...kandee style that is....
I'll be working on editing the video nest....this was fun!!! I love these costume looks...
Keep the requests coming...
or VOTE on the next look....
#3. Tinker Bell (in greens)
#5. Cyndi Lauper (80's rocker)
#6. Marie Antoinette
#7. Queen of Hearts
#8. Alice In Wonderland
please feel free to leave other request too...
1 – 200 of 243 Newer› Newest»Barbie <3
Tinkerbell next please!
Tinkerbell, but I wanna see you do Cyndi Lauper too :)
Since you're doing Mat Hatter I think Alice in Wonderland would be a great way to carry on the series.
But I'd also love Marie Antoinette!
I'm gonna vote for:
#5. Cyndi Lauper (80's rocker)
#6. Marie Antoinette
Although I'd watch any of them! :)
Tinkerbell or Marie Antoinette! :)
Either Marie Antoinette, Alice in Wonder, or Barbie!
Love love love your videos, so whatever you choose it'll be amazing!
I would love to see the Queen Of Hearts, Snow White and Mari Antoinette..IDC which is first!!!!
I'll watch all the vids!!!!!!!!
I'm gonna say Barbie
Barbie, Totally Barbie. My next choice would be Tinker Bell
marie antoinette! <3
this looks so cool. I say tinker bell, marie antoinette, or queen of hearts.
If I say Barbie, will you sing Barbie Girl for us??? lol. I think Marie Antoinette would be interesting. :)
Queen of Hearts!
Queen of Hearts, definitely. Tinkerbell would be awesome too:)
I would also really love to see your take on Elvira's makeup! I just love her and YOU, so I know it would be fun! :D
i vote barbie she rocks! -Kendall:P<3.
If I had to choose, Barbie and Tinkerbell
Cyndi Lauper or Marie Antoinette <3
tinker bell...
Marie Antoinette definitelyy!! The Mad Hatter is amazing!
This is absolutely fabulous! Your so talented!
Alice In Wonderland!!
Omg I can't wait to see the video on the mad hatter look!! I vote for Cyndi Lauper :)
I vote Barbie!
And I wanted to let you know that YES (!!!) I read your blog and have been reading for months now! Sorry I rarely comment, I'm too busy trying to recreate your looks! Also, could you please, please, pretty please with sugar and cherries on top do a video on your MAC Palettes? They are kind of an investment and it would be awesome to hear from you what you thought was a good eye/blush palette for the different eye colors and skin tones. I have blue eyes, blue/pink undertones and brown hair. I'm going to invest in the 15 eye palette and the 6 blushes... In your basic make up essentials you showed your blush palette that you said works well on everyone and I would love to know what those colors were (or their equivalent if they're discontinued...)
Thanks so, so much Kandee!! You ARE the bomb.com/B.A. (B.A. ='s bad ass (or tushie as I say to my kids!))
All of them Girl!!
or maybe Tinkerbell :P
#6 would be awesome!!!
It would be something totally different but totally worth seeing. I hope more people vote for it.
Hey Kandee, this looks like fun as usual, can't wait to see the vid!
As for next what about Barbie! (the make ups from Mac limited edition ads were gorgeous!!)
love & kisses
P.S: more males make up would be awesome too though *wink*
Can you do a TIM BURTONS CORPSE BRIDE look!!
Marie Antoinette!
Umm can I just comment on what an AWESOME job you did on this Johnny Depp Mad Hatter?!?! Some serious talent you have there girl, truly. I love it.
I vote Cyndi Lauper. I only say that because alot of make up artist have done a Barbie look and Cyndi Lauper is just amazing. Hahahaha.
But you alway sbut a Kandee Twist about every look you do! (:
Snow White please!!
Fairy please!
You're awesome by the way! (:
I vote for Tinkerbell!
Snow White pleeeease! Me and my daughter are both being disney princesses and I've been thinking Snow White but I wasn't sure how to do the makeup! Thanks kandee! And the mad hatter look is AWWWWESOME! you kick butt :)
Awesome!! if we do one at the time???
i cannot choose!! i love all of them...
i will vote for the queen of hearts... but anyone it will be amazing
love you kandee!!!
You should do them all :)
Barbie would be great but I would love to also see some gothy vamp looks? or the look Drew Barrymoore did in Ever After when she went to the ball with the wings??? kinda a shimmer white make-up...
Hi Kandee, I would like to see Queen of Hearts and Cyndi Lauper. Your interpretation of Madd Hatter is very "Tim Burtonesque". I love it!
Elvira please!! please please...that would be amazing!!!! i really want to be her for halloween!!!
Barbie or Fairy please!
I am going to dress as a fairy for Halloween haha, and would looove to see your interpretation!
Jessica Rabbit look was incredible!! Thank you thank you!! Now I have a write in vote, Corpse Bride would be way fun. And since vampires are so hot right now, vampires.... A sexy undead look would probably be popular? Thanks Kandee what we do without you?
These Halloween looks are AWESOME! Thanks! And keep 'em coming!
alice in wonderland!
Someone else suggested Elvira!! yes PLEASE!
otherwise I vote for Queen of Hearts
8 and 7
Tinker bell or Marie Antoinette!
Any or All of them...I cannot believe that TV has not scooped you up..u r multi talented and a blast to watch...can never wait to see what you do next...u ROCK, Kandee!!!
Barbie or Tinkerbell. Although i watch all your videos so it really doesn't matter. Love you Kandee!!
Queen of Hearts!
Cyndi Lauper (80's rocker) PLZ!!!
I can't wait
OMG i cannot believe that is YOU!! i could've sworn to god that it was johnny depp and i'm not even fronting.
i vote marie antionette, cuz that's what i voted last time and i really really want you to do it! barbie is boring and you do any makeup for that!
Vampire look, so yeah Elvira would be a good one. Even doing the bite marks on the neck would be an added bonus :)
please please do alice in wonderland thats what im gonna be..and i havent dressed up since i was like 12 so...i wanna look great :) so if you could thatd be awesome!!!!
thanks kandee have a good day:)
OMG BARBIE!!!!! Can you do the 80's Rocker Barbie with the pink and purple eyeshadow up to the eyebrows and the long crimped hair?! lol That would be awesome!
Kandee your Mad Hatter is fabulous!!! I vote for Alice and Wonderland and Snow White.
Holy Cow, that is amazing!! Love it! I would LOVE to see Marie Antoinette, Barbie, def. Elvira!
(love her look!)Alice in wonderland, snow white, what about glinda the good witch? Oh, a pirate queen would be awesome!!! You're sooo very talented!
Tinker Bell
*may you also do a quick video on Bell from Beauty and the Beast* Thanks!!
Marie Antoinette!!!!
Queen of Hearts!!!
tinker bell or barbie :)
hi kandee!first time commenting here..
can marie antoinette be the next?
or barbie would do,too
lotsa luv,
alice in wonderland!!!! might as well do a little series with the mad hatter :)
Kandee :)))) Snow white & barbie & fairy!!!!!!! please :)
You are the best!! :)
Kandee :)))) Snow white & barbie & fairy!!!!!!! please :)
You are the best!! :)
oh my lord youve got balls to make yourself up that way i love it! 80's rocker please!
Cyndi Lauper! (:
I vote for Cyndi Lauper & Marie Antoinette! Do it, Do it..please! (:
Definately Marie Antoinette!! That would be incredible!!
Also, Old Hollywood would be cool:
Audrey, Twiggy, Grace etc...
Alice in Wonderland :]
or flapper :)
Marie Antoinette or Queen of Herts ^__^
Even if I think I will be doing the Madhatter on me!
Really!! I'd say all of them but if i had to choose one it would be
but i can see the vote is out :-( :-( so hopefully you will eventually do them all
Barbie pleeeease :)
I'd love to see a 60s Edie Sedgwick look!
Marie Antoinette!
I would love to see Barbie and Cyndi Lauper!
belle from beauty in the beast ;)
I vote for Marie Antoinette!
Marie Antoinette for sure!!! ))))But if not, you're still the most wonderful person I've ever seen
kandee! i cant wait to see how u did this... too brilliant!
Cool! I can't wait to see the video!
I vote for #5. Cyndi Lauper (80's rocker)!!!!! :)
I would love to see all the looks listed but pls do a Queen of Hearts or Alice in Wonderland as that is my theme for my wedding and hen's night! Love your work!
Cyndi Lauper and Marie Antoinette I think would be awesome!!!
Marie Antoinette !! =D
2. Fairy - but a creepy, forest fairy, the kind you wouldn't trust. Twigs in the hair, really wild.
4. Snow White (awesome idea!)
Most definitely Marie Antoinette!!! I am sure you can pull it off amazingly... :)
Alice!!! (and u look exactly like the mad hatter!!! its really good!)
Queen of Hearts!!
Marie Antoinette :)
oooh you know what would be cool, if you did one like a sylvia ji painting:
I think they're so pretty and they have a bit of a rockabilly tattoo thing to them, and probably fun to do!
do them all!!!! do them all!!!! youre sossososo creative!!!!!! amazing i love it!
Tinkerbell, because my Daughter love´s Tinkerbell!!!
Hi kandee love you sooooo much you're the best!!
if you would do a marie antionette look for me next i would jump out of chair with happiness!! though i would love you to do all the looks the marie antionett is my favourite look!
have a gourgeus day and keep on making people happy like you make me.
marie antoinette <3 !!!
Oh my goodness! That look is amazing! I totally thought it was your inspiration picture at first then I realized it was you! You are amazing. I love seeing you do these looks! Ahh I love Halloween!
Tinkerbell and Barbie......pretty please with sugar on top?!?!?!?
Hugs from Ireland!!!
I would love to see you do 80s Cyndi Lauper, I love anything 80s! Your vids are great, easy to follow too! Can't wait to see what you choose to do next!
Please do Marie Antoinette. She was desribed so delicate and good looking in a fun way.
#3. Tinker Bell (in greens)
#4. Alice in Wonderland
love your looks. im thinking about going as jessica rabbit for halloween btw ! xx
#3. Tinker Bell (in greens)
#4. Alice in Wonderland
love your looks. im thinking about going as jessica rabbit for halloween btw ! xx
#3. Tinker Bell (in greens)
#4. Alice in Wonderland
love your looks. im thinking about going as jessica rabbit for halloween btw ! xx
BARBIE! Then Alice in Wonderland. :)
Queen of Hearts please!!
I´m loving these videos!
Cyndi Lauper or Alice in Wonderland!!!
BARBIE! i would soo be that for halloween!
o.O omg i can´t decide... mmm... Tinker Bell or Barbie... girly power >.<
Kandee that is AMAZING!! Can't wait to see vid!! X
barbie please please please!!
Alice in wonderland
Barbie please!!!!!
But is it too greedy if i vote foe Alice in the Wonderland as well:p
#8. Alice In Wonderland!!!
please kandee, please!!
Marie Antoinette!!! I love the look of a pale face with hot pink cheeks!
KANDEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Cyndi Lauper pleasse :) thanks bye
I vote Barbie - woohoo!!! lolol
Do them alllllllllllllll !!!!!!!!! :d
Cyndi Lauper!
tinkerbell :)
Wow woman, you are some talented! :D
- Barbie
- Snow White
- Alice in Wonderland
#7. Queen of Hearts
#8. Alice In Wonderland
Just cuz I love the movie and the fact that next year we'll be enjoying it ONCE AGAIN!!!
My vote is for a barbie look :)
I would love to see Alice in Wonderland. and Tinkerbell!!!!
I was wondering, what do you dress your little ones up as on Halloween? I want to come up with something for my 4 year old little girl and (almost) 2 year old little boy and need some inspiration. :)
You're such a positive influence within the makeup/beauty community and I love you for that.
You're an amazing person inside and out.
Love your videos and blog. Marie Antoinette would be awesome.
queen of hearts
my guy friend and i are going as Edie Sedgwick and Andy Warhol. Edie Please! <3
hi kandee,
i love your videos so much and i am following them since abaout 1 year
unfortunately today i saw the advertising of scientology on your blog.
A real pity!!!
Barbie!!! Would be a fun one!
ooooooh m. g. SO MANY COMMENTS!!!
I vote Cyndi Lauper.. I'd love to go for an 80s rock look ;)
please http://dailystab.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2007/10/adriana-lima.jpg next... you are amazing
Ooh! Do a fairy or tinkerbell one! Love you Kandee!! :)
My husband and I are wanting to go as a knight and a dragon... I'm going to be the dragon and I actually need some ideas on make up and also for the costume. Thanks!!!
Wow, I'd love to see Alice in Wonderland... thanks for the great tutorials :)
I love them. Please check out my blog, I currently only have one follower, but recommended you and you tutorials.
Thanks for always being so full of joy.
Marie Antoinette please!!!
Loving these costume looks.
I did a Queen of Hearts look a little while back, photos are on myh blog.
Definitely barbie! A look that suits both blonde barbie and brunette barbie! The MAC makeup ads are so gorgeous!
that would look so cute
thank you so much!
plus; can you do more fashion videos? they are amazing; your fashion is better then your makeup(although your makeup is always beautiful)
thankyou bunches! :]
OMG! I didn't think that was you at first! You did such a good job, can't wait to see the video. I want to see all the looks you have listed...I still don't know what I want to be for Halloween and your videos are a great inspiration! If I had to pick for the next video I'd say tinker bell or barbie =]
barbie totally! would love to see a mermaid too hun xx
Ahh this looks amaazing! I can't wait to see it...I think ur next one from that list shud deffo be Cyndi Lauper. Or perhaps a punk rocker? Love ur blogs, u have such talents. Peace out!
#6 please!
i would love to see marie antoinette style :)
also: you are my favorite make up artist on youtube for sure. thanks for being so amazing!
Def. Cyndi Lauper...shes amazing.
Kandee..it's halloween...scary spooky time...do at least one creepy witchy look please!!!
thank you for Jessica Rabbit!!!! you ROCK!!!!!!
Oh, this looks interesting - can't wait to see a more in depth look!
How can I vote for just one? I want to see all of them! I love watching your videos. The Jessica Rabbit one was so fun. I'm excited to see the Mad Hatter one. Also I love your videos when you did Audrey Hepburn, Marilyn Monroe, and Sofia Loren! Wow! You completely changed your face to look like them. It was so cool! I watched it once by myself and then another time to show my mom. She's subscribed to your channel too. We love you! <3
Snow White please!!!!!!!!!
i'd still like you to do robin hood... but tinkerbell works!!! :)... BTW, AWESOME job on Jessica Rabbit! I love that really whited-out picture (the third one you show on the blog)... SO GORGEOUS!!!
I like the Tinkerbell idea. I think you should try Sally from Nightmare Before Christmas, that would be really cool!!
marie antoinette or a fairy. I think you could definitely get very creative with those!!! :)
Hey Kandi. I would like to vote for BARBIE! Also can you do a tutorial on zombie make up?
Alice in wonderland! That would be great cause that was my Halloween costume idea for this year!
Snow white please with sugar on top and a cherry please please
barbie! or marie antoinette!! :D
how about a porcelain doll type one please :)
Cyndi Lauper or Maire Antoinette. :)
P.S. The Mad-Hatter looks amazing!
I would love to see your take on the Queen of Hearts!!! That's what I am going to be for Halloween- I am itching for ideas :)
Oooohhh me likey the Mad Hatter!!! I'd LOVE to see more Disney ones and the Marie Antoinette one!! I bet they'd all look awesome...Changed my mind...DO THEM ALL!! haha :D
Snow white for sure!
Snow white for sure!
Alice in Wonderland!
I'd love to see Alice!! But any and all of them would be great!!! I love your videos!!!! :) You're such an inspiration to all of us!! <3
Tinker Bell!
Tinker Bell! :)
#5. Cyndi Lauper (80's rocker)
#6. Marie Antoinette
id lovvveee those ones!
but id prolly watch any of them...
but 5 and 6 have been obsessions of mine in the past lol!
I vote for looks 6-8. (^-^)/ Love your YT vids and blog by the way!
#6. Marie Antoinette!
I would like you to do a GYPSY LOOK!
Marie Antoinette! But Tinkerbell is a close 2nd :)
Maire Antoinette please!! or Alice...
Thanks for your videos
barbie please!!!! i would love to see all of them soon though!
i started reading you blog almost every single day! and i love love it!
you are so amazing kandee! i love you! muah!
OMG....Marie Antionette!! That's one of my favorite eras. The look would be so phenomenal!! Please and thank you!! :D <3 ya Kandee
Queen of Hearts or Marie Antionette please!
i would love to see either Marie Antoinette, Alice or Snow White.
im a fairy tale sucker.
loved the Mad Hatter vid...you really go all out for us kandee ;)
Barbue, please : P
Do you know that I have gone to makeup school simply just because of you. You are so much fun and also a great inspiration. Thank you so much.
Mime makeup is so difficult to understand, my boyfriend and I are going as Mimes this year, and wanted to do it Kandee Style!!!!
Please and thank you!
Joker From The Dark Night!!! Please!:)
If you have the time i'd love to see you do them all! Kandee Rocks! <3
Snow White and/or Tinkerbell, please :)
Ohhh- I was thinking about being Marie Antoinette for Halloween- this would be great!!! Smiles :-)
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