Time: 3:54 am
Place: my little, round and black kitchen table....gold chair with black & white striped seat
Who: me...still wearing the 80's Jem (and the Holograms) make-up I put on for another costume "glameo".....
What: me tapping away at my keyboard...you think my laptop would've burst into flames by now...poor thing runs non-stop....I edit til 4am...back on this bad boy around 10:30am....and then I'll be exporting on it while I sleep.....
I wanted to tell you how just reading your comments encouraged me so much...that people actually want to hear the words that my heart wants to share....
And a special shout out to LIVELOVELAUGH.....your message brought tears to my eyes.....
and to TIAHNA....oh...same thing.....everyone's comments mean the world to me....!!!
The beauty doesn't lie in a perfect life.....the beauty lies in the places where holes of imperfection have been made....they are like little bowls to hold all the beauty and strength that you gain from all the hardships...
Happiness is quite contagious....let's spread some happiness to everyone....smile at your teacher, give your little ones some extra compliments and lovings....tell your boyfriend/girlfriend they are the best looking thing you've ever seen...when you wake up....hug all the people you love in your house...and if you are by yourself....tell yourself how wonderful I think you are....ha ha ha ha!!!
yes, Barbie was plastic...but she made little girls happy...sometimes the silliest things make up smile....so here's to old memories of barbie days...
have the most beautiful day......in your heart...!!!!
here's a little break from your day...with me and Barbie!
enjoy- I hope it puts a smile on your face...
:) Yay Kandee :) Its midday here so im here :) xxx
Kandee, you inspire me sooo much! Thank you! I found your videos at youtube, and you have such a positive and optimistic personality. You can make ppl happy! :) You gave me a lot of positive energy through your videos and i realized that i really should not take everything so serious. That i shoudl enjoy life, that i should be happy, that i should smile more! - And so i do now. :) And i am more happy with myself. I found mylself. :) Thank you so much! You really inspired me with your amazing personality. :)
Have a happy weekend and i send you greetings from finland in north-europe! :)
Kandee, I just want to give you a HUUUGE bear hug :) I can't! I'm in Europe, miles away from you! I disvored you (that's sounds like Columbus America lol) recently and now i can't imagine my mornings without you. You are really inspiring and fun. I can't say anything new to you that you haven't heard before i guess... :D Just thanks for beeing :)) Muah!!! :))
Oh kandee, your so beautiful inside and out!
I love watching and readying your videos and blogs everyday. I promise.
youve been such an inspiration. and because of all your kind words and your story
you've made me believe in myself more so Now i have re considered Beauty courses and am starting to apply
thanks so much kandee!
sending my love from Australia
You are smart and kind and hilarious. The beginning of the Barbie video had me laughing out loud. Thanks for the sunshine you bring to my day!
Greetings from Finland! :)
I found your videos from Youtube, from there I found my way to your blog.
I just have to say..I love your style, your energy, your happiness, everything.
Every video makes me smile, thank you for that <3 Keep going sunshine <3
Probably my favorite look so far and I'm really looking forward to the cleopatra glameo! and we all really appreciate the time you put into these videos!! thanks! :D
I love that look and i might do that for halloween...not spooky enough, i know but you look sooo beautiful and different too!! haha
Thanks for doing that for us Kandee! You're the bestest of the best!! :))
<3 Dani
Beautiful as usual, Ms. Kandee, I think this is my favorite halloween look, and the jessica rabbit one. I wish you hadn't sped through the eye blending part though, because the technique is what makes it look so awesome :)
Hiya Kandee,
please please please please please can you do a video for makeup from Tim Burton's The Corpse Bride. It is such a cool film and in my 3rd year of my Costume Production course I want to make the entire outfit so to see how you feel the makeup should be like would be fantastic! xx
You make me want to be Barbie for Halloween! Whatever I am, I'm going to adapt this look to my costume
Kandee -
Just stumbled across your blog. You are Amazing! What a kind and fun heart you have. Thank you so much for sharing your words of encouragement, beauty tips and your life. Yea!!
You made me laugh so hard today! Love you and your vids!
christina aguleria makeup...what she use on her blush and eyebrow and eyes lip.....i love you kandee...i give you 5star always in your all video all the day...
I love these costume tutorials! I think the best part is when you get into character. Did you ever take acting class or are you just naturally so funny. This Barbie is the best one yet. Love em!!
Those lashes are AWESOME!!!! The whole thing is awesome! I love how all your costume make up looks even better than the REAL characters! Big thumbs up! It's kinda funny how when people think "Barbie Girl" they thing 'stuck up bitch', you put such a wonderful outlook on it: she DID make girls happy, she had what she wanted because she DREAMED it :) and made it happen for herself, and she just looks so nice, how could you not want to smile in her presence?! You're so right, happiness is contagious, and a smile speaks HUGE words...I'm so glad I can smile way every day and watch how it affects those around me...happy people make me happy too, it's so fun to reciprocate! LOVE YOU! SMILES & HUGS!
I can't wait for JEM!!!! I grew up on her and can't wait to see what you do - just so everyone knows all the episodes are posted on youtube if you all are having a nostalgia attack!!
Thanks for being the sunshine in so many peoples days and being able to be funny and silly w/out being self conscious. You are such a great role model for young women!!!
Kandee thanks for all the tips!! your theBEST!!!
Much love from Texas!!!:)
I'm so happy you chose to do the Barbie look! though I don't really like barbie the make up and everything is fantastic, and way more accurate than what MAC did for their commercials actually!
And you're still as funny as ever with those interview, even showed the vid to a friend that didn't get a word of what you said but she laughed bad (she was almost crying at the chubby bunny vid though~ haha)
Thank you tons for everything you do, have a wonderful day~
Much love
Hey kandee love your videos. I get so many compliment on them. You rock.
Sending you love from Ocala fl
Hey Kandee! Back on 9/16 you posted your I Love the 80's video and I didn't get a chance to tell you how much I love your style. I have a pair of star earrings I call my Gem earrings... sometimes when I shop I try to look for "Gem" inspiration. Can't wait for the costume glameo!!! Thanks for the beautiful words you give us. Kandee you are truly truly outrageous! :)
Sorry meant Jem
Kandee I watch and love all your videos...your are so inspiring!! I give this one 2 thumbs up! also im thinking about being a pirate for halloween i would love to see a video on that if u have time..thanks again, i look forward to all your videos!
I loved your into in the video & I like your "barbie-hands" :D
Oh Kandee, I really needed this. Thanks for all of your hard work and having so much fun while you teach us things. Thanks for just being yourself.
I'll be honest, the last few weeks have been extra rough for me. I've dealt with depression and with migraines and back problems for years. The last few weeks all of those things have come together in a way that has just made me feel sad and lethargic and questioning a lot of things. Tonight my emotions have been all over the place.Awhile ago I started crying and just couldn't stop. The kind of cry that when I was done I actually found tears in my ears. No kidding.
I finally got around to watching the Barbie video and within a few minute I was laughing and smiling. And I started to feel better. My problems haven't gone away. But I was able to clear my mind for a little while and just relax and try to settle down before I go to sleep. Thanks for being like a supplement of Valerian root, Kandee. :-)
I LOVED Barbies when I was a girl. I have a pretty good collection of Barbies packed away in some boxes. They were all I really ever wanted for my birthday or Christmas when I was growing up. Let me tell you, I was very excited to get the Barbie Townhouse for my birthday one year. It was a really big deal for me. Just getting A Barbie was a big deal. So, to get a Barbie house...Whoa! We didn't have a lot of money back then. But my parents never left us feeling like we didn't have what we NEEDED. I'm glad for those days - I grew to appreciate gifts! Like Barbie's Townhouse. A few years ago (okay, six) when I turned 30 I actually got a new Happy Birthday Barbie at my 30th Birthday party and was so excited it and my friends laughed at me. But I put on my accompanying Barbie Tiara and was happy. Thanks for having some Barbie fun and doing the Barbie hands and getting the Barbie song stuck in my head and making me laugh. And making me want to order a blonde wig and wear lots and lots of purple eyeshadow and get some reeeeeeeallllly pink blush.
OH! And! Did you hear? A LIVE ACTION Barbie movie is going to be made soon!?!?!?!?! It's like the girl version of the GI Joe movie. FUN!!!! I wish all of the Kandeeland-Ites could get together in one theater wearing Barbie costumes and watch it together. ha ha!
Oh. And. ONE MORE THING. Is your Barbie dress one of your tutus that you bought on Melrose???? Girl, I so know it is!
Wow. I left a really long comment. Oh well. "Come on Barbie let's go party. Oh oh oh."
omg ur barbie "laugh" cracked me up - luv it!
Hi Kandee! LOVE the Barbie look...and everything you do! I noticed that you used the MAC Penultimate liner for this look. I purchased this a couple months ago and have been less than thrilled with the uneven application. It appears to go on very well in your video though. It made me think that maybe mine is defective. Just wondering what you think of the product...
Thanks for all the super great videos! I look forward to each new Kandee makeup adventure!
i thought this video was really cute and something i would do for halloween, but i wish you can post on your blog or somewhere the colors that you used for the blending part for your eyes as well as the lip colors. i couldn't catch some of them because of the fast forwarding :)
Your vids are very entertaining! I look forward to doing the poison ivy for halloween. Did you do a Jem video? If you did, I can't find it. If you didn't, you should!
I LOVED this tutorial! Thanks so much!!!! I actually got super inspired and poured out my make-up bag and went to town to see if I could try it- and it ended up HORRIBLE! :( I looked like a drag queen gone wrong-haha!! :-) I'll keep watching your vid's AND keep practicing! haha! THank you for all the time u put into these! I bet its a TON of work- all to inspire others....THANKS BUNCHES!! <3
I just had to make a profile to tell you your so amazing!! I came across your videos on youtube and was like wow!! shes good and so happy it rubs off.This barbie video was so cute i luv wen you talk about ken..lol Then all your looks are awsome!!I tell friends and family about you as if i knw you..lol im always checking up on you to see whats new. Keep up the good work=0) I may not keep this blog or have a youtube account but im still a fan waiting to see what next!!and luving it so keep it up and stay sweet!!
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