Hi guys!
I got a sweet-summertime-shape-up-deal....for ALL OF AUGUST!!!
John: owner of Nutiva- that makes my fav HEMP SHAKES
called me today to say he's doing a FOR THE LOVE OF KANDEE sale on all the HEMP SHAKES!!!!!!
Shakes are normally $21.99 US DOLLA's......but they are only $9.99!!!! when you buy them online....at www.nutiva.com
Kandee's Favorite:
Berry Pomegranate (you can blend it with a frozen banana for a milkshake texture or 1-2 pitted dates)
SIDE NOTE: So I can look slim and trim for NY...I am drinking 1 shake for breakfast and lunch....and I take a swig (a tablespoon or so or hemp oil or coconut oil with it too)...some of the skinniest people in the world eat lots of coconut oil!!! It's amazing for your skin...you can even put it on your skin as a moisturizer...it is naturally anti-microbial and anti-fungal...so it will help prevent breakouts and make your skin look awesome...you can get it at nutiva.com too...
(and just so you know...I do not make any money off of this...I just want to pass on some goodness to everyone!!!! who doesn't want to look and feel better!!!!??)
If you want...tell John I said Hi and thanks for offering this to ALL the KANDEE FAM!!!!
here's to a trimmer us!!!!! xoxo kandee
oh here's the video where I talk about it too..if you wanna take a gander!
How do you stay motivated? I mean, with things I like, it is a no brainer, but when it comes to working out I go with it for a couple days then I lost all motivation. I'd like to be in shape and all that but, when you have zero motivation it sucks. Ah well, I would love to try it, but I have no money! It sounds delish!
Much love
I like that stuff...I've tried the chocolate and the berry. A little grainy but good. However the jar is kinda small for the price and can't really afford to drink it twice a day or really every day, since I drink soymilk and that is kinda expensive too. I like spiru-tein drinks a lot too!
Oh yeah...just for reference, if anybody is thinking about buying it: if you buy the shake online, it's about $6 to ship it, so you'll pay around $16 for one jar. One shake takes 4 tablespoons, so if you were going to drink two shakes a day, you'd go through one jar in 4 days. Or 8 days if you just drank the one. But if you can afford it by all means try it, it tastes pretty good.
Cool- I just ordered the Nutiva ® HempShake™ Berry Pomegranate- and coconut oil-
Thxs Kandee
Hey I know this has nothing to do with this, but I dont know your email, can you at least let me know if you plan on doing another glaminar after the New York one, because unfortunatley I wont be able to make it and I am so so so sad, because I want to be there!!
Nutiva coconut oil is my fav. it's so good for you!
Your so great Kandee.. I'm so going to visit the whole foods store tomorrow! Post more videos soon..
oh man I was going through all your videos in a craze trying to remember what shake brand it is you drink! and wow hahaha... I really want some, but I don't really want to pay for shipping I wonder where I could get it at a store... i'll look around. thanks for the information though!
Awesome! I like the regular hemp protein with flaxseed. I just add some chocolate rice milk, a banana, some aloe vera (for all its goodness), coconut water, a few cubes of ice, mint or cinnamon and my multivitamin and I’m good to go!!
I also love their coconut oil! It’s great for cooking and to use as a moisturizer!
I put 2 1/2 Tbs. of the hemp and 1/2 tsp. of the maca....its less grainy and the stuff will def. last you longer. Oh yeah, and i get mine at vitacost.com since its cheaper with s+h :))
isn't it bad that you're promoting the idea of "looking thin"? i mean, alot of girls are benefiting from healthy things like this, i understand, but some other girls might get the wrong idea and use other methods to "look thin".
I thought u just might want to clear things up and not promote the idea of being skinny, and rather, focus on the idea of being healthy and drinking hemp shakes.
just purchased the hemp shake from... www.iherb.com ! it wasn't as cheap as nutiva website but its free shipping and it ships to New Zealand too which is awesome!! yay can't wait! i love it that u share ur tips & what works for you! oh and please don't sugar coat things coz of the above comment.... (who doesn't want to be skinny) :S
alot of girls suffer from eating disorders because role models talk about their weight. I know kandee is healthy and is promoting being skinny in a good way but alot of girls will rely on other remedies to gain a certain image.
just saying.
I tried the chocolate one -- it's a little grainy but good. I mix it with frozen fruit and rice milk!
I just bought two 16 oz jars and the coconut oil on nutiva's website for $16.98 and that included the free shipping.
The order originally came to $31.97and i used "EATHEMP" coupon code and $14.99 came off the order.
Hope it works for you guys!!
See you at the NY show.
I just ordered the berry one - i'm going to try it out - i'd like it for a dinner option - so we'll see. i have lots of frozen fruit so hopefully it'll taste yummy with that. but it is a bit on the $$$$ side for an everyday thing.
Just bought two jars of the Hemp shakes and cocunut oil. But I had a few questions, Do you take both oils at once and how much? Can you use skim milk fro the shakes? Thank you som much and you are a great motivator!
i LOVE the shakes, especially the chocolate one! i also thought the shakes were grainy and hard to mix, but then i found the Blender Ball shake cup at Sprouts-it is awesome and super easy! you can learn more about it and buy it here
I just went and bought more from the nutiva website-the shakes are on sale for $9.99 with free shipping with orders over $30.00 and if you enter EATHEMP in the coupon code box, you get $15.00 off your entire order! 3 cans of shakes for $16.00. awesome!! kandee you are such an inspiration-i look forward to all of your videos!
wow! thank you for the coupon code! i saw this product in wholefoods today but thought it was too pricey and i wanted to hear more reviews on it and led me to you! :) thanks kandee!
aww too bad.. Ive been checking these products out since you posted up your video about your diet, but I live in Canada :(. I dont know where to find them here,. Maybe when I visit the states Ill try to look for some. hehe. and woooows youre doing bigger and bigger things everyday. stay beautiful hun :)
Hi Kandee!
You need to put every week some motivation video here!
I was visiting my family at Sacramento at July (I'm from Finland) for 2 weeks and I got 4 kilograms (8.8 lb) back! I'm sooo sad that I let that happened, coz now I have sooomuch more to loose. I need your help to make it! :)
Thanks for this Kandee. I love that his sale name is the same name as my video response to you "For The Love of Kandee" :)!
I just bought me Some!!! thanks kandee!
I keep telling myself I'm going to order the hemp shake but I never do. I HAVE to this time :P
I snagged two Berry Pomegranate mixes and some coconut oil! :D :D
It's horrible with dairy milk! I was really hating this stuff till I got the Almond Milk... now it's actually yummy! 8oz Almond Milk, 1 Banana, 4Tbs Hemp Shake mix in the blender - pour it over ice and drink thru a straw... YUM!
Hi Beautiful! I want to thank you for being so sweet and let us all know your GOOD LOOKING secrets. I have read all comments and think that SOME people are taking your message the wrong way. "She is not promoting to do anything wrong just to be skinny", she ANSWERED a request from a lot of viewers about how she keeps herself looking HEALTHY, young and beautiful!.Some people INCLUDING ME, decided to do the same and went and bought the NUTIVA shakes. KANDEE PLEASE let me know how you eat the Coconut oil, just a spoon in your mouth or any other ideas?. How is the taste of the coconut oil?. I also read, that someone commented about HEMP SHAKE ACAI that taste really bad, not knowing this about all 3 shakes for $30.00. Does anyone have an idea for me to be able to drink this shake?,can I return that flavor if I do not like it?.One more thing KANDEE, since most of us really listen and get inspired by you, maybe one day you can do a motivating video to help people to do exercise :)...Thanks to all people who wrote comments and THANK YOU KANDEE for letting us know your beauty secrets.
To the girls who think that Kandee is wrong in promoting being thin - there is not a problem with wanting to be thin and in shape, it is good that she promotes this because it motivates people to start working out and eating better. If girls develope eating disorders, that is sad, i know, but people really need to start taking responsibility for their own actions and wants, and if they feel horrible about themselves because they see other people promoting something like being thing, they need to not take it as they are a slob and fat and ugly, they need to focus more on something like, " wow, that person is beautiful and thin, but thats how they choose to be, i choose to be how i am, and i am just as beautiful." confidence is key, i dont believe it is at all a bad thing that people promote being thin, it is just motivation, and being thin, is one of the steps to being healthy. To prevent eating disorders, we shouldn't stop promoting thinness, but also promote self confidence.
Hi, Kandee
I have been comparing this to the Hemp Shake, can you tell me if you have ever tried this one: Nature's Plus Source of Life Energy Shake
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