Thursday, September 24, 2009

Barbie Dream Girl & Your Dream Life

(yes!!! this is the next "glameo" (like a video but glamourous! ha ha ha)

Hi all you beautiful, precious people!!!
Barbie was just a plastic doll...but she had her "dream" everything...dream house, dream car....dream get it!

I want to encourage each of you to listen to the dream inside you...
you are the only one in the whole world with the everything inside you to accomplish those dreams! Whenever you do something you enjoy and know you can be good at're using your gifts! No one else hears the song that plays in your heart like you do...if you ask 2 people to paint the same sky, each one would be unique and different...just like the one-of-a-kind, voice that speaks inside of you....there will never be another have something the world has never seen!
If you feel like you will never accomplish your dreams because:
you're too young or old
you don't have the training
no one else believes in you
you've never told anyone
you're a single mom
you have kids
not out-going enough (I used to be so shy in school!)
a girl or guy (and it's not an area they normally work in)
you don't live where you need to be
you need to make money
you're not seeing the results you want
maybe your heart is frustrated...and you feel like you might as well cry and mourn the death of your dream!
Well I want to tell you.... DARE TO DREAM BIG & BELIEVE...imagine yourself living that life of your the uncomfortable steps to get something worth every ounce of hard work you devote to it!

I've had sleepless nights because I was working so hard (gosh, I was up til 6 am editing my Queen of Hearts video...ha ha ha)...I didn't leave my house for days at a time due to working on my projects...didn't go hang out with friends...
I've made phone calls that made me so nervous
I've asked people questions (about helping me)...that took me so long to get the courage to always was worth it 10 times over!!!!

Here's a quick inspiration:
I have a friend who is a camera man (he is also very young-under 25) ...he called one of the biggest agents for everything in Hollywood (Oprah is with them if that tells you anything)...
he called them everyday...4 times a day, for like 2 months....until they finally sent him the script he wanted (to direct)...(this does not happen normally!)...he got the creators consent...and big name actors want to be in it....
He said..."What do I have to lose!?! All they could say is no.....".....BUT eventually they said yes!

If it feels impossible...know that God specializes in making the impossible...HAPPEN!!!
I am a perfect example...who would've thought a single mom with 3 kids...would be able to take care of her kids....and do what she loves...and become a precious part of people's lives...and encourage them from her little house!?!

I love you and all your precious much...sometimes your comments put the biggest smile in my heart...and sometimes they touch me so much I leak all kinds of tears... thank you for sharing your love with me!!!

Now go out and DREAM BIGGER THAN you EVER HAVE.....decide that nothing is going to stop circumstance.......God loves when you dream, because He put that dream inside you! And he has a track record of making things that looked impossible, become amazingly possible!

I love you dreamer!!! You are fabulous....wonderful...and full of talent waiting to be set free!


Barbie said...


Jane said...

i think you are an amazing person!!! reading your blogs every day just makes my day better and brings a smile to my face:) i really love you and your works! you are a great role model to me. thank you for making all my days happier!
greetings from Estonia!:)

Lisa said...

You are a very sweet and special person. You give the courage to all that thought it was impossible. thank you.
I came accross you yesterday on You Tube. I was looking up how to cut a 80's shirt style. That is were i meet you for the first time. one way ofcourse. I have read every thing you put on your blog and you tube. You are truly a special person. cudos to your sucess in life. It is truly heart felt. you deserve all that comes your way. Lisa

Unknown said...

Your AWESOME! I stay at home with my babies too. There is nothing better!

MACupBytOr said...

Your the best motivator ever! You should be a mentor or something! YOur amazing and your words of wisdome and encouragement compels me! Thanks Kandee.

xoxo, tOr

Make-up by Ereny said...

Kandee, you are amazing..thank you so much for your sweet words. =]
We love you too!

Ruby Woo said...

Gosh you just made me cry ...Love you Kandee and I love your soul <3 you are the most special and beautiful person in this world...I wish I could hug you ...Thank you for your time and for sharing your amazing talent with us ! LOVEEE YOU you amazing awesome dream women <3

M said...

Girl, you are A-M-A-Z-I-N-G. Really beautiful, inside & outside. Thanks for the kind words, you always make my day with your blog, your super funny videos, your brightness, your smile! I wish you the very best! I have nothing but love for you =) Thanks a gazillion times!

Olga said...

Thank you Kandee!!!! You're videos are sooo funny and I like how you teach. I was wondering if you could include in your halloween videos how you would create a ladybug or bumble bee look... can't think of any character like that.

Megan Page said...

THANK YOU Kandee!!! thank you sooo said just the thing i needed to hear today..i have a hard time trying to nail down exactly what i love doing and how to do it in order to make a living..but i have the determination and the will to make a way..i just get side tracked sometimes and discouraged sometimes..and lately i have been discouraged but what you said really helped me and i will probably come back and read that several times over the next few days to keep myself up..thank you again!!

LoolaHoop said...

You are the biggest inspiration in my life right now I love your kind words and your kind heart I wish I could come and live in America so I could meet you! I can't wait for the Barbie Glameo! I love my daily fix of Kandee you never fail to brighten my day!!

lckystrz3 said...

You have to be the coolest person alive! I bet being around you is a trip (in a good way), your always so happy and kind. Thank-you for sharing your insight with the rest of the world. You ROCK!!!

Anonymous said...

This truly touched my heart... thank you Kandee! I love what you do for all of us!!! xoxo

katherine said...

kandee you are so one of a kind, you are a truly beautiful woman otside and the most important inside, i just keept refreshing the page to see if you post anything new, cuz everything you post make my day better.
Thanks for those beautiful words, you were my inspiration in this makeup "world". THANK YOU for beeing just you :).

Pug and Sue said...

3 kids? I thought you only had 2! That just means your awesomeness in your offspring is divided 33.33% instead of 50/50. :D (Okay, that was dorky. Sorry, haha. XD)

Glamour Diaries said...

you have a heart of gold kandee

Unknown said...

What you said was what I needed to hear and made me tear up a little too. Its exactly why I love you and enjoy you so lift me up when I feel down. I just lost my job and hate the thought of taking on another stupid job...ugh! I sooo need make my heart sing...just wondering how to do that now.

Thank you for being you Kandee! Your beautiful inside and out!


nalumoni said...

no Kandee, YOU are fabulous!

Unknown said...

It always seems so hard to comprehend that we can GO OUT and MAKE OUR LIVES what we can't them to be! I am back in school now for something I am passionate about (interior design), and sometimes it feels so hard and overwhelming, and I think so many other people are already successful, will anyone really want little old me? But YES, YES THEY WILL, because when you put your soul into what you do, other people notice and want a part of that! Thats what your posts always remind me, just when I start to forget. Thank you with as much sincerity as I have.

MandyZ84 said...

Kandee you are such an inspiration! It is so easy to just push your dreams aside for all those reasons you listed, but it's because of people like you who encourage others to reach for the stars and accomplish their dreams. If people didn't dream big we would not have some of our most loved actors/actresses, musicians or you! So thank you for dreaming and sharing your gift with the rest of us! Love ya!

CherryBlossomRain said...

Kandee I wanted to thank you. I have been having the worst time of my life right now. I'm from Ohio & my husband just got stationed in New Mexico so I haven't got anyone close by that I can talk to regularly. We don't have a car so I can't seem to find a job right now. I'm not in school anymore but I'm supposed to go back in January & I don't even know if I want to persue the same degree anymore so I just wasted about 10,000.00 in student loans & two years of my life. I don't get out of the house much but when I do it's typically for a very short walk or out with my husbands friends. I'm not comfortable with my weight right now because my metabolism has changed & I've put on some pounds. I seem to be falling in & out of depression & it's causing problems with me & my husband (who happens to be my high school sweetheart & I don't want to imagine being without). But this post right here & quit a few others that you have done are making things alittle easier for me to deal with. I'm slowly picking myself out of that hole I let myself slide into (which if you knew me in & of itself is a suprise. I've never let myself mope about anything.) I just wanted to say thank you & tell you how much this post meant to me. I hope you're day is as good as you just made mine. :)

Andreea said...

Well this was really inspiring!!! I don't know if someone ever told you this, but THANK YOU FOR BEING WHO YOU ARE! THANK YOU FOR BEING KANDEE!

Juicygirl... said...

Your amazing Kandee all my love from not soo sunny Ireland xoxo

Unknown said...

You are very inspirational. I love reading your blog not only for your makeup tips and tricks but also for your words of wisdom :)

I have a question for the next time you do a FAQ... I have very oily skin on my face, it seems no matter what I wash with or use, it doesn't make a difference. Is there anything you can recommend? I know it won't ever "go away" but a way to tame it would be nice. Also, would the Alba Un-Petroleum be good or bad for my skin considering it's oily? Thanks kandee! Love you!

Unknown said...

i loveeeeeee you kandee....ooooo yeeeeeee...barbie yes..... i love sexy makeup....please do haifa makeup...haifa

Anonymous said...

Kandee, I couldn't agree with you more! when at times you feel you can't anymore God can! if your dreams don't scare you they are not big enough!!! we need to DARE TO DREAM, & DREAM BIG!

Karrie Welch MUA said...

God made you very special kandee. You have a heart big enough to touch the world. we believe in you, thank you for believing in us.

Diana said...

Thanks for that!!

Can't wait to see how you did the Barbie look!!

Heidi said...

Oh Kandee-- I like you so much. You're so real and you're bright like the sun to so many, especially me. You do make up tutorials, but you do so much more by being open and honest and always full of belief and hope.

When I started reading your blog a few months ago, I really needed it. I'm young (24) with two babes and another one almost done cookin'. I have had the toughest summer of my life and you have been one of the only bright things about it. Knowing that you too are a Mommy and that we're kindered in that you love make up, art, fashion, hair, ect too, made me feel like my life was bigger than I gave it credit to be. I could be a mother and who I dreamed of being all at the same time. Right around the time that you wrote about the contest to visit a reader/viewer, I was considering writing you just to tell you how much you'd meant to me this summer. I'd read about your kids and your attitude towards them and had been thinking about Kandee when the going got tough, so-to-speak, in being a Mama, and was SO encouraged by you in such a personal way. I mean, what's more personal than being a mother? Anyway, I didn't write because I didn't want it to be like I was writing because of your contest-- I really wanted you to hear my heart and know that you've been such a bright part of my life lately. It means so much to me.

Anyway, thank you for everything and I really hope that you keep up with this blog and YouTube for a looooong time! If you're ever in Austin, I super hope to meet you and give you a huge hug!



Lyv said...

You are so inspirational and positive and am so happy I came across your videos....and now I'm following you on your blogs! ... :) I love it!!!!

kujawianka said...

as usual your beauty comes from inside out :))) all the best xx

Raqueld said...

I swear Kandee your insight on others thoughts amazes me. Your a mind reader for soo many of us! Where did you get your crystal ball honey cause I need one!! LOL Sometimes when Im feeling low or unsure I go to your videos or blog to get my mood fixed its like virtual xanex..Instantly my mood is boosted and my outlook is brighter and I hear your words go thru my head whenever I start to doubt my abilities and I am reassured so for this I THANK YOU a million times..Much Love to ya!! Just another Kandee fan!!

Unknown said...

Kandee, do u have perm on ur eyes?
Thanx for answering)))))

Verlow said...

I too am a young single mom, only of one. You are SO inspiring and honest and awesome really! I love to watch your vids and read your posts. I haven't had it as difficult as you in life, but sometimes I do feel like I'm never going to go anywhere or do anything that really matters in life. Reading your posts and hearing you talk just makes me feel like I can do anything! Thank you SO much for being you and I've started to try and make myself look better too thanks to your tutorials! Keep it up! God bless you, he will reward you!

Unknown said...

I know it’s off topic but could you do eye lifting or anti wrinkle make-up? Or at least give few tips how to make face look younger. My mom loved your hair and I know she would love this too (she is blonde and blue eyed). It's important because you made me feel beautiful and confident and now you do the same to my mom. I watch her making her hair and make-up and I see that she feels good and confident again. She asks me about new tricks and sometimes we watch your videos together – it’s so much fun then.

Please, make my mom shine again – it’s so pleasant to see this!

Hugs & kisses from Poland,

I wondered that makes you so special and I know it now: it’s paradox but you are unique because you’re so… normal. That makes you REAL, people see that they can be just like you, they can succeed if they try. I think people live it, I love it!

YourFriendMichelle said...

Thanking you for making me believe that I can follow my dreams.
You're such an inspiration :)

Anonymous said...

aww Kandee you're so sweet! you are surely a wonderful and amazing person and anytime i read your blog or watch your videos i feel better coz you're such a positive, kind and happy person that make people feel more self confident with their selfsz :)
from now on i've decided i'll start to believe REALLY in my deams hopin they'll come true!
don't you ever stop believig Kandee!!
with love, hugs and kisses *__*

Dawn said...


You are such a gorgeous person and you have a gorgeous heart! ; D

Thanks for keeping it real!
I love reading your blog so much and I appreciate the things you have endured and persevered through to get you where you are now - being a positive example for all of us and a breath of fresh air to the makeup industry!

I would LOVE to be an MUA someday and you totally inspire me that I CAN do it despite what others {or even myself} might think!

Thank you so much!

Unknown said...

gosh ... u're such a great person!!! I don't even know you ... but the words you say touch my soul, so thank's for that :) You're very special :) Love ya!!! xoxox

Unknown said...

THanks Kandee...i needed that

Michelle said...

You are just a little beacon of sunshine! Thanks Kandee for all your kind words of inspiration.


You should have your own TV show!! Seriously, I'd totally Tivo that.

HST ink said...

I needed that today, thank you. I enjoy your videos

Unknown said...

You're great!I love your blog so much!:) Greetings from Poland!! (again;) I'm not the only one who lives in Poland)

Kristy said...

You always make me smile Kandee.. You are amazing. I have 6 kids.. 5 with my first husband and now 1 with the current husband.. and thing are very crazy.. i have always wanted to do make up .. I got my esthetics licence thinking that was the way to go but then learned little makeup now i just am raising kids and would love some imput on how to get started doing wedding makeup.And make money doing it any help would be great.. I worked for 5 yrs and about 17 months agao had a new baby and learned my place of employment was going under... now i need a new start and really need the funds one income with 6 kids is not cutting it.. Please help Kandee. Thanks Kristy

Unknown said...

Thank you Thank you Thank you. Your on going support for all our dreams and your continued love is amazing and makes me personally feel stronger - like I can go out and follow whatever my dreams are, because I've got at least one person in the world that's believe in me.

I hope that you know that we all support and love you as much as you love us and we support your dreams and believe in you

Petrichor said...

Can't wait for Barbie video! Kandee is the best!

Anonymous said...

Wow this put a tear in my eye... Hope you are right!
THX your not just beautiful in the outside but especially in the inside!

Sarah said...

I think you are put here for a reason- and yours is to put Joy into people's lives. Especially mine. You are an amazing person and I think everyone would want to be like you. The fact you have 3 kids just means that you are going to spread your positivity onto them. The Law of Attraction... What you put out, you get back. And I definatley see how what you are getting back- kindness, wealth etc. You INSPIRE ME KANDEE!

Grace Mathis, Beaumont's original beauty geek said...

Kandee...thanks again for the encouragement you give us all. You are a blessing and inspiration!

cyntharella said...

Thank you Kandee, I needed someone to tell me that everythings going to be ok. i've been crying all day, and have been feeling so lost. i recently quit my job to persue a dream of mine, which has meant that initially i will take a pay cut. This is my first week at the new job which is an hour away from where i live, and my car has broken down. i dont have the money to fix it, and im just feeling so stressed. but your words have given me some hope, so thank you so so much for that. you always make me smile and feel good about myself.

Hyo said...

Hi Kandee I read your post for today and I have to say it was so inspirational and it really spoke to me. Your simple words were uplifting and just what I needed to hear. Thanks Kandee and God bless. x

Samelevennn said...

You're such a beautiful and positive person. Thank you for being you.

Jillian R said...

Thanks Kandee, that was so wonderful to read after the day I've had. I sent you an email earlier today on facebook, maybe you haven't read it yet, and it feels so good to have that kind of encouragement and support when it seems like I don't get it from anyone else. You truly are special and beautiful, inside and out!
Jill in KY.

Dipsy said...

Hello Kandee! You're an amazing inspirational person for beauty and mind! Another greeting from Estonia. :) Yay!

Joss D´Aismont said...

i love you too, your a cute vainilla cup cake inside my heart! ehehe =)

abby said...

You are such a positive spirit! Keep doing the work you are doing. You are making the world a better (and more beautiful) place! Thank you for all that you do.

Anonymous said...

Kandee!!! You're amazing and beautiful! You are loved by many... thanks so much for being a happy little part of all of our lives... it's so nice to get cheered up and encouraged by you... you're awesome!!! :)

X3HiLD said...

i love you kandee you are an amazing makeup artist and i watch your videos everyday i cant wait for the barbie tutorial yeyyy. keep up the great work <3

Peach said...

Kandee, you totally made my day! Thank you bunches!

Chloe said...

I love you, Kandee! Your blog and videos always brighten my day and you inspire me to keep dreaming! :D

sarad4 said...

I check your blog every day, especially when I feel crappy because I can't help but smile when you give all of your love and super great sayings like telling us to have a sparkly day, and being so positive, it really does make me feel better. people like you are my favorite because you just are who you are despite the harshness in life and are going to be happy and make it that way. just thanks! also the Barbie look is way rad.

sam said...

your awesome, i would like to see you do eithier jane from new moon or the white queen from alice in wonderland

divergedmom said...

Wow! I just found your videos on youtube last week. I didn't know you have 3 kids. I do too. I think I needed to read this. I have been down all day and this seemed to lift me up a bit. Thank you. I wish I knew what my dream was. I had one back in high school. But I don't know if I still feel as passionate about it. But much love to you! You'll go far I know it! God Bless!

sadiya said...

aw. ur blog today made me all teary-eyed. thanks.

Unknown said...

Much love. So encouraging and motivating!

Unknown said...

You jus Made my day way better then it already was. You are a big inspiration to everyone that watches your videos and reads your blogs : )

.... said...

Kandee!! You are absolutely inspirational!! I love your personality and how encouraging you are!!! It is very hard to follow your dream in a world where money seems to be of most importance! Keep inspiring people!! Your personality is so contagious! Take Care!

katie said...

kandee you are so encouraging and amazing, i want to be a makeup artist so bad. when im at school, its all i think about, i doodle about it, i talk about it, and its my passion. i help all my friends with their makeup all the time and it makes me so happy. thank you for believing in everyone, you are the nicest, most beautiful person alive!

Kyndal said...

That is so sweet of you Kandee! *tear**tear* I have tons of dreams and you made me so excited about them! The only thing I get hung up on is "How" to make them come true. I want to be a sing er but I have no idea what style of music i like best or can sing best, im not even sure I can sing that well! haha and I just don't even know where to begin :\ But your encouraging words made me tear-up and gave me a lot of confidence. I'm sooo happy for you that you are doing what you want with your life! You help everyone with your videos and always put a smile on my face! Thank you, Kandee!!

KnitPastis said...

Fantastic show of your artistry skills! Such a range. Can't wait to see the more classic version Barbie.It was nice to come on here and read what you wrote on this post from your heart. I had a grueling day at the doctors. Just wanted to ask you a few questions if you happen to know about B vitamins in higher does and the best way to get yourself back from being malnourished. Thanks!

cccookidough said...

Kandee, thank you for inspiring me! It is so hard to admit my dream when it is the opposite of what my parents expect of me/ want for me, but you are giving me more and more courage every day!

Keep the videos coming, girl!

taraaa said...

Hey Kandee,
Just an idea, but I think you should make a post about some of your favourite songs. Your taste in music is really good and when I hear one of the songs that you've used previously, it always brightens up my day a little. :)

A 70/80's look would be fantastic :)

Tiahna said...

hi Kandee!!!

i cant help but be in love with the words that you write, your amazing and your so inspirational..every time i read your blogs its like your speaking to me, telling me exactly what i want/need to hear!, i wish so badly that i had someone like you while i was growing up, and even now as im still growing (im 22), and the way you talk about God, its amazing too, the passion you have for everyone to go after their dreams, its rare to find people like that now a days..but you give me so much hope! i come home after work everyday and i have your blogspot as my home page so i can see and read the wonderful things your heart tells us! thank you again and a million times more for sharing yourself with the world!!


Unknown said...

you are a huge inspiration. and i truely appreciate you! :)

Anonymous said...

you're amazing kandee! :D
i've never felt so encouraged for such a long time! you never fail to make my day and help me believe in myself! you're such a blessing! im so glad i found out about you! :D

Anonymous said...

Kandee, I want to say thank you. You are a huge inspiration to me. I have always been the outcast and never really put myself out there untill recently. I have two older sisters and they are both young mothers like yourself and have made bad turns in their lives and I have always been afraid to have fun in life and enjoy the smallest things in life. Recently I could not afford to go off to college and I decided to take time to search for who I was and I came across your videos and later your blog. They changed who I was. I changed my hair and made it more 'funky'I own pieces in my closet that I thought I would never own in my life. You inspired me to act my own age and not fear anything. My dad wants me to go into the Marines or the Army, but that is his dream and not mine. I almost went to the recruiting office but when I got there I just kind of sat in the car and pulled away. I did a few of your makeup tricks and I felt truly beautiful for the first time and I realized I wanted to do that and recently I finally told my dad that I wanted to be a makeup artist. He said something I will never forget and that is that he was proud of me. Something he never said even at my own high school graduation. He was proud of me, because I finally stood up for something I wanted and not what others wanted from me. So thank you Kandee you are truly the best.

Sorry for the lengthy comment. I loved the Mad Hatter look by the way. I am in love with Alice in Wonderland and wanted to be the Mad Hatter for Halloween and now I can thanks to you. I love ya Kandee. :D

Anonymous said...

I love this look, so BEAUTIFUL! I'm going to combine it with my fairy and make it . . . .. FAIRY BARBIE!!! lLolLs

Unknown said...

Thank you Kandee! I'm excited about the Barbie look!! I'm changing careers so your message hit me at the right time cause the self doubt is creeping in sometimes. God Bless you and your family!

ReynitaBonita said...

hi Kandee you are a beautiful person all throughout! its like you have spoken to me directly! I love you for it! you inspire me to be a happy person and just enjoy life... and believe in my dreams:) sometimes i have rough days and whenever i come to your videos or blogs or I am always smiling afterward. You are my inspiration and you have been a huge role model ever since i started following you:) I am so Glad I came across one of your videos because ever since then I can truly say i have slowly changed to just be HAPPY! Life is too short to always be fighting or angry or nervous.... these past couple of months have been challenging for my boyfriend and I but we have been working through our silly fights for nothing... it really is a waste of time to spend time fighting! whenever i feel myself getting frustrated at the little things.,, i think of how you have been through so much and have come so far and you always have a genuine smile on your face. :) Thank you

dgfdg said...

kandeeeee <3

you are seriously awesome!! i was just surfing youtube and happened to see your video on a megan fox tutorial and absolutely loved it! ever since then i've been hooked. haha.

there's a lot of make-up artists out there who seem to just focus so much on outer beauty but your personality and just the way you are... seriously stands out.. thank God for not making you not just another pretty face, but a woman who's beautiful inside and out.

Christophe said...

You know how to make my day so special everytime I read or hear from you Kandee, thank you for everything you do, weally! Plenty of hugs and kisses~

*~kAy~* said...

Thank you so much for reminding us that we can do it! <3 you are so inspirational! <3 xoxoxox

Unknown said...

Reading your posts always makes me smile, I work in an office in the UK and sometimes when I am bored I look through your posts and it instantly cheers me up x Also I have bought some pluswhite to try on your recommendation and it arrived today! Sooo excited!

Heathersworld said...

I needed these words of encouragement more than you know. The tides in my life are very high. God sends people like you to help keep my boat, afloat. It's always the little words of encouragement, and the big one's here that help make a bad moment seem tolerable. I was in that bad moment last night hurting over the bad situation my 14 year old son is in. Kids our our world and it is often hard to remember that God is taking better care of them than I ever could.
Keep up the positive energy and if you ever get down, you have all of us to help you. Never hesitate to let us see your rough days. You have a huge group of people that appreciate you each day.
Thanks for the smiles.
Heather from Mid-MO.

L said...

thats very inspiring...thanks so much...i hope to meet u one day :)

Crystal Rae said...

YES.... I'm so happy you did this one. YAY!

The Mintuit Mother said...

You said your mom helps watch your kids? You are so blessed to have the resources to live your dreams! I'm 23, a single mother, and I don't have a sitter... My mother pretends I don't exist, I don't have any grandparents, or friends who are willing to watch my 2 year old so I can take a breather once in a while! It's extremely frustrating. I am temporarily living with my dad, but he is so exhausted from work that I don't even ask if he could watch Galilee. I couldn't. He works loong hours. Anyway... I'm just frustrated. My life consists of school and my daughter. My boyfriend (bless him... he is so wonderful!) and I hardly EVER get to go out on actual dates becuase we're babysitter-less. I used to have so many hobbies... I used to paint, go to the beach, visit equestrian centers... and I feel like I let my ex-husband take that all away from me. Now he's hardly ever here to visit his daughter and I'm left with all the parent duties. My wonderful boyfriend has done all he could to step in as the father figure and I am so thankful. I just wish I could grasp a bit of who I once was...

I want to congratulate you on your accomplishments. The Lord has His hands over you and your children. You have been greatly blessed!

maffio said...

THANK YOU!!!!!! for your kind words! It seems as if they just spill from your heart as if you werent even trying! It really did feel as if you were speaking directly to me, instant tears! I didn't even know I felt that down until I read your words. Thanks again, I wish you and your family all the best in the world!
AND...please dont ever change when you become an international household name celebrity! I can already tell you will soon...

Yelena said...

You are one of the most fabulous girls ever! I love you!!

Jessica Marie said...

Kandee! I know you'll probably never see this, and even if you do you probably won't reply (seeing as how you always get thousands of comments, but... I love you! And I look forward to your blogs everyday and your Youtube videos. They mean so much more than you know. =)

nep said...

did u just say ur a single mom with 3 kids?????????

Crystal said...

KAndee I love love your videos!!:)
You are by far the best ive seen.You are a very talented person:),Iwatch your videos and they always put a smile on my face.Thank for all make-up tips ive really learned alot and now buys alot of the same products you use!!!!thanks
Much love alwaysCrystal
By the way can you do a video on a sexy witch makeup tutorial??

Dana said...

Hey Kandee,

Thank you so much for writing this blog post- it totally inspired me to continue to go for my dreams.

I really admire you for doing what you love and I want you to know that you always make my days brighter and happier. Thank you for being so cheery and always smiling (which of course makes me smile too).

Keep on doing what you do, encouraging others to be their best selves, and bringing happiness to so many people.

You are amazing,

LOVE said...


Anonymous said...

Hi!I'm an italian girl, and I really love your videos, your words, your world. You've got something deeply special inside, and please, don't change and don't stop smiling as you do. (sorry for my bad english,,). I don't know if you'll never read this but sometimes my life has been hard, everyone has something in life that hurts. My boyfriend left me one months ago, "it could happen", they say, but the pain is so strong..but I want to fight, on monday I'll leave this place and move to another one,. I've found a new job, hope everything gonna be alright. Well, I want to thank you, 'cause even if I don't know you in person, you gave some smiles in my life. And when my friends are sad for some love problems, I always tell them "Do not allow anybody to take your smile away". I wish you the best things in life. Love,

Sadan..♥ said...

You completely Summed up why i dont know if i cud make my dream come true!! Thnkoo Kandee, Youve just made my day, Well technically night Thnkz for the inspiring words :) xoxo Sadan

Anonymous said...

Kandee! just so ya know your like a star that shines a little light in everybodys life...your amazing and your laughter is infectious :D

► KIMBERLY V said...


songirl22 said...

Kandee Kandee Kandee.
I've started reading your blog everyday in addition to watching your youtube channel. And I'm really glad I have. There's something about you that is very very special; something a rare few people possess: the true ability to make people smile. And what's amazing is that that ability is able to be captured on camera. You're silly. You're fun. You're smart. You're witty. You're goofy. You're informative. You're playful. You don't take yourself too seriously. And this seems to be the person you really are, not just an act for a video. With each video it seems like the "real" Kandee comes out more and more and it inspires me. I haven't always been shy but it's been a part of my life for a while now. I don't go out, I don't have friends. And yet watching your videos and trying new make-up ideas makes me want to go out and show off my new work. Your knowledge and your happy vibe have the ability to move people and that is such a special gift that you have chosen to share with the world. Please don't stop. While I'm far from posting my own videos (I'm a musician) I feel that I'm getting closer. And know that it's mostly because of you. If Kandee can put herself out there... why not me. If Kandee can dream big... why not me. If Kandee can inspire people... why not me. Your a very very special woman and I'm sure millions of people who watch you would consider you a friend. I would be elated if I could do the same. So keep making people beautiful. Keep making people smile. Keep making people laugh. Keep making people try new things. Keep being your beautiful self.
(And you know I'll keep sending requests :)

Naz (Make It, Bake It, Create It) said...

Hi, Kandee! I just found your make-up videos tonight! They're all SOOO awesome!! I'm so happy to have found them...I can't wait to see the new ones you post! :-) Thanks for being such a bright light to all those who you touch! Just putting a smile on someones face can make it ALL so worth it! I'm so happy to have found someone who thinks the same way I do! :-) Thanks again!!!!

SparxRichie said...

Okay, so you know how you will wake up one morning and realize everything in your life has changed? It happened gradually but for some reason it took a long time to realize it? I came to New York to be a designer and somehow in that tangle I found myself as a retail associate for a international shoe company. I don't hate my job but I felt for a long time that I was a failure because I was noooot living my dreams. In that time, i kept looking for other things to fill the void, to make me feel better about my choices- that i was NOT a failure. In March a co worker challenged me to do leopard print eyeshadow, something she had glimpsed on some girl at some club, I was surprised by my ability to replicate the look, and also realized that makeup was something that I could do! But not only that, that the passion i felt for it, was something I thought I would never feel again. I watched aloooot of videos on youtube to teach me the fundamentals, but everytime I feel like failing, like giving up, letting go, you put up something encouraging!Im a 25 year old woman from the Caribbean, and I say wow we have such very different lives and very different stories but I felt so compelled to tell u THANK U and i mean that. i wish u the warmest and deepest success.

Unknown said...

i love you so much and i think you are so beautiful and true inspiration keep up the good work kandee

Anonymous said...

Wow, I cannot believe how sweet and inspirational you are! Thank you for the wonderful videos and kind words and just for being so positive.

I am a SUPER shy person, so when I read this post it really hit close to home. I am going to school to be a costume designer for theatre, and would love to exude the confidence and positivity that you do! Any tips? :)

Unknown said...

heyyy i love your videos i want to reqest a russian doll look for a party and a fun bright spring look thanks alot !!!

ps im a girl!

Unknown said...

heyyy i love your videos i want to reqest a russian doll look for a party and a fun bright spring look thanks alot !!!

ps im a girl!

Unknown said...

heyyy i love your videos i want to reqest a russian doll look for a party and a fun bright spring look thanks alot !!!

ps im a girl!

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