Thursday, August 27, 2009

a song for lil' ol' me!?!

this beautiful lil' lamb....wrote a song for ME!!!!!!
she is from Australia and has a beautiful voice....

I'd like to introduce you to Sara is her "kandee" song....
thank you so much Sara...I am so honored that I was dancing around in your mind while you came up with this song!!!!
Huge Kisses.....Kandee


Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

awesome i hope she takes off!

niea999 said...

I just listened to the song, after I read your twit about it, and wow, this girl made a funny vid, and has a pretty voice and.. and.. a fan song, this is so sweeeeeet ! ❤

Beautiful You by Laurie Lombardi said...

haha so cute! i love it...

"Kaaaandeee you are bitchin'."

Anonymous said...

I love it! How sweet!! :)

Anonymous said...

very cool!

CottonCandyCastle said...

Thats so sweet, amazing! 8D
Three cheers to you Sara, great work and you are sooo beautiful, awww :)

Bird Girl said...

I go to uni in Australia with Sara... as soon as she told me she was writing a song about you, I was so excited, and knew you'd love it! She's such a sweet heart, and so increadibly talented! ^_^

Aliona said...

Very nice!=)

petitderriere said...

hehe =P

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


laury83 said...

Hi everyone!!
As this one is a post for music lovers... I would be the happiest girl on Earth if any of you watched any of the videos in this youtube channel, hehe!
These are some of the shows the dance company I'm in have done in the past. I'm looking forward to add some more videos soon.
We do contemporary dance, so it's not the most popular of the dance styles, but behind every piece there's a story told with no words but full of feelings :)

Thank you all!
Hugs and kisses from Madrid xxx

laury83 said...


Jennifer Coomer said...

That was so super sweet and fun! And you're so cute!

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