x

CosmicFashionArena said...

Kandee post them BOTH!!, if you did the looks already ... but if we have to choose, I will go with Jem !! :)

bobbifranco said...

Oh my gosh JEM!! She's truly, truly outrageous!

Anonymous said...


Shortiee31 said...

Jem :)

Kate said...

BOTH!!! :D

RedPyrat said...

Jem jem jem! :) xo

DelicateDisaster said...

JEM!! :D <3

Melissa said...

I think Cyndi it looks more fun!!

Patricia said...

I love Jem

J said...

Jem!!! <3

Bri Lo said...

Cyndi Lauper

Gergana said...

I would like to see both, but if I have to choose one - Cyndi Lauper please ! ;) Thanks K. ! Have a fab day/week !!! xoxox

rijaH said...

Jem! Oh that look is so gorgeous :)

mitzi_black said...

ohh kandee this past weekend i just had an 80's party.. this would be useful.. anyway.. my vote goes to cindy lauper look...

kisses from mexico!.. yeah!! u rock girl!!

Anonymous said...


TheWaitress said...

Jem. And I still wanna see Marie Antoinette! You entertain me so much, and I want you to know how much I appreciate it. :)

Rachel said...

do both!!!!

Anonymous said...

gah kandee why do you have to look good in everything ? -.-
i vote cyndi.
the colour combo is fantastic!


Unknown said...

a little clownish but pretty cyndi lauper=)

Spencer said...

Do Jem!!!! ... She is truly truly outrageous!! ^_^

Unknown said...

JEM, SHE WAS AN ICON. Everyone looks like Cyndi Lauper now. It's trendy and retro. JEM was a cartoon. How fun is that. Plus I can just imagine the comedic routine you can put together for this. Love you girl!!! You're an ICON yourself.

Anonymous said...

Ah, I can't decide! Do both, haha! :)

Vivi23 said...

I love Cyndi Lauper! Xoxo

Gandhali said...


polisharchitect said...

80's CARTOON rocker JEM
80's CARTOON rocker JEM
80's CARTOON rocker JEM !!

ARD said...

I say do Lauper =)

I did Jem for an 80's party, it was great fun!
I'd love to see how you did the Lauper look tho!

Trashcan Model said...

They're wonderful! I love your work!!! I'd say JEM. :)

Hello Jenny said...


Makeup Mama said...

Dang girl, you've got a LOT of wigs! I love you as Jem. I think you should do that everyday. Hot!

Christophe said...

Haha awesome Kandee! I'd say Jem first! (my gosh how much I'd love to see someone like you in the streets! haha)

Anonymous said...

Cyndi Lauper.

Anonymous said...

i love both looks! the cyndi lauper look pops out w/ color. do the cyndi lauper look please, if not both! i LOVE all your GLAMEOS...always makes me smile.

Penny Lane. said...

JEM for sure!!!!

Anonymous said...

hey pls!!! Cyndi Lauper - Girls Just Wanna Have Fun!!!:)

Penny Lane. said...


terr★e said...


Anonymous said...

Oh Kandee... Silly Girl, we know your the bombgigitty and are going to do both! hehe you love the 80's!!! and we love you! xoxo

Dipsy said...

Jem! Because shes sooo pretty! ^^

Anonymous said...

Cindy for sure! I love the color, and I want to learn the technique for those eyes! Truly amazing!

Miss Vendella said...

Jem!! When i was little i loveed this cartoon! <3 kandee you rock!!!

Elisa L'Amour said...

My first vote is for JEM!!! LOVE HER! Could you do a misfit look as well? As a kid I always thought the misfit dolls looked so cool! But please put cindi up as well. She is an icon!

Stace said...

JEM PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!! She was my favorite when I was younger. Never owned a Barbie. haah

Anonymous said...

Cyndi Lauper :]

Jennifer Nguyen said...

JEM please :D

Nanda said...

i love both.. but JEM!!!!

Unknown said...

OMG Kandee, google the name "Kitty Jutbring", you look just like her in the Cyndi Lauper-picture! And that's the one I'm voting for:)

Manders said...

cyndi lauper ftw!! lol
i love it :)

NeffableTranscendent said...

The JEM look reminds me of Debra Harry from the group Blondie (big hit: Heart of Glass). So I'm gonna vote JEM!

Margarita Bloom said...

OMG, you have to do JEM! I loved that fact, I think it was the first thing I ever watched or at least that I can remember!! JEM....JEM!!! lol... :)

MommyC said...

Both look sooo cool!!! But I loved JEM. Hmmm.... both??? hee hee

Unknown said...

JEM !! omg i love that cartoon so much. Maybe Misfits also??

Beverly said...


roslyn said...


Tunya said...

second one please

Kiraesque said...

Jem, def.!

Greta said...

Cyndi definately!

You should also do a hair tutorial for fine/flat hair. I always have trouble working out a style that looks good for my hair--it's really boring and flat; and I have big sticky-outy ears--worst combination ever. So I can't do your awesome fauxhawk thing cause of how much my ears stick out =[

gorjush said...

jem is truly outrageous! truly truly outrageous! wooaah yeah!!

Sugar said...

Cyndi, please :)

ksawler said...

JEM!!!!! x1000

Dani said...

Definitely Cindi Lauper!!!! Can't wait for that video!!:))
Have an awesome day!!!

<3 Dani

faith120604 said...

I'd love to see both, but if I had to pick just one it'd be JEM. :) Great idea, Kandee!

ang said...

80's cartoon rocker JEM!

it's interesting.

Anonymous said...

I would love to see you do both looks but I'd go with JEM if I had only one choice. You rock, Kandee!

Samelevennn said...


easings610 said...


Tam3ka said...

JEM!!! She's truly outrageous!!!!!!!!!:)

cupidgirl21483 said...

JEM.JEM.JEM! When you mentioned in a blog that you still had on JEM makeup, my sister & nearly flipped! We <3 JEM!!!!

elle said...

I choose Cyndi! The color combo is awesome!

Dannygirl said...


GlamBulleuz said...

I love JEM!!!!

Heather Henderson said...

tough call, but I am going with my girl JEM!!!

Ammossweetheart said...

JEM!!! My little sweetie and I have been watching old JEM cartoons on YouTube lol!

Shannon said...

Jem please! :)

AmberG said...

I LOVE them both. But I'm going to have to go with JEM!!!!

Unknown said...


Izyan Liyana said...


megprice said...

It's hard to choose, because they both look awesome, but I think I like Jem better!

PeePee said...

JEM!! Didn't even remember her, but I just LOVED to watch her back in the 80´s. I learned English with her :)


Bonne said...

You know you wanna do both!

Cynde L. Hammond said...

Oh my has to be CYNDI LAUPER!

And not because I'm partial to "Cyndi's", either. (LOL!)

She's just more colorful and pretty here. You've done a great job on both, though--in would be great if you could do them both!

Cynde's Got The Write Stuff

Vanity's Edge Makeup - Laura said...

Jem...diggin the pink and bright blonde hair! Love ya honey! whatever you do will be phenomenal! :)

Vanity's Edge Makeup - Laura said...

Jem...diggin the pink and bright blonde hair! Love ya honey! whatever you do will be phenomenal! :)

Anonymous said...

You HAVE to do JEM, pretty please !!!!!!!!:)

Unknown said...

love You so much! you bring the smile into my life, you learn me how to enjoy everyday :) so happy that I have a chance to met you.
you are adoreable beutiful person. never change! LOVE YA!

AA said...

oh woww. both so good

Lauren said...


Stine said...

Cyndi Lauper! :) Haha..

Kana said...

I love Jem's look!! :)

snuggle_britches said...

gotta be cyndi! :)

The Drouhards said...

JEM JEM JEM!! No contest!! :)

Rachel Kay said...

Cyndi Lauper looks fun!! I'm sure either will be great :) LOVE you Kandee!!!

elle said...

I would totally love any advice you have on curling hair. My hair doesn't hold curl very well, and I just don't have any techniques for doing it so it takes me like an hour to do.

Denisa said...

I prefer Cyndi Lauper - furthermore you look way better with all those colours :D

krista carlson said...

Both looks are amazing!!!

Unknown said...



JEM ! ! !

Anonymous said...

Cyndi Lauper! Oh, and can everyone check out my blog?

Unknown said...

the jem one is super pretty i vote that... but then again the cyndi lauper one does look more difficult. but i'll bet you play them both :)

Unknown said...

Either way you are an amazing person! But I really love the Jem look!

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