oh the many lives of my hair....
how we've experimented with red hair....blue and green (partly on accident)...every length imaginable from shaved head....to short chin length bob....to boy hair....to Rapunzel-length "climb up my hair"......to finally growing it out from my years of short hair prison...due to the previously mentioned "shaved-head" incident....
a long, long, time ago.....I watched some music awards show...and as I saw Erykah Badu, march down the red carpet, looking stunningly beautiful....with a shaved head....I thought for 3.7 seconds and said...I LOVE how beautiful and confident she looks with a shaved head (and, think how fast I'll get ready!)....within
1.4 minutes.....I was in the bathroom with all my hair fallen....into the sink
the best part was walking into the restaurant where I worked at the time...and everyone looking in awe (AKA horror at my hair...) ha ha ha ha
and after many accidental "trims" which turned into "head shaving #3"....I rejoice at feeling my hair on my back in the shower, again!
BUT I will tell you this...you feel a certain tough-ness, when you have no hair....like people were scared to talk to me....ha ha ha....and people thought I was just this fearless brave-hair-wearer! SO to all my ladies going through chemo or anything where they don't have all their long locks (yet!)...know that I wore the no-hair look too....and I loved it! I admire a woman with a shaved head (whether by choice or chemotherapy)...because it takes a lot of guts to bold and strong and say "this is my face, with no hair to hide behind, this is my soul shining brightly through my eyes...and I am strong and I will get through whatever challenges are before me....a little think like long hair doesn't make me a woman.....my heart and soul does!" (thank you Evelyn for bravely rocking you beautiful shaven head at the Glaminars in NY...I just thought you were one stylish sister!!! I am so proud of you...huge love...kandee)
Travel with me as we walk down kandee's-hair-of-the-past.....

I think you look nice in blonde !
Blonde really suits you! I think you should go back to that length and colour...its the hairstyle I have ;-)
Jen xx
WOW!! You are seriously, one of the most beautiful people ever!!!!
you are so beautiful......I love reading your blog....and watching your videos.....you are realy so special....I love your stile.....
the very first photo is amazing. you remind of sharon stone but you have much more warmth and that ''something'' in you. you've got some charisma there girl! ;)
When my mom got sick, she shaved her head to avoid "being like a damn cat" as she put it. She totally rocked the bald head thing, and went out in public with nothing on her head. I totally admire her bravery. Unfortunately the cancer is what killed her, but even at her wake we didn't have anything put on her head to hide the fact that she had no hair. I agree: bald is beautiful. But then again, she also always envied my hair, which is partly why I keep mine long and don't plan on going short anytime soon, no matter how many times my son yanks on it. :)
omg. i usually prefer brunettes, but i must agree, i love this blonde ambition look on u better! u look so funky yet sophisticated!
I love this post - you look so cute with short pixie blond hair! I have experimented with my hair a lot over the years too, and I find while I love how quick I get ready with short hair, I always end up liking myself best when its long.
You look really cute with the short blonde hair!! I tried blonde once..just washed me out. So, now Im back to the dark brown I was hatched with!
OMG! My jaw dropped when I read you shaved your head!
Hello, Gorgeous! I cut my hair ear length in a style of Edie Sedgwick and then when it was growing out, I styled it by teasing the top and lots of hairspray in a style of feminine Bowie look. I felt so gutsy because everyone else had long hair. And then I see your pictures. You totally kicked my butt! [Applause].
Kandee-- your hair looks awesome in the growing out stage. I love the wrap and the blonde. You look like you should be on Americas Next Top Model!!
Have a great day :)
I can honestly say that you look SO stunning no matter how your hair is! You are lucky to have the most beautiful face and structure that can literally go with any cut! What a true beauty you are, kandee! xoxoxo
what is your natural hair color? i ask because mine is dishwater blonde but i dye mine about as dark as yours is now and it's a PITA to have to keep doing my roots because it grows out so fast! how do you keep your roots looking lovely and not grown out of the color???
this reminds me of all the hairstyles I've been through. Lovely blog! Very Inspireing.
Thanks so much for sharing your great "Hairstory" pics. Seems like you can rock any hairstyle you want. Lucky You! XOXO
Beautifully written from the heart. Thanks for blogging this. It hits close to home. I watched my bestfriend's hairstyles change almost weekly as she was battling cancer. No matter how she was feeling, she always wore a beautiful smile. I'll never forget her smile!
you are way cool kandee!
haha, your hair styles are so different but, you look beautiful in every one!
love you!
Kandee you look amazing! If it short hair or long you look so beautiful!
I wanna see "pregnant Kandee" pics!!!!
this just show's your versitility...you are strong,beautiful, resilient. I admire you for being so. I did those highlights in the front too! I thought I was so cool, haha.
You are fabulous <3 <3
_ Sahr.
so beauty
Oh I've seen your yellow ring in your older videos. I loved that so much. So sad that you lost it.
Keep it real! You are great!
Oh Kandee, I can totally relate to the bad hair cut turning into shaved head.... that was me at age 16. Went from a Molly Ringwald cut with bad perm/fried hair to shaving it all off but an inch on the top and dyed it black!
I think you look great with any hair color! I do remember you mentioning (maybe you were joking?) in your "how to blow dry and straighten your hair" video (lol nice description I know!), you said your hair thinned out b/c you didn't have money for food in a point in your life and you were really malnourished?? What happened? Share! :)
P.S. I'm subscribed to you on youtube, you're great and so fun to watch! Keep it up :)
Pretty faces with small features and a narrow jawline look fabulous with short hair. Your certainly no exception to the rule.
You look beautiful with short hair!!! Thanks for sharing the pics!
You biggest brazilian fan
you still look amazing short hair or not! i love u kandee, very inspirational <3
Awesome pics Kandee, but just wondering - where is your cute little mole?! :P
Kandee you look so cute with all the different hairdo's! My hair has been long for quite sometime now, but has been super short too. My mom is going through her second round of chemo now. The first time she shaved her head at the first sign of thinning hair, and the second time she left it alone and found it didn't fall out! But she likes her wigs so much that she still wears them. Love my strong momma, fighting her fight. Love you too Kandee...you sweet soul! ~Nina
very inspiring kandee! i went through chemo a few years ago, and despite the fact that i bought a beautiful wig, i never wore it, and preferred to walk around proudly with a shaved head, there's something very liberating about it, and even with longer hair now, i KNOW i am not afraid of people to see my face as it is, with no hair decorating or framing it, or whatever. this gives me confidence :)
I think the last photo you looked like you would have had a P!NK hair do. You look really cute as a blonde!!
Hey Kandee!
I just wanted to let you know that you have really inspired me. I had to write a essay in my english class last week, and I chose to wwrite about you and how far you've made it. You can email me at pnkcali09@aim.com and I'll send you a copy of it. :]. I have a request also. Homecoming is coming up and I've been dress shopping. I came across a picture of a model and I loved her makeup! I'm not able to post a picture but maybe you could google it. "Landa Prom Dresses - Style G528".
Thanks a bunch!
Ok, so i've never shaved my head. But i have had just about every cut and color imaginable. Does that count? hahaha
Oh, and i love all your different styles. :)
You have such guts to rock the shaven head and even more WOW that you suit it your just one of those people who can rock any hair style or colour!!!
Do you have any photos of you as a red head I am dying to see !!
Love you lots kandee xxx
I love that black and white photo of you with short hair. You look so classic, so much like Jean Seberg in Godard's film "Breathless". And you remind me a lot of my mum in the small black and white.
I always had long hair and last year in November cut it jaw-line short, out of nowhere. Two thirds of my hair gone and I laughed with delight when I watched it go. It was such a liberating experience.
Recently, I was seeing someone who I found out had two girlfriends and, well, there was a lot of drama there and a lot more afterwards and now I just feel like it's time for a change. When I saw your picture, I knew it. I always want to change how I look to forget past events and this is brilliant. I would have no where to hide, I would have to be strong with this cut. I would have to completely and utterly embrace who I am.
I read an article somewhere where a women says how after she cut her hair she no longer got as much attention from men and this discouraged her. I think that's crap, she was probably insecure in her new hair. I think any look can be pulled off femininely as long as it's done confidently. And who cares about what "men think". I'm going to do this for me. Because I think it's beautiful.
Thank you so much Kandee! <3
Kandee- you can rock any look-short & blond, long & dark, just gorgeous.
When my mom was going through chemo for breast cancer (the first time) I had long hair down to the middle of my back- I cut it off & donated it to Locks of Love to be made into a wig for cancer patients. i ha my hair about 1/4 in long-it looked great! and it honored my mom, we grew our hair back together.
I felt strong, and even though she didn't win her second bout, I knew she felt my support and love.
You are beautiful with all this looks and make ups..I love the photo with 16!!
I think that one day have to shave my head, i cant die without do this!
Kisses kandee,you´re awesome:)
Hey kandee, you're so beautiful! How is it possible that somebody's this beautiful AND sweet and warm hearted at the same time?!
you look beautiful with every type of hair! I think all the hairstyles suit you, short ones in particular ;)
You look so beautiful! You've got that "something" :)
.. I sometimes feel like you resemble a brunette Jennie Garth... maybe how your mouth is set? Not sure. Either way, you're a classic beauty
I just want you to know that you are VERY dear to my heart, though I don't know you. My head is shaved at the moment (this is my 3rd time, not necessarily my choice), and my beautiful friend did a photoshoot with me on the essence of beauty (with wig and then wigless) right here:
Though this has been a hard time in my life, being shown how beautiful I was has truly helped me... as have your AMAZING, incredible videos. You are truly a gifted person with SO much light to share. I wish you all the luck in the world, Sweetie!! (Oh--I did my own makeup!)
Wow, I had no idea you're that heavy into...or just felt so passionately for your...hmmm, how do i say it? You're not so much a makeup artist.. you're like an image consultant too! Best of luck in all you do, little lady!
Oh, my fav look is the first blond pic on this post :)
With your short hair you look like the actress Sherilyn Fynn. It looked great on you!
wow. you are beautiful with any and every hairstyle. i personally like your hair now, but you would look lovely with any cut. you are very inspiring. keep up the good work.
xo alyssa
i love long hair on u :)
The short hair you look so nice. ¿never think to come back to wear short hair? you hair its beautifull but alvays its good chance of look. Sorry for my bad english im from Barcelona (spain).
Congratulatión for your two chanels of Youtube.
The short hair you look so nice. ¿never think to come back to wear short hair? you hair its beautifull but alvays its good chance of look. Sorry for my bad english im from Barcelona (spain).
Congratulatión for your two chanels of Youtube.
hey kandee ...
i just wanted to start off my saying that i love u .. i watch your videos all the time . i just wanted to know if you could do a video on how to do make up for blue eyes to make them pop . please and thanks
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