Get out your ice cream......because I have the scoop!
Are you ready!?!
Guess who's going to be on The Today Show??????
A. Rachel Ray
B. Megan Fox
C. your KANDEE!!!!!
If you picked C...then you are the smartest kid in the class!!!! hee hee hee
HOOOOOORAYYYYYYYYYYYY......Can you believe it!
looks like I'll be trotting on over to the Today Show on August 11th!!! (insert Kandee jumping up and down that I get to type that I am going to be on The Today Show!!!!!!!!)
(insert Kandee doing cartwheels and I'd say backflips, but I can't do them, so maybe just somersaults! ha ha ha ha)
I've been hoping it woudl be true....and didn't want say anything til' I knew it was more official!!! So here I sit at my kitchen counter...instead of shouting from the rooftops...I'm shouting from the countertops! ha ha ha ha
I will be taking you all with my via....video! You'll be butterflies on the wall with me!!!!
....xoxo your little Kandee (like I'm your harworking lil' kid...ha ha ha)
That's awesome Kandee!!!! Cant wait to see you!!!
Wooow Kandee, that's sooo great!
And so soon!
I'm really happy for you
Your so great Kandee and spread so much love and positivity this is no surprise for me! Just the start of so many good things for you and your little ones :) Congrats girl, you made it!
Kandee that is so awesome!! I can think of no one more deserving. You are such an inspiration to everyone and you are so nice! Congratulations! Can't wait to see!
Congratulations Kandee!! I'll try to watch it online since I'm from another country. You go, girl!!
I am so happy for you,how exciting! How do you pick an outfit for something like that...hahahaha We'll all be watching :)
I'm so excited for you, Kandee!!!! That's amazing!!! Alls I gots to say is, you better not forget about us when you get big and famous, ok? What would we do w/o our doses of Kandee to keep us looking sweet???
Ok, that was super cheesy. Sorry.
But seriously, congratulations to you!!!!!!!
YAY!! That is so awesome girl! You're the best!! I am going to definitely be recording that.
COngrats Kandee! Thats so great!!By the way I have my mom watching your tutorials now! we went to a party yesterday , she said Look at my eyes, they are a Kandee look!!!
Congratulations, Kandee!
Congrats girl!!! I can't wait to be a part of it and see it all!!! LOL....xoxoxox
Congratulations! Can we ask what you'll be doing on the show? Will you be doing a tutorial or what? I always watch, but I'll make sure I tune in that day. BTW, I love the pic in this post- you totally look like the cat that ate the canary :)
Wow that is awesome Kandee, well done! =)
YAY YOU!!! Can't wait to see it! You should do a behind the scenes youtube video as well...it would be fun to see how it all works behind the scenes.
That's amazing! Please let us know when it will air so we can DVR/Tivo it! :) This is so exciting!!
Wow thats awesome!!....and exciting! :D
Much congrats to you! I'll for sure be watching :D
That is amazing news. I'm in the UK so won't be able to see it but hopefully you could post a clip online.
woaaah how exciting is that! 8D
Congrats hun, you SO deserve it!
I hope they are good to you there, otherwise they'll be in trouble! ;)
OMG!!!!! I'm sooo happy for you!! you are so great and worked so hard and its all paying off! :D congrats
Oh my gosh kandee that's sooooo awesome!!!!! :D I CANT WAIT TO SEE YOU ON IT I AM SO HAPPY FOR YOU I CANT CONTAIN MY EXCITEMENT!!!!!! :D
Well done! I'm so excited for you and to see the video when its made!
omgg cant wait too see u on tvvv let us no what time and everything els!!! congratzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
yayyyy how fun!!. I'm so glad, you deserve this! You are such a good hearted person, I love watching your videos and I will for sure be watching the today show that day!!! Congratulations!!!
Hells bells! That is so exciting!
Oh my gosh, how awesome is that?!?!? I am so excited for you!!! I'm glad to see that good things are starting to happen for you. I can't think of anyone who deserves it more.
please look at the post labelled 'KANDEE JOHNSON :D'
omgosh girl! many congrats!! u are such a sweetheart and the more I view ur videos, the more I just see that brilliant light shine upon you like someone's smiling down and spreading auras of happiness. hehe. i love that u are such a bundle of energy and happiness and i guess it takes hardwork and determination as well as trials to be able to be where you are now. so very happy for you! congrats again!
That is awesome!!! You really deserve it. So excited for you.
Best of luck
WOW! Im delighted for you Kandee! :)
Congratulations, you deserve this!
Lots of Love and can't wait to see you on the show!
Annemarie xox
When TODAY gets an enormous ratings boost with all of your subscribers tuning in, they'll hire you on for sure!
P.S I hope it's broadcast to ireland via satellite, if not I'll look forward to seeing it on youtube! You'll be so fabulous!
congratulations no doubt you will do great will def check it out via internet in europe so won't see it!!! p.s love the page looks great!!!! love to you!!!! xxxx
Congrats! Cannot wait to see it!
I'm so happy for you! You always prove that dreams can come true and I bet you'll be amazing.
I will definitly send you all my positive vibes and love and prayers for the big day xx
Congrats Kandee! So excited for you. I wish you all the best!
As a makeup artist behind the scenes, or as someone being interviewed on the show...OMG! OMG! OMG! OMG! Congratulations!
OMG Kandee, I am so happy for you! You inspired me to get into the biz of makeup artistry and guess what....I got certified last week!!! Whoo hoo...Love you girl! <3
omg! omg! pls pls video as we won't be able to catch it over here in swingin' london!!! x
Thats freaken AWESOME!!!!!! So excited for you! I will be watching!
that is so awesome!! i will mark it on my calendar for sure to dvr it!! how exciting for you!!!
omg I'm so proud of you and excited!!!! Wow. The show is on cable over here in Australia. Can't wait to see you on T.V!
Congrats!!! That's really exciting!
I am so happy for you Kandee.. I cant wait to see it.. You are truely and inspiration to me. You are an amazing person how do you do it?
oh my god congrats! You totally deserve this, I'm so excited for you Kandee you rock!!
Thats amazing Kandee! i dont think they air the today show in australia but i'll be sure to find a like to a video of you on it! oh my gosh i can't wait, haha i bet you cant either
Wow, it sounds great! We can't get it over here in the Netherlands, but will definately follow your weblog closely!
You can do it!
congrats kandee!!:) cant wait 2 b d butterfly on d wall he he:)xxxxso happy 4 ya hun
CONGRATULATIONSSS!!! that's an amazing thing for you, I'm so happy!. Can't wait to see what you've got to say. YAYYyy
- much love and hugs! Laurie
Wow that's brilliant, well done and congratulations, your children must be so proud of their mum, this is the beginning of great things to come for you I just know it. I'm not sure if you're taking requests for youtube videos but I'd be eternally grateful if you would do the purplely blue eye make up JLo has in Ain't That Funny (the remix) video because I absolutely love it but haven' the faintest about how to go about it. Thanks in anticipation.
Congrats! You really deserve it & I'm going to record it on my DVR :D
You deserve all this and much more that I'm sure will come. My heart is filled with pride because someone i feel so close to my heart, that i admire so much, and that i consider a good and loving friend (even though we haven't met or talked)is reaching those dreams she's been working so hard on! I go to bed with a huge smile of deep happiness for you :)
Hugs and kisses from Madrid!
8/11 - I won't be in school yet... that means I'll get to watch you :) Yay! So exciting.
Kandee congrats! You deserve it because your a fighter in life, you never give up (ur vlog vid) Im soo happy for you. Your great and i hope you always stay as humble as you have because i think all of us that see your vids on Youtube dig that. Congrats again. Your great! And I will most definetely stay tune to see you on national tv! = ]
with love,
OMG KANDEE!!!!! yayayayayayayaayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!
OMG!!!!! I'll be tuning in...gotta see my girl, Kandee!
Congratulations, Kandee!! I am having trouble finding where to sign up for New York Glaminars. Are they full? Thanks.
YAY! Congrats Kandee! I'm happy for you! you deserve it! (:
OMG!!!!!!! CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!!! that is soooooo exciting!!! omg im like super excited for you, this is really great. I cannot wait to see you. yay!!! :) snaps for kandee
YEAH YEAH YEAH !!! Jump'n for JOY !!! You deserve it kandee (Cyber HYE FIVE). Praise God !!! Time to par-teh with the crew: Matt Lauer, Meredith Vieira, Ann Curry, Al Roker !!! ROck on Kandee !!! Thanks for sharing your amazing news !!! Wow, the sky's the limit for you my dear !!!! Grinning from cheek to cheek :) Char
Woa! Kandee! This is amazing! I found you by chance in You Tube and since then, I can't stop watching your videos. You deserve all that success.
Huge kisses from Brazil!
Yay Kandee!!!
I'm so proud of you. Can't wait to tune in on the 11th and cheer you on. I know you will be fabulous.
What a wonderful opportunity....Good for you!!! This couldn't happen to a nicer person. You're a star just shooting through to amazing adventures....thank you for always taking each of us with you :)
My best to you always,
Good for you Kandee! Congratulations!
Congrats Kandee!!! You will do great!!!
CONGRATULATION!!! i am jumping up and down for you too! That is awesome. Good luck!
I will be watching..say hey to all of your Kandee-heads for us!!
Wow that's SO AWESOME!!!!
Congrats Kandee!!!!
Unfortunately I don't have a TV atm but will surely catch a re-run if I see it later on! lol
Remember to keep us updated! =)
congratulations kandee! i'm so happy for you! when are you going to be on?
OMG!!! Thats amazing! Congrats Kandee :)
With Love,
I love all the funny little sayings of yours, cracks me up every time haha. Im so excited! Im so either going to get up early or stay up all night and morning to watch it! awesome!!!!
I just set my TIVO for August 11th. Can't wait! Congratulations Miss Kandee!!!
Congrats Hun! that is so great, soooo happy for you, i'll be sure to turn it Aug 11!!!
Congratulations girl! You deserve it!
Love always,
Hi lil' lady.I'm so happy for you.You deserve this:)!!!
Can't wait to see you:)
Congrats girl! I will make sure to set my DVR!! Yay for you!!! What are you going to be doing?? Makeup, interview, both?? Much love always and congrats again! Laura
I am so excited for you!!! It's super!!! Congratulations xt
JEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEJ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D:D:D
Oh WoW!!! I'm so excited for you...Congrats!!! Thats awesome..you so deserve it..and I'm so watching it..sweet ill be back home..so I can share it with my mom..I"m so excited for you!!!
well done they love a bit of public emotional outpouring
just save some for yourself
Yay! Yay!Yay! Congratulations! That is most exciting! Good luck. Can't wait to see you!
Yay!! Congrats, Kandee--you deserve all these wonderful things! I'm going to try to watch it in real-time (I've marked my calendar!). You're fabulous--congrats again! :)
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