Tuesday, September 1, 2009


where oh where
should the next glaminar be?
leave it in your comment
and we shall see!!!!

3. TEXAS (dallas-houston-or austin?)
and this is just to start!!!! yay!
can't wait to see all your beautiful selves!!!!

Kandee Johnson's GLAMINARS from kandee johnson on Vimeo.


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Anonymous said...

San Die-GO!!!!

Unknown said...


Anonymous said...

MIAMI, MIAMI, MIAMI, MIAMI!!!!! LOL.... Depending when...if it's at the end of this year - the weather is great!!! not to hot, not too cold!!!

Delmajesty said...

Dallas, baaaaayyyyyybeeeeeeeeeeeeee

Anonymous said...

Salt Lake City, UT...and Kandee I went into the dollar store today and found those LA Colors Art Deco polishes! I was in heaven and bought some! Heres to some zebra nails! :) And I also bought some some Plus White for my teeth!! YAY! Ill let you know how that goes! LOL. Have a good night!

selva87 said...

Kandee please come to Toronto... When you came to New York, i couldn't go because i had no way of going there:( i was so upset. and plus TORONTO LOVES KANDEE :D

Unknown said...

You should seriously consider Texas, specifically Austin...(keep it central) that way people from all over the state can come.

cerinebabyy; yiyi said...

toronto! definitely toronto!

Life Is Good said...

Dallas/Fort Worth! I can help you book a great place here! I just put together a makeup clinic for Internationally known makeup artist Tiffiny Luong this week and it was fabulous! I have alot of contacts in this area.

francesca.ala said...

TORONTO, pretty please! Don't forget about your Canadian neighbours!

Anonymous said...


Unknown said...

baltimore or DC :)

Anonymous said...

5. TORONTO!!!!!

Glambition said...

Kandee, please please please come to Chicago!!!! I will help you promote it and do anything I can to get as many people as possible to come. Anything you need as far as selecting a venue or finding people to donate things or anything thing at all I would be so excited to help you with. Please consider Chicago. You have been such a huge inspiration to me and it would be so amazing to have the opportunity to come a Glaminar.

Jaimee said...

toronto!!! :D

Jennifer Coomer said...

I vote for Louisville or Nashville!!!!!!

Or even Atlanta.

But from your list I would pick Chicago or Dallas or Houston.

Anonymous said...

TORONTO!!! I'm in Montreal, so I could go!
May I say something more?
You are my daily ray of sunshine!!!
Yiiihhouuu! :D

Thanks for all the tips Kandee! I use them now for my little etsy shop (www.pluum.etsy.com)!! What a change!! :D Thanks, thanks, thanks.. you are a real sweetheart!

See you in Toronto I hope ! :D

mybella said...

Come to New Zealand!!!

haha I wish:O)

Love your stuff kandee! Keep it up:O)


Anonymous said...

I realize that it wasn't on the list, but it sooo should be!! EDMONTON, would be the best choice by far!!! please come here!!

Karen said...

Kandee...I vote for Houston, Texas! Any city in Texas would be great. Austin is central for everyone. Texas is awesome--God lives here, y'know!

Marie7845 said...

Come to Texas :) San Antonio

ting RN said...

SAN DIEGO :) the best place to b :)

Miss Caught Up said...

LA, San Diego, or Chicago!! I'll get there somehow!! :)

Anonymous said...

TORONTO!!!!! <3

XOXO said...


Becca said...

somewhere like d.c. or nyc would be best for me =[ i go with the majority!

ak said...


Anonymous said...

Austin, Texas please! :)

nopostonsunnday said...

CHICAGO PLEASE!!!! its right by my school and that would be awesome if i had the $$$ I really want to meet you. you seem awesome!

Anonymous said...

pleeeeease San Diego!!!! you were just on the east coast let's switch it up a little! :) can't wait to meet you!

Ash-Ash said...

please come to CHICAGO! im 6 hours away but I AM SO WILLING TO DRIVE to Chi town! ^^

Renay said...


TigerLili said...

LA or San Diego Please!! So Cal loves Kandee!! Plus you wouldn't have to travel so far this time.

TigerLili said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...



Katie said...

AUSTRALIA! Come down under Kandee We are crying out for talent!

Pictures by Jordan said...


derp.com said...


Anonymous said...

Toronto!!! We love you here, I can also help you out with finding a venue and soliciting donations for loot bags, I love doing stuff like that and have experience doing so, if need be. Looking forward to hearing the final verdict on where the next Glaminar location will be. Bye Kandee!!!

Jodi Rae said...

San Diego!!! <3<3<3

Rose said...

Clearly not on the list but I have to put in a request for Portland or Seattle, I would definitely take a train ride to Seattle to go to Kandee's Glaminars!

Anonymous said...

Toronto!!!! loves KANDEE JOHNSON

Kathrine Mercedes said...

torontooooooooo :)
im closer to montreal but i could make my way down to T.O for sure!!

Fiona said...

i would love to see you work your magic in real life!

Anna said...

Agree with the person who said Seattle or Portland. Or Vancouver, BC would be awesome too. :D:D:D:D:D

Unknown said...

HOUSTON!!!!! =)

Unknown said...

Come to America's finest city...SAN DIEGO BABY!!!! Pleeeeaase!!

Unknown said...

Definitely LA or SAN FRANCISCO, even though thats not one of the choices...heehee! Love you Kandee, and cant wait to go to a glaminar!

MissFelicia0 said...

SAN FRANCISCO!!!! wooohooO!!!!

eticketdream said...

LA or San Diego!!

Makeup Mama said...

I'm with Anna on this one...VANCOUVER, CANADA!!!!!!! Yay, Kandee!

zgirlkirk said...

Well, since you've been to both sides of the country...I say visit the "middle". Chicago sounds great! That's my vote. Really, wherever it is I'm gonna try to make it ;)

~*geena*~ said...

You totally should come to Denver, Colorado! because its beautiful! and youll love it here and everyone will love it if you come here!!! (8 (8 (8

Anonymous said...

LA!!!!! or anywhere in Cali for that matter!! :)

Olivia said...

CHICAGO or KANSAS CITY!!! Or anywhere in the midwest..PLEASE PLEASE!! lol

Anonymous said...


Cotton Mary said...

MIAMI!!! MIAMI!!! MIAMI!!! PLEASE!!! make it at the end of the year?? say late November?? PLEASEEEE!!! or ORLANDO!!! I'M *BEGGING* YOU

crazyseamonkey said...

New Zealand!

Unknown said...


Jenn said...

L.A.!! Pleaseee!

JanneCath said...

you should come to europe!!!!!!

dee143 said...

Please please come to Texas!! Im currently living in New Zealand and im moving back to texas at the in of the year and if you do go to texas please let it be early next year!!!

Samilla said...

why not Italy? ;)

DeenaSawh said...

San Diego.

Anonymous said...

San Diego please!

mimi said...

Ireland ireland ireland ireland ireland ireland purlease??!! or somewhere near by so i can fly and meet u! huge fan for ages would just love to see you in person!Thanks a mill go u and the glaminars! xxxxxxxxx

Yashiko said...

Maybe you can consider Europe in the future. Let's say Paris, Amsterdam, London or Brussels. ;))))

cindy21 said...

San Diego my home town , LA, Sacramento or San Francisco i hope that i can see you there

Jojo said...

G E R M A N Y !!! Your are so far away :-(
I hope you come to germany in the next time. That would be GREAT!!!!

SacodePalha said...

I´ll vote when you propose european countries :D
Even if its not my country if its close i´ll just fly there!!!

k* said...

LA, please!!

MXDAY said...


enigmaticb said...

please to come to SAN DIEGO!!!!

SurfacedBeauty said...

Definitly come to Toronto! Canada deserves your pressance!!!<3

katariina said...

It would be fun if u come to Europe! But anyway good luck to you everywhere!

Cell said...


Unknown said...


We all want you to come to PITTSBURGH! you'll LOVE IT! PROMISE!!

Secretos De Belleza. said...

SPAIN!!!!!!!! too much to ask?

Kristi said...

Chicago please! I would be thrilled to meet you!

luliisb said...

Well, I live in Uruguay so no chance for me yet! lolz.

All I wanted to say is thanks for another good different video - I must say, you look STUNNING there! Can you do a video on the make-up you wore there or is there a similar make-up in one of your videos? :D

Anonymous said...


Joy said...


Anonymous said...

Los Angeles<3333

Shannon said...

Chicago please!!!

Shannon said...

Chicago please!!!

Alyssa said...


deena said...

La or San Diego!!

Kaye said...

Chi-town should b da next place u should come. U would have sooooo much fun out here. I'm from da south burbs but whenever I go to da city I have a blast. And if u do decide to come dis way do not I mean do not leave yo camera at home cuz if u think u saw somethin in da ny just wait til u come to da chi. Well hope to see u soon. Piece out!

CC said...

Toronto, absolutely!!

Canadian fans love you!!

Unknown said...

I know it's a long old plane ride but I wish you could come to the UK. London would be the obvious choice but I think you would absolutely love Manchester! It is so much more off beat than London and has some great independent boutiques, bars and clubs...joust food for thought!xx

Ashley's Sample Sale said...


Katie said...

Dallas Texas !

mdiama18 said...

kandee please come to SAN ANTONIO, TX OR AUSTIN, TX.... I WOULD LOVE TO ATTEND YOUR GLAMINARS!!! hope to see u soon...take care... and thank u!! :D

shexilicious said...


Unknown said...

MIAMI or TAMPA!!! I lovvvvve your videos, you have an incredible sense of fashion...

Would you do a video on makeup for fare skin? I love all of the makeup how-to's, but they make me look gothic...LOL - which does NOT work for a redhead... Thanks again you rock!

Macbella2 said...

Toronto please :) Lots of your canadian fans would be very happy!

thanks :)

Jillian R said...

Chicago!! That would be sooooo great for all your east coast fans and much more centralized than NY was. Pleeeeeeeeeease kandee!!

Jillian said...

LA or SD!

Deena said...

Chicago or Austin! Anywhere for us midwesterners :)

Studio M Photography said...

I am voting for Atlanta or Nashville even though they aren't on the list! haha

Lisa said...

CHICAGO!!!!!! That's my kind of town.

Sarah Balderas said...

Austin, Texas all the way! :)

style.is.eternal said...

Toronto !!!

Deanna said...

Dallas, TX :)

Dannygirl said...


Anonymous said...

Come to Texas Kandee! We'll give you lots of charm and Southern Comfort. Houston would be great, but anywhere as long as it's in Texas. I just love to come home from work each day and login to see what video or blog you have created. It brightens my day! Lots of hugs and kisses from us girls in Texas who want to be just like you!

H said...

TORONTO!!!! please!! :)

Jen said...

I could make a 6 hour drive!!! otherwise Pensacola- its BEAUTIFUL!! Kandee you should add coming here to your bucket list!!

ChantelWFL said...

SOUTH FLORIDA!!! Please!! We need you down here in the heat!

Unknown said...

i think it should be in Atlanta haha please!!!!

charmingxmakeup said...

pleasssse come to wash dc or baltimore! i wanted to go to the one in new york but i couldnt :( or you could go to va beach!

MikiLynn said...

San Diego for sure! Just a hop and a skip for ya!

Anonymous said...

NASHVILLE!! but if not there Atlanta or Dallas!

Kelli Rye said...

HTown in the hiz-ouse!!!!! We'd love to have you! However, I agree with all the peeps who said Austin. It is centrally located and people would travel from Houston, Dallas/FW, and other cities to see you...most def! I live in Houston, but if you're anywhere in Texas...I'll be there! Yay!

Anonymous said...


The hotel and expenses will be cheaper for you because of the exchange rate! haha :)


Bethany D. said...

I vote TEXAS, Austin or Dallas! You would love Austin Kandee!!! Love you girlie!!

Katie Rose said...

Los Angeles!

Lane and Alley | blog said...

Since I know Tulsa, OK probably wont make the list...I say DALLAS!!! It's only 4 1/2hrs from me!! Choose Dallas!! :D

Unknown said...


Abby Barnett said...

Chicago!!! I would love to help in any way I could.

Kristy said...

Chicago.. Please please please! I could so go then.

Anonymous said...

Edmonton!!!! hehe

Erin said...

I would have to say Indianapolis, IN, but see as that is not a choice, Chicago, it's only 3 hours away and maybe I could convince my husband to let me go.

Aberdeen said...

Austin, TX! You were wearing cowboy boots lately, weren't you?

Austin City Limits Music Festival and Fun Fun Fun Fest!

You could dance the night away!!!


Jamers said...


Anywhere in Texas is fine...I will be there!!! Austin is probably the coolest city in TX and centrally located.

Anonymous said...

did i mention MIAMI????... atl would be good also... 7 hr drive but TOTALLY WORTH IT!!!! MIAMI OR ATL!!!!!

Unknown said...

San Francisco!

Anonymous said...

San Francisco or LA for sure! You did the East coast now it's time for one on the West.

Taylor, Jeniece, Baby Kayana said...

SALT LAKE CITY, UT would rock! I love you Kandee!!

Unknown said...

MIAMI MIami definitely!!!!

Laura Birney said...

I know this isn't one of the choices for right now, but please come to ATLANTA in the future!!!

Grace Mathis, Beaumont's original beauty geek said...

Kandee, Show some love to Texas! You won't regret it! I HIGHLY recommend Austin, you would L-O-V-E that city.

Anonymous said...

Chicago Chicago Chicago Chicago Chicago Chicago Chicago Chicago!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ashleigh said...

Toronto ;)

Ashley bunz said...

Totally not listed but EDMONTON, Alberta Canada!!
We have the biggest mall in the world here Kandee!! Imagine the fun!

Unknown said...

wherever it's cheap to fly to from London! Would you be able to give us enough notice to book international flights? I'm DYING to come play glaminars with you before I move back to Australia in a few months!!!! Anyone want to share accommodation? x

Unknown said...

SAN FRANCISCO x 10000 times!

Shazzamy said...

Chicago! It would love to take the train down and get pretty with you!!!

Anonymous said...

Houston!! Or even Austin would be cool.:)

Staceyy said...

I would say Toronto but thats TOO far from me!! Sooo I'm going with something that isnt here. WINNIPEG!!!! :D Pleaseee:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D

Crystal E. said...

Houston... DEFINATLY... HOUSTON!!! :)

MBot. said...

L.A. all the way!

bananababy said...


Oh, its not on the list >.<
Please come to England!

And I vote for San Diego, since I wanna visit there the most from the list :D tehe.

Keep smiling!


Cupcake007 said...


A. fizzy :) said...

anywhere close to VIRGINIA.

fati1331 said...

anywhere in belgium....i stand by you...
kiss you girl.

kaersika said...

In LA!! I'd love to meet you, I think you're great!

something placid said...


Shannon Johns said...


Anonymous said...

Austin, Austin, Austin!!! : )

Aneta said...


Anonymous said...

Texas!!!!!!! austin or dallas

Miko said...

AUSTIN, TX! Austin is my #1 choice, then Dallas and then Houston! Houston is the hottest and muggiest, Austin is the nicest!

Unknown said...

Houston or anywhere else in texas id drive anywhere in texas to see you!!!!!!!

Bea said...

Toronto, please!

Unknown said...

What about SWEDEN? :D

You have alot of fans here you know ;)

Unknown said...

please please..........
what i great trip that would be!!!!

Carly-Anne said...

Come to Toronto!

Jaclyn said...

San Diego!

Billie Jean said...

Anywhere if it means your going to Calgary after!!!! I can't afford to fly anywhere so if it's anywhere within driving distance of Calgary Alberta I will be happy

gsETC said...


Jennifer Belle said...

austin texas!!!!!!!!!!!

Ivana said...

I'm from Edmonton, but I would definitely go even to TORONTO!!

Char said...

I second....SAN JOSE or SAN FRANCISCO!!!!! Miss ya much <3 Char

Unknown said...


Erica said...

LA !!!!!
or orange county better yet hahaha
but def LA!

Gail said...

Vancouver Kandee!!!!!

rocky said...


Mignone said...

KANDEE! you have to come up to Toronto!

Scarlett said...

DALLAS!!! :)

Ann Rose said...


Shorty said...

Come to Dallas!!! You'll have a blast! Austin is very cool, too. You would totally dig the atmosphere.

Anonymous said...

SAN FRANCISCO!!!! i'll even give you a free tour if that entices you! :)

Unknown said...


Unknown said...


Unknown said...


popgloss said...

Los Angeles!!!!!!!

Zoe555 said...

PLEASSSSSSSE SAN FRANCISCO!!! many would love to see you and SF is fabulous

Anonymous said...

Los Angeles, where else? :)


**M I M I** said...

Florida!!! Miami or Orlando

jenkaoru said...

San Francisco please!!!

Anonymous said...

San Francisco!!

BoricuaSouL said...

Ohhh, man. Im in West Palm Beach, but they chance of you picking here is probably slim to none. So next best place MIAMI!!!!!!!! Im going to start praying now that you pick Miami..LoL, With all that I could learn from you, it would bring me that much closer to living my dream..

Michelle @Lipstickrules said...

TORONTO please!!!!!

jenna said...


flygirl0 said...


AmberG said...

Ok ok ok. I live in a little city of Lexington. Kentucky that is. So my vote is for Louisville or Cincinnati. All right I'll take....


Elena Mayen said...

toronto!! PLs come!! a lot of people would definitely go and i will spread the word around here for you ;)

Anonymous said...

Washington DC!!! PLEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAASSSEEEE Kandee!!! I'll make your cupcakes and bring them to you!

Anonymous said...


Unknown said...

ohh...YAY So glad Atlanta is on the list!! Please come to Georgia Kandee!!

Mikella said...

Toronto :)

Anonymous said...


ChuChulainn said...

SO CAL baby!!! My vote is for SAN DIEGO b/c this is where I live and this is where I know the most chicas that I could invite to come too. But of course, I would make the drive up to LA if it were there. I feel that after the gloriousness of NYC, a lil SD looove would be 2nd on the list!!! xoxo

SoBeautifulBridal said...

Chicago!! You definitely need to come to Chicago!! :)

Nikkisix said...


VG said...


MrsBaboosh said...

Hi Kandee,

I'm just a girl who wants to get pretty (!) all the way over in the UK, will you be posting lots of videos from your Glaminars as i don't thin the UK's on your list of Hot Spots?!!!!!

By the way the outfit you are wearing in this video is hot, i love the fishnet leggings, where did you get them? xxx

MrsBaboosh said...

Doh, that should have said i don't think the UK not thin - i am on a diet, do you think i have weight loss on my mind! lol xxx

Jodee said...

I'll bring the cupcakes! :P

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