make-up I used:
eyeshadow: nudes (pinks, peach, or skin color) from MAC pink n' pen, brulle or a peach color
dark brown or grey (from MAC I used print, carbon or nehru, or espresso
black eye liner (to line the rims of the eye use a waterproof liner-it will last longer!) I used Smolder from MAC, but any black will work
lips- nude color (you can even just put concealer on them and gloss
I used Myth lipstick from MAC and then Estee Lauder PURE PLATINUM Pure Gloss
and L'Oreal Double Extend Tubes Mascara
and a light pink blush in ANGEL from MAC
VOTE FOR NEXT VIDEO below in the comment:
1. Taylor Swift look from her LOVE STORY VIDEO
2. SUPER CAT EYE look from ANgelina Jolie
3. How to cut and create your own funky shirt like in some of my vids
have a super fabulous day my glam posse!!! glittery glitter...kandee
cat eye/angelina jolie please!
I want to see the shirt video..
Super Cat Eye :)
taylor swift! :) love ur vids!
taylor swift look... your such an amazing makeup artist !
t-shirt cutting demo please! :)
Totally unfair I wanna see the cat eye and the tshirt vid
shirt cutting PLEASEEEEEE
T-Shirt VIDDDD<3
Angelina ballerina!!
2. Super Cat Eye look from Angelina Jolie!
Cat Eye please =)
T-shirt vid would be cool...and maybe you could show some samples of your fave shirts you like to wear...maybe a style vid? your inspirations? you know....stuff like that.
Maybe I'll be inspired to do a response vid...hmmm :)
Yay another video!!! Do the cat eye look please, that look is so sexy!! And do the t-shirt vid because I'm the one who suggested it!! Pleeeeeease :)
#2 - cate eye look from angelina jolie!
Cat eye please
Taylos Swift!
I know this is off topic but I was hoping you could do some Alicia Keys pretty pretty please
T-Shirt.......Then Angelina! puh-leeesuh
Taylor Swift look please~!! :)
uhhhh this is hard. i'm going with angelina.
Angelina Jolie....
Can u do a kim kardashian look please, like the one in her canlendar. Its like a cat eye but it looks gorgeous.
I vote Angie
Taylor Swift!
tay swift
Super Cat Eye!!!!! PWEASE! & THX!
<3 Devan Marie
Shirt cutting please...Love your videos!
t-shirt cutting, please! :D
Taylor Swift look from her Love Story video please! :D
hi..perfect Demi Lovato me friend...Vanessa Hudgens Story video please!
Dearest candy can you please do a tutorial on Demi lavatos new look with her bold brows.. I love her natural pink look she had on xfactor last night 11/14/12 please please!!!
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