I'm so excited!!! I got pictures from the Glaminars in LA!!!! I couldn't wait to organize them..so I just put up a few of me getting ready for the very first night!
You can see my lil' make-up set up...on top of my Zuca bag...ha ha ha ha...that thing is so handy!
I was being interviewed by the sweetest girl...from Univision...it was fun to be interviewed...I felt so fancy! hee hee hee
And I'm glad one of the make-up cases was perfectly placed, so I didn't have a Britney moment...but, yes I had on the proper undergarments! ha ha ha
I have been swimming in a sea of phone calls and emails..trying to set up the NY Glaminars for the end of August....it is very pricey to come out to NY I've realized! But I am so excited....I've never been to New York, and I can't wait!!!!
So, here's just a teaser of Glaminar photos...more on the way, I promise!!!
sending smiles and i hope in all that you do today...you see some small sparkles of hope and joy!!!!
photos by: Chris Sanchez (thanks Chris for all the photography!)
Chrisp Photography
I've never been to New York either, you're lucky haha.
If you're still doing requests, could you maybe please do one of Keira Knightely? here's a pic I liked of her eyes but you can choose any pic you want: http://celebrity-pics.movieeye.com/celebrity_pictures/Keira_Knightley_333035.jpg
oops, that wasnt right here it is again, sorry:
Good grief, girlie! Is "sleep" a word in your vocabulary?! ;D I'm a teacher and off in the summer, so I have a lot of free time now. But holy smackers, you're everywhere...and at all hours... Anyway, you ROCK! Fun, sassy, "up", and such a doll for sharing bits of your life and knowledge with us! <333! Cheers!
Oh wow...I can't wait to see the rest of your pictures! =) I just wish I could have been there.
Hi Kandee! This is the first time I've ever left a comment but ive been following your blog for a couple of months now and reading your inspiring posts and VERY educational videos has really become the highlight of my internet browsing ha ha. Anyway ive just started my own blog that i named after one of ur last posts so come check it out! www.stylesnack.blogspot.com byeeeee xxx Laura
Love the pictures, your makeup is gorgeous!! Have fun in NY and take some time to see the sights! Oh, and please bring the Glaminars to Atlanta, I would soo be there!! Thank you for all that you do!
where where where did you get your fishnet leggings? They're awesome!
Great pics. Loved the last one-very creative- Pleaseeee come to Nashville TN
No, no... come to Dallas!!!! Ok, go to Nashville then come to Dallas... please???
LOVE your outfit.. you looked all good and stuff... ^-^ hahah looking fabulous Kandee!!
Hi Kandee!!I absolutely love your work. I am always looking for great new ideas and ways to play with makeup. I fell in love with your style. I just recently found your videos on you tube and will keep watching. Thanks for you great advice!!
The pictures of you in this post are so creative and gorgeous, I love the little mirror one at the bottom! Good luck at your NY Glaminars, the sound so fun and inspiring :)
to be truthful I think you are just as pretty as Megan Fox Kandee
Congratulations Kandee! I am so excited for you!!! You may have felt like a star being interviewed by Univision, but you also looked like one. These shots of you are gorgeous. I'm looking forward to seeing more. Lots of good energy coming your way. You deserve it for all your dedication and hard work.
You seriously look beautiful in the pic from the glaminars. You always look flawless. Can you do a video on the look you have in the pic you just put up, I absolutely love it!!!!
Ohh i love your blog! I found it yesterday and its soo addictive. i think iv gone through over half of your video posts already. I am def gonna try the teeth whitening mouth guard thingy ... oh and that highlighter "shell" from Mac looks sooo good on you!! Would love it if you could do a look like "Marisa" (Mischa Barton) had on the OC ... with the almost skin colour/tany/orangey eye shadow she wore that i could never quite get right. orrr if not - then what about a Lauren Conrad or Whitney Port make up video post??
Kandee, please come to NY after Aug 30th! I'm like commenting anywhere I possibly can, lol on ur facebk n youtube! I want to come so bad, ive been watching you for about 6 months now and Ive been addicted ever since! I absolutely love you and think that you are the sweetest, realest, kindest darling ever!! Ive been for your NY glaminars ever since you started in LA and I got so excited when you said you were coming here to NY!!!! but I'm going to be away on vacation until Aug 30th-I'LL DIE IF I MISS THE GLAMINARS!! Please come after the 30th, most people will prob be on vacation anyway bc its summer right??
I'm an aspiring make-up artist, and other than the fact that I absolutely LOVE LOVE LOVE YOU, I truly want to learn all the things you have to offer, i wanna to take all three glaminars, im just hoping that maybe the dates will be in my favor! please think about it if you can!
And about the portfolio workshop i think its great bc my version of a portfolio is pics of my digital camera! CROSSING MY FINGERS!! <3
Oh come to Seattle! ever been? Such a fun city and a great location for Glaminars :) hint hint. Love your videos and your inseration.
PLEASE post more iformation about the second LA Glaminar. I'm confused on how I make sure I have a spot. I'll be coming down from the Sacramento area. Thanks!
Hi Kandee,
I am so excited you are gonna do the portfolio workshop in L.A. so please let us know the date and cost cuz I really wanna attend. I really want to meet you in person too, and I have not seen Ian since high school either so it will be a very exciting time for me.
TIA, Rochelle
Yo Kandeee
Your videos are always very informative and funny, you always provide mad inspiration. I'm posting this comment in response to your "Glaminars NY" youtube video-- As a New Yorker-- I might be interested in attending depending on the cost and if it was more geared towards beauty tips and techniques and less towards business and creating a portfolio etc... lemme know more deets!! Hope you make it to NY girl, I'm sure you'd love it. I went to LA for the first time a few months ago and loved it out there! peace.
yes do an LA one again! :)
Hey Kandee: I love what you are doing!!! keep at it =0)
Will you be doing a workshop anytime soon? I would love to attend. If not when will you be doing the next one in LA? I have family there and I would love to visit during one your workshops... how much are they? how long? how many days?
Hope to hear from you soon!!!
Hey Kandee i know you here it everyday everyhour every minute every second every time you check your emails messages blah blah but i just got done watching your video about your story your dreams.. And yea your my definite inspiration.. I must say i do feel hopeless at times because it takes so much dam work!!!!! Iam nineteen working a part time job trying to save up for my make-up kit. Ugh its not easy and i don't have much experience but i have a definte hunger for it and whenever i do a face people are amazed. But anyhow i would love to meet you in NYC at Glaminars!!! Post more info about it please!! i want to make this event part of my goal to becoming a make-up artist!!!! so yea Keep doing your thing.... Much love and Support KAndeee!!!!!
Anelle T.
OO and for the contest that your having for your subscribers... Do you think I can send you an email telling you about ourselves. I would love to participate in your contest but i don't have a camera!!!! I already have in mind what i would like to share with you.. PLease it will mean so much.. Let us know!!!!!
Wow Kandee dearheart. Look at you. Do you ever look at someone that is so breathtaking and you wish you could pull them out of their body to really look at themselves and see what you see? You are gorgeous! Love these pix of you.
Hi Kandee, Thanks for your videos: your 'under-eye triangle' tip really helped me. ...As I said on YouTube, if you need a make-up model for your NYC Glaminars, I'm ready!.. lol
Hi Kandee!
I love the black shirt you're wearing here, can you do a clip on how to make this style? I'd love to make one of my own! Thanks again! Love your blogs/vids and you!! =D
you're make up here made you younger and leaner.
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