Friday, July 31, 2009
huge-gantic love to you and your day......
off to go buy Shisiedo False Lashes in SP for Ms. Janice case you wanted to know...they are her favs! then i'll tell you how it goes....her assistants are really, really nice!!!!
I'm waiting for Janice Dickinson to call me....

these are the things that make me nervy:
I hope she is nice to me
she has worked with I hope she likes my work
I hope she, or someone from her entourage calls me soon, so I know what time to be there
(side note: I usually know what time, the day before...)
I....I....I....I..... (ha ha ha ha ha)
I will tell you all about it...and hopefully it will all be happy talk! ha ha ha ha
(if I get're all in my make-up bags with me...hee hee hee)
off to get make me-self pirty!!! (pretty)
Thank You!
it was killing me...because I had this video to post 2 days ago!!!
so here are my lil' thoughts caught inside this little video box....I wish I could wrap a ribbon around it and give to you with lots of chocolate and sparkly treasures!!!!
I love you all sooooooo much! please read it slowly...I love you!!! I can feel all your love and I want to thank you so much!!!!! this world need more love and more people to say "i love you"!
i hope our heart feels like it grew a little...because I just added more love in there!
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
I am so.....
I will not let this techno-garage ruin my uploading...I will be back with a posted video!!!!!
see you to fix this with my super-hero cape!!!!
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
you ask and you shall receive....
everyone asked to see my babies......and yes they are with me almost all the time...except when I work mom has been my ultimate nanny!...I try to tape when they are sleeping so it's quiet....
but here's my little lovies....this is Jordan (AKA J-man, Jojo, J-rock)...he's old..ha ha ha

this is Alani (AKA Lani, Lanzi, or precious) little make-up artist

and this is Blake (AKA Blakey or Blaker)

Dream Fighters & A Bit About Me That I don't Talk About
my heart has been so touched and encouraged by all your emails and videos....
and it made me realize it's time to share a bit about me, that might encourage all of you...
I want all of you to become Dream fight for your dreams....
and here's a little bit of me trying to share a little bit of me...which is hard to talk about...since a lot of people don't know a lot of this....
I love you all and want you to know I'm your biggest cheerleader to go after your dreams!!!!
huge love.....and here's the video
Sunday, July 26, 2009
Postcards from the BEACH!!!
Saturday, July 25, 2009
Saturday Style Snack....Legwarmers & Ear Kandee

I love them...and I've been wearing them for years...even when people made fun of me! I don't care, because I had fun when I wore them, and that's all that matters.....if they are too boring and scared...then the can wear their boring clothes! ha ha ha
ALL you need is:
a pair of thermals or any pants with a cotton (stretchy cuff, like the cuffs on the sleeves of long sleeve cotton t-shirts or how the collar of t-shirts is kinda' stretchy)
a pair of scissors
and a nice hand to operate the scissors
let's go make some legwarmies!!!
and I just had to give you some new EAR CANDY for the weekend....i love these songs and maybe you will too!!!! sharing is enjoy all my Kandee Caring....I want you to feel like we are all hanging out listening to music together...hee hee hee
here's the awesome song that was playing in the store in my MELROSE SHOPPING makes me so happy!!!
i hope happiness jumps into your day right now....
huge love....Kandee
Friday, July 24, 2009
because everyone has opened up their hearts and sent me the most heart-touching emails...about how watching my videos has has planted a seed of inspiration, encouragement, or happiness, in the garden of your hearts...
and reading some of these have made tears spill down my face...I want to have a contest of a Happy Heart Make-Over!!!
RULES: you can reply with a video under the CONTEST VIDEO, under video response on YOUTUBE
I'd like to select more than one winner, so I will update you on how the voting and winners will be decided!
I can't wait to see all of you, instead of just you seeing me! ha ha ha
I hope you feel my heart shining at each and everyone of you!
See YOU soon! xoxo kandee
That's Tan-tastic!!!! St. Tropez Style

This is one of my favorite products!!!
let me count the ways that I love St. Tropez Bronzing Mousse :
1. it will make even the most pale person look like a sun-bronzed, island native!
2. you will not look orange like the cheap bronzers paint you
3. it does not smell like that normal "self tanner- burnt-skin-smell"- is smells very clean
4. it goes on so stripes or streaks
5. it builds beautifully day after just keep getting more gorgeous
6. I wear it everyday on my face and neck
7. the tan look, makes you look thinner (I'm going to bathe in it..ha ha ha ha)
As you know from my vids...I love St. Tropez Tanner! Especially after I got that skin cancer scare, and the dermatolly told me to wear hats so I don't tan the ol' face!
I know it's been hard to find..but I know where we can stock up now:
and fake it so you don't have to bake it!!!!
Thursday, July 23, 2009
Come with me..... Melrose Ave
so..let's go shopping!!! if you want to watch it bigger click here: WATCH BIGGER
we are gonna go shoppin'....on Melrose Ave...the famous shopping street in LA...full of weird and random, wonderfully fun can find almost everything there....from fancy and frilly to strange and weird....ha ha ha
I was shopping for a fun and colorfully, Kandee...outfit for my photo shoot the next's the final pick...a sample photo from the was so fun...
It's like playing dress up....princess....and make-over, all at once!!! here was the final shopping selection....

Shopping is like a weird therapy...even if you don't buy anything....for years I've delighted in free, window shopping, and dreaming of the day I had money to actually buy something! That is probably how I got so creative with clothes, is because I didn't have money to buy any! ha ha ha
And I still tried to haggle with the store owner...she gave me $10 off each item....but we had to cut that part out, cuz she got kinda' mad at first! ha ha ha...oh well, it never hurts to ask...and she ended up giving me $10 off each thing!!!!
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
The Glammy's

I'm so excited!!! I got pictures from the Glaminars in LA!!!! I couldn't wait to organize I just put up a few of me getting ready for the very first night!
You can see my lil' make-up set up...on top of my Zuca bag...ha ha ha ha...that thing is so handy!
I was being interviewed by the sweetest girl...from was fun to be interviewed...I felt so fancy! hee hee hee
And I'm glad one of the make-up cases was perfectly placed, so I didn't have a Britney moment...but, yes I had on the proper undergarments! ha ha ha
I have been swimming in a sea of phone calls and emails..trying to set up the NY Glaminars for the end of is very pricey to come out to NY I've realized! But I am so excited....I've never been to New York, and I can't wait!!!!
So, here's just a teaser of Glaminar photos...more on the way, I promise!!!
sending smiles and i hope in all that you do see some small sparkles of hope and joy!!!!
photos by: Chris Sanchez (thanks Chris for all the photography!)
Chrisp Photography
4 days in an elevator

here is a 4 day documentation of my clothing.....I know this may seem weird, but really, people have asked me to post my daily outfit...some days are not post-worthy....I promise!!!
above is a tank from urban outfitters, old green striped skirt, urban outfitters canvas purse, black & silver chain necklace from H&M, and the tops of socks that i had cut off some socks earlier so they wouldn't show over my new black pony-hair vans hightops shoes

here's the halter top get your chopping devices out....
and we'll go re-visit the shirt-chop-shop.....
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Cover Girl

i've been uploading all the doodle-alla-day!!!! finally this sucker is working!!!! hooray!
this is the look I did in the videos about the NY glaminars.....
I was having a sad-ish day....I don't know why loneliness can creep up in the afternoons and makes me wish I had someone's arms to fall into and just hug me! but today was one of those days....I think loneliness attacks everyone...and the worst part is that you feel like you are the only one feeling lonely!
the nice part is reading all the comments you guys leave...and makes me feel like if I was near one of you...I wouldn't feel so lonely....
so thank you so much for all the wonderful-to-my-heart, words that you leave have no idea how much they mean to me!!!! love from my heart to yours.....
so here's the video and all it's re-uploaded glory!!!!
what I used:
cover girl shadow trio in cafe au lait
cover girl shadow in Brown Smolder
black liquid liner
cover girl Lash Blast mascara
covergirl outlast smoothwear in #542 (love does NOT come off)
Cover Girl has been around forever....and it won't kill your wallet to try new colors!!! so have fun...and it always makes you feel better when you feel pretty!
Style Snack

BUT LOOK AT MY COOL ZEBRA COMPUTER BAG!!!! and yes I did take it with me to edit videos for you guys while I waited...ha ha ha ha

click here to see more: Bona Boutique
and thank you Aimee so much!!!!! I love everything!!! The zebra bag is my fav!!!!!
Monday, July 20, 2009
Foxy Monday

Megan Fox is a flaming, hot request! So here it is... and yes, it may seem like a lot of make-up, to look "naturally" beautiful...but that's how it goes sometimes.
video 1...the flawless foundation
what i used:
laura gellar face spackle (get it at Sephora)
Make-Up Forever HD foundation & HD powder (get Make-Up Forever at Sephora)
Lise Watier Concealer wheel (get it at, type in this code for a discount for Kandee Friends:
Lise Watier Concealer wheel (get a discount at and enter this coupon code:
Coupon Code: KANDEE1C9
Discount From Retail: 10%
Expiration Date: 9/30/2009
MAC shade stick concealer
Tarte Creme Blush Stick in GREEN SIREN
Make-Up Forever Diamond Creme (pearly peach)
(get ready for me without make-up! then is the video on the make-up)
Sunday, July 19, 2009
Connie Chung is a new hero!

Saturday, July 18, 2009
Saturdays & Style Ways & CNN

my saturday has been: recouping from driving all night...except for a brief 1.5 hour stay, to sleep in a motel....
I got a call from CNN to do make-up for the interviewing legend, Connie Chung tomorrow....I spoke with her on the phone today and she made me laugh and smile right off the bat....I am excited to meet her tomorrow morning...very early. ha ha ha
And to add some randomness....I had been thinking about style...and how some people think they have none....or it they don' t know what looks good....well, yes you do!
Style is that something that makes you attracted to something: that sparkly, glittery belt....the boots with the big buckles.....the something fun about the 80's hammer pants that make you want to see how it feels to walk in them!
I remember being about 10...and I had a pair of white leather boots with silver studs on them.....I loved these boots with a fiery passion...I felt cool in them...I liked how they had heels and they clicked when I walked...I felt like a big, cool, kid....
I was shopping in vintage stores on Melrose with my friend Reba....and I found a pair of the white boots...the same excitement came over me as when I was 10.....but darn it, the boots were too stinkin' small.....I had already thought up the outfits that I could wear with those babies and how I'd feel cool again, wearing em'!
Sometimes the same things you liked as a child....become the reminding factor of who and what you are and like....
I've always liked bright colors, "different" accessories (example: I loved this purse I had that looked like a tennis shoe)...I've always like creating movies in my mind, fashion, photography, drawing...I can kinda be a loner...or as I like to call it...A LONE EAGLE! ha ha ha ha....only the best can fly with me...ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha...and guess what? I still like all the same things I did, as when I was 9 years old!
remind yourself of all the things that set your heart on fire....caught your eye...whatever you thought was fun.....and I bet you it's still the same in that beautiful heart of yours! Enjoy your saturday or whatever day it is....and remember the real you and what you liked as a kid...and I bet you it's still the same! Have the sparkliest day!!!!!
Friday, July 17, 2009
Oh Shoot! (with Ian Ruhter)

Sunday, July 12, 2009
a day in LA

Thursday, July 9, 2009
It's my cake and candles day!!!!

I was just talking to my sister about our favorite birthday...and mine was a tie...
Monday, July 6, 2009
LA is the place...
or so this site address
I had a meeting today with a cosmetic company about doing make-up videos for their was very fun and I got a whole lot of make-up to try out!!! I had a busy day....traffic....traffic....getting lost....thanks to my phone giving me bad directions...being so hungry I wanted to eat my arm off...ha ha ha...and and then the traffic was so bad, I couldn't get off the freeway to even eat!!! and now i want lots of chocolate.....ha ha ha
here's a link that Stacy Broff, of Diamond Girl PR sent me, and i thought it would be fun to pass along....I have even more pictures and fun things...but my computer wouldn't let me post....
Rohn Padmore’s BET Gifting Suite Gave to Those Truly in Need
There was a beautiful twist to the recent “Rohn Padmores Red Carpet Gift Suite” celebrating the 2009 BET Awards. Yes, there was the normal celebrities getting the latest and greatest cool swag. But Ron Padmore wanted to give back and make a difference.
It was all about making the day extra special for a group of women from Project Fresh Start of the New Image Shelter Organization. “This event is a very special to me because, during this time of uncertainty, we look to our celebrities as role models and I believe that responsible change has to start with ourselves. By giving back to those who are truly in need as well as celebrating the hard work and accomplishments of those who entertain us makes perfect sense to me.
Everyone deserves to feel special and know that there is no shame in asking for help or letting someone help you. It’s even more special to me because our first day of the gift suite is my birthday, and I can’t think of a better way to spend it than helping to make these women look and feel beautiful,” states event coordinator Rohn Padmore of Enigma Public Relations.

Janelle Walker and Kandee Johnson
Volunteering their time and expertise were professional make-up artists Janelle Walker ( and Kandee Johnson( with product donated by Larenim Mineral Make Up( Within a couple hours Janelle and Kandee put their brushes and skills to work and you could see the smiles appear. It was clear these women truly enjoyed be treated like a queen for the day.
Immediately following the makeovers, health and wellness expert Brenda Underwood ( shared some healthy living tips and simple ways to improve their health altogether. The ladies were gifted with a Larenim everyday concealer as well one of their beautiful shadows. After lunch, they enjoyed massages from LA Body Points Mobile Spa (, received great looking hats from Rebel Spirit Clothing ( The ladies from Project Fresh Start of the New Image Shelter Organization enjoyed a day they won’t soon forget.
Saturday, July 4, 2009
Sparkliest 4th of July to everyone!!!!

as you can see, I am not out on a boat or sun bathing...but tapping away at my little keyboard....
Friday, July 3, 2009
GUCCI eyes

Thursday, July 2, 2009
Portfolio Workshop in NY
New York here I come!!!!
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
Gwen- the fair, punk maiden

holy i feel better to Gwen Stefani cover look from ELLE's July issue...because they sent me all the make-up the used on her for the shoot....