holy smokes....do i feel better to Gwen Stefani cover look from ELLE's July issue...because they sent me all the make-up the used on her for the shoot....
Rouge Radiance lipstick
Laque Liner in 01
and Color Design Eyeshadow in Positive (matte)
I have loved Gwen for years....I love her funky style and that she doesn't care what people think, or at least pretends not to! ha ha ha I think that is the key, fake it til you make it, or fake your confidence until one day it shows up on your doorstep!
I have not really ever cared what people thought about how I dressed...I feel like it is an art form. I may sample some current trends, but mostly I just wear what I think is fun and makes me feel confident. Usually that is sneakers, a bunch of big jewlery, and color...even when I had friends make fun of what I was wearing...like when I would cut the necks of of turtleneck sweaters and wear them with t-shirts......my friends would later say they really thought it was cool....see how everyone has to be all negative! if they would've just said, "that's awesome kandee, that you ar brave enough to wear what we aren't brave enough to wear!"
so here's to all the brave souls that do what they want because it makes them happy, not because someone says it's cool....
Good for you Girl! I love reading your blog, so keep the articles AND videos coming! Still looking for the video on what makeup you were wearing when you did the "Diet & Fitness" tutorial :)
Enjoy your 4th of July!
Traci from Alaska
ok so to be REAL honest with you, i think you're gorgeous, and extremely talented but i still wasn't the BIGGEST fan ... until i just saw u rockin a GIANTS SHIRT!!! haha. seriously though, most people as joyful and cheery as u are i find annoying like rachel ray, but u are GENUINELY this positive so instead ur like a breath of fresh air! congrats on all ur success and for always having a positive outlook even when people say negative things, it's harder than it sounds.
I love Gwen Stefani too! her funky, fun style has always caught my interest. I love your videos, I always find something informative and you are sooo encouraging. You really try to honor all your fans requests. You are a beautiful woman inside and out and I completely look up to you as a MUA. Your success is totally well deserved. Hope you're having a fantastic week! <3 laurie
I'm so glad you won, you deserve it!
Great vid as usual, keep up the fab work :)
Great video Kandee, I watch ALL your videos! I love Laura Mercier too and use the TM if some girls on here are scared of using foundation. Also there concealer is GREAT! I bought the ST. TROPEZ that you use and LOVE it! Heres a couple requests if you can grant any of them that'd be so great! Lauren Conrad (The Hills) & Leighton Meester (Gossip Girl)!
Thanks soooo much! <3 Dani from MI
ummm...you have made me want to break out the scizzors and leggings. Trust me...my kids think I am nutty... You are awesome, and the fact that you remain confident make your soul shine brighter in your vidoes. Thank you for each new video even though you are so busy.
I have found it really hard to find the St Tropez Bronzing Mousse. Where is the best place with the best price to order from?
I lovee all your videos. Keep up the good work. I also love reading you blog. I was wondering if you could do a Megan Fox look.
You SO deserved to win the video contest with Elle (I totally voted!). This look is super hot on you!
I still think you're the best even though I've been busy and haven't been commenting lately!
Hope you're feeling better, sweetie! XO
Hey Kandee my name is Nancy and I came across your videos. They are sweet and so amazing, I just love them. Your videos are so real and never fake.
I wanted to ask you if it was ok to feature you on my blog list?
Thanks :0)
It's funny because you really like gwen stefani sand she was on the cover of Elle in July your birthday month and megan fox was on the cover of Elle in June my birthday month and she's my favourite!!! Coincidence I think not!
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