my saturday has been: recouping from driving all night...except for a brief 1.5 hour stay, to sleep in a motel....
I got a call from CNN to do make-up for the interviewing legend, Connie Chung tomorrow....I spoke with her on the phone today and she made me laugh and smile right off the bat....I am excited to meet her tomorrow morning...very early. ha ha ha
And to add some randomness....I had been thinking about style...and how some people think they have none....or it they don' t know what looks good....well, yes you do!
Style is that something that makes you attracted to something: that sparkly, glittery belt....the boots with the big buckles.....the something fun about the 80's hammer pants that make you want to see how it feels to walk in them!
I remember being about 10...and I had a pair of white leather boots with silver studs on them.....I loved these boots with a fiery passion...I felt cool in them...I liked how they had heels and they clicked when I walked...I felt like a big, cool, kid....
I was shopping in vintage stores on Melrose with my friend Reba....and I found a pair of the white boots...the same excitement came over me as when I was 10.....but darn it, the boots were too stinkin' small.....I had already thought up the outfits that I could wear with those babies and how I'd feel cool again, wearing em'!
Sometimes the same things you liked as a child....become the reminding factor of who and what you are and like....
I've always liked bright colors, "different" accessories (example: I loved this purse I had that looked like a tennis shoe)...I've always like creating movies in my mind, fashion, photography, drawing...I can kinda be a loner...or as I like to call it...A LONE EAGLE! ha ha ha ha....only the best can fly with me...ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha...and guess what? I still like all the same things I did, as when I was 9 years old!
remind yourself of all the things that set your heart on fire....caught your eye...whatever you thought was fun.....and I bet you it's still the same in that beautiful heart of yours! Enjoy your saturday or whatever day it is....and remember the real you and what you liked as a kid...and I bet you it's still the same! Have the sparkliest day!!!!!
Kandee, you're so free spirited and outgoing. I love your videos too [:
hi kandee how are you??
I just pass by your blog after I saw one of your videos on youtube, well I saw one and then I watch them all, or almost... and I just want to tell you that you had a fan across the ocean..I'm from portugal, and I love make up and I loved your tips, 'cause they are easy to follow...and it's great how you cheer up all the girls, even if we dont look so gorgeous as you...
about this post you wrote, I could not agree more with your words...cause I think the same, we should not wear the same things that everyone use just to feel along...we should be different, if we like those shoes that nobody else like, we should wear it...what's wrong with that...and I really like to bring things from my childhood, to remamber, to feel happy when I use it..I must admit, I'm addicted to tshirt's with cartoons, old cartoons, from my childhood, any time I see one, I have to buy it...and I smile, every time I wear it...remembering the days I watched them on tv...
and that's all that matter, isn't??? feeling happy with our own style...
I'm sorry for the long speech, and excuse me if my english had some mistakes.. I did my best!!
keep on going...hope everything goes well with you!
have a great sunday...
big hug across the sea,
When I was 10 ankle length skirts were in fashion (its was the 90's) and I would wear my pretty floral one with a white top and some simmery lip gloss... and then I'd top it all off by wearing my giant adult size swandry over the top ha ha ha.
I was grunge cool and didn't even know it ha ha!
connie chung! wow that's soo cool!
have fun!..that's awesome!
wow, send us pics tomm! we wanna see Connie's look!
Hi Kandee,
Fantastic...Connie Chung! Good for you!
I know you're time is extremely valuable and that you are very sought after for advice...and probably have tons of people begging to get in contact with you...but I'm going out on a crazy limb :)...
I'm going to be in L.A 25th to 29th (i'm from toronto)...wondering if you might be interested in sitting down for for tea (I'm buying!!!)...just for a few minutes...and chatting with me about being a makeup artist. It would be so amazing to meet you since I have felt so
inspired by you...
I am definitely planning to do the glaminars in New York...and I'm wondering about dates (end of july/early aug or are you thinking that later would be better?). I know you are probably very very busy and trying to figure out a schedule but thought I'd ask!
I totally get you about things reminding you of childhood...the uplifted parts of childhood. In fact I was looking at old photos and reading letters so old I'm afraid to say lol...and they had me reminiscing and all introspective...wow
You're so funny. I use to be a dancer, so when I was a kid I thought the cool thing to do was where my leotard with my favorite pair of jeans. Yea, I was cool lol. Have fun tomorrow, and see if you can take pics! <3 Laurie
Thank you for this reminder! I think we all get too caught up in trying to impress others when our opinion is the only real one that matters anyway. Have fun with Connie!!
Kandee, I want you to know that I look up to you SO much. I want to become a makeup artist but even more so now because you've shown how truly great and appreciative of life ANYONE can be. You've got it all, young lady, and you know what? You DESERVE it all! :)
Kandee, you are so lovely! That just brightened my whole day! We need more kind, happy people like you in the world that don't give off pessimistic, negative energy. All we need is love and you give it out like candy on Halloween! Thanks for being such a great role model!
xo Natalie
PS. Hayden Panettiere on the cover of Seventeen is such a beautiful makeup look..I would love to see a video on how to do it!
hey kandee, i was just wondering if you could sort of fix the lighting that you have in your videos, i can never really see the effect of the different colours that you layer on which is a shame because your videos are some of the best there are on the net. So if there is something you could do about that then that would be great. Cheers.
Hey Kandee,
I love your vids and blog! Keep up the great work. ^-^ Hope you have fun with Connie Chung, I'm looking forward seeing the pics and reading your thoughts!
Thanks so much for that blog! I was looking at new academic diaries in a shop the other day and there was a glittery one with a unicorn on and I loved it! I wasn't going to buy it though because I thought at 26 I was too old for a unicorn diary but my mum told me if I loved to buy it and that my joy was more important then what other would think.
I bought it and I love it!
Hello! I am a new fan of yours. I recently discovered your videos on youtube and was instantly HOOKED. You are SO pretty and you explain the makeup in ways that just makes sense. I really love MAC, if fact it's pretty much all I use. I have been able to recreate some of the looks that you have done in videos that were looks that I was trying to do before, just missing important blending steps. Needless to say, I just love you to bits and I really hope you keep making more great videos. All the best.
I love your video's. Also love the picture Ian Ruhter made, so fun and colourful. Can't wait to see your new website. As a child I was so insecure, I didn't want wear bright colours because it made me stand out. Until my twenties I tried to blend in because I am also tall (6ft3). But now I love colours and I don't care if I stand out, it's just who I am and I love it. My big wish is that they make more nice clothes (and shoes!)for tall women.
I loved loved loved your post. Yesterday was the first Saturday in a long time during which I actually got a chance to chill-ax and yes it was uber nice indeed.
Your post reminded me of this place we have here in Texas called Canton. It is a just a gigantor flea market...but reading your blog you sounded like a grown up kiddo... and there at Canton one of the vendors creates wallets/purses made out of Capri Sun/Kool-aid packets. I had never given them a ton of thought but that was probably somebody's "9 year old love" you know??? Imma so gonna get you one of those the next "First Monday" (of the month) when Canton opens again. Additionally, thanks for all of the inspiration. I find that I have a ton I need to "get out" and you have given me the inspiration to "do it to it" - blogger style. Love ya bunches from Dallas, Tx - MLB
I'm seriously in love with your youtube videos; I've been watching them all day yesterday, and now I neeeed to buy MAC shadows & lipsticks in Viva Glam VI SE, Fabby, & Pretty Please! (:
La C.
You're great girl!
Congratulations for the photoshoot
You look awesome! :)
The Prettiest Me.
HEY KANDEE! i really like reading the blogs you post...especially the how-to videos! i can feel your passion and it really makes me want to try the stuff you recommend.
if you have time, you can come view my blog about my jewelry business:http://purelejewelry.blogspot.com/2009/07/grand-opening-giveaway.html
Hi Kandee!
Could you do a video of Jennifer Aniston's makeup? =)
Sounds like you had the most wonderful day! I would love to have an experience like that someday! Living here in Canada it is a bit harder, but there is a lot of wonderful talent here that I would be so happy to get a chance to meet someday!
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