Saturday, February 28, 2009
How To Fix Broken Eyeshadows
here's what you need on the eyeshadow operating table....
broken shadows
ziplock or any plastic bag
butter knife or spoon
rubbing alcohol (70% is fine, or if you can get 90% or higher it will just dry faster)
a squeeze bottle to put the alcohol in (this is optional..just makes it easier)
a coin (a quarter is the perfect size)
pieces of a cut up t-shirt or fabric (you can use a tissue but it doesn't work as well)
In the video I used matte eye shadows....this technique works for shimmery, sparkly, or matte....
actually it works best for matte shadows...shimmery ones have larger particles mixed with smaller ones....this makes them more fragile and much more breakable...
this works the same for matte or shimmer...they are all pressed the same way in the factory....just the sparklier ones will always be more fragile...
This is the quickest and simpliest way to fix your eyeshadows, blushes, face powders, anything powdery in a compact!
So here's to your Operation Save A Shadow!!!
Friday, February 27, 2009
Angelina Jolie Cat Eye Liner (look from the Oscars)

Thursday, February 26, 2009
Rihanna People Magazine cover

Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Super Fast Demi Lovato Look

make-up I used:
eyeshadow: nudes (pinks, peach, or skin color) from MAC pink n' pen, brulle or a peach color
dark brown or grey (from MAC I used print, carbon or nehru, or espresso
black eye liner (to line the rims of the eye use a waterproof liner-it will last longer!) I used Smolder from MAC, but any black will work
lips- nude color (you can even just put concealer on them and gloss
I used Myth lipstick from MAC and then Estee Lauder PURE PLATINUM Pure Gloss
and L'Oreal Double Extend Tubes Mascara
and a light pink blush in ANGEL from MAC
VOTE FOR NEXT VIDEO below in the comment:
1. Taylor Swift look from her LOVE STORY VIDEO
2. SUPER CAT EYE look from ANgelina Jolie
3. How to cut and create your own funky shirt like in some of my vids
have a super fabulous day my glam posse!!! glittery glitter...kandee
Monday, February 23, 2009
1. i am sitting here waiting to see that my new car is capable of making the drive home
2. i have been getting lots of peeps askin' how i tie my wrist bandana, well, and one person asked WHY I wear here's how and why....
voting will be open soon for video choices....and i'm cooking up a good contest with a super-fun of my "can't live without" items!!!!
PS...the make-up look in this video is from the Megan Fox / Katy Parry look i's the linkey...
Saturday, February 21, 2009
and's some lightin' time to do hair-hair!!!
Stuff you'll need:
bobby pins
round boar bristle brush (for supreme teasing)
80's banana hair clip (i got mine at Claire's or any hair/beauty supply)
hair spray (i used Paul Mitchell Working Spray)
Molding/Shaping creme (I used HeadGames Reworkable Creme)
I'm gonna post some pictures from my trip....and maybe get my sister to let me do her make-up...even though she's puffy and pregnant!ha ha ha
Thursday, February 19, 2009
New and Improved Chit Chat
that's what happens when you're tired!!!!
here's is the extreme-make-over edition...ha ha ha ha
Chitty Chitty Chat Chat
here's the video....chock full of...
answers to the most popular question.... got it...
keep the questions coming and I'll keep the answers flowing!
have a sparkly day everyone...glitter and glamour...kandee
VOTE FOR THE NEXT VIDEO beolw in the comments:
1. Veronica Lake 1940's look
2. super fast hair-do's....
3. how to tie my wrist bandana....(for real...people asked how...I didn't just make that up!ha ha ha)
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Kat Von D and the Golden Eye

Monday, February 16, 2009
My Cougar Mom Look and Bill Clinton

here's me and Bill.....he thought it wold be funny to have me peeking out from under the desk...but I thought, maybe not! ha ha ha
Hair it is...ha ha ha ha
I'm so honored that you guys actually thought my hair looks "good" enough to ask for a video....I usually think it looks pretty not-good...ha ha ha ha
What you're gonna need:
Bobby Pins (a lot)
Hair Spray (i used Paul Mitchell's Working Spray- it's not as stiff as some still looks touchable)
Molding Creme (like Head Games REworkable Sculptor or KMS shaping creme)
*put the molding creme on before teasing and after to smooth)
a round boar bristle brush for super-teasing of the hair
VOTE FOR THE NEXT LOOK: (in the comment below)
1. ME doing a Hot Cougar, Make-Up Look on my mom...I love her!
2. My favorite Brushes Video
Saturday, February 14, 2009
Kat Von D Look for Valentine's Day

Here's some Kat Von D for your heart day....a dash of pin-up, and a cup of rocker glam....
Here's the run down on what I used:
Smoke) (SHROOM in place of Kitten)
Laura Mercier- Black Smoke
Blush- BLUNT from MAC
Dandelion from Benefit
Lips- STONE and BUERRE from MAC
MYTH Lipstick from MAC
VOTE for the next video in the comments below:
1. My favorite BRUSHES
2. How I do my hair....(i thought this was a huge compliment, I usually think my hair looks bad!)
3. Chit chat....about my most frequently asked question
4. to suggestions
Stila- Kitten
Friday, February 13, 2009
What you need in your make-up kit...
places to buy fun make-up case fillings: (they have sooooo many fun things!)...I'll be posting some good make-up brush and make-up case, sites too..... the wrap up, of a really, really, really busy week.....
now i should have some time to do some more fun videos.....
NEXT LOOK TO VOTE ON....from the most requested looks:
1. The girls from The HIlls
2. Kat Von D
3. The New Hello Kitty Line Look from take on it anyway!!!
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
My Skin Care Routine....tada!
hi all my peeps!
so again....i accidentally erased the video I did on "what you need in your basic make-up kit" frustrating!
but.....I didn't erase my "skincare routine" video! YAY!!!!
so here we to the land of "near perfect" (or as perfect as you can get your pores!) skin-land....
I am so tired from my shoots this week....and then trying to make videos at night.......BUT...after my Skagen jewelry campaign shoot today...I stopped by the MAC store...where my girls called me up and said, "Come and pick up you HEllo Kitty...make-up"...
I'm gonna do a look with the new Hello KItty Collection..I love it...there is a lipstick you should all go get....I'll tell ya about it soon!
smiles and sparkles.....kandee!
oh PS...I forgot to mention in the video...if you get a zit or some kind of something with Salicylic kills the bacteria which caused the blemish in the first place....and creates a protective barrie from further infecting FAVORITE is SPOT REMOVER from can get it here:
everyone whold have this in their bathroom cabinet!!!
YAY~ i just realized I didn't erase the "make-up essentials videos"...I'll post it tomorrow!
Angelina, baby collector..ha ha ha

VOTE in the comments below for the next video:
1. What you need in your basic Make-Up kit
2. Request for my skin care routine and products I use to have nice skin
3. Chit chat answers to all the Frequently Asked Questions I get
and then I'll do some more make-up looks...but my week is a lil' crazy with shoots!!!
smiles to every one of you!!!!! kandee
Monday, February 9, 2009

VOTE FOR THE NEXT VIDEO (below vote in the comments..thanks guys!)
1. Angelina Jolie
2. Nicole Richie
have a pretty day, kandee!!
New Video (megan fox / katy parry) & New Vote
so here lies the all it's "depriving kandee of sleep, glory"......ha ha ha ha
Pin-Up Series (the modern pin-up) inspired by Megan Fox and Katy Parry....
Saturday, February 7, 2009
Eva Longoria is the winner! is a video....
Looooooong shoot today!!!
very long
25 people
lots of smoke
no food....until I ate some chicken tenders and pizza that one of the crew members had to go buy, and shared with me......
I was so tired I could have fallen the dark, un-lit corners of the shoot.....oh the length of commercials................
there's no way I could've made a decent video....I'm going to do it tomorrow....the only shoot I'll be on is the one in my office for you guys! hooray!!!!
Friday, February 6, 2009
erased and tired

dear diary...
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
How I got started..the short version
More Pin-Up Series - Sophia Loren
Monday, February 2, 2009
Requested Day Look with MAC
Here's another great neutral eye look...that looks great on everyone.....nice day look with plumb and greys....looks great with every eye color....
hope you guys like's 2:49 am...and i can't think of anything clever or.....anything else really.....
must go sleep..but not until I wash all this make-up off!
pretty days ahead....kandee
Sunday, February 1, 2009
Dark Smokey Look
I've had a busy weekedn so I didn't have time to edit my video short enough...until Youtube think I'm worthy of having a longer please tell everyone to subscribe so that I can!
Thank you all so words truly encourage my heart!!!! Thank You! Thank You!
so here's the eye look I am wearing in my video "favorite products & make-up secrets"'s a really fun evening look....very glammy glam!!!
Here we go: