Wednesday, September 2, 2009

The Tally So far for GLAMINAR!!!!

Making a fine standing in 1st place: 3 cheers for TORONTO!!!!!!
bringing up the silver medal is: CHICAGO!!!!!
bronze and strong: Sunny San Diego!!!
3rd: Lovely Los Angeles
right behind LA is: give me an AAAAA for Austin, Texas!
Dallas brought up the rear...

and may I mention, San Francisco did VERY WELL, even though it wasn't an "official"'s now in the running!!!

These cities have now been added to the roster...cuz I gotta see all you precious faces in these fine cities:
Miami, Seattle, Boston, DC, Salt Lake City, and good ol' Hotlanta!!!!

keep on voting....I think LA and/or San Diego will be the end of SEPTEMBER....and we'll be working on the rest on the list....


Unknown said...

salt lake city!!! come to UT, we love you <3

Anonymous said...

I'm so excited that you even wrote Salt Lake City down!! YAY! or Boise, ID...LOL These small towns can bring in some big crowds :)Can't wait to see you cupcake video!

Iris Collazo said...

MIAMI!! Fo Sho my friend!!! You can get some Cuban and Puerto Rican Flavah!!!!

Anonymous said...

If you need any help with getting a venue or stuff for loot bags, I would be more than happy to help.

Anonymous said...

CHICAGO!!! :) I vote Chicago

Naomi said...

Yah for Toronto. I'm going to start saving from now!

Joy said...

Kandee, you just made my day!!! TORONTO!!!! I was having a nervous wreck of a morning and seeing that t.o was in first is the best early birthday present ever! Im saving my pennies and cant wait to give you a huge hug when you're here!!!


Bonne said...

ATLANTA!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YAY!!!

Anonymous said...


Glambition said...

CHICAGO!!!! Please!!! Not only will you have everyone in Chicago there, but the whole midwest also!!

Michelle @Lipstickrules said...

I just heard we're on the top! Yay Toronto!!

Anonymous said...

WOOOO Toronto!!!!!

shannnybannny said...

CHICAGO!!!!! YAY!!!!!!!!!!

Lisa Inglis said...

oh my goodness we've already tallied the votes! let me throw my ones in the air for Toronto! Canada would love to see your pretty face!!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

TORONTO KANDEE!!! It's close enough to Upstate NY that bunches of lovlies who love you so much can go!

Katie Cotton said...

Man, why am i not in LA right now! I'd love to get to meet ya. ;)

serina said...

yah yah yah CHICAGO before i go to Iraq pls pls !!

selva87 said...

YAY Im sooo excited :D:D I can't wait

Anonymous said...

Did I mention MIAMI????? !!!!!!! Miami is the bomb!!!! you should come down!!!!

nopostonsunnday said...

Chicago please! Sometime not in the months of June July or August tho! School year please!!!

Anonymous said...

Please Please Please come to Salt Lake!!! I will so drive down from Boise, Idaho!!!!

CC said...

Wooohooo!!! Toronto comes out on top!! I'm absurdly excited - made my week!!

Ricki said...

CHICAGO!!! I vote for the windy city!!!

Christa said...

San Francisco please!!

Anonymous said...

YAY for toronto! Although I don't think i can afford to fly there now that I'm going to school in Edmonton :( Maybe next time i guess...

Shannon said...

Chicago Chicago Chicago!!! :D

Unknown said...

San Diego!! YAY

Unknown said...

Pleaseeeee do a texas one. please please please please

Dana said...

Yesss, please come to San Francisco! :D

Sonja1226 said...

Please please stop in Portland Oregon on your way up to Seattle!!!! :)

Janine said...

Please, please, please come to San Francisco. Begging, pleading...pretty please with a cherry on top! :)

magz said...

Please, pretty please come to San Francisco!!!

Unknown said...


VickieandMatthew said...

Come to Salt Lake City! I'll be there for sure!

MissKellie said...

PHOENIX PHOENIX PHOENIX!!!!!! I would love to come to one of your classes!!!!!!!

BMizzles said...

Yay for Toronto!! Hope to see you here soon, Kandee :)

Miko said...

Go Austin! If you come to Austin I'll give you a little stuffed armadillo with a cowboy hat and scarf, they're soooo cute.

Unknown said...


Unknown said...

MIAMI. Done. <3 Evie

Cinfamous said...

Austin is an hour away from me
I'm in San Antonio, but I wouldnt mind driving an hour!!!

Jade said...

i vote salt lake city lady i wanna come!!!! muah

coachkitten said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
coachkitten said...

SEATTLE please!!!!!! :)

Jocelynne said...


Sarah said...

I cannot believe you are coming to San Diego I am so excited!

Anonymous said...

Kandee, Pls come to San Francisco, CA. We would love having you.

andrea said...

Ahhh!!! I'm so excited you want to come to ATL!!!!

Carla said...

really??? TORONTO!!!!!!! I'm coming.. I live in Alberta and am dying to make it to a GLAMINAR!!!! This is very exciting news Kandee... I can't wait!

Unknown said...

Come to Boston Kandee!

Zelda Rose said...

I live in Dallas; there's a reason it brings up the rear :P

Beverly said...

Come to Toronto!!!!!!

PrincessNicolARGH said...

You need to come to England!! x

Unknown said...

ATLANTA!!! Pretty Please!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

what about NYC??????????? no one a fan of the city that never sleeps ..... ever lol!!! come here!!!

Neecie said...

San Francisco por favor!! Plus you can bring your kiddos and go to Alcatraz and walk across the Golden Gate Bridge!!

.... said...

Come to DC please!!!!!!!!!!! It's the nation's capital!! It's a must! :)

Anonymous said...

Both SD or LA are great for me! YAy for Glaminar!

emily said...

Yay! You have to come to Chicago!

MerryLegs said...

Please, please, pretty please come to Austin!!

Kate said...

YAY AUSTIN! Please please come to Austin! You'll make a lot of military girls very happy/pretty! :0) Luvs!

[IHaveNoUnintended] said...

AUSTIN!!!!! TEXAS!!!!!

Unknown said...

Hi! I would love to see you in San Francisco, to attend your workshop:)

syd12482 said...

You have to come to Boston! You are such an inspiration and we would be at a loss if you did not stop by and touch us with your AMAZING skills! Girl, you got it all goin' on! Come play with us in Mass!

Cynthia said...


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