Monday, February 9, 2009

New Video (megan fox / katy parry) & New Vote

i am awake just to post this's now 4am!!!
so here lies the all it's "depriving kandee of sleep, glory"......ha ha ha ha
Pin-Up Series (the modern pin-up) inspired by Megan Fox and Katy Parry....

and now for the voting booth.....NEXT MAKE-UP LOOK:

1. Raquel Welch

2. Nicole Ritchie

3. Rihanna

smiles everyone......I have a lot of shoots this week.....but I'm gonna try to bust out with some videos if I can squeeze em in everyday! Go go gadget make-up!....lots of love....kandee


Anonymous said...

Hi, its the Swedish girl again (vanillalaced from YT) :)


I must say that you are such a devoted.. truly passionated and lojal woman/makeupartist to all your fans that does a video at 4 am!
Gosh woman!
You save my day!
Since its like 9 hours difference between sweden and the us I always get to see your new videos the day after you have posted them..
And when i didnt see one today as I most likely hoped. (not because i think you should do one each day or post something everyday, NOT AT ALL!- Just because I think you are so great in many ways!!)
And now when i checked again you had post one more video!!!
:D :D
I couldnt be happier!
Thank you!
Im so looking forward to this!

Have a good sleep and day after that,
Hugs, Emma

Anonymous said...

Always loved her exotic eyemakeup and facialglow!

Aberdeen said...

I'm so impressed by how dedicated you are to the videos...and I couldn't be more excited to see what you will doooo!!!

I guess I would have to say Nicole...


Hope you are still resting peacefully in your lil nest!

Cornelsen said...

Great look, though I think I'm not one for the *very glossy* mouth. I'd definetely like to see Rihanna up next! It looks like the Lonngoria and the Hepburn are going to become staple looks for me.

Thank you!

Anonymous said...

My vote goes for Raquel Welch.
Thanks for all the videos, very well explained.
Love and cookies

Anonymous said...

i vote for raquel welch. love the videos!

Anonymous said...

Again I think nobody likes NICOLE hehe, still Im voting for her, I adore her:) NICOLE RICHIE!!!!!!

Unknown said...

Rihanna! Uju!

Sandra said...

rhianna! it would be interesting to see your take on her funky make-up!

Anonymous said...

Go wild with the colours! but please make it wearable

MLB said...

Any and all of those are great!!! Thanks Kandee!!

Anonymous said...

KendeeeenQ :) i cant wait to see your version of Victoria's Secret Angel look:) or Aaliyah :)

Kisses and hugs for all your sweet family! :)


bdimeglio said...

Hi Kandee :)

I would love to see Nicole's look, she always looks so polished and pretty!

I so look forward to your videos, I learn so much, don't stop!!

You're lovely and beautiful!

Anonymous said...

This is exactly the look that I was looking for, thank you so much! said...

Megan Fox is definitely a sexy goddess, I am a regular to her website at Megan

R. Moore said...

Hey Kandee, this was my first of your videos that i came across on youtube and watched and is still my favourite look!
I'm not the sort of person that would usually comment on these sorts of things but I have to say you really are an amazing artist and have the sweetest personality, you always seem to be cheery no matter what time of day it is!...and it sounds corny to me.. but you are inspirational, just the way you seem to be enjoying! ha
I also don't follow anyone's blogs usually but i love your work so much that I'm probaboly going to be looking at your updates to see your next look!
Keep up the good work, you truly deserve to be very successful and happy! X

Kristen said...

Hey Kandee!!! I was wondering what eye shadows you used for this look? I don't see it on here =o(

Unknown said...

Hi! Where is the list over what make up you used?
Great look! You are amazing:) Love you!!

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