Finally....here is a video....
Eva, Eva, Eva...this is her most popular look...a sultry, brown, goldy, eye....with a sexy pale pout....
all the colors I used are in the description on Youtube, too....
If anyone wanted to see a different look of hers please let me know...and I'll do it, I promise!
I used Blunt blush as an eyeshadow on this one too...
Thanks all my peeps...you guys make my day with all the nice things you say....my heart swells with happiness!!!
Have fun guys! NExt video will be a video response to al the frequently askes questions I've been getting....smiles, kandee
side note: in this picture of lady Eva...she has some serious fake lashes going on....I didn't put an on in the video...but they make a HUGE difference....! These look like the crazy spaced out ones from Make-Up Forever or MAC...
i so love this look, your my newest fave guru. Please create NICOLE RICHIE look, been requesting it a lot but noone seems to like her look or her,dunno..Please.Thanks!
Merci again.
you give us so many technical and anatomic tips (very useful). Tuesday, I was Audrey Hepburn, saturday Betty Page. Maybe Eva Longoria tonight (have to improve my parisian tan...)
Bonne journée et encore merci
I tried this one today and i was so happy with the ressult!
Isaw your new video on youtube, the Rihanna Look, hehe!
That's the look for tomorrow ;)
I have just recently discovered your blog, and now I wonder how I lived without it.
I love this Eva Longoria-look, and I have had fun experimenting with it. I would also love to see a more sporty or every-day look of hers. She looks so cute jogging on Desperate Housewives, and I would highly appreciate if you could show us a look that goes with sporty or casual outfits.
Thank you for a great blog and a ton of inspiration!
you're very pretty <3 i love evas makeup too~
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