i can't tell you how my heart feels so wonderful to know that what I put out from my past, was received so well and delicately! I've read ALL the comments everywhere....and you have no idea how it feels like the holes of my history have been filled up with your loving and encouraging words....
everyone asked to see my babies......and yes they are with me almost all the time...except when I work ofcourse....my mom has been my ultimate nanny!...I try to tape when they are sleeping so it's quiet....
but here's my little lovies....this is Jordan (AKA J-man, Jojo, J-rock)...he's old..ha ha ha

this is Alani (AKA Lani, Lanzi, or precious)...my little make-up artist
and this is Blake (AKA Blakey or Blaker)
and here's a special video treat....wait til the end...that's my favorite part...and no , not the part where I accidentally had footage of me on the end!!!!
1 – 200 of 209 Newer› Newest»they're so precious kandee! little angels, like my son and my daughter. i guess they're almost the same age as your little man and alani :)
you make me want to share my story too but i'm afraid i might not even finish the story because i'm gonna be in tears. just thinking about it makes me cry.
Well Hi Alani, your very pretty like your mummy and you did the best job with the makeup.
From Liz in rainy England :)
Kandee, Your kids are soooooo beautiful! Alani is a mini YOU!! I bet your kiddies make your life lots of fun! I have a 6 month old little girl and she always brightens my day!
oxoxox Vee from Australia :)
this isss sooooo adorable ms. kandee. i was laughing when she was putting the eye shadow brush on her cheeks and you were like..."on your eyes" and she was like..."oh" lol soooo cute.
you have beautiful kids and i wasnt even aware that you are a mother.
Ohmigod, this made me laugh so much!!!! She is SO CUTE!!!! Aww I just want to squeeze her!!!! xoxo Anna
your children are soooo adorable
and this is coming from someone who
isn't a huge fan of them usually
your oldest, jordan looks like a mini
manly version of you hahahha
it's good to know that there are ppl
who manage successful careers and
still have so much love for their
children <3 <3 seriously inspirational
Kandee I'm new to your blog but let me just say you are such a beautiful and inspirational woman. Your children have a great mom and a wonderful example of what hard work and perseverance accomplishes!
Thanks for sharing your life with us!
Marisol from Los Angeles, CA
Look at those chubby little cheeks! oh so cute! Kandee you are super woman! I bet you're such a fun Mom!
Thank you for showing us your little treasures - I'd love to hear more from Alani the make up artist! :)
They are absolutly adorable kandee! They have a good mommy to look up too.
ahah, and Alani will make a greay make up artist one day.
how cute!!
its a mini kandee!! haha
this put a smile on my face today(:
xox Emma
They are soo beautiful! You are such an inspiration & you have the kindest heart. Thank you so much for taking the time to share your life & knowledge with all of us!
hello Kandee!!
Thank's for sharing your story with the world..you're such an inspiration!!well i have a question,you told about the 2 first kids,but Blake?did you married again? you finally found you prince?I hope so...You really deserve a god men that respect you and make you happy...
Much love and keep that beautiful smile***
thanks for sharing your story kandee. your story is so inspiring : )
Little Lani is so adorable! :)
you really are amazing Kandee(:
Your story touched me so much that words cannot describe. My story has some similarities and hearing yours was the first time I felt like maybe I wasn't alone in my experiences. I had my daughter while in college (studying art but always changing my major cuz I let ppl influence me & didn't listen to my heart). I had her when I was 22 and was a single mom for the next few years..waitressing, bartending, trying to finish school. I continued struggling to find what I wanted to do with my life, what made me truly happy..and I remembered what I loved as a child. I was constantly drawing..I loved drawing faces and ppl. I would create clothes and outfits and hairstyles for them. I also remember watching my mom put on her makeup..she always looked flawless. As a teenager I'd read every fashion magazine I could get my hands on for makeup & beauty tips, fashion, and for the beautiful, glossy pages of photography. So I decided to go for it. Two years ago I started beauty school and was more excited than ever cuz I found what made me feel alive. But I let things get in my way (lack of confidence, relationships, other ppl's opinion) and never finished. While in beauty school, like you, I found out I lived for make-up applications and friends would even ask me to do their clients' make-up cuz they hated doing it themselves! Later I worked at a make-up counter and, although the pay was pretty low, I loved teaching ppl techniques, hearing their stories (for some reason ppl open up when you're in their face for 20 minutes) and making them feel confident and beautiful. During that time I was contracted by customers to do wedding make-up and they loved me just as much as I loved doing it! It was so encouraging..like a ray of light..like something telling me maybe I could do this for a living. That was in the midwest (I was living in LA for college but moved back to be near family when I had my daughter). I'm back in LA now..I thought moving here would be a major turning point in launching a career in makeup..but so far it hasn't. I still hesitate to tell ppl what I really want to do with my life. Everyone knows I'm creative and artistic and love makeup & fashion & art but no one believes there is a future for me in it..especially with a 7 year old (cuz she comes first). I've listened to these voices and thought maybe I should get into something more practical. Then several months ago I ran into your blog while searching for makeup techniques and I loved it! I've visited everyday since. And today, when I heard your story it really tugged at my heart. I've been in abusive situations too, I'm a single mom too, I love art and makeup and making ppl happy too. And I know I'm good..but there are so many things discouraging me. I'm almost 30, all of my family is 2500 miles away..I don't know where to begin getting my dreams back on track. But your story helped me feel encouraged and not so alone in it anymore. And it has reminded me to be positive and smile..something that has always just been part of my personality but that I'd lost the past few years. Thanks Kandee :)
Aww, they are beautiful Kandee!
Thank you soo much for sharing your story...it really has inspired me!
God Bless you and your Family!
what a gorgeous fam fam you've got kandee! must have gotten them from their hot mama :) thank you for sharing the pics and the adorable vid- i can only imagine how much fun your kids must have with you let alone you having fun with them!! besitos, jujujuju198787
OMG This is wonderful...my daughter is 2 and what a great mom you are! Your story is wonderful and good for you! how old are they?! Are you done having kids???!! I hope your successful and living your dreams!
OMG This is wonderful...my daughter is 2 and what a great mom you are! Your story is wonderful and good for you! how old are they?! Are you done having kids???!! I hope your successful and living your dreams!
Hi Kandee,
Lovely picture's of your children, and lovely video!
Thank you for all you do and touching so many lives, I can honestly say you have made me a better person and I am always so cheerful and confident! I've been through rough times like yourself and watching your video's makes me realize family and believing in yourself is all you need and dreams really DO come true!
Lots of love from Canada!!!
SHe is so cute. and she looked so pretty with her makeup on. She has really Beautiful blue eyes :D
They are adorable!
Alani is soo cute, i jut wanna squeeze her!!! Totally a mini you!!
I laughed so much on the pink eye shadow part hahahahahah
I bet they make your days lots of fun!
Wish you all the best!
Bruna from Brazil
your children are absolutely beautiful, just like you! alani is so precious! i loved watching her do makeup, it was adorable! and i can already tell jordan is gonna be such a heartbreaker he's adorable!
your children are absolutely beautiful, just like you! alani is so precious! i loved watching her do makeup, it was adorable! and i can already tell jordan is gonna be such a heartbreaker he's adorable!
Thanks for sharing your story. Alani is soooooo cute. I hope I can have a daughter as smart as she one day...
Kandee, they are all so adorable! You can tell you're such a good mom. I can't wait till my little girl is old enough to want to put makeup on like yours!
OMG!!!! She is too freaken cute!!! Shes a mini you, a makeup artist in training. I could watch her all day! I still give you props again, raising three kids and having a career not easy at all!
Oh my goodness she is so cute!! Thanks for sharing your story with us. Your video was so touching and inspiring. xoxo!
I wanna babysit! :)
thanks for sharing kandee! they're beautiful!
your kids are sooooo adorable!
alani is going to be quite the makeup artist when she grows up! maybe you'll be a mother-daughter makeup artist team, taking the world by a storm~~
you're a fabulous mom!
That was the best! You are so patient and kind, no surprise there. What a cool rockstar family haha! You truly do bring beautiful things into this world and here is living proof.
oh gosh - how adorable!!!! your children are so blessed to have a mommy like you - your free spirit is so contagious! keep up the good work!
Ownn! Your kids are lovely! God bless your family!!
Kisses from Brazil!
what have you done to us today, Kandee? Now I got baby fever! I want at least one such little angel for myself too!! LOL God bless you and your kids because you are all so beautiful and so awesome! Smooches!
Your kids are gorgeous Kandi. Alani will make great tutorials in a couple of years!
omigoodness your youtube video and the one of little alani brought me to tears. Gods love shines out from you and its amazing to watch. I have/had a lot of the same feelings you went had. Im just getting over being shy to tell people Im going to cosmetology at Paul Mitchell even tho IM SO EXCITED!! I had my baby boy at barely 19 (hes 15 months now)and i felt so ashamed while i was pregnant and i felt like all my dreams were up in smoke too. God worked in my life and made me realize he is here for a reason and his timing is always perfect. Now looking back he is such a beautiful part of my life and i couldnt imagine life without him!! You are such and inspiration to me and you and your beautiful little family will be in my prayers. I pray God continues to bless you and those little ones and just wanted to say that your an amazing person and you have touched my life in such an important time! Thank you from the bottom of my heart i hope one day to meet you (maybe at a glaminar)!
With all my love.
God Bless,
Tiffany Danielle =)
So Awesome! I have 3 smiling faces too! 2 boys and a girlie girl...who does her own videos too! She is too cute!!
Thank you so much for sharing your story and being so inspirational! It was amazing and even made me tear up. Best wishes to you and your beautiful kids.
Thank you so much for sharing your story with us. I know there are a lot of terrible, critical ppl out there that will make nasty comments, and thank you for having the courage to tell us anyway. I had no idea you were a mommy.
Thank you so much for all your tutorials and kinda words, I look forward to reading your blog and watching you every day :)
I think I speak for everyone when I say that we all are very glad and grateful to have come to acknowledge your existence and your talent. We can all tell that you're a wonderful person and your DOWNS have brought you to be who are today. Thanks for sharing your story, because I know much of us have a bad story as well and needed to know there was someone out there who made it out okay. =] God Bless You Kandee.
Aww, your kids are adorable!
Your babies are beautiful! Thank you for sharing your story. It's amazing how God cares for the broken and hurting. So awesome to hear how He took care of you and your little ones!
Your daughter has the most beautiful eyes I've ever seen!
Wow Kandee, thank you for sharing! I was a single Mom for ten years with my daughter. I was like you; I put myself through a lot of torture and felt self imposed shame for getting involved with the wrong guy and getting pregnant. I gave my life to God in the years that followed and my life turned around, and my family like your family was extremely wonderful and supportive through those years. I had no idea you were a single Mom when I went to the Glaminars. Believe me you come across with so much knowledge and confidence and expertise in person! I was writing notes as fast as I could to absorb the information. I'm married to a wonderful guy and he's a great step father (that is a blessing in my life) I'm a lot older then you, but am thinking of changing my career to follow my passion and believe me you are inspiring me to do that!! God Bless you. Carolyn (yellow ring person Saturday morning Glaminars)PS All your kids are beautiful! And I love your daughter's video. She has beautiful blue eyes and is a cutie like Mommy.
Kandee your children are soooo cutte! Can alani be in more videos because when watching i had THE biggest smile haha
OMG!!! how cute!!! i just want to eat her!!! shes adorableeee. lil munchkin. she totally beats u in the make up department kandee ;)
Kandi....Just to let you know that you are not just helping and encouraging young women but you are also encouraging women that are a great many years older than you. I am in my late fifties and have raised a large family and have several grandchildren. I discovered you on YouTube as I was searching for makeup tips and I became a subscriber and watch everyday for your videos and read your blog. You have encouraged me so much that it is never too late to sing from your heart and live your dreams. Thank you for fanning the embers from some of my dying dreams. Maybe some of those dreams will be in full flame before the year is out.
Your babies are your greatest gifts. At the end of it all, they are all that we take with us into eternity. God has blessed you with three sweet ones! Alani is so cute I just wanted to reach through the screen and kiss her!
Thanks,again, Kandi for making me smile every time I watch you! I send you my love......Karen
oh my kandee! she is the most beautiful blue eyed little girl in the world! she is sooo awesome i love her! she's your mini me : )
Alani is the CUTEST thing I have EVER seen! She looks like an older version of my baby. I just LOVE her. I had a smile on my face the whole time.
Give a stranger you smile. It may be the only sunshine they see all day.
OMG I was giggling like mad towards the end.... HOW ADORABLE!!!! And yes I usually don't like kids lol
I'm running out of words today but Kandee you're amazing!
Maybe 20 years down the road we'll see Alani on YouTube sharing her own videos too =)
Thank you so so much for sharing your life with us!
<3 from Canada
Oh my gosh, your children are beautiful (just like you!) and the video of your precious little girl had me smiling and cracking up. What a precious sweetheart!
Wow, you're little ones are gorgeous, just like thier mommy! Kandee you are such an amazing person! I'm so glad you posted these last 2 blogs, it really shows who you are and who you are is a great person. My heart is bursting so much that I feel like crying. Much love, hope to see more posts soon!
Beautiful children Kandee. The video was adorable!
Your children are so beautiful...and that really touched me in so many ways..and I applaud you for opening your heart to us and sharing. You are a precious gift to all the viewers and subscribers.And your little girl is too cute love it when she put the pink eye shadow on..reminds me when I was that age in my moms makeup..lol you have a wonderful day..
krystin. xoxoxo
Cute cute kids! Your little girl reminds me of mine. Brown hair and big blue eyes, and the sweetest voice. Man, they are precious! When it comes down to it, my daughter and hubby bring me the most joy, and I think most people are like that, so don't feel like people will think you are a "loser" since you have kids. Kids make you a better person, make you less selfish. They are angels.
Thank you for your story. My past is filled with similar situations, and it feels good to come out on the other side with a grateful heart and a big smile on your face, doesn't it? I admire you even more knowing you have kids and you are living your dreams. I am trying to follow my own, and you have given me much encouragement!
Such a handsome crew you have!
Oh Kandee, the video of Alani is precious! So cute and so funny! She's a doll. You can tell she watches you do makeup...she's figuring it out, isn't she?! So cute.
Your babies are adorable. I love your oldest with the RUN DMC shirt. That cracked me up for some reason :) And your daughter is so darn sweet. And, sheesh, I think she does better with makeup than I do. haha. They're all so precious.
"No on your Eyes"
hahaha she's adorable.
That was SO awesome, Kandee! Thanks for sharing. Your 3 children are adorable and precious, and that video...we have a new guru on our hands!!! (That was soooo cute with the eye shadow!!!) :0)
All you kiddos are super cute! Thanks for sharing your story!!!! You are such an encouragement and I love all your videos!
I think you're the best kandee! You are beyond beautiful inside and out! You are an inspiration to all! Your children are the most precious things I've ever seen! I love the video hahaha it made me smile so big! What a cutie pie!
haha wow, she is adorable! all of your kids are! I cant even believe you're a mom, you dont look like it. the end was cute with the pink eyeshadow. just wow, what a cutie.
Hi Kandee. Ive been meaning to make a video response to your contest although I am not looking forward to win for obvious reasons, I live in Chile and I know that you can't come up here, although I wish you could!
Im embarrassed to post a video. I don't speak english very well. I wanted to tell you a little story...
I've been into makeup tutorials on YouTube for a while now, and I'm always looking for new people, new tricks and all. When I saw your channel for the first time, I think we made instant conection. I was looking and listening at your voice and all I could imagine was GWEN STEFANI (my all time favorite female singer, leader of my fav band ever and my icon... the celebrity I look up to the most!)... so yeah! It's quite funny... even though you have the same accent because of your location, I still think you have a quite similar voice and way of speaking. So, after that, I saw you actually had a LOOOOOT OF TALENT! Not only for makeup, you have talent to make jewelry (and you've also inspired me to make my own), clothes, for fashion, hair cutting... pshh! I could go on for ever. Later, after I had realized about your great talent, I started seeing the wonderful person you are! You irradiate energy from your pores girl! I know you probably shoot your videos at night after work and all, but you are just amazingly hyper all the time. I really appreciate that, and that is what encourages me the most... to be as hyper as you are everyday. I'm a medical student and I am under a lot of stress all the time, which gets me into a really bad mood... and I've learnt (through your vids) not to be like that anymore. So, thank you so MUCH Kandee... I know what youve been through now, and I'm surprised to see how strong you are, and how much energy you have trapped inside yourself. Congrats for that, for your successs, and for pursuing and being consistent about your dreams. You have the most wonderful and beautiful kids ever. Thanks for being so open to us... Kisses from CHILE!
-Javiera jawi_nxdATyahoo.com
OH. MY. GOODNESS. She is so cute! Sweet and adorable! She has such a bright and wonderful energy about her and I know she got it from you, too! Thank you so much for sharing this with us, Kandee! My car just got backed up into today and seeing your sweet angel totally put things in perspective for me now. Thank you so much!
OH. MY. GOODNESS. She is so cute! Sweet and adorable! She has such a bright and wonderful energy about her and I know she got it from you, too! Thank you so much for sharing this with us, Kandee! My car just got backed up into today and seeing your sweet angel totally put things in perspective for me now. Thank you so much!
Your Kids are Beautiful! Such a blessing! And I just wanted to thank you for being such an inspiration to me. I want to truly thank you from the bottom of my heart for lighting that fire underneath my buns to get me motivated to do better as a cosmetologist. I take your advice to heart and wish you the best of luck in everything you do! Thanks again.
Thank you so much for sharing your inspirational story with us and letting us into your life like that. You are forever putting more confidence into my own life and for that I am honored to be able to see through the window of your experiences. You have the most beautiful babies!! I can see you in each of them.
Keep doing what you are doing Kandee because you make all your viewers better versions of themselves. You are the definition of beauty.. not only outside but truly inside!
Lots of love,
Ashley B
Thank you so much for sharing your inspirational story with us and letting us into your life like that. You are forever putting more confidence into my own life and for that I am honored to be able to see through the window of your experiences. You have the most beautiful babies!! I can see you in each of them.
Keep doing what you are doing Kandee because you make all your viewers better versions of themselves. You are the definition of beauty.. not only outside but truly inside!
Lots of love,
Ashley B
Kandee, you have SO beatiful kids! The video was so funny! :D
Hi Kandee!!
Your children are absolutely gorgeous and that was the best makeup tutorial I've ever seen!!! :)
Love always,
cutest girl ever!
Hi Kandee,
I just wanted to say how much you inspire all of us every single day. I always loved to read your blog and watch your youtube videos but after watching the last two it made me so sad but also very happy. Knowing that eventhough having to face really rough times you still managed to find the real you, go and do what you love for a living and raise 3 beautiful kids. And inspire us to do our best at the same time. I was trained as a nailstylist but i didn't do anything with it anymore. After watching your videos the feeling of me wanting to make things more beautiful came back =) i've now taken up my nails again and started to do make up (again) also. Your passion and vibrance makes me want to get more out of life than i'm getting out of it now..!! Dear Sweet kandee you've changed everysingle person that is watching your videos and i know they will help you spread out more "kandee"joy in o this world.
Keep up the good work.
Big hugs and Kisses from Holland
I'll post here what I posted on youtube as ahkg79
In addition I also wanted to say that Jordan looks like a right cool dude! Just like his mom! All your children are gorgeous and they'll grow up as humble and brave and appreciative and strong...just like YOU!
You must be the coolest mom ever! I'm speechless, you are so brave sharing this and i know millions of people have said this already but you really are an inspiration. People won't judge you cos of your real story! You aren't a looser Kandee, you're a winner!! sometimes you have to go through bad stuff to get to the really good stuff, but you know what, it just makes us appreciate all the good stuff so much more and be even more thankful. You know what....YOU ROCK!!! what else can I say lol :-)
awww your kids are SO cute!!! :D
I know that what I say will only echo what so many people have already said, but it's hard to watch your last two videos and not say how incredible you are. It's rarely that watching a video will make me cry, but the one about your struggle really moved me. I am so happy for you Kandee, you are living proof that you can have it all, successful career and beautiful children. Thankyou for being brave enough to live through what you did and then be able to share it with the world. I think people need to hear more positive things like this, your enthusiasm and drive is so infectious. I'm sure at times you felt like being a mum would hold you back from achieving what you wanted but now it's clear they were a big part of what drove you on. They're so lucky to have a mum like you and I just know they are going to go on to do great things with their lives too. From the bottom of my heart, thankyou for sharing this with us. You're a beautiful person inside and out. Lots of Love, Cara. xXx
Kandee, Alani is just adorable, so are all your kids but i think when i was Alani's age i looked alot like her and also loved playing with my mums make-up haha
love always
Alice Raitt
I agree with what everyone is saying about you and how adorable your children are. On a seperate note, can I ask a make-up question? Can you recommend a good (yet cheap) lipstick that makes teeth look whiter? I know magazines say to get one with a blue-tint but I all I see when I look at lipstick is pink, red or burgundy. If you know the name of a NYC, Covergirl, etc color that is suitable for the office, can you share it? Thanks!
Awww Kandee your children are beautiful. Your little girl looks so much like you. xoxoxo
That video was so cute :)! I think you are wonderful and your kids can be so proud over you and happy that they have a mother like you :).
Wish you only more good things :)!
Your kids are so adorable. I think you have some competition in the make-up artist department...lol She is sooo cute!!! You look great after having three kids!!! I hope to GOD I look like you after I have kids :o)
Have a great day!!
Oh my goodness, your little girl is absolutely the most precious thing I think I've ever seen in my life!!! I LOVED the video!! Too cute!! You have some beautiful children Kandee. I'm pretty sure I know where their beauty came from;)
Hi Kandee,
you have a beautiful family! They are very cute, like you...And I just want to say that I love all of your videos, they're simply amazing. You alway does gorgeous make ups !
Good Job,
Camilla from Brazil
Hi Kandee
I think it's amazing how you're putting yourself out there and telling your story. I really felt the sincerity coming through in all those words of encouragement. I may not know you personally but it takes an amazing person to do what you've been doing despite all the hardships. Your kids are so adorable :) I just want to tell you that your love is felt all the way here in Singapore thanks to technology....
All my love & support
Hey Kandee,
I just loved loved your pictures of your babies. They are so so cute!!!
And your baby girl is such a mini version of you, you both are beautiful, sweet and I just can`t have enought.
Love you,
Katrine from Norway
Aww too too cute. You did a great job Alani. You look so beautiful. My 3 yr old Kailey said "Ohh mommy she's putting on makeup I like it" Good Job Kandee the apple doesn't fall far from the tree. Hope to see more videos of Alani showing us her great tips.
Kandee they are adorable.
I bet I'm gonna be watching Alanithemakeupsartist on youtube in a few years haha
& it's good to know RUN DMC is still around!
Ahhhh so beautiful!!!
My name is JOJO too! and if I'm not mistaken your bday is on july 9right? that's my man's bday too.
Your oldest son resembles my son too. he's 6.
great post kandee!!!
love your work!!!!
OHHHHH KANDEE your children are beautiful angels! How lucky they are to have a mom like you! You are very blessed!
Oh my gosh! Your children are beautiful. Alani has the most gorgeous blue eyes, she's going to be drop dead gorgeous (like her mommy) when she gets older. And your boys... watch out ladies! hahaha
That was adorable! She is darling! Thank you for sharing!
OMG Your kids are beautiful!!! Your little girl is so freakin cute in that video!!!
Hey kandee I made this blog bcaus eI feel so inspired by you I want to say to you that I am from spain I am 15 years old and I am a Kandee supporter till the end and my blog is inspired by you I luv you so so much you r my REAl ROLE MODEL i LUV YOU!!!XOXO
Hello Kandee,
Your children are sooooo beautiful just like you.
J-man is sucha a handsome boy... i just wanna eat Lani and Blake.
I love Blaker's pic..he has these naughty eyes n cute smile.
I loved watching Lani put pink eye shadow in the end. She is so so precious.
Thanks for doing this Kandee...
Hi Kandee, I'm from Brazil and I love to watch your tutorials! You are so kind in the way you teach (: Congratulations, girl. You are great!
Oh my gosh what a cutie pie! Kandee you have gorgeous children!!! Your a wonderful mother!
She is so cute. Well, of course they are all cute, but she is like a little...you. She is going to be a handful when she is older.
That video made me smile...she is precious :)
Oh my gosh Kandee your kids are adorable! Little Lani is such a princess, big beautiful blue eyes. You should be so proud! Well done on your success.
PS-You deserve your own make-up range and clothing too coz your style is awesome!! Hope the powers that be take note of this!!
Your kids are beautiful! Thanks so much for sharing your story and opening your life up to us. You are such an inspiration!
OH BOY!! Kandeeee they soooo cute!!!
Loved your little girl doing her makeup!! She already get interest in makeup like her mom! Lovely baby that you have!
Thanks for sharing a bit of your life Kandee! Love you!!
Esther from Brazil!!
Kandee they are so cute. I just loved Lani's makeup lesson! It is so sweet to see her following in your footsteps :) Thanks for sharing this and the previous video. It was just such an inspiration.
Hi Kandee,
Thank you for introducing us to your family - they are super darling! Just like their mom,
How old are they?
They are ADORABLE, you must be such a proud mom! It just goes to show that even if you go through hard times in your life you can still end up getting something wonderful out of it.
PRECIOUS!!! She said "PINK" exactly like you do!! :)
They are awesome and beautiful like you Kandee <3 God bless you all <3
Kandee, they're so beautiful! Just look at it this way, out of a bad situation, something good came out of it.. your babies! Let these little blessings outweigh the pain you went through. The strength and love you show them will affect them greatly in life. Children learn what they live.. life may be tough at times but LOVE erases all that Kandee. That's what I show my babies. My mother went through a lot of trials when we were young, but she kept strong and made sure she showed us how much she loved us.. that's what we remembered as children and to this day, she is the most appreciated person in our lives. That's what your babies are gonna remember.. not the pain.. not the tears. Know that YOU ARE an amazing woman.. and I wish you the best..
omg, there are just no words. I can only hope that I can have babies half as lovely as yours seem to be some day! Perhaps Alani can be your new glaminar assistant?
love and smiles, Rebecca x
They are so cute and adorable.
Hi Alani, thank you for sharing your makeup video, I enjoyed every minute of it. You did a wonderful job putting on your own makeup and you look very pretty with pink lip gloss~
thank you for sharing your beautiful children with us!
Kandee...your children are beautiful just like their Mama! Thank you so much for being an inspiration to me and to others who have watched you on YouTube. I pray that God will continue to bless you and send many good things your way! Take Care,
Donna;) (Toronto, ON Canada)
Aaaaawwwww that was soo cuuuuute :)
You have such cute kids.
Your children are beautiful!!
Alani is gonna be just like you one day- a makeup artist.
I love your videos and I think you're beautiful- inside and out.
Best of luck to you.
your children are beautiful! yay for hip and responsible mommies!!
I am a somewhat new subscriber to your blog & you have some amazing tips. its so cool how you're so sharing with your wealth of knowledge so non creatives (like me..haha) can benefit :)
Soooooo cute- loved the video of your precious little girl- Thxs for sharing - you have 3 beautiful kids!
Hey Kandee!
Creating blog backgrounds has become one of my hobbies, and I thought that I would make one for you! You definitely don’t have to use it, it was just an option in case you wanted to try it out! If you would like to, here are the directions for adding it to your blog.
1.Make sure your blog template is set to Minima (white)
To do this, click the Layout tab (under Dashboard) and then select Pick New Template. It should be the first one listed.
2.Next, click Edit HTML (also under the layout tab)
3.In all of that boring code, look for this: (it should be semi close to the top)
body {
4.Then change it so it says this: (you can copy and paste if you want)
body {
background: url(http://i713.photobucket.com/albums/ww138/rockincornpops/kandeesblogbackground.jpg) no-repeat center fixed #EADCB9;
5.Click Save Template and you should be good to go! If it doesn’t work, you can let me know (maybe reply to this comment?) and if it does, (and you like it) then great! Also, if you decide you want to use it, just make sure to click the Layout tab again, click “Add a Gadget” at the very bottom, and select the Text gadget. Type in Papers and elements from: dreamsinspired.blogspot.com
Have an awesome day! Thanks for everything you do!
Aww Kandee, your children look so lovely! And Alani is so sweet!!! They're so lucky to have such an awesome, strong and beautiful person like you for their mother :)
Best wishes xx
OMG!!!! This is the BEST tutorial yet!! LOL she is the cutest MUA yet! I know it took a lot for you to talk about your life and now to take the time to introduce us the KANDEE-ITES to your children is sooooo amazing! You are an amazing person and mother! Keep up the amazing job! I don't know what I would do without your words of encouragement! XOXO Rocky.B
Kandee, I've been watching your videos and wanted to let you know that you are THE best! Thank you so much for sharing! You're kids are adorable :)
Your kiddos are wonderful!! Thank you for sharing you story. It really is inspiring--to be able to come out of such hard times and still be so positive and energetic about life. i want to be more like you!! I also have 3 kids and it's great to see someone achieving their dreams in spite of the difficulties of raising kids. I let mine hold me back way too much! And you are gorgeous!! Thank you for being such a beautiful person (inside and out) and bringing such beautiful energy into this world!!
You have beautiful children!
Wow you have amazing kids.lol
Life is though, but at the end of the day you take a look around and see those 3 beautiful kids smiling at you and everything that had happen to you and all the sacrifices that you had made is damn worth it.
Keep it up, there is a reason for everything.
omg kandee your kids are soo precious and your eldest son i very handsome ..your middle daughter had one of the most amazing eyes omg to die for literally ...i hope they get loads of happiness, love and inspiration from their amazing mommy ! god bless -mysha
hi kandee, theyre so cutee alani is so pretty i really love her personality, as much as i love yours your a great person you deserve the best!!! thanks for sharing!
Kandee, your kids are SO cute!! I loved Alani's video....she's going to be after your job someday! I can't believe you have 3 kids...you are so tiny and skinny!
Oh my gosh that was the cutest and most precious thing I have ever seen!!! It made me chuckle :) Thank you so much for sharing the cuteness hehe
Your best tutorial yet. Thanks for sharing your loves,life and talent with us.
OMG Kandee! Your loves are precious...thanks so much for sharing your story and them with us. You are truly an inspiration to me, I have an 8yr old son and I always thought I would never reach my dreams either because i was a wife and mother...Thank you so much for showing me a tangible example of what I can do for myself and my fam. I am also a makeup artist and it is my dream to start my own makeup line, move to so cal and live my life to the fullest. I think that is the most precious gift we can give our children! Thanks so much...
Sooooo stinkin' cute! I love the pink eyeshadow at the end- hilarious. :)
beautiful babies kandee :)thanks again for your touching and inspiring story :)
omg...Kandee you have the cutest kids! And Alani is so adorable...loved the part where she was putting on the eyeshdow :)
it's so great/awesome to see your 'mommy-side'!!!! Love her eyes!! Congrats!!
She's SO precious! Your babies are so lucky to have such a cool, encouraging mama!
You're kids are aborable! I love your videos too. I discovered you on Elle acouple months ago. I had a question... what is that remote you use to control your computer? I want to get one for my fiancee. He does videos for his online real estate business. Thx!
Kandee your kids are so adorable! That video was so cute it totally made me smile and hope that I have a little girl one day!
Your beyond inspiring, thank you so much for opening up to us. You help so many people each day and you truly inspire me! I want to tell the whole world about you, your amazing and extremely beautiful inside and out.
Absolutely precious video! Alani is talented, just like her amazing mommy. Your entire family is adorable; the Lord has truly, truly blessed you.
No matter what the world throws your way, Kandee, you have your three little angels to always lift you up.
Hugs to all!
kandee! your kids are sooooo extremely cute! (: i adore them! loves from malaysia :)
Kandee, your children are absolutely beautiful, little angels. You are so lucky to have had your mother help you with them. Nothing better than having grandma's influence and wisdom. Thank you so much for showing us your babies. That was a real treat. Looks like they got their mama's cuteness! Alani is precious! ~Nina
your kids look so sweet!! :)
your kids look so sweet!! :)
Aweee Kandee your babies are adorable! I loves the ending of your video as well haha the whole time i was watching I kept saying, "oh my god she is so cute!" haha
hi Candy-Kandee star !
thank you sooo much for sharing your story ! that should be a hard decision at first, for sure, cause there are so many bad ppl on this world..
But here you are, with this talent and all these fans we are and you were a young mum ? you know what ? I'm pretty sure your babies are so lucky to have a mum like you seems to be ! (you are so volunteer and giving so happiness in your vids !)
I just watched the video and I was just blocked in front of my computer ! your story is so different but also so similar to mine (and I think a lot of people can say at a moment or more, watching it "oh, I know that, this is the same for me !") and finally this is sooooo encouraging !
Thank you sooo much !
I'm in another country actually, with my husband and nobody close to share things with, I feel soo alone, my husband is usually telling me depreciatory things.. I don't understand.. when I meet some 'new friends' they don't tell me the same as he does, he's so negative. It's really hard to take it, alone everyday. Hard to work and everything and I know he'll almost not helping me..
my god, I'm not sure it's a good idea to share that here, sorry guys !!
well, I wanted to say that when I feel really really bad, watching one of your vids is giving me a dose of happiness and my stomac doesn't hurt so much anymore.
thank you, Kandee.
thank you a lot.
I hope tomorrow will shine on you ^^
(and.. excuse my bad english !)
aww!! ur babies look so cute!!!
Thank you for sharing your family and story with us. You have unbelieveable courage and strength! Thank for always taking the time to encaiurage the rest of us. You really do make things a little brighter :) Take care!
That was the most gorgeous thing I've ever seen. I kept thinking "how can this possibly get any cuter?" and then came the pink shadow... WOW. My heart is sore from smiling so much. A true beauty inside and out, like her Mama.
She is absolutely adorable! I love the pink at the end.. she looked so cute. Such a beautiful little girl. You sound like you're a great mom.
Oh my goodness! They are so cute Kandee. Gorgeous like their mama! If you can touch my heart without even knowing me, I must say they are the luckiest kids around. I hope you always keep your sunny disposition. I really gets me through (I know that sounds totally corney, but in all honesty it's the truth).
They are so so cute and precious and beautiful Kandee!!!You're blessed with such beautiful, adorable, and talented children...
I was laughing when she put the pink e/s and then said those words and sentences... Awww!! She gonna break some boys heart one day when she grow up!!.. Cute kids!!!
OMG Kandee, that is ABSOLUTELY fabulous! They are so precious and your little girls is amazing! She's going to be a wonderful makeup artist when she gets older (as if she's not right now!). I bet you are a fantastic mother. You have such a wonderful spirit, that I bet your children reflect that as well! Thank you so much for sharing them with everyone!
What a cutie she is!!!!
All your kids are beautiful with amazing smiles...says something about their mom!!!
Have a nice night Kandee!
kandee... i just wanted to tell you thatyour little girl reminds me of myself when i was about three years old... and im only 15 so it wasnt that long ago! lol. Every time i went over my grandas house i would go upstairs and spend hours up there putting lipstick on my forehead eyeliner on my cheeks and foudation on my lips. we have countless photos of me in "messy face pose" as my mom calls it! hehe. your story truly touched me and now i know that no matter what backgroud or decisions youve made in life you can still make your dreams a reality... thank you soooooooo much! you are an inspiration.... and dont worry i believe your children have a great role model! ♥
Hi Kandee...
Your kids are really cute! I just watched the video of your little girl. She is sooo adorable! She has such beautiful blue eyes. I love her tutorial! :o) Your baby is adorable, too, and so is your eldest son.
Since I've watched your "Dream Fighters" video and learned about your past relationships, I just hope you have full custody of your children. They are so precious and don't need to be around negative people. You're a great Mom, and deserve all the richness in life for yourself and for your kids. Stay positive and happy! Don't ever let anyone bring you down!
hiii kandeee !
you are such an amazing woman ! and you have been such an inspiration to me its unberlievable !
sharing your story was amazing ! && i had no idea it was like that and you have 3 little babies ! its so unberlievable
i can not explain how much you are good and how you have changed the way i put my makeup on now and i feel gorgeousss !!!
i am from ENGLAND, you have not just inspired americas but english people too ! and you are so loved !
i wake up everymorning to go onto your blog just to see if you have another video i can enjoy and love !
i watch them everyday and everynight kandee
my mum keeps telling me to get a life hahaah !
i love you so much and i want you to do one thing for me. will you please do a katie price video, she is amazing and you will look sooo good in her makeup , soo HOT !
thankyou for everything kandee !
your a true woman !
i love you xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
OMG This is the cutiest thing ever. She is soooo precious and beautiful. Her eyes are just....... well no words can describe. XOXO Zeza
Look at those eyes! She is stunningly beautiful just like her mommy.
I have loved watching your videos since the very first one. You were always so spunky and perky and you just lit up my day. After hearing your story it just made me love you that much more.
I am also going through a tough time in my life and I was so so so stressed out two days ago. I was crying at the drop of a hat and everything, and everyone, was just making me feel like no one understood my life. After watching your video I was brought up and made to realize that some people have it way harder than I do. I have a loving husband, and while I have no children yet, he's always there for me. I can't imagine being in a marriage like you were. I am so sorry you had to go through that.
Now I am rambling. I just wanted to leave this quick note letting you know what an inspiration you have been to me since your very first video. I love watching you (and now your babies!) and don't plan on stopping any time soon. I would love to have someone so uplifting in my life. Your videos will have to do. :)
OMG, such an Angel! I'm sure you are proud of all your children. They grow up so fast. I hope you feel the love that we have for you and your family. Take care.
Wow, your kids (especially your daughter though) are so lucky to have you as a mom!.. You are probably the dream mom for every girl!
hugs from iceland =)
Your kids are adorable. The video of your daughter was just precious. Your kids look just like you, they have an amazing mom. :]
"I'm a little make up artist" Alani is soooo cute! You kids are so beautiful, thanks for introducing us to them!
she is SO cute. especially with the pink eye shadow...
thats how I still put on makeup...and im 20. lol.
awwww.. kandee ur kids r chooo cuteeeee.... really really sweettt........ kisses n hugz.. to u n them..:-) hehehe...
that video was so adorable. and your children are gorgeous.
that was a nice way to start off my day, thank you. :)
she is sooo cute!! :D! ahaha loved when she put the eyeshadow on her face :) ADORABLE!
this is going to just light up the rest of my day :D
You are so brave sharing your past. Thank you for sharing. I think a lot of us have a past we are not that proud of and are afraid of sharing it because people can be so judgmental. I also had a tough past, and it took a lot of time (years!!!) to get over it, to be happy with myself and just to be myself, to wear what I like etc. And your makeup videos help with the eyelooks. Your video really touched me, it felt as sharing very personal stuff between good friends who can understand each other because they had the same feelings in the past.
It is also a positive video for those who are in the process of getting to that stage that they are happy with themself. Encouraging because this video is an example that whatever happened one finally can become happy as long as one doesn't give up.
I want to tell a lot but my englsh isn't that good.
You have such lovely kids! I love the video of your little girl. You can be proud of her. I really wished I had a kid or kids and if it was a girl I would have a lot of makeup parties with her!!!
Oh my god that video straight up warmed my heart, thank you <3 She is one of the cutest little girls I have ever seen, I just want to hug her!!
ohh, sweet babies you got 8D
Lani is So gonna be the next Kandee generation, what a darling she is, awwww :) I love the end when shes all fascinated by her pink eyes, hehe :) *huggs* to you and your family :)
Arwh Kandee your children are adorable! :D Alani is such a natural infront of the camera just like her mummy :).
x x x
your children are beautiful ! They're very fortunate to have you as a mother.
you have the most beautiful children the world has ever seen. the video of your daughter was the cutest thing ever. "i loove makeup"
Thanks for sharing your story and your family, Kandee. I know you read this all the time, but you are such an inspiration. I'm so glad your dreams are coming true, and its awesome that you have three little miracles to share in your dreams with you.
OMG that video melted my heart Kandee! Your children are SO BEAUTIFUL! You are such a precious mommy. This totally just made my day<3
You are amazing. I wandered onto your blog, just looking for some makeup tips, and got sucked into your whole story. You truly are an incredible woman. Thank you, thank you, THANK YOU for being positive, encouraging, and smiley. :) I think you are well on your way to becoming a fantastic voice for good that's really going to inspire people. Keep 'em coming! I'm hooked!
They're absolutely beautiful precious gifts Kandee! Thanks for sharing this with us.
Hi Kandee!
This video of Alani is toooo adroable!!! Thank you so much for sharing your story and your children with us. You are such an amazingly beautiful person and such an inspiration. Knowing your story and what you have been through only adds value to you as a person and amplifies your beauty. In the short time I have been watching your videos..you have already inspired me and made me feel so much more beautiful than I have in a long time. That's a struggle for me. So, THANK YOU again for being you and for sharing a piece of you with us. I look forward to learning more about you and seeing you in your next video. Lots of love and hugz! <3
So cute!!!!
you're daughter is SO adorable.
she looked like a little warrior at the end, as if she had war paint on. very cute.
i love when little kids are trying to put on makeup, they make the funnest face.
thanks for sharing your little sweetie with us. in fact thank you for sharing all three, they are all beautiful.
AWWWW..Kandee she's so sweet, your children are so lucky they have a beautiful, loving and caring mum like you..God Bless you
She is sooo funny and cute!
My daughter does the same thing with the brushes! :D
So is Blake's dad a good man?
Hope so, I think we all want you to be with someone who respects and admires you as much as we do!
Kisses from the United Kingdom!
I haven't watched in a while but was so glad to hear your story. I don't even have the complete words to describe how hearing it makes your viewers feel connected and at ease with you, just remember that all things happen for a reason...like your cute little blessings.
Great job on the make-up. :)
That video was sooo sweet!
you have such adorable kids!beautiful angels!and your little princess alani is so cute, she'll be a star soon!
your story just brought me to tears.it's amazing how you pulled through, God is great indeed!
you inspire a whole lot of us, so continue your good deeds!you are much loved!
hihi sooooooooooooo cute!!! A star is born ;)
Oh, Kandee!! Your children are beautiful! :)
your babiesss are adorable!!!!!! just like their beautiful mamiii :):):): god bless you sweety~~
your babiesss are adorable!!!!!! just like their beautiful mamiii :):):): god bless you sweety~~
your kids are real lovelies ;) l watched your daughter's video with the widest smile ;))))
Alani is the cutest kid I have ever seen... and I love the way that you encourage her!! after all that u have been thru, U are still full of joy! U inspired me to pick myself up again and go for it!!
lots of love from Belgium!
ah..this always make me smile. wached this many times already and it never fails to brighten up my day when i´m feeling dull.^^ to cute little Alani..hugs from me..=)
your children are beautiful ,
your daughter has the prettiest big blue eyes i used to have lovely big blue eyes like that :) ... you are such an inspiration and a blessed and wonderful mother X
oh my goodness. Your kids are beautiful!!
My daughter wants to be like you :) We watch your make-up videos all the time together...
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